My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 281: The Master of the Demon Sect...

The voice of the star spirit sounded.

Chen Fan was in a trance, but found that he was still standing in the treasure hall of the Yuanshang Secret Realm, and the Protoss was standing opposite him!

Chen Fan was startled and narrowed his eyes, but with a thought, his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness again.

Although my sea of ​​consciousness is still just a ditch...

He opened his eyes again, with an extremely strange expression: The spiritual seal of the head teacher mentioned by the senior, could it be that...

Xingling looked at Chen Fan seriously:

At the beginning, I felt that I might fall, so I left this Star God Seal in my remnant soul's hand in advance. Unfortunately, such a remnant soul of mine is trapped here, and it is useless...

From today onwards, you are the head of my new generation of Star Sect.

Even though Chen Fan was strong-willed, his heart was very complicated, and his expression was extremely subtle, This, such a heavy burden, I can't bear it...

Because of having an affair with the demon girl of the Star Gate, it brought a lot of trouble to Chen Fan. If he agreed to become the sect master, Chen Fan doubted that even Chen Wudao and other big bosses would not let him go...

It's good to be the head of the sect, but don't you have to bear the price?

Xingling shook his head:

Don't worry, the Star God Seal is automatically hidden in your sea of ​​consciousness. Even the longevity masters of the Spiritual God Dao Sect can't detect it. As long as you don't reveal it, no one will know your identity!

In addition, the star god seal is not only the spiritual seal mark of the head teacher of the Star Sect, but also possesses unpredictable power... With this seal sitting on your sea of ​​consciousness, even if someone else's consciousness attacks, you will never be able to shake you at all. You are basically immune to it. Any spiritual attack below the third level of longevity, including soul search!

Chen Fan was taken aback!

Although he didn't know what the third level of longevity meant, it was nothing more than the division after the realm of longevity!

The treasure that protects the consciousness... Chen Fan licked his lips, but there was still a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Xingling said again:

With the star god seal, you can also perceive through it, within a certain range, the position of any disciples of the direct descendants who have sworn blood oaths, and they will be controlled by the star god seal...

Even if it is a top ten expert, under the seal of the star god, there is no resistance at all!

Chen Fan swallowed again!

This is not only the seal of the sect master in name, but the actual effect is also extremely powerful.

He was visibly troubled.

Protoss wants to help with things by himself, so he shouldn't lie to himself, right?

Seeing Chen Fan's intention, Protoss continued:

In addition to this...the Star God Seal also involves a big secret of my Star Gate. You have been to the Star Palace, you should know that there is a floor of the Star Palace under the fifth floor Palace, right?

Chen Fan nodded: I have been to the Star Palace and learned a skill called Forging God Art in the Star Palace...

Xingling was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded:

Then it's easy to explain. You should know that the Hall of Stars involves a secret, which can only be solved by practicing the God Forging Art to the fifth stage!

Actually, this is just a false news that I spread to encourage my disciples. Without this 'Star God Seal', it would be useless to practice the Forging God Art to the fifth level of perfection!

And the so-called secret lies in the Hall of Stars itself...The Hall of Stars is actually a broken part of a Dao artifact!

Chen Fan's eyes widened: Remnants of Taoist artifacts?

Xing Ling nodded: Only those who have mastered the Star God Seal can truly refine the Star Palace...

Chen Fan frowned: This...

Xingling continued:

If you can practice Forging the Gods to the fourth level, after the birth of divine consciousness, you should be able to initially refine the Star Palace with the Star God Seal! At that time, you will be the only owner of the Star Palace, and all the treasures and props in it will be Belongs to you alone!

After you refine it, you can wear it as a close-fitting cave... and the real function of this remnant of the Taoist artifact is to enhance the power of the 'spiritual consciousness' to a certain extent!

Is it just a coincidence that the remnants of Taoist artifacts that can amplify the God can be strengthened, and the Star God Seal can protect against divine attacks?

