Chen Fan raised his hand, and the power of heaven and earth rolled, and instantly put his broken lower body and head into the ring!

The dark clouds and surging wind in the sky dissipated slowly without anyone controlling them.

Chen Fan's face was slightly pale, but he was extremely excited!

This is the first ninth level warrior he has killed!

This is completely different from killing blood demons and blood beasts without sanity level nine in the Gorefiend Secret Realm!

In terms of frontal combat ability, I am slightly stronger than him, but I am not so exaggerated. But when I use the 'Rage' supernatural power, I kill him instantly!

It didn't even take a breath, he couldn't react at all!

Of course, Chen Fan had fought with this person long enough to break through some of his protective measures in advance, which is why the battle was resolved so cleanly!

Although this guy is a martial artist of the ninth level, his talent and strength are limited. He should be the weakest among the nine levels. It's nothing if I kill him... If I'm not afraid of his big move, I should be able to kill him without 'Rage' he!

When he launched a berserk breath, 10% of the blood in his body evaporated directly. Of course, it didn't have much impact on his combat effectiveness!

Unless the blood evaporates by 50%, otherwise it will not affect his strength too much.

And it immediately took out a blood crystal and began to absorb it.

Absorbing blood crystals can not only improve his ability to smelt Blood Against God, but also help him recover quickly after consuming blood!

While recovering, Chen Fan turned into a phantom and headed for the distance!

In this Tarot tribe, countless soldiers of the gods died. At this time, even the most powerful high priest was killed by Chen Fan. There was no one who could stop Chen Fan!

Chen Fan turned into a streamer, and quickly walked towards the place where the crowd gathered in the distance!

At this moment, the remaining Warriors of God were organizing ordinary people from the surrounding tribes, and took down those captive sacrifices again!

And seeing Chen Fan appearing, the high priest was nowhere to be seen, and these Warrior of Gods all had very ugly expressions...

Some people even swung their knives at the martial artist next to him!

Stop, come closer, and I'll kill all these captives!

This man's head was also flooded. If Chen Fan really cared about these captives, he wouldn't have acted so domineeringly and directly before.

Therefore, Chen Fan was not moved by the threat at all, instead, his speed increased sharply, approaching quickly, without stopping for a moment, and the sword in his hand was also unsheathed.


This time, Chen Fan controlled the range of the move, and a sword energy shot out vertically and horizontally, instantly killing the sword-wielding warrior!

A head flew high.

But it didn't affect other people!

Chen Fan looked at the people around him coldly, Don't think about threatening me, I don't want to kill!

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

All the powerful God Warriors of the Tarot Tribe died in Chen Fan's hands, even the high priest was no exception. The rest of these people were no more than Yae. No matter how many methods they used, they couldn't stop Chen Fan A sword, of course, can't turn up any storms.

And Chen Fan looked at the prisoners.

These people include old and weak women and children, as well as powerful Xijiang warriors, and even well-dressed warriors!

It should be the martial artist who was arrested when he went out to practice!

Up to hundreds of people!

This Tarot tribe is really bold and cruel!

It seems that the so-called blood god is not a good thing anymore. These people who believe in him even sacrifice the living people, and there are so many living people!

Although Chen Fan was not polite to his enemies, he still had basic empathy, and he would not hurt people's lives for no reason.

He glanced at the prisoners, and quickly found his target, the father of the Wendona sisters!

However, he didn't reveal his identity immediately, but let the remaining god warriors of the Tarot tribe take good care of these captives!

Afterwards, Chen Fan grabbed a God Warrior and led him into the Tarot Tribe.

Soon, he came to the priest's hall where the high priest usually lives, and stuffed all the valuable things in it into the Sumeru ring!

Because of his sudden death, no one from the Tarot tribe has put away his treasures and property.

There are many witchcraft materials, and there are also many treasures from heaven and earth.

Xihuang said it was Huang, but in fact there are many treasures, especially some naturally generated strange objects!

Chen Fan filled the Sumeru Precepts to the brim, and then ordered the rest of the Tarot tribe to escort the captives back to Dagan!

