My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 243 Strange, breakthrough

According to the different artistic concepts mastered, the masters are good at different aspects.

Take Chen Fan for example, he is very good at thunder and lightning, swift and domineering, and speed attack, but he is not good at defense.

Of course that was before.

Now it is different, his physique is there, and he has a high-grade spiritual weapon robe in his hand, which is also the key to his ability to fight Jiuzhong in a normal state!

Now he has no obvious shortcomings!

A group of people kept moving forward, and soon passed through the muddy mountain forest path, and their vision instantly widened!

Chen Fan stopped and squinted his eyes, and also saw the sheds and houses in the distance.

At the same time, a strong bloody smell came from a distance!

The leader is a martial artist with embroidered clothes, middle-aged and fat, named You Jun, he frowned: Be careful, our goal is ahead!

All the people in the group nodded, and then followed quickly.

It's just that when it was time to take it out of the shed, everyone was shocked.

In front of him was an extremely tragic scene.

There are dead bodies, bones, and blood everywhere.

From the dress of these people, it can be seen that these people should be ordinary people of the local tribe...

Hundreds of corpses!

All were placed in special poses, and the surrounding ground was also outlined with blood to form special formations and patterns!

A chilling sense of oppression spread all around...

This handwriting is indeed the work of 'Paradise'... We came a step too late. It was You Jun who spoke in the embroidery building.

This You Jun is also a warrior from Jianlong County, but he is more familiar with Jianlong County than ordinary embroidered clothes warriors.

He also has a deep understanding of the paradise!

Before Le Shaoyuan's arrival, You Jun had always been the main force against Paradise and Infernal Gate, but recently their actions have become more and more serious, and these local warriors alone can't stop them, so Xiuyilou and other sequences issued emergency orders. Task!

This is not the first time that Paradise and Infernal Gate have cooperated, but such a tragic mass extinction was rare before!

You Jun frowned: This is a warning, it is very likely that those guys may have noticed our movements...

Even Chen Fan, a murderous person like Chen Fan, was greatly shocked when he saw the scene in front of him!

With the enemy in front of him, he can kill without any scruples, but massacring civilians like this is completely inconsistent with his values!

When Chen Fan completed his mission, he also wiped out the small cult groups in Qinghe County, but their actions were not so terrifying.

The people in 'Paradise' are a group of outright lunatics. They take it as their mission to spread pain and fear. They kill people and say they will send them to Paradise...

Needless to say, Paradise is powerful, even the Infernal Gate must unite their forces to act.

And this sect haunts the border of Dagan, haunted by ghosts, and every believer is a fanatic. Even Xiuyilou can hardly grasp the specific information of this organization!

In fact, Dagan had even tried to send people into the Paradise, but without exception, all of them were brainwashed and became followers of it!

You Jun took a deep breath, with a serious face, he turned his head and asked, Are there any warriors among us who have mastered the artistic conception of flames?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but he didn't stand out. His flame mood was one of his trump cards, so he didn't want to be exposed so easily!

But among the crowd, another person stood up: I have mastered the artistic conception of flames!

Elemental artistic conception is the most common one, among which fire elemental artistic conception is relatively common!

You Jun said directly: Burn this tribe...

Everyone looked at each other, This...

Dagan also pays attention to burrowing into the soil for safety. It is too cruel to burn all the people of a tribe directly on fire!

You Jun looked serious and said:

The special rituals performed by the people of 'Paradise' are not just to warn us. They should have special meanings. We don't know their purpose. If we let them go, more serious harm may occur!

Forming special formations and rituals with hundreds or thousands of lives will naturally have special meanings!

When everyone heard this, they stopped talking.

The martial artist who mastered the artistic conception of flames also nodded quickly.

Then he stepped forward, and the lingering flames rose instantly.

And as the fire spread towards this village, towards the countless corpses of that special ceremony!

But it seems that some special mechanism has been triggered.

