My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 211 Pu Zhongyu and Qingluo

When Chen Fan entered the Blood Demon Secret Realm.

Dagan, in a martial arts academy in the northwest region.

As soon as the young man with the waist badge of the disciple of Haori Building walked into the empty room, he was slightly taken aback.

There is only one handsome man in embroidered clothes in the room!

The young man frowned: I don't know who you are, the dean...

The man in embroidered clothes kept paying attention to the man's performance in Haori Building, narrowed his eyes, My name is Yu Hengcheng, and I'm here for one thing...

As soon as he raised his hand, a long gun appeared in his hand.

The whole body was rippling with golden light, and he shot out with a bang!

That Haorilou youth's complexion changed suddenly, he also hastily pulled out the long knife from his waist, and slashed it out!


Lightning rippling around his body, this is a warrior who has mastered the artistic conception of thunder and lightning!

And if Chen Fan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the martial skill he used was Nine Layers of Thunder Saber!

It's just that this person's cultivation is only at the seventh level, and his artistic conception of thunder and lightning is not as good as Chen Fan's. The power of cutting out the nine-level thunder knife is extremely ordinary.

He was stabbed and flew by Yu Hengcheng, and the blood spurted out of his mouth, but he flew out backwards!

Its population spurted blood, and it was extremely embarrassing.

Yu Hengcheng shook his head, put away the gun in his hand, and said coldly, Too's not that person...

These days, Yu Hengcheng also went to the Northwest region, many counties and cities martial arts academy, searching everywhere for seventh-level warriors who mastered the artistic conception of thunder, but none of them was the target he was looking for!

After confirming that this person was not his target, Yu Hengcheng turned around and left.

The Haorilou warrior was furious in his heart, What do you mean by this, Your Excellency? If you hit me, you will leave? There is no explanation at all...

Yu Hengcheng paused, his eyes flashed cold, and he turned around.

A disciple of the Seventh Level Martial Academy dares to talk to me like that?!

A gun slammed forward!

That Haorilou warrior's complexion changed abruptly.

And at this moment, the world suddenly froze, and the spear in Yu Hengcheng's hand suddenly froze.

An old man stepped in from the outside.

Yu Hengcheng, don't go too far. Since you have already confirmed that my disciple is not the person you are looking for, it would be unreasonable for you to take action again!

The Embroidered Clothes Emissary can kill first and play later, and even the director of the martial arts academy has to fully cooperate with the action.

But that is when there is a reasonable appeal and evidence. In reality, a boss at the level of the head of the martial arts academy will not give in easily!

Yu Hengcheng's head was covered with cold sweat.

Hastily put away the gun in his hand, cupped his fists and bowed: It's because of my anger, I apologize to the dean!

The old man waved his hand.


Yu Hengcheng's body flew out of the window uncontrollably!

It hit the ground with a bang!

He stood up like a carp in an instant.

He didn't suffer any injuries, but the anger in his heart was uncontrollable.

Damn it, bastard... If it wasn't for that Pu Zhongyu went after the demon girl of Xingchen Gate based on the information from Tianji Building, how could the head of the martial arts academy dare to be so arrogant?! Yu Hengcheng gritted his teeth.

He himself is not from the Northwest region, but from Emperor County, and his family is powerful, but when he came to the Northwest, these people don't pay much attention to his family background!

Although the Embroidered Clothes Emissary's status is high, his strength is not enough, and it can't support him to act at will without reason!


Daqian southern border.

The junction of Dagan and Dachang.

As the situation in Dagan gradually stabilized, the most intense conflict and war between Dagan and Dachang has passed.

It's just that the war situation has not been completely eliminated, and the border land is still like a meat grinder!

And on the battlefield where black smoke rises and tar is everywhere.

A young woman with an ordinary face in a blue shirt was flickering with blood all over her body, and she was outlining some special magic circle on the ground.

But in the magic circle, there are corpses and stumps!