These people couldn't resist Chen Fan at all. In order to keep the tribe, they could only humiliately agree to Chen Fan's request!


Dagan, Qinghe County, Border Pass.

As the day of the Tarot Tribe Festival came, Wendona and Saiyiti were naturally more anxious.

If Chen Fan's mission fails, his father and clan chief will die!

The Yueshan tribe can no longer sustain it!

The two of them waited at the border of the Western Wilderness all the time, but they didn't wait until the sun went down and they didn't wait for Chen Fan to come back.

Could it be that the adult also had an accident?

The second daughter also had all kinds of bad associations in her heart!

At this moment, the girl Saiyiti suddenly pointed at the setting sun in the distance: Look, Wendona, what is that?!

However, under the vast setting sun, smoke and dust were rippling, and something densely packed was coming from a distance.

Seeing this scene, the two of Wendona were also surprised and puzzled!

But the faces of the guards and soldiers all changed drastically!

There is an abnormality! Block the border immediately!

These people immediately sealed off the border, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. At the same time, the border city also immediately launched some war weapons, and the archers were also ready!

In this scene, the frontier often appears, and that is when the monsters are rushing to come!

They have seen a lot, and the response is naturally very fast!

And Wendona and Saiyiti were also very disappointed. They naturally thought that Chen Fan had sneaked into the Tarot tribe and found an opportunity to take away his father!

With so many people appearing at the same time, it must be no ordinary person!

As the smoke and dust in the distance approached, there were also powerful warriors, and I could see clearly that the figures in the distance were not monsters, but a series of figures!

Of course, the soldiers guarding the border will not stop defending easily. Since the strange monsters made trouble last year, the border warriors have become more cautious!

Those people keep approaching, but they are not strange monsters at all, they are all human beings!

There are many great warriors, and there are also those who wear obvious Xijiang costumes.

The soldiers guarding the border were also relieved.

The Wendona sisters also saw some familiar clothes and faces in the crowd, and when they looked at each other, they both saw the shock in their eyes!

They may not know all the members of their own family, but the costumes of the Yueshan tribe can be recognized at a glance!

Could it be...

Both of them had a strange idea in their hearts.


Chen Fan was wearing embroidered clothes and stood in front of the crowd.

Of course he never showed his true face!

The warriors guarding the border gate, whose embroidered clothes represent the meaning, reopened the side gate and let these people in!

Among them, the clan members of Sister Wendona are the most, and the second most are Dagan warriors!

There are hundreds of people in total.

The Wendona sisters quickly found their father among the crowd, and they also stepped forward one after another, weeping with joy!

And then I heard from my father that there was a powerful warrior who destroyed the sacrifice, and Hu Weixia, the warrior of the gods of countless Tarot tribes, killed the ninth-level Japar, which was also shocking!

They had already guessed that Chen Fan was powerful, maybe even a Ninth Layer Warrior!

But it was the fact that one person openly killed the high priest and swept away the Tarot tribe, which truly amazed the two of them!

Then the second daughter brought her father to Chen Fan to express her gratitude.

Thank you for saving my life, my lord will be the biggest guest of our Yueshan tribe in the future, and our tribe will always welcome you...

You're welcome! Chen Fan didn't greet them too much!

After all, what he did was just doing it casually.

But the holy object offered by the two girls was a translucent bead.

According to the girl and her father, this bead was left by a strong man of the Yueshan tribe!

The Yueshan tribe called it the Pearl of Life, which has green lines.

The effect is also very simple.

Accumulate energy for a certain period of time, and you can recover from injuries!

When the bead turns green completely, it means that the accumulation is complete, and it can be used directly when the real yuan is triggered!

The effect of healing? Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows, picked up the bead and looked at it a few more times, and asked, How long will it take to accumulate, and how does the recovery effect compare with earth-level pills and heaven-level pills?

The patriarch of the Yueshan tribe hurriedly said: It's much better than the earth-level pill, but it's not as good as the sky-level...but if you accumulate enough energy, you can use it again in three to five months...

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