The girl next to her also widened her eyes. She could see Chen Fan's attack clearly, but she felt the scorching breath emanating from the air and the pressure of expansion in an instant!

When she looked at this seemingly young and harmless man, she became more and more complicated.

The other party is not only powerful, but even so powerful that she can't imagine it!

Chen Fan looked at the old man indifferently: You think it through carefully, and then give me an answer... The existence of the Yuan Xiangmen depends on your thought. Next time, it won't be your hair that I will cut off!

This is the dominance of being an embroidered messenger!

Even if the head of the Yuanxiang Sect is really killed, the destruction of the Yuanxiang Sect is only a matter of thought!

Cold sweat dripped down the old man's face, and a look of struggle flashed in his eyes, and he let out a long sigh of relief after a while:

Qin Yanghua is indeed in Yuanxiangmen, I am willing to hand him over, please don't attack Yuanxiangmen!

As soon as his words came out, the girl next to her stared wide-eyed with astonishment and anger on her face.

Master, why are you so...

The old man was crazily rolled by the power of heaven and earth, the pressure was on the young girl, and he couldn't say the last half of the sentence!

Then she shook her head and turned around, not looking at the girl: I'll bring Qin Yanghua out immediately...

The old sect master knew the power of the Embroidered Clothes Emissary, and he also knew that Yuan Xiangmen dared to resist, and being wiped out was just a matter of words!

But at this time, the wind howled, and a voice rang out on the wind:

No need, I, Qin Yanghua, came out by myself!

A figure suddenly rushed out from the Yuanxiang Gate, but it was a tall and mighty young man.

As this person appeared, the old man looked ashamed.

The girl was also flustered and nervous.

Chen Fan glanced at him, and instantly recognized his identity, it was his target!

He nodded slightly:

I like dealing with smart people the most, it saves my time and your teacher's trouble...

Senior Brother Qin... The girl's voice was full of tears.

Qin Yanghua even hesitated when he heard the words, but turned his head cruelly away, not to look at the girl!

Chen Fan sneered.

This girl looks only eighteen or nineteen years old, but Qin Yanghua himself looks young, but in fact he is already in his fifties, and has already broken through the realm of a master!

The two are so different in age, there is no possibility in the first place!

Qin Yanghua looked at Chen Fan and sighed slightly:

I want to die to understand, how did you know my whereabouts?

Chen Fan tilted his head and said calmly: You think too highly of your ability to hide your whereabouts.

Just kidding, the Embroidery Building has the strongest intelligence force, and when it is listed on the Embroidery Building's task list, either leave Dagan right away, or it won't be able to hide at all!

Said and waved his hand.

Take him down!

The non-commissioned officers next to him also acted separately, and quickly put on handcuffs and ankle chains!

Qin Yanghua has long been a master, but he doesn't resist. Obviously, he also knows that resistance is meaningless!

The Embroidered Clothes Envoy, even the weakest martial artist, is not something he can beat!

Chen Fan turned around straight away, and the people behind him also escorted Qin Yanghua to leave together!

Seeing such a scene, the people of Yuanxiangmen dared not stop, but the girl in the royal blue dress kept sobbing, and the old owner of Wujianmen looked embarrassed...


When Chen Fan entered the Embroidery Building, the first task went so well that Chen Fan didn't even have a chance to make a move.

And brought Qin Yanghua back, not long after leaving Wujianmen, before passing through a bamboo forest, Chen Fan's steps suddenly stopped!

Then he waved his hand.

Everyone stopped.

My lord, this is...

Chen Fan looked into the bamboo forest in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

No more action!

Instead, he held his hand on the hilt of the sword.

Compared with before entering the Blood Demon Secret Realm, Chen Fan's progress in Forging the God Art has greatly increased, and his perception ability has also become much stronger. He noticed something was wrong in advance!

After a while, after the rustling sound in the bamboo forest, a voice sounded: did you find us?


As Chen Fan paused, figures in gray robes jumped out of the bamboo forest.

Is it someone from Infernal Gate... No...

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the clothes they were wearing!

He instantly recognized the styles of clothes worn by several people!

Clothes of the same style as the gray-robed man he had killed in the Gorefiend Secret Realm!

There are three people in front of them, standing in a triangle, and the distance between the three of them is all the same, obviously they have a strong ability to cooperate!

These three people had that special mirror instruction, and after Chen Fan left the Martial Academy and Fucheng, they followed immediately!

It's just that Chen Fan acted very quickly and kept shifting positions. It wasn't until today that the three of them found a chance!

And as the three of them emerged, behind Chen Fan, officers and soldiers also stepped forward to block Chen Fan.

Chen Fan shook his head: Everyone back down!

The three of them dared to take revenge, and their overall strength should surpass the gray-robed man with a long stick that he had killed!

Ordinary officers and soldiers will die in the face of them!

Even if the two masters lead, it is difficult to play any role.

Everyone listened to Chen Fan's order and immediately withdrew, not daring to refuse in the slightest!

And Qin Yanghua, who was imprisoned, was escorted back. Seeing this scene, his eyes rolled and his mind became active.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the three of them, before he stepped forward to negotiate.


The three of them were holding different weapons, and they rushed towards Chen Fan at the same time!

He didn't hide his murderous intent at all.

And they all gave Chen Fan a strange aura, similar to the man in the Gorefiend Secret Realm, a special feeling that made people feel uncomfortable!

They decided to kill me, and they didn't give me a chance to speak...

It is not difficult for him to guess that the other party chased him because of the special blood mark!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and instantly pulled out the long knife in his hand.

Restless knife light pierces the sky!

The fifth thunder knife was instantly slashed out, heading towards the three of them!

The three people's true essence was condensed into one body, and at the same time, the power of heaven and earth was rippling, meeting Chen Fan's Thunder Saber!

Chi la.

The sky was full of thunder, and everyone felt a flash of blazing light in front of them.

Terrifying shocks rushed in all directions.

The three figures flew out one after another!

Chen Fan's Thunder Saber level was not high, but his physical fitness has been enhanced too much, his explosive power has been increased by more than ten times, and even the three of them can't stop the moves that he slashed at random!

There is no Kunou!

Chen Fan took a few steps back, his eyes flashed, and he confirmed the general strength of these three people with one move!

Afterwards, Chen Fan's body also turned into a phantom of thunder and lightning, and chased him out.

In an instant, they came to the front of the gray-robed man!

The weapon in his hand was changed from a knife to a sword.

A sharp sword light flashed, and the spreading thunder light rippled with the piercing killing intent.

Thunder Killing Sword!


A head instantly flew up.

This person didn't even have time to activate any protective treasures, or talisman seals, and was directly killed by Chen Fan!

At the same time, without blinking, Chen Fan quickly walked towards the two of them again.

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