My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 297 Gorgeous Fireworks

A thick layer of dark clouds blocked the dim waning moon, and it seemed that only the howling wind was left in the sky and earth.

The moon was dark and the wind was high. If the airship had not already confirmed the direction of travel, the Rhine City Parish air raid team might have returned without success tonight.

Kroun practiced breathing techniques and carefully felt the ups and downs of the muscles on his body.

The Barbarian Bone Breathing Technique was already at the third level, and he felt the difference in the breathing technique of this cultist tribe.

Different from the fire breathing method that exercises Qi and blood, the Barbarian Bone Breathing Method exercises more of the muscles and bones of the body.

If the flame breathing method transforms Qi and blood from the inside out to achieve the sublimation of one's own physique, then the Barbarian Bone Breathing Method uses compression to stimulate the bones and flesh to exercise from the outside in.

In a certain way, the Barbarian Bone Breathing Technique is similar to the Giant Bear Breathing Technique, but it is much better, and the intensity of the exercise is far greater than that of the Giant Bear.

With the stimulation of the breathing method, Kroun's bones crackled like popping beans.

Starting from his feet, his spine stretched and curled up like a big dragon. He could feel the bones being tightly compacted and the muscles becoming stronger and stronger.

The alarm clock set by the Hourglass of Time reverberated in the sea of ​​consciousness. Croun ended his breathing practice, drank a bottle of No. 2 holy water, and then began to visualize the golden light spell to restore his physical strength and adjust his condition.

The airship will be the main attack tonight, but the enemy's Chimera combat team should not be underestimated. If a large number of enemies come up, the small airships responsible for air combat will not be able to intercept them, and he will have to take action personally.

After his physical strength was fully restored, Crown felt the time, it was two-thirty in the morning.

He walked out of the room and came to the viewing area on the side.

Flanders and others were already standing here, discussing something in low voices.

Walking into the crowd, Crown looked through the window and saw only darkness.

He frowned slightly and asked:

"Are we still far away from the enemy?"

The original plan was to launch an offensive at three o'clock in the morning, but now we didn't even see the location of the enemy's base camp. In this case, it might be too late.

"There is no problem with our marching direction. The reason why we did not find the enemy camp is because of the gray fog."

It was Lannister who answered. He pointed to his feet and explained:

"The gray fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the moonlight is blocked by the clouds, so it is impossible to see the enemy's base.

Long-term exposure to gray fog will pollute our spirituality, but those cultists are not afraid of the pollution of gray fog. Maybe gray fog is a part of their mutation. "

On a lightless night, I can't see my fingers.

Even though Crown has night vision, his field of vision is very limited.

Outside the window was the silent darkness, as if a giant beast was swallowing the world into its belly.

He simply closed his eyes and let out his spiritual awareness.

The invisible light of the soul moves through the darkness, spreading downward with purpose.

When he felt that his spiritual sense had become a little blurry, he felt a hint of coolness.

It was as if he had touched a ball of viscous liquid, and a slight distortion spread to his body along his spiritual sense.

He seemed to hear the sound of something being dragged on the snow, and the fluffy snow was squeezed, making a sound similar to "crunching".

It is also like countless long-legged centipedes, densely crawling across the sand, the tiny grains of sand are stirred, and the rustling sound is endless.

It was like a whisper that was close at hand but had no roots, and a feeling of disgust arose in my heart.

The coldness of consciousness enveloped his whole body, and Kroun felt that the tiny hairs on his arms stood up in response, as if something bad was about to happen, but his seventh sense did not sense the slightest danger.

The warm energy of life burst out from the heart, and all the coldness suddenly disappeared, and the intangible twisted malice evaporated instantly like water droplets in a red-hot iron pot.

The light of the soul bloomed with golden light in the invisible dimension, and the spreading malice was like a finger touching the flames, which reflexively retracted.

‘Strange, the spiritual sense should have come into contact with the gray fog. The airship is now walking a hundred meters above the gray fog.

Why wasn't this mist so evil before? Is it because now that he has advanced to the fifth level, his inspiration is sharper?

What kind of material is the gray mist, and where does it come from? Does it really appear with the arrival of the evil god?

But the evil god has not yet revived. If the gray fog is controlled by the evil god, then it makes no sense that the gray fog has been released and the evil god is still sleeping. ’

For a moment, Crown's thoughts dispersed and he thought about a lot.