Chen Fan gasped.

Regardless of whether there is any connection.

have to say.

A remnant of a Taoist instrument that possesses the power of the cave and can increase the god!

Chen Fan couldn't refuse this temptation!

Afterwards, Protoss also looked brightly and said:

Who is my Zhongli Haocang deity? You can inquire as you like. I am also willing to be responsible for what I said. I swear by the way of heaven. I assure my little friend that what I have said above is absolutely true!

When Chen Fan heard this, he stopped grumbling:

Since this is the case, then I would be more respectful than obedient... I will become the sect master! I will do my best to help seniors complete those tasks...

It has to be said that what Xing Ling said was more for Chen Fan's consideration, not to mention, the allure of such a remnant of the Taoist artifact in the Star Palace was something Chen Fan couldn't refuse!

Protoss nodded:

You don't need to worry. With your strength and talent, you should receive a lot of preferential treatment in Daqian. What I asked you to do and where you went, you should be able to complete them all after you reach the tenth level... …Of course, try to put your own safety first and do it at your own pace.”

Chen Fan gradually revealed his talents and stood firm in his career. The higher his status and strength, the easier it is to do these things!

The more critical issue is that Protoss did not force Chen Fan to do it!

It's just that after hearing what Xingling said, Chen Fan also smiled wryly: Ten's still too long for me...

Protoss shook his head: I can wait for decades or a hundred years. With Chen Fan's talent, tenth level is definitely not a problem!

Chen Fan also stopped talking.

Chen Fan could naturally accept Protoss's loose request.

Especially the time given to Chen Fan by the other party was enough. After dozens or hundreds of years, with Chen Fan's growth rate, he might be stronger than the protoss himself by then.

Even if there are any plots and tricks, Chen Fan is not afraid!

Of course, Chen Fan also tended to think that the Protoss wasn't lying to him...

It's a gut feeling.

But intuition is intuition, and he won't really trust this person completely!

It's just that before I help him complete the arrangement, this person should not only not harm him, but even make his strength grow faster and live longer...


Afterwards, Chen Fan also took out four golden black bird wings and began to exchange them for rewards.

Because of mastering the violent supernatural power and learning Hongmeng Sword, Chen Fan also looked down upon other martial arts and secret techniques in Yuanshang Secret Realm.

Spend a golden black bird feather to exchange for a top-grade spirit sword.

The feathers of the two mysterious birds were replaced by an earth-type spirit of all things!

Mixed soil!

This is also a heavenly spirit of all things!

Afterwards, Chen Fan violently absorbed the Hunyuan soil through the Na Ling Jue, but he had not mastered the martial arts before the artistic conception of the soil, and it would take time to comprehend the artistic conception of the soil!

In fact, he is also very helpless. Yuanshang Secret Realm has been in the past for too long, and there are many spirits of all things that can survive, but most of them are above the sky level, and the price is too expensive!

Chen Fan's black bird feathers are not enough to exchange for two sky-level spiritual objects, and there is no suitable earth-level spiritual object...

The four artistic conceptions of earth, fire, water, and wind, I am only missing one artistic conception of water and have no direction...

Chen Fan licked his lips.

Under the Stars and Underground Palace, there is a heaven-level spiritual object, which is an intertwined spiritual object of water and thunder. When I exchange it, it should also be able to help me understand the artistic conception of water!

With Hongmeng Sword here, he also has a clear direction for improvement. Naturally, he must find a way to comprehend these four artistic conceptions as soon as possible!

And only if he can comprehend the four great artistic conceptions, he will be able to unleash part of the power of Hongmeng Sword in advance!

As for the last black bird feather, he exchanged it for a special item.

Hidden Talisman!

It is said to be a magic talisman, but it is actually not a talisman with a limited number of uses, but a talisman that can be used repeatedly!

After the concealment talisman was activated, Chen Fan left the Yuanshang secret realm!

Zhongli is a traditional Chinese compound surname, don’t get me wrong

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