My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 268 Obstruction

But seeing Pu Zhongyu hesitate, a cold light flashed in Gu Tian's eyes next to him!

He walked to Pu Zhongyu's side, shook his head and said:

Senior Sister Pu, you are too easy to trust people... You must have forgotten that this kid said that he is not Chen Fan before!

When Chen Fan's identity was confirmed, this person was even more surprised.

In addition to some slight envy and jealousy, he also covets the secrets of Chen Fan!

A boy under the age of 18 has comprehended more than one artistic conception, and also has the special blood of other races!

If he said that this person has no chance or secret, he would never believe it!

Hearing this, Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

Pu Zhongyu seems domineering and formidable, but in fact he is a sincere person who doesn't have much scheming and is easily affected by his emotions!

But this Gutian is different now, the reason why he came here was only at the invitation of Pu Zhongyu, without any emotional ties at all!

Chen Fan shook his head, and said directly: I swear by the law of heaven, how could what I said be false!

Gu Tian put his hands behind his back and smiled faintly:

There are many ways to evade the oath of heaven, and I know there is more than one. Chen Fan, you are so amazing and gorgeous, and you have some adventures... I am not surprised at all if you know some ways to cover up the punishment of heaven!

Pu Zhongyu was also stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Chen Fan sharply!

This possibility does exist!

Chen Fan secretly said something bad, his face changed drastically, but he just said: I don't know any way to avoid the oath of heaven, what I said is true...

The youth in feather clothes looked at Pu Zhongyu, smiled and said:

Senior sister, do you still remember what I said just now? If senior sister agrees, I will immediately bring this Chen Fan back to the sect, and ask me, the master of Eclipse Peak, to use the soul-searching technique myself, and I will definitely gain something! Every memory is more reliable than the oath of heaven!

The reason why the Lingshen Dao Sect is called Lingshen is naturally extremely good at spiritual skills!

The art of soul searching is an extremely advanced method used by spirits and gods!

When Chen Fan went to Jianlong County to perform missions, he had heard people say that the powerful fighters of the Spiritual God Dao Sect mastered the art of searching for souls, but that was something that could be done by the tenth level, or even the masters above the tenth level. Arrived!

When Pu Zhongyu heard the words, he also looked happy and nodded immediately!

In this aspect, Dagan is still inferior to the Lingshen Dao Sect, so it is naturally more convenient to ask their people to do it!

The oath of heaven is not easy to surpass, but it is not impossible to avoid it!

This Chen Fan is full of lies, absolutely cannot believe it!

Seeing Pu Zhongyu nodding his head, Gu Tian looked indifferent on the surface, but was overjoyed in his heart.

When Chen Fan arrived at the Lingshen Dao Sect, he would let himself be manipulated. No secrets or treasures could be concealed!

I also took the opportunity to help Daozong solve the previous shame, killing two birds with one stone!

Gu Tian turned his head to look at Chen Fan, as if looking at his prey...

A look of amusement flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, a black iron ring suddenly floated up and flew towards Chen Fan slowly.

This thing is called 'Locking Yuan Circle', which can temporarily imprison your cultivation. Put it on honestly and follow us. Naturally, we won't embarrass you. If after the soul search is over, you really have a relationship with the stars. The door demon girl has nothing to do with it, and we will let you go.

Chen Fan looked at the Lock Yuan Circle that was gradually floating towards him, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly let out a mouthful of stale air.

What a joke!

Many of his secrets are not easy to reveal. He traded with and teamed up with the demon girl of the Demon Gate, and even killed Yu Hengcheng and You Jun, two embroidered envoys.

Going forward, the secret of Yuanshang Secret Realm, as well as his past life memory, hang-up talent...

If it is exposed, will the Lingshen Taoist sect honestly let him go?

There is no possibility at all!

If he came to the Lingshen Dao Sect, even if he survived, he would only fall into a situation where life would be worse than death!

He took a deep breath and looked at Pu Zhongyu:

I'll reiterate again. Before I went to the Xingchen Underground Palace, I didn't know the Xingchenmen demon girl, nor did I know or see Pu Zhongfu!

Pu Zhongyu's eyes were cold, and he remained silent.

Gu Tian sneered: You are stubborn, just put on the 'Suo Yuan Circle' honestly, don't struggle to die anymore...

