My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 276 Shintsuden

If Chen Fan in the past only used swordsmanship as a means of fighting against the enemy, the sword was just a tool.

At this moment, he can be called a real swordsman and swordsman.

And his Ten Thousand Swords Sword Intent is also quite special, the Sword Intent that can only be obtained by comprehending thousands of Sword Intents and practicing one hundred thousand sets of sword techniques, is extremely tolerant and malleable, and the addition to swordsmanship is extremely terrifying!

Ten years later, even if Chen Fan never hangs up the sword intent, the sword intent has already been completed, but it is still far away from the threshold of a higher level.

And the sword intent he realized can arouse the resonance of 90% of the sword intent, which naturally meets the requirements of absorbing the sword species.

I have the talent to hang up the phone. With the help of a thousand swords, I have cultivated all of these more than 100,000 swordsmanship. It took ten years but I can't be called a master...

He stepped up to the high platform.

With indifference on his face, he reached forward with his hand, and the kendo seed automatically floated up, turning into a stream of light and melting into Chen Fan's fingertips!

The surrounding invisible sword energy stagnated suddenly and dissipated completely, and Chen Fan also closed his eyes.

Nothing special happened, and time seemed to freeze.

As time passed bit by bit, Chen Fan seemed to have lost all concepts of space and time.

This feeling is very similar to the original fusion of Wan Dao Spirit Essence to enter the realm of enlightenment, but it is also very different!

And on the virtual martial arts column in front of Chen Fan, the green progress bar belonging to Wan Jian Jian Yi kept rushing forward, and soon surpassed the three artistic concepts of thunder, killing, and flame, and there was only a thin line away from perfection!

At the same time, the sword seed merged with Chen Fan's body, and countless sword qi washed over his body time and time again, forcing out the impurities and erysipelas in his body, and constantly transforming his root talent!


Time passed slowly, and when Chen Fan opened his eyes, a look of joy flashed in his eyes!

His Ten Thousand Swords Sword Intent fits perfectly with this sword species, so he naturally absorbs the sword species and incorporates it into his body!

He even had a feeling that his sword intent had reached a certain limit and was about to be full.

At this time, his sword intent is only one step away from breaking through to the next realm, the Realm of Dao!

My three artistic concepts of lightning, flame, and killing are all perfect, but I can hardly touch the edge of the Tao. But I didn't expect that I have practiced swords for several years, and with the addition of a sword type, I can complete the curve overtaking...

Shaking his head, Chen Fan, who has been practicing swords for ten years, has focused on swordsmanship and sword intent, and even put aside his real skills, it is actually normal to have such an improvement!

And the sword species is extremely special, and it also caused Chen Fan's physique to undergo a great change!

At this time, all the dirt and impurities on Chen Fan's body were expelled. He touched the cleansing circle on the embroidered clothes, and the dirt all over his body was washed out instantly, making his whole body refreshed!

At this moment, he can clearly feel that his absorption efficiency of the power of heaven and earth has improved a lot!

This is the talent change that Chen Fan can see on the surface. In fact, what Chen Fan has changed is not just the talent of the bones...

He has been transformed into a special body, the body of swordsmanship!

Sword Seed transformed Chen Fan completely.

In addition to the way of swordsmanship, because of Xuanyang Fire Spirit, Chen Fan has the deepest comprehension of the three artistic conceptions of fire, and although Chen Fan comprehended the two artistic concepts of thunder, lightning and killing earlier, it is still far from breaking through the Tao There is still a gap!

After all, in this training ground, one can experience thousands of sword intents, and Chen Fan himself has taken this opportunity to cultivate countless sword techniques. The conditions are so superior!

And when Chen Fan absorbed the kendo seeds.


The entire closed room began to vibrate violently, as if thousands of swords were screaming together, and thousands of sword marks in the room turned into phantoms of spiritual swords and poured into Chen Fan's body one by one.


Chen Fan was startled, but then he was ecstatic!

The sword intents didn't hurt Chen Fan at all, but they were all condensed on the sword in Chen Fan's body.

What a miraculous sword, but it still has such power!