He didn't expect to feel so many things from the gray fog that he was accustomed to. Logically speaking, he was stronger, and the gray fog would not affect him no matter how abnormal it was.

Flanders said "Huh" in surprise and said:

"I just felt a blur in front of my eyes, as if there was a flash of light. Did you notice anything unusual?"

He leaned out and put his hand on his forehead close to the window glass to observe the situation outside.

There was nothing to be found but the cold darkness.

Lannister responded softly: "Me too, I felt a light shining for a moment just now, but it felt like there was something behind it, so it wasn't very real."

He doesn't think this is an illusion. The mental power of the fourth level has undergone a qualitative change compared to the third level, and is extremely sharp.

As a warlock, his spiritual sense should be the strongest among the people present. In terms of spiritual sense, only the archbishop who is a priest can rival him.

The Silver Warlock did the same thing as Flanders and looked out the window.

"I felt something strange, but I didn't detect any light."

Cavendi said vigilantly. He is a Crusader warrior, a knight-type profession, and his spiritual sense is not his specialty.

Crown didn't speak. It was probably because he inspired the energy of life to burn the spiritual vision caused by the spreading malice.

Flanders didn't notice anything. He stood up straight and said in a deep voice: "Stay vigilant."

Some unexpected things appear, but until actual danger comes, the battle plan prepared for many days will not be canceled.

After a while, the time came to two-thirty, and the airships hovered in the air one after another, no longer moving forward.

Harry walked over quickly and said: "Archbishop, Your Excellencies, we have arrived near the cultist camp, please give us instructions."

Flanders' tone became cold and murderous:

"Turn on the searchlights and determine the location of the enemy camp. All personnel shall do protective work and prepare to execute the air attack plan."

The plan was for small airships to perform interception missions, and large airships lined up to pour out ammunition.

The two-headed Chimera can release mental shock spells, and all personnel participating in the battle are equipped with two Pure Heart Talismans.

The church purchased this from Crown and spent thousands of gold spiritual coins. This was because the seller gave a sufficient discount and sold it at half price.

In order to achieve greater results, the air strike force was armed to the teeth and took all unfavorable factors into consideration.

Whether they were calculating or not, today they wanted to cripple this cultist tribe as much as possible.

"Yes," Harry received the instruction and hurried out.

The Fire Cube releases the metal essence, and Crown transforms into a bronze Iron Man.

The rose gold wings spread out and the clothes on his body were torn into pieces.

"I'll go out from the hatch. If any enemies that don't open their eyes bump into me, I'll purify them."

The archbishop warned: "Be more careful. Preserving yourself is the most important thing."

Although he understood his companion's fighting qualities, he still couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry, I cherish life the most."

Crown quickly reached the cabin door and opened it. The howling cold wind immediately poured into the cabin, and the crew responsible for opening the door was blown around.

He flew out without being affected at all, gently flapping his wings to follow the movement of the airship on its mission.

The airship as the command flagship began to climb. It did not directly participate in the battle. If the airship carried by the senior officials of the Rhine City Parish was shot down and forced to land in the enemy's camp, the consequences would be disastrous.

The airship's searchlight uses a special Fresnel lens that can project the light of the burning sacred fire.

Six thick cylindrical light sources pierced the gray fog and swept downwards.

The gray mist twisted and rolled, and a passage was opened.

A blazing white light illuminated a flash of red, and an airship immediately blew its whistle.

After discovering the enemy's searchlight, the lights of all the airships converged, and the airships arranged themselves in formation and flew forward slowly.

In the ammunition compartment, the second-level extraordinary beings used machine assistance to hang the bombs on the ejection rack.

The human-sized incendiary bombs and bombs fell down like dumplings.

Huge flaming red lotuses bloomed on the ground, like gorgeous fireworks blooming on the sky.

The ground was paved with six paths of flames, like winding fire dragons, devouring everything they spread to.

Suddenly, the cultists base wailed.

Somra Kent is the great witch doctor of the Kurud tribe and the spiritual leader of the tribe. He is responsible for the communication between the gods' dependents and the tribe.

A few days ago, Robert, the tribe's most powerful warrior, and two other silver warriors were missing, which cast a haze over his heart.

In addition, one of the two-headed Beholder Familiar was dead and one was seriously injured, and thirteen two-headed chimeras and several bronze warriors were missing.

