Pu Zhongyu was taken aback when he heard the words, narrowed his eyes, but did not let go of his hands.

Spiritual consciousness had penetrated long ago, sweeping over Chen Fan carefully.

Hmph, do you think I'm misjudging someone? I've investigated your information earlier, and your face is undoubtedly Chen Fan!

Chen Fan shook his head and reached out to touch his face.

With a click, an invisible mask fell off, and Chen Fan's face changed instantly!

Double disguise!

Pu Zhongyu was taken aback for a moment. The reason why she was taken aback was not because Chen Fan was wearing a disguise mask.

Her spiritual sense had already discovered that Chen Fan was wearing a mask, but this mask could not stop her spiritual sense from penetrating. She had long seen the real face under Chen Fan's mask!

It's just that when Chen Fan took off the mask, his face was different from the real face he saw with his spiritual sense!

Chen Fan said:

This operation is to use Chen Fan as a bait to lure the Infernal Gate killer. I just disguised myself as Chen Fan...Your Excellency, if you think about it, you will understand. With Chen Fan's talent, how can the superiors safely use him as a bait? !

Pu Zhongyu was taken aback when he heard the words, what this guy said made sense!

Although the consciousness can record a person's soul information and see through ordinary disguises, the disguise in Chen Fan's Heavenly Heart Invisible Jue changes from the inside out, and she has never recorded Chen Fan's soul breath before. , How can you tell the truth from the fake!

In fact, the moment Chen Fan took off the mask, he slightly modified his face through Heavenly Heart Invisible Jue, making Pu Zhongyu mistakenly think that the mask's disguise effect is very powerful, and even his own consciousness can't see the change of Chen Fan's face!

It's just that Pu Zhongyu is not a simple person, and he will not believe Chen Fan's nonsense simply because of Chen Fan's appearance.

However, her aura did drop a lot:

Yes or no, I have my own way of judging. Now, come with me... If you are not Chen Fan, I will not be rough on you.

Chen Fan was extremely helpless, and naturally it was impossible to leave this person, but he didn't want to be involved in this person's battle for no reason, saying:

Senior sister, our Qinghe County spent a lot of manpower on our operation this time. Now that the plan is going smoothly, it will end suddenly in the middle of it...

Pu Zhongyu snorted coldly and raised his hand.


The invisible power between the heaven and the earth swarmed up, and the power of the heaven and the earth rippled instantly, and an invisible power enveloped Chen Fan!

You have no choice!

In Chen Fan's heart, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past.

Of course he can't be caught without a fight!

This woman has the power of consciousness, not tenth level, but also at Le Shaoyuan's level. Chen Fan can only fight if he bursts into rage. The problem is that the time for berserk is limited, and he doesn't have the confidence to kill the other party!

Then you can only choose to escape!

Of course, he didn't think he couldn't escape, but he didn't want to waste the Rage or the No Trace Talisman for no reason!

His eyes flashed suddenly.


The raging flames around him burned, and the lingering flames continued to expand, and then formed a huge phantom of a human figure that was magnified many times!

The surrounding temperature suddenly rose, and the blazing fire seemed to have consciousness, burning blazingly!

It's just that Chen Fan didn't do anything to her!

Seeing this scene, Pu Zhongyu frowned:

Fire artistic conception?!

It's not just an ordinary flame artistic conception, the progress of mastering it is not low!

Chen Fan looked at Pu Zhongyu and nodded:

That's right, if the senior sister's target is that Chen Fan, she must know that what he is good at is the artistic conception of thunder and lightning, and it has nothing to do with the artistic conception of flames!

Facing the raging flames, Pu Zhongyu was not afraid, but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes:

Are you really Chen Fan?!

Chen Fan smiled bitterly and said:

If senior sister thinks that a boy under the age of 18 can grasp the concept of flames in addition to understanding the concept of thunder and lightning, and even reach my level, then I have nothing to say...

This is indeed Chen Fan's use of the flame artistic conception, but at the same time, he is also using the Na Ling Jue to control the fire spirit to attack. Naturally, it is much more powerful than his personal flame artistic conception. It seems that the understanding of the flame artistic conception is very high!

Chen Fan's resume is there, he is not yet 18 years old, and he has never shown the artistic conception of flames when he publicly fights with others!

It was only half a year since Pu Zhongfu's death, and Yu Hengcheng also said that when he fought against Yao Nu and Chen Fan, what the opponent had mastered was Thunder and Lightning Conception and another strange power, but definitely not Flame Conception!

Yu Hengcheng knew that Chen Fan had an earth-level fire spirit, but Pu Zhongyu didn't know it!

