My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 289: Just Kill All

Chen Fan turned into a phantom and walked towards Ye's house. When he was still a certain distance away from Ye's house, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

The breeze was swirling and the air flow was surging. It seemed that it was just an ordinary wind blowing by, but Chen Fan noticed the difference!

He has comprehended the artistic conception of the wind. Although he has not been on the phone for too long and his progress is not very high, it is naturally different from before.

He heard many useful information from the wind!

There are masters fighting!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, his eyes sparkled with murderous intent.

Yandu City is huge, but at this time, although Chen Fan has not practiced the fourth level of Forging God, after ten years of hard work and sharpening, the God has grown naturally, but he is extremely sharp, only a thin line away from Spiritual Consciousness every other!

Even if he doesn't practice the fourth level of Forging the Gods, he is confident that he will be able to comprehend the divine consciousness at the ninth level!

He strode forward, pranced back and forth from house to house as a phantom, and rode the wind!

Very fast!

We soon arrived at the place where the battle took place.

And following the fluctuations in the distance, Chen Fan also confirmed that these are two seventh-level grandmasters, fleeing and fighting, and the power of heaven and earth is surging.

And when he saw one of them, Chen Fan also frowned!

The man is an old man, and his eyebrows are somewhat similar to Ye Wushuang's brother.

Chen Fan didn't know him, but he could tell at a glance that he had a close relationship with the Ye family brothers.

Behind him was a master in black.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed over.

With a flash of thunder, Chen Fan inserted himself between the two!

The black-clothed grandmaster's eyes froze suddenly, his pupils shrank, looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and said coldly:

Who are you? I kill people for revenge. Don't get involved. Be careful that I will kill you too!

He spoke harshly, but in fact, he was full of fear of Chen Fan in his heart!

After all, dare to get involved in the battle between two grandmasters, it must be the strength of the grandmasters!

He said it harshly, but it was to scare off Chen Fan!

Revenge for murder? Unexpectedly, Chen Fan sneered and drew his sword instantly.


He only felt a blur before his eyes, and saw that the sword in Chen Fan's hand had been sheathed.

The person frowned slightly.

He didn't know what Chen Fan had done, but he suddenly felt severe pain in his arms at the same time.

Neat cuts appeared on both arms, and blood gushed out instantly, and his two arms, including the tightly held weapon, fell to the ground at the same time!

He was horrified in his heart: Are you the Eightfold Grandmaster?

But he turned around suddenly, and was about to escape immediately!

What he said is true, Chen Fan is indeed the Grandmaster of the Eighth Layer, but he is not an ordinary Eighth Layer!

Chen Fan shook his head, and once again a sword light slashed out.


The man fell to the ground with a dog eating mud, but his feet were also cut off.

The vitality around him seemed to be non-existent, and it couldn't stop Chen Fan's sword light at all.

Then Chen Fanxu raised his hand, and the power of heaven and earth rolled, rolling the man's body in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the old man of the Ye family:

How is the Ye family doing now?

The man quickly cupped his fists and breathed a sigh of relief: Old man Ye Jianbing, thank you for your help, senior.

Although Chen Fan didn't look very old, he was obviously very strong. It was normal for this old man Ye to call him senior.

He didn't know that this person was Chen Fan, he only regarded him as a friend of the Ye family:

The Ye family was besieged by people, and the head of the family was defeated when he took action himself. At this time, he was barely supported by the formations in the mansion... I wanted to go out to rescue soldiers, change my appearance, hold back my breath, come out of the secret path, and risk my life. Thinking about being watched.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows again, and put his sword on the assassin, Are you from the Pu family?

The man hissed, and a strange look flashed across his eyes, I will never tell you that you are dreaming...


Chen Fan pierced his chest with a sharp sword.

But turned to look at Ye Jianbing, Let's go back to Ye's house.

Ye Jianbing was stunned for a moment, shook his head with a wry smile and said:

I still have to go out to rescue soldiers. At this time, the Ye family is barely able to survive being breached by relying on the power of the formation, but it can't last too long!

Chen Fan shook his head: No, if I don't show up, they won't break through the Ye family easily.

The Pu family's suppression of the Ye family, including other people who are close friends with Chen Fan, is to force Chen Fan to submit. Naturally, they will not directly destroy the Ye family!

Not to mention that although the demon girl Qingluo is elusive, she is there, and she asks Chen Fan for something, and it won't let the Ye family really fall into a collapsed situation!

Ye Jianbing was startled again, but looked at Chen Fan with a strange expression, You... are you...