Suddenly, a stream of blood surged up, and at the same time, a suffocating terrifying pressure fell instantly!

The back of Chen Fan's neck felt cold: What?!

The blood glow rose all over the sky, instantly extinguishing the surrounding flames, and then countless corpses trembled and squirmed!

These people who had already been turned into corpses were given the ability to move again by unknown forces!

Then they stood up one by one, like walking corpses, and ran towards You Jun and other warriors!

You Jun's face changed slightly: Everyone, attack with all your strength immediately!

Everyone knew that the situation was wrong, so they naturally didn't dare to hold back anything, and rushed forward one by one, swords and swords flickering constantly!

The vitality of the heavens and the earth kept surging, completely destroying every bloody corpse!

And Chen Fan also had a serious face, and the thunder light spread around his body.

The thunder knife cut out again and again!

There may be warriors in this small village, but the number is very small, most of them are just ordinary people.

And after becoming a walking corpse, his body is like steel, and he is not afraid of death, only has the desire to kill, so it is naturally much more difficult to deal with!

But in the face of the joint strangling of Chen Fan and several other grandmasters, naturally there was no trouble, and they were all strangled in less than a quarter of an hour!

Afterwards, the master who had mastered the power of flame burned the entire village cleanly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

It's just that everyone's face is not very good-looking!

It was only with the presence of many of their grandmasters that they could solve it so quickly, but if it wasn't for them, if it was just ordinary officers and soldiers or policemen who faced this group of living corpses quickly, I don't know how many lives would be taken!

You Jun's expression became more serious:

Let people block this tribe, and no one is allowed to spread the news!

Paradise's move is to spread fear and create panic, so it's impossible to make them happy!



Warriors from all walks of life returned from missions and gathered together.

These guys are going too far...

Le Shaoyuan narrowed his eyes, listening to the description of You Jun and others, his eyes were also cold.

It wasn't just You Jun and Chen Fan's team that had an accident.

Other teams also have their own discoveries and encounters!

Wujianmen and Paradise are becoming more and more exaggerated and high-profile!

Everyone bear with it for the time being, don't worry, the more frequent their actions, the more information we will have! Leo Haoyuan narrowed his eyes, and the cold light flickered in his eyes:

Wait a little longer, we are determining the location of the local stronghold, and we are already planning the general offensive... When we get more information and make enough preparations and arrangements, we can start the general offensive!

Everyone clasped their fists awe-inspiringly!

Chen Fan frowned, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Although he also understands that a task of this scale requires sufficient caution and detailed information.

But the more time passed, not only were they more prepared, but also the enemy's side!


That night.

Chen Fan, who was meditating in the room, suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a flash of light in the eyes.

Forging God Art, breakthrough!

Because of the Gorefiend Secret Realm, his God Forging Art was only a thin line away from breaking through, and when he hung up during this period, he finally broke through the final limit!

And when he broke through the final boundary of the third level of Forging God Art, a lot of information appeared in his mind out of thin air.

He was also startled, and then carefully read the information that came out of his mind, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

Containing the gods, controlling the gods, sending the gods away, shaking the gods... these are the secret methods used by some 'gods'!

Qingluo said that after reaching the third level of Forging God Art, she can practice some secret arts, but Chen Fan thought that those secret arts had to be learned separately, and she could only learn them after returning to the Stars and Underground Palace!

Unexpectedly, after Chen Fan's Forging God Art was completed, these secret techniques would emerge naturally!

When Chen Fan practiced the Blood Fusion Technique back then, when the blood crystals were saturated, another blood fusion technique would automatically appear!

It should all be the magical effect of God.

The power of 'God' is really amazing, but unfortunately, the fourth level of Forging God Art, I have to go back to the underground palace to comprehend it...

Chen Fan immediately began to try one by one, using these secret methods!

These secret methods are all small means of using 'God', simple and subtle.

It can be successfully used without Chen Fan hanging up, but the proficiency and effect are different!

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