Seeing the attitude of the two of them, Chen Fan naturally understood everything.

His eyes are firm.

The next moment, the blood in his body burst out suddenly.

Then the manic and tyrannical aura washed over and rippled, even Pu Zhongyu's dao domain trembled slightly!

In the next moment, Chen Fan held the sword with one hand, and the thunderous sword intent was rippling, but it suddenly turned into blood and rushed towards one side!


This time using the Rage Divine Ability, he didn't want to kill the enemy, he just wanted to escape!

The manic and surging power erupted, and even Pu Zhongyu's Dao Domain was torn apart instantly, cutting out a huge gully!

The direction is that Yuanshang Secret Realm!

There is no other way!

He also had a guess in his heart that Suokong could not lock the door to the Yuanshang Secret Realm to connect to the Secret Realm!

The existence of the possibility is enough for him to take a gamble!

It's better than being taken to the Lingshen Dao Sect and being searched for souls!

And if it doesn't work, the only option is to flee farther away and use the last Ten Thousand Miles No Trace Talisman again!

Chen Fan tore through the Dao Domain and fled quickly, but it was like lightning!

Pu Zhongyu spat out blood, Gu Tian also had a serious look on his face, the two of them never expected that Chen Fan would dare to run away at this point!

They also didn't know that under Chen Fan's rage, his explosive power was so strong!

After all, they have never seen Chen Fan make a move!

Almost in an instant, Chen Fan tore through the Dao Domain, turned into blood and charged into the distance.

Pu Zhongyu didn't have time to wipe off the blood from his lips, but his eyes were cold: I'm looking for death...

Its body suddenly floated up, and it also turned into a red streamer and rushed out!

Don't try to escape...

On the other side, Gu Tian pulled out a talisman, crushed it instantly, and then a cyan streamer pierced the sky in an instant, only going in the direction of Chen Fan, and caught up with Chen Fan in an instant!

Chen Fan only felt his whole body sinking suddenly. When he was hit by the cyan streamer, he didn't feel any injury or pain, but he felt that the surrounding space seemed to be stagnant, like a quagmire, which made his speed drop sharply!

This aura only lasted for a moment, and it was over!

But in such an instant, Pu Zhongyu had already caught up.

Raising his plain hand lightly, the Dao Domain around his body rippled again, and the violent and surging power and pressure rushed towards Chen Fan at a very high speed!

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but he turned around suddenly at this moment.

Pu Zhongyu, do you really want to be my enemy? I've already sworn an oath to heaven! He was full of evil spirit and his eyes were cold.

Pu Zhongyu let out a cold hum, but he was unmoved, his eyes were cold and he raised his hands!

Chen Fan's murderous aura was rippling, and he flipped his hands to feed a Yuan Explosive Pill.

The Hongmang around her body had an intimidating aura, and she chose to turn back, and slashed at Pu Zhongyu with a sword!


The manic and domineering force once again cut a huge gully in the red realm around Pu Zhongyu's body!


Pu Zhongyu spurted blood wildly from his mouth, and the Dao Domain was directly torn apart, which was also greatly affected!

How is it possible? How strong is he in this state? Under my guard, he can still tear through my Dao Domain?!

The power that Chen Fan erupted at this moment completely surpassed her imagination!

It is the power of an explosion of pure power!

Chen Fan gained momentum in one blow, but he didn't stay long, but quickly jumped out from the position where the Dao Domain was torn apart, and continued to go towards the secret realm of Yuanshang!

His rage at this time was less than six breaths left. It might be possible to temporarily suppress Pu Zhongyu, but it was impossible to kill someone!

But at this time, Na Gu Tian rushed over, seeing such a scene, he was even more amazed!

The power of such a bloodline is really, really... amazing...

An imperceptible scene of greed flashed in his eyes!

Senior Sister, I'll help you!

His whole body was full of breath, and when he flipped his hand over, a golden bell the size of a palm suddenly appeared.


The bell shook, and after the crisp sound, the bell swelled in the wind, forming a huge bell and directly covering Chen Fan!

Chen Fan moved his sword forward again and slashed out.

There was a loud, muffled bang, like an earthquake, and the world froze.

The ultra-high-decibel sound waves rippling in all directions accompanied by restless impact!

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