Chen Fan shook his head, but he didn't explain anything.

In fact, if he has the confidence to silence everyone, it doesn't matter if Chen Fan exposes his lineup.

It's just that although Chen Fan is full of confidence, it's better to be careful.

There is a witch to help cover up the secret, so there is no rush to show up in public after he kills Pu Zhongyu!


After all, Ye Jianbing did not leave immediately, but took Chen Fan towards Ye's house.

After all, the strength Chen Fan showed was that he instantly killed a seventh-level martial artist!

At least he is also a Yae master, maybe he can't repel these people who invaded the Ye family, but it is enough to help and implicate him!

Before he arrived, Chen Fan saw the sparkling formations around the Ye family's surroundings.

And around the Ye family, a roar sounded from time to time.

Ye Jianbing said angrily: These guys are so arrogant...but Yandu City Yamen and other sect forces seem to be invisible, so they just don't care!

Chen Fan sneered.

The Pu family is so powerful that even the Martial Academy might not dare to provoke it, let alone the mere Yandu City.

I'm afraid those families have already gotten along with the Pu family!

The essence of this world is more naked, that is, the weak eat the strong!

And at this moment, a figure floated in front of Chen Fan, it was the demon girl Qingluo.

Ye Jianbing's expression changed instantly when he saw the angry person, but Chen Fan waved his hand, This is my own.

Ye Jianbing was also taken aback.

The demon girl glanced at Ye Jianbing, then looked at Chen Fan: How will Junior Brother solve the situation for the Ye family?

However, Chen Fan's eyes flashed with blood: Just kill them all!

Qingluo raised her eyebrows slightly.

But Ye Jianbing couldn't help but said:

Your Excellency, don't be too hasty. There are at least ten enemy grandmasters, and the strongest one is the master who is invincible. Being injured is the limit of the eighth level. The Ye family is now barely supported by the formation...

Chen Fan turned his head to look at Qing Luo.

The demon girl shook her head: The Pu family who besieged the Ye family had a total of twelve grandmasters, seven of the seventh level of martial arts, four of the eighth level of martial arts, and one of the ninth level of martial arts!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly:

The ninth level of martial arts should be that Pu Shaohao.

Qingluo smiled: Junior Brother, be careful, Pu Shaohao is not weak, he can be called the peak of the Nine Layers, I guess even if I want to kill him, I have to pay a big price...

Ye Jianbing's complexion also changed when he heard the words: Ninth level of martial arts? Are there still masters of the ninth level of martial arts?

Obviously this Ye Jianbing didn't even know that the other party had the Ninth Level of Martial Arts!

His face was shocked:

If there is a master of the ninth level of martial arts, how can the Ye family's formation be able to stop it? It should have been broken long ago!

Chen Fan shook his head, squinted his eyes, and said, I don't know the formation that I troubled my senior sister to arrange, but has it been arranged?

Qing Luo nodded, but pointed in one direction:

About 120 zhang ahead in this direction is where the space-locking formation is located... the formation covers a range of 30 zhang... Junior brother, as long as you lure Pu Shaohao into it and kill him, everything will be over!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and nodded.

In addition to the air-locking formation, Chen Fan has also let the witch use the special Taoist weapon to help him cover up the secret!

As early as when Chen Fan killed Pu Shaojie, Chen Fan had already let the witch cover up his secret once!

No matter how the Pu family guesses, whether they can confirm that they are Chen Fan, as long as Tianjilou can't guess that he has attacked the Pu family, then he will be guaranteed to kill Pu Zhongyu in the future!

Chen Fan nodded, and then he floated up, moving against the wind, and at the same time, the thunder outside his body was rippling, and he rushed towards the direction where the Ye family's formation was lit in the distance!

Seeing that Chen Fan was so impulsive, Ye Jianbing's face changed drastically!

Seeing Chen Fan's calmness at first, he thought he had some clever tricks, or he had summoned powerful reinforcements, but he didn't expect to rush out by himself!

One against ten, even if you are Jiuzhong, can you beat it?

He stamped his foot, but rushed out with Chen Fan!

But how could he compare to Chen Fan's speed, he was in a trance, Chen Fan had long since disappeared, and he just stopped there!

Qing Luo giggled, Don't worry about this old man, Junior Brother Chen dares to do this, he naturally has his confidence.

Ye Jianbing frowned, but turned his head, No, I have to call for rescue!

He didn't know Chen Fan's strength, so how could he rest assured, and if he followed Chen Fan up and died together, then the Ye family would really be in danger!

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