When seeing the flames rising around Chen Fan, Pu Zhongyu also realized that he might really have found the wrong person.

That's right... Chen Fan is so cunning that even Yuheng can't find his whereabouts! How could he easily expose his whereabouts? This matter is simply a trap for Xiuyilou to plan the Wujianmen!

If the strength reaches the tenth level, after walking out of one's own way, it is possible to comprehend additional artistic concepts in a short period of time.

It is amazing enough for Chen Fan to comprehend the artistic conception at the age of sixteen or seventeen, stepping into the seventh level, and to comprehend a new artistic conception in just half a year, and it is obvious that the level of comprehension is unusual...

According to Pu Zhongyu's personal logic, he doesn't believe that such a thing exists in the world!

Damn it, I was tricked!

She took a deep breath, but she didn't continue to attack, but lifted the suppression on Chen Fan:

Where is Chen Fan?!

The tone was full of resentment, but the previous momentum was gone!

Seeing the woman's attitude change, Chen Fan felt relieved, shook his head and said:

I don't know where Chen Fan is. My task is to wait here...waiting for the assassin from Infernal Gate to arrive, and then someone will help me...

Hearing this, Pu Zhongyu narrowed his eyes and looked in another direction:

No wonder there are other people around you all the time...

Chen Fan remained calm, but his heart was frozen.

But Pu Zhongyu didn't explain. When he was disappointed at this time, after finding out that Chen Fan was a fake, he didn't want to stay any longer.

Suddenly jumped up, fluttering and quickly disappeared in front of Chen Fan!

When she heard that Chen Fan was indifferent to Pu Zhongfu's name, she realized that she might have made the trip in vain, but when Chen Fan showed his fiery mood, she completely cut off the possibility that the other party was Chen Fan!


It wasn't until the other party left for a long time that Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

This woman is obviously the enemy of the demon girl Qingluo. I don't know how to find me. It's really troublesome... Fortunately, I'm smart!

Chen Fan also felt grateful.

The demon girl Qingluo is too insidious, she might be involved in something else inexplicably again!

If one is not careful, he may have to fight against it!

If you can't beat it, forget it if you can't continue your plan, maybe you will get a Ten Thousand Miles No Trace Talisman!

Of course, he didn't know that the reason why Pu Zhongyu would follow him was because he was tricked by Yu Hengcheng!

Chen Fan had nothing to do with Pu Zhongfu's death at all, but the relationship between him and the witch was unclear. The two sides had indeed fought side by side outside the Star Palace!

But Chen Fan turned his head to look in the direction Pu Zhongyu pointed at just now.

In the past two days, I have always felt someone peeping, could it be that person that Pu Zhongyu was referring to?

Is he really a master in Infernal Affairs?

Or someone else?

Chen Fan frowned:

No, the situation is getting more and more complicated. I can't stay in Yandu City any longer. If I don't wait for the Infernal Gate killer to come, if I wait for this woman to react, and then kill her, it will be even more difficult than the Infernal Gate assassin!

Chen Fan's flame mood can fool Pu Zhongyu for a while, but it can't fool him forever.

His performance in Yandu City in the past two days is here. After Pu Zhongyu checks it a little, he will realize that Chen Fan is himself!

Pu Zhongyu's arrogance did not give Chen Fan a chance to defend himself. Although he did join hands with the demon girl, how could he know where the demon girl is?

It seems that I have no chance to ascend to the tower of the earth for the time being, and practice the nine supreme secret codes!

Shaking his head, Chen Fan bid farewell to Ye Wushuang, told him to pay attention to safety, and asked him to take Xiao Xi, Yun Xin and others to avoid the sharp edge and go to Fucheng Wuyuan to hide for a while!

After that, he left the Ye family directly!


On the other side, Pu Zhongyu floated up and returned to the flying boat very quickly.

Not long after, the young Taoist priest of Lingshen Dao Sect also returned. At this time, his breath was slightly stagnant, and he also raised his eyebrows and looked at Pu Zhongyu:

Senior sister, could it be that no one was found?

Pu Zhongyu shook his head: People are fake, all of this is a trap set by Xiuyilou...Chen Fan is not here at all!

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked intently at the courtyard on the ground, and then turned around:

Then what is the senior sister thinking? Let's leave here?

Pu Zhongyu's eyes were sharp:

The Xiuyi Building used Chen Fan as a bait. Chen Fan must have known about this plan. Even if this Chen Fan is a fake, the real Chen Fan will show up sooner or later!

This person is dead-hearted!

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