Tao artifact?

Chen Fan was also shocked when he heard the demon girl say the word Tao Artifact!

The difference between the Taoist weapon and the spiritual weapon is only one level, but the difference is as high as the sky and the earth!

A low-level Taoist artifact is worth a hundred times more than a top-grade spiritual artifact!

He completed the special assessment in the Yuanshang Secret Realm, and it was only enough to exchange for the top-grade spiritual weapon, which was not even within reach of the Taoist weapon!

You must know that the miraculous Vientiane Realm of the Martial Academy is just a function of the Dao Artifact Vientiane Pot.

Even almost every martial arts academy has components of the Vientiane Pot. Chen Fan couldn't even imagine the true power of the Vientiane Pot!

Qingluo felt Chen Fan's strange gaze, but she also shook her head and smiled:

There is a huge gap between high-grade, middle-grade and low-grade Dao artifacts, not to mention that I only have a remnant of Dao artifacts in my hand, which cannot fully display its power, and its main function is not fighting... Junior brother, don't think too much!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

No matter what function it has, whether it is a remnant or a complete one, as long as it involves Taoist tools, it must not be underestimated!

The witch continued:

However, if the junior brother is really confident, the senior sister is willing to sacrifice her life to accompany the gentleman, but the power of the Taoist weapon is not easy to use...

Since we are partners, if you have any needs, senior sister, just ask me. Chen Fan glanced at him, and his eyes narrowed again...

This witch actually still holds the remnants of the Dao artifact, which made Chen Fan, who was already full of strength and confidence, feel jealous of it!

However, with the Star God seal on him, he has an absolute advantage when facing this woman.

He attaches great importance to it, but he is not afraid of it.

Qing Luo also nodded happily:

It's enough to have a junior brother, and I will make the plan, but... before that, I have to lure Pu Zhongyu over.

Chen Fan nodded, and then narrowed his eyes: There are so many Pu family members here in Qinghe County. If they die cleanly, are they afraid that they won't be able to attract Pu Zhongyu?

Murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

The demon girl also shuddered when she heard the words, then raised her eyebrows and said:

Junior brother, you have to be careful. In Qinghe County, the Pu family is led by two nine-fold third-generation disciples. Their strengths are all extraordinary. There are a few lower eighth-level and seventh-level disciples. This kind of power is not easy...

Chen Fan nodded, not particularly scared.

At this time, in the Ten Thousand Swords and Sword Domain, he is most afraid of group battles.

But before doing it, we still need to clarify the information...


Chen Fan bid farewell to the demon girl, but was alone, and headed towards the periphery of Yuanshang Secret Realm again!

However, this time Chen Fan did not hide his presence.

At this time, he had obtained enough information from the witch!

Beyond the Yuanshang secret realm, the strongest member of the Pu family is Pu Shaojie, a third-generation disciple of the Pu family, who has mastered the artistic conception of flames and entered the ninth level for the first time!

The gap between Jiuzhong is like a natural moat.

They are also nine-layered, like Japar and the Helmsman of Wujianmen, etc., they are generally nine-layered and quite weak. Three years ago, Chen Fan could suppress them without using violence!

But Le Shaoyuan and Wu Jian's last twelve sect masters can sweep the Nine Layers, but they can be called the strongest grade among the Nine Layers!

As for Pu Zhongyu, he can be regarded as a person of this level, but he is even stronger than Le Shaoyuan, not only mastering the Dao domain but also the consciousness, comprehensive and balanced!

Based on my current half-step sword field suppressing power, this Pu Shaojie has no resistance in my hands. As long as I am on guard, he should have no chance to use the Wanli Wujing Talisman!

Chen Fan dared to come up alone, one is because he let the witch help cover up the secret, and the other is because of his confidence in himself!


among the ruins.

Fluorescence flickers.

Soon the Pu family discovered Chen Fan's arrival by investigating the formation!

A group of more than a dozen fully armed warriors rushed forward, and the leader of the black-faced warriors shouted at Chen Fan from a distance:

Who are you, why did you trespass on my Pu family's forbidden area?!