It's just that Chen Fan regrets that he can't grasp the power of these sword intents.

These sword intents seemed to be guests who came to his house as a guest!

However, no matter whether you can use these sword intents or not, as long as you can keep them in your hands, then you will have the opportunity to continue to comprehend these sword intents!

As Chen Fan's understanding of the way of the sword deepens, sooner or later he will be able to master the power of these sword intents!

He shook his head and walked towards the fluorescent door. After ten years, he could finally leave here!


When Chen Fan walked out of the hall without encountering any obstacles.

Although he was excited, he didn't show much on the surface. This was the result of ten years of sword practice and his own temper.

It's just that no matter how indifferent he is on the surface, his heart is still extremely complicated!

Too much time has passed!

After walking out of the room, Chen Fan returned to the hall where he defeated the four swordsmen, but saw a closed door appearing in front of him again.

When Chen Fan opened his eyes, he had already returned to the place where he defeated the black-clothed swordsman in the first trial.

At this time, Chen Fan felt dizzy again, and that special feeling of space-time disorder appeared again!

The mechanical reminder sound from Yuanshang Secret Realm appeared next to his ears again.

The special trial challenge was successful...Congratulations to the trialer for becoming a swordsman of the Yuanshang Dynasty...the authority has been increased...

In front of him appeared a special passage shrouded in white mist!

I passed the special assessment of the Yuanshang Secret Realm, and the authority in this Yuanshang Secret Realm has been increased, so I should be able to go to other places!

Chen Fan was heartbroken.

He also followed that passage all the way forward, and soon came to a place similar to the one where the assessment ended and rewards were obtained!

But this time Chen Fan got only black bird feathers, three golden black bird feathers!

Chen Fan frowned, put away his feathers, and walked all the way, but turned outside the original treasure hall!

Originally, there was only one passage to the Treasure Hall, and there was only one place Chen Fan could go to, but now, there are three more fork roads!

Three passages made of white mist!

Are there three more places?

But he looked at the widest white mist passage at first glance, entered it, and soon came to another hall.

The main hall is extremely tall, and there are huge stone pillars standing next to it, with various mysterious lines on them.

A huge golden plaque floated in the sky. Chen Fan couldn't read the mysterious characters, but he knew the name of the three characters.

The Temple of Divine Ability...

Chen Fan looked at the name on it, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

The meaning contained in the word supernatural power is naturally self-evident!

The two bloodline supernatural powers that Chen Fan mastered allowed him to use the seventh level to fight against the ninth level, and even kill the ninth level!

He took a deep breath and stepped into the Divine Ability Hall.

As Chen Fan stepped into the hall, suddenly there was a bird chirping in the empty hall, and then the fire feathers fell from the sky, and a figure that seemed like an illusion suddenly emerged.

Chen Fan paused, and unconsciously looked at the illusory figure.

It's just that for some reason, Chen Fan really looked at this person, looked at this person's face, but couldn't show an understanding of this person's appearance in his mind.

This is an indescribable special feeling!

He knew that he was looking at this person, and this person didn't change his face or cover up in any way, but Chen Fan couldn't imprint his face into his mind!

It's not the same person as the figure I saw when absorbing the sword species!

This mysterious feeling shocked Chen Fan inexplicably!

And the man looked at Chen Fan, and his voice sounded:

Being able to enter here means that you have absorbed the sword species... In this case, you can learn from my supreme swordsmanship supernatural power...

When this person waved his hand, Chen Fan only felt that the world changed.

Everything around him dimmed, as if he had appeared in another world!

The sun stands high for nine days, and under the sun, on the clouds shrouded in golden light, there is a prosperous palace, like a shrine.

On the top of the shrine, stood a tall figure in golden armor, holding a sword in one hand.

On the opposite side, the sky is shrouded in black fog, covering the sky and the sun, giving people the illusion of being out of breath.

The golden figure came out with its sword.

Between the heaven and the earth, water and fire rippling, volumes surging, and the golden shrine trembled constantly.


The sky and the earth are split, and the brilliance of the sun is blocked...

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