My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 252 Heavenly Demon

After confirming that the two were dead, Chen Fan restrained his violent supernatural power in an instant, his face was pale but full of excitement!

Although it was not the first time to use the Rage magical power, the effect still amazed him!

I still underestimated the horror of the violent supernatural power!

He killed the two with one move each, and the time he took was controlled within three breaths.

What is Yu Hengcheng's status, and the defensive spiritual weapon for his body protection is at least top-grade. I am afraid that it will be difficult for a nine-layer warrior to tear his defense with a full blow!

Under his own outburst of rage, it seemed as if he didn't exist.

Of course, if it wasn't for Chen Fan's sneak attack and taking forbidden drugs, it would be difficult to kill the two of them instantly.

Excitedly, he turned his head to look at the corpses of Yu Hengcheng and You Jun, but when he saw You Jun's hands, his pupils shrank!

The talisman seal in You Jun's hand has been crushed to pieces, but his body has not moved away!

But there was a big change in his heart:

Although my attack was very fast, after all, I killed Yu Hengcheng first, and then You Jun. The reason why You Jun didn't move away was not because I killed him fast enough and he didn't have time to trigger the magic talisman, but because there was no way to escape. The trace talisman didn't work... Could it be that a space-blocking formation has been laid here?

Chen Fan's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately put away the bodies of the two.

Turning his head to look at the scarlet enchantment, the spreading crack that just appeared on it is gradually disappearing and recovering...

What's the situation with this enchantment? I used the power of 'violence', but it only made some cracks, and there was no real breakthrough at all...

He didn't need to use his talent, and his strength in compressing his body was comparable to Kunou's.

When the Frenzy erupts, the power of the ultimate explosive move will definitely reach the tenth level, and even in the tenth level, it is not easy.

But such a terrifying force was unable to tear through the barrier, it only created cracks, and there was no leakage at all!

Chen Fan took a deep breath.

Thinking of the disappearance of the body of the person I killed before, I also had a bad feeling in my heart.

Can't stay here...

He looked up at the scarlet enchantment in front of him, and raised the sword in his hand.

Yunjian Style!

True essence condenses into the body of the sword, constantly gaining momentum...

Then cut it out with a sword!


The sword energy instantly slashed above the blood-colored enchantment, and the blood was rippling on it, but there were no scars.

How hard is this scarlet enchantment?

Chen Fan's face became even more ugly, Do I have to use more rage to break it?


at the same time.

In the middle of the town.

Le Shaoyuan looked blankly at the huge monster not far away.

Under the night sky, a monster with wings on its back, a body like a dragon, and its whole body is like a monster made of black smoke floating in the small town!

Its body is not that big, it is only four to five feet high. Compared with monsters, some nine-fold monsters may even be bigger than this!

But around him, black flames were burning, and something like green swamp gas spread for a distance of ten feet, and a terrifying sense of oppression rippling around!

Wherever it passed, it was either ignited by black flames or eroded and corrupted by green mist, turning the earth into scorched earth!

At the same time, the Saintess of Paradise has long been missing, and I don't know where she went!

Le Shaoyuan looked blankly at the huge monster among the rippling blood, and felt a shadow cast over his heart:

It's the Heavenly Demon! The owner of the Paradise is actually the Heavenly Demon? With such terrifying pressure, at least the Heavenly Demon of the Tenth Level!!

Heavenly Demon is the enemy of all creatures, brutal and bloodthirsty, and this Heavenly Demon is in the shape of a dragon with wings on its back. It looks like a high-level type of Heavenly Demon!

At this moment, he does not have the slightest confidence to defeat this heavenly demon!

The saint of Paradise paid so much, even Wu Di was killed by her to summon such a monster!

Le Shaoyuan may be able to compete with ordinary tenth-level fighters and pass a few tricks, but facing such an existence, he doesn't even have the courage to fight against it!

Le Shaoyuan retreated quickly.

Wait until you distance yourself from that demon.

Then immediately shouted loudly:

Heavenly Demon descended into the world, invincible, everyone retreat quickly!!

When his voice came out, the power of heaven and earth rolled, rippled and scattered, and soon spread around.

After that, he narrowed his eyes, his body suddenly flew into the air, and then the blood sword flew up behind him, rushing straight towards the position of the scarlet barrier above his head.


The bloody giant sword slammed into the bloody barrier!