When Chen Fan heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, Your Pu family's forbidden land?

He shook his head, but said calmly:

Your Pu family's base camp is not in Qinghe County. You came all the way here, saying that this is your forbidden area? Don't you think it's ridiculous?

The martial artist who spoke frowned and looked at Chen Fan coldly.

Then his face froze slightly, Who the hell are you? Don't tell me you didn't come here from outside, but...

He blurted out with a strange expression: You are Chen Fan?!

They are stationed here, and their target is Chen Fan!

The person who suddenly appeared here may be Chen Fan himself!

It's just that Chen Fan didn't show his appearance at this time.

They have already had a picture of Chen Fan's face, but they can't match it at this time, it's just a guess!

What do you think?

Chen Fan smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying it!

The witch has covered up the secrets for him, even if he kills all the Pu family present, it is impossible for the Pu family to find him according to the secrets.

The reason why Chen Fan hid his face was partly to ensure the shielding of the heavenly secrets.

It is also because even if he is as strong as him, it is impossible to kill all Pu family warriors in this stronghold without any helpers and formations!

In fact, if Chen Fan's goal is not Pu Zhongyu, but to kill a few Pu family members in revenge, even if he kills the Ninth Layer Warrior, his status as an embroidered clothes envoy will not be a problem!

At most, it would cause the Pu family to counterattack!

He may not be so frightened!

But if his purpose is to kill Pu Zhongyu, it's better not to reveal that he killed these Pu family members!

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, the black-faced warrior raised his eyebrows slightly:

Boy, if you don't eat the toast, don't blame me for being rude!

But he turned his hand over and took out a spirit knife that was shining with cold light, but he planned to attack Chen Fan!

At this time, a martial artist couldn't help but stepped forward and approached the black-faced martial artist:

Didn't Qi Ye say that if we really meet someone who might be Chen Fan, let's not take the initiative to make enemies with him, but notify him immediately!

The black-faced warrior snorted coldly:

What I want to do is up to you! When I take this person down, I will report to Master Qi!

His expression was cold and stern, but he thought that he could easily capture the person in front of him!

Nothing to worry about at all!

To become a master, everyone has a lot of strength, and they are also confident enough in themselves.

But too much self-confidence is conceited.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and understood in his heart that these people are probably not the core of the Pu family, and they are not qualified to know the core information about himself.

They don't understand how terrifying their own strength is!

The black-faced warrior gave a grin, and waved the long knife in his hand:

Are you going to catch yourself without a fight, or wait for me to take you down?!

Chen Fan flipped his hands over, and a black spiritual sword appeared in his hand. It was the top-grade spiritual weapon, the Taihe Sword. He looked at the black-faced warrior:

If you don't die with one move from me, I will spare your life!

I also said...you won't die if you catch me, and I'll save your life! The black-faced warrior grinned, drew his sword, and the power of heaven and earth came down!

The vitality of the heavens and the earth within a ten-foot radius of his body was rippling, rolling towards Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan just shook his head as if he didn't realize it.

He hadn't met such a weak and arrogant opponent for a long time!

On the sword in his hand, flames rose instantly.


Yanyang Fiery Sword!

The sword in his hand didn't even swing out, but the flames rose and spread!


The black-faced master's complexion changed drastically, and he swung the long knife in his hand suddenly, swirling the power of heaven and earth to cut towards the spreading fire, but it had no effect at all.


His person was instantly engulfed by the restless fire waves, but the power of the heavens and the earth couldn't stop him at all!

It was broken through and devoured by the engulfing flames.

And as the black-faced master was swallowed by the flames, the flames, accompanied by the surging power of heaven and earth, instantly burned everything within a range of nearly ten feet!

The warriors behind the black-faced master were also covered by the lingering flames!

The wailing sounded one after another.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly, You're not sure...you can survive the future!

He turned around calmly.

And it is at this very moment.

The flames behind him stopped abruptly, but there were only black charcoal figures left on the ground, and then suddenly a strong wind swept them, and these people were all turned into flying ash!

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