I should have come to the battlefield a long time ago, otherwise I would have fully recovered, and I wouldn't have been seriously injured by a Pu Zhongfu!

This person is Qingluo!

At this time, her whole body is complete, and she is no longer the bleak look that lacked an arm.

She came to the battlefields of Daqian and Daqing, but she used special means and the special effects of the battlefield to recover her injuries and even improve her cultivation!

As the blood light lingers and spreads, a large amount of flesh and blood in front of the witch is also melted and disappeared by the blood light little by little!

The witch's face became even more rosy.

And just when the demon girl was about to complete the blood sacrifice, she suddenly raised her head, her face changed drastically, and then turned into a phantom, and rushed to the side.

Just at this moment.

boom! !

A blazing red light flashed past, and an invisible terrifying force descended.

The formation and countless corpses outlined on the ground were completely destroyed by the terrifying invisible terrifying power!

Amidst the rippling smoke and dust, a blood-clothed figure descended from the sky!

It was Pu Zhongyu!

Xingchenmen demon girl, did you kill my brother?

Qingluo squinted her eyes, and the moment she saw Pu Zhongyu, fear flashed in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth slightly twitched:

I killed too many people, who is your brother?

Is it good for you to provoke me? Pu Zhongyu raised her hand with serious eyes.


Fierce red light burst out instantly...

And the blood glowed around the demon girl's body, and the bloody ring blade pierced the sky in an instant!

The two women's cultivation bases are both close to the tenth level, so this battle was naturally fought in darkness.

Although the demon girl was powerful, but after all her injuries hadn't recovered, she was no match for Pu Zhongyu's anger, and she gradually fell into a disadvantage, with more and more injuries!

No more fights!

The whole body of the demon girl Qingluo has turned into blood, and her body has turned into blood, and she is running away at high speed!

Stop the witch!

And behind him, Pu Zhongyu's body is in the air, chasing after him!

Qingluo's face is ugly:

This Pu Zhongyu's strength is too terrifying! Even Yuan Daokong can't compare to her, I'm afraid her strength is even stronger than the ordinary ten heavy!

She said that she didn't know who Pu Zhongyu's younger brother was, but when she saw Pu Zhongyu for the first time, she recognized him!

There are so few such geniuses in the world, and Pu Zhongyu's appearance is still easy to recognize.

The demon girl Qingluo is also extremely strong, even mastering the Dao domain, but after all, she was wounded and never fully recovered.

And even if she recovers completely, she may not be Pu Zhongyu's opponent, let alone now.

Qingluo's eyes flashed cold and irritated: A mere junior...

Pu Zhongyu is much younger than Qingluo.

But now that she is being chased by a junior like this, Qingluo is naturally angry in her heart, but she is also very helpless.

With more and more physical exertion, Qing Luo knew that she couldn't go on like this anymore!

She stopped suddenly, and took out a talisman:

Pu Zhongyu, you will definitely regret everything you did today, you Pu family... I will not let any of you go!

Pu Zhongyu's eyes were cold, and he raised his hand coldly.

Invisible power ripples out!

And the witch's body was filled with blood, and at the same time, she crushed the talisman in her hand!


The witch's figure instantly disappeared into the rippling power of heaven and earth.

Pu Zhongyu let out a deep breath: No matter where you escape, I will kill you!


When Pu Zhongyu returned from the battlefield, he also immediately contacted Tianjilou.

With the help of the power of Tianjilou, deduce the location of the witch.

It's just that this time she was disappointed!

The secret of the demon girl's location was actually hoodwinked, and even the secret building couldn't deduce its exact location.

The answer from Tianji Building is that the witch may have a special means of concealing the secrets, which can block the secrets, but only temporarily.

It will take trial and error to wait for the moment to locate her again!

how so?

She also felt a little dazed in her heart.

But he quickly cheered up.

Because there is still a breakthrough to find the witch!

In the past few months, Yu Hengcheng should have found out the whereabouts of that person...

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