Like an earthquake, there was a roar.

The huge blood-colored enchantment was shining with brilliance, but there was no gap.

Le Shaoyuan gritted his teeth and raised his hand again. The blood sword quickly hit the blood barrier again and again, boom boom boom boom, but it couldn't break through the barrier's defense at all!

How can it be?!

And at this time, the demon in the distance seemed to be aware of Le Shaoyuan's actions, and rushed over with wings flapping!

The black flames are blazing, and wherever it passes, no matter whether it is a great warrior, or a cult member of Wujianmen or Paradise, they will not let go of it!

Le Shaoyuan's face was extremely ugly:

This scarlet enchantment, with my strength, I'm afraid it will take a certain period of time to break it...

More importantly, there is an air-locking formation set up here, which can only be destroyed!

If you can't open it yourself, let alone others.

And if they are trapped in it, all of them will become food for the demons!

When the Heavenly Demon devours the warriors in the barrier and leaves the barrier, it will also cause an irreparable blow to the surrounding counties!

Ten levels of heavenly demons, but they can destroy an existence of a county!

Flipping his hand, he took out a jasper token, and his true energy entered it, and the aura flickered!

The nameplates of Xiuyilou disciples have a certain degree of communication effect, and they can also ask for support.

It's just a pity that at this moment, the enchantment is completely closed, and an air lock formation is set up, so the distress message of the jasper token cannot be transmitted at all!


Tianbian Tianmo rushed over, but Le Shaoyuan had no time to hesitate, but rose again with his sword to resist the attack of Tianmo!

Its nothing is indestructible, and the flying sword technique that even the Wujian sect master can't stop is like a toy among the demons. With a flash of its huge wings, Le Shaoyuan's blood sword flew backwards in an instant!

And Le Shaoyuan spurted out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

But it was too late to stay, so he stepped on the flying sword and ran away!


This moment.

In the scarlet enchantment of the town, many people heard Le Shaoyuan's message, and they all chose to retreat to the edge of the town...

Among the countless warriors who chose to retreat, many of them had already reached the scarlet barrier.

It's just that the barrier is extremely tough, but these people can't break through it at all!

The scarlet enchantment is like a cage, and all living beings will become the rations of that demon!


The edge of the scarlet enchantment.

Chen Fan's sword accumulated to the limit cut out again.

The vertical and horizontal sword energy rippling around, but the bloody enchantment swayed a few times, but it quickly recovered!


But at this time, he turned his head and saw the sky was moving with wind and clouds, and the loud voice spread throughout the whole town with the wind.

Heavenly Demon descended into the world, invincible, everyone retreat quickly!!

Chen Fan was startled, it was Le Shaoyuan's voice.

It actually involves the demon...

Chen Fan has specifically researched creatures like Heavenly Demons, so he naturally knows a lot about them. He knows that this kind of creatures are naturally violent and bloodthirsty, and they are much more threatening than monsters!

Judging from Le Shaoyuan's tone, the demon's strength is probably very unusual...

He raised his eyebrows, only to see the constant roar in the blood mist in the town, and the sound of smoke signals, but it was extremely chaotic!

Le Shaoyuan said that the heavenly demon came to the world and let us escape, but this enchantment is so tough. I used the Yunjian style under the transformation technique to reach the limit, and my strength can be called the limit of the nine layers, but I can't break through the enchantment at all...

My Yunjian style can't work. If I want to break through this barrier, I can only rely on 'violence'...

Chen Fan thought that when he attacked and killed Yu Hengcheng, the rest of his strength hit the barrier after the rage erupted, and cracks did spread on the blood barrier. Be strong!

When he killed the two of Yu Hengcheng, he had already consumed a lot of blood. In fact, he was unwilling to use Rage lightly, but the matter has come to this point, and he has no choice at all!

He took out a few healing pills from the Sumi Ring and stuffed them into his mouth. At the same time, he also took out a few blood spirit flowers, which were absorbed continuously to replenish the blood that his body lacked. After adjusting his state a little!

Blood burst out all over his body, and he used violent power again!

Blood flashed all over his body, his tyrannical aura rose, blood boiled all over his body, and he slashed forward with a sword.

Chi! !

After the bloody sword light.


Cracks spread out again on the red barrier in front of Chen Fan. Although it was not really broken through, it showed that the blow of Chen Fan's strength had reached the limit of the scarlet barrier!

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