He did not expect that the tribe, which had already connected with the God Familiar Clan and whose overall strength was growing at the speed of a volcanic eruption, would suffer a huge blow in a short period of time before it could take revenge on the feuding Flame Lord Church.

The enemy possesses giant 'whales' soaring in the air, as well as weapons capable of ultra-long-distance attacks, which catch them off guard.

These days, he has been thinking about how to deal with it. He can no longer passively be beaten, but he still has no good way.

Under the conditions of ice and snow, the tribesmen have no ability to fly, and they cannot organize a team to retaliate against the enemy just by relying on a few Chimeras.

It was late at night and he was still awake, thinking very hard about the future of the tribe.

When he heard a roar in the clouds, Somla felt uneasy and walked out of the house and looked up at the sky.

When the white light beam pierced the darkness and hit the red light mask, the uneasiness in my heart became even more magnified.

When black objects fell from the sky and flames raged in the camp, Somra's face was deformed with anger. He gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Blow the horn and order all Silver Warriors to take off on Chimera and snipe the enemy!

Let the flying tamers carry fire oil and pour it on the enemy's flying units. Don't let go of any of the enemies coming today! "

The tribe is not afraid of hand-to-hand combat. The powerful warriors of the tribe can use javelins to shoot targets within 100 meters.

But the current fighting method feels unfamiliar to him. If he can't take down the enemy's air units and study them, they will be suppressed even more.

Now, there are forty-two Chimeras and six Silver Warriors in the camp. While we have enough troops, we must achieve victory.

The powerful horn sounded, and Crown heard the mixed roars of goats and lions echoing from the camp. He understood that the enemy's two-headed chimera was activated.

The light of the Pure Heart Curse and the golden body protection illuminated his body one after another. Then, he circulated the flame breath, and the improved source armor was activated, and the armor shining with golden-red light was hidden in the skin.

The blue ray of thunderous fury appeared in his right hand. He had already stacked up his armor and was ready to start his hunting journey.

Small airships spread out around the bombing formation, their onboard artillery and repeating guns roaring and blazing as they sniped at the flying Chimeras.

More and more Chimeras gathered, and the small airships were unable to stop all enemies. Some small airships were even focused on by multiple Chimeras, and the magic circle on their skin was broken.

One small airship was blown into a fireball and fell to the ground. Soon, another small airship burned and exploded.

‘Here comes the work. ’

The wings behind Crown flickered hard, and his body was like a golden meteor, crashing into the Chimera that continued to climb.

Due to its slow speed, the large airship loaded with bombs was designed with two layers of skin to cope with Chimera attacks.

Although the people of the Strange Object Manufacturing Association tried their best to protect themselves, the airship would not be able to withstand it for long if it was attacked by fire.

He approached the Chimera, ignored the driver above, raised his sword and killed the Chimera.

Although those Silver-level drivers are excellent targets, killing the Chimera will achieve better results.

The protagonist of today's attack is the airship unit, whose core mission is to protect large airships.

Crown released bullet time, liberating most of his strength. Like the god of death, the Chimera was unable to withstand his attack and was ruthlessly harvested.

Somra, who was watching the battle with his head raised on the ground, saw the Chimera falling continuously, and his eyes became dull.

What's going on? Why is that guy with golden wings so brave? Killing Chimera is as easy as killing a pheasant!

He could clearly see that Chimera's head was chopped off with a sword, and it didn't even take a second to kill Chimera.

When Somra was stunned, two more Chimeras fell down, and there were already less than twenty Chimeras in the air.

"Quick, sound the retreat horn, the Chimera troops cannot die anymore."

His heart was bleeding. These Chimeras had used up the tribe's accumulation, and now more than half of them were killed.

The horn sounded again, and the Chimera landed hastily, but Crown did not pursue it.

He noticed that a flying beast took off and rushed towards the airship, holding something in its claws.

In line with the principle of not letting the enemy get what he wanted, he put away the fury of thunder and used the spirit to create a metal longbow.

His excellent strength and stamina allow him to draw the bow quickly and shoot three arrows in one string.

The arrows rained out like raindrops, without missing a beat. Sometimes they could hit two by one, and many birds were shot down before they even got close to the airship.

With Croun's current ability, killing second-level extraordinary creatures with a bow and arrow is as easy as picking up items from a bag.

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