‘Is this okay? ’

Lannister felt a sudden chill go down his spine. He did not see the part where the two-headed Chimera was shot, but it must have been injured in a vulnerable part, such as its eyes or mouth.

The problem is, Chimera is a third-level extraordinary creature from the moment it opens its eyes. Creatures at this level must have keen intuition.

For Crown to be able to hit a Chimera with such a long distance and high-speed moving target, it means that it is likely to be able to hit a third-level human.

This kind of ability is terrifying to think about. He has never thought that firearms can achieve this power.

It seems that whether the weapon is effective depends on who is using it.

Silver Warlock calmed his breathing and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, this kind of person was not an enemy but a teammate.

The stronger your teammates are, the easier the mission will be.

Those Chimeras chasing behind saw their companions falling. Not only did they not stop, but they pursued them even more fiercely.

This is an alchemy creature born for fighting. It is vicious and cunning, but it rarely gets timid when it comes to fighting.

Crown smiled slightly, showing his neat white teeth, then repeated his old trick and fired two quick shots again.

Perhaps the death of their companions alerted the other Chimeras, and they were more focused. Although the distance was closer, the two shots failed to hit the target's eyes.

Crown saw the chimera tilting its head as the bullet approached. The bullet hit its brow bone and bounced away.

He shot a few more times, but the result was that one of the other Chimera's heads exploded.

At this time, other monsters were already approaching. These Chimeras flew to the blind area of ​​​​Crown's field of vision and began to use spells to attack the skin of the airship.

In the temporarily cleared camp, Flanders and others also saw the high-speed airship and the two-headed Chimera chasing after them.

Harry looked up at the sky and murmured: Ba Tou, are you tempted too much?!

The two-headed chimera is a powerful flesh-and-blood alchemy creature that requires several third-level extraordinary beings to surround and kill it.

Cavendi heard his words and said calmly;

They can't control the results of luring the enemy. Prepare to fight. Wow, there are only seven heads left now.

The height of the airship dropped again and flew close to the ground. People on the ground used bows and arrows or firearms to attack the Chimera. They needed to attract the enemy's firepower and consume the enemy's magic energy.

When the Chimera's magic energy is exhausted, it will land on the ground and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

From time to time, Chimera would give up chasing the airship and turn around to attack the harassing people on the ground.

Flanders and others did not take action. If their strength was exposed, it would be difficult to lure the enemy away after frightening them. These beasts are very smart.

After a while, the airship got rid of all the chasing Chimeras and turned around to return to the temporary camp.

Crown and Lannister, as top combat forces, must participate in the war.

This time there are also seven double-headed chimeras and several raptors. The lack of two silver combat forces will cause some unnecessary casualties.

Kroun circulated his flame breath and released the source armor, and the golden-red veins lit up the warlock's eyes.

After the source armor sank into his skin, he squeezed the seal with his hands, stirred up the energy of life, and released the golden light to protect his body. He immediately became gleaming with golden light.

This time Kroun did not inspire the alloy armor, otherwise he would have a proper Iron Man image.

Lannister was surprised. Although the colors of the Flame Lord's knights' source armor were slightly different, such a unique color of silver warlock had never been seen before.

He understood that this situation could only be caused by the special bloodline being stimulated, and it was still a very powerful special bloodline. No wonder the opponent's strength increased so quickly. Some powerful bloodlines were comparable to the bloodline of the Son of God.

At this time, a powerful weapon appeared in Crown's hand, a thick silver sword blade with runes engraved on the sword's spine, and a faint blue aura flowing on the sword's body.

Near the mouth of the sword, the blade on one side is made into a large jagged shape, and the other side is shaped like a crescent moon.

The guard of the sword was made into the shape of a skull-like sheep-headed monster. The two horns of the sheep-headed monster rested on the top of the guard, and the hilt of the sword was wrapped with silver metal wire.

The airship hovered at the edge of the camp, the hatch was opened, and the soldiers lowered the rope ladder.

Of course, Kroun climbed the ladder obediently. He observed the situation nearby and stepped out directly.

The golden-red wings spread out on his back, like angel wings, with brilliant light and shadow.

Silver-level knights can use the life source fluid to simulate wings. The only pity is that the simulated wings cannot make flapping movements and can only act as wingsuits for gliding.

He shook his body to adjust his flight direction. Below him, a two-headed chimera was exerting its magic power.

Lightning ball, acid splash, Chimera's two heads each use different attack methods. As long as you don't dodge his attack, you will either die or be disabled.

Facts have proved the importance of low-key clothes. Croun's dazzling appearance attracted the attention of the Chimera. It gave up playing, turned its head and flew towards Croun.

A spell was brewing in its mouth, and it would launch a double attack just as it flew near the target.

Crown also noticed the Chimera's movements, with a faint smile on his lips.

He seemingly waved the Wrath of Thunder without any force, and used the inherent spell of the soul-infused weapon, and large swaths of magical crows flew out.

The purpose of this spell is not to attack the enemy. The flight path of the magic crow is still three or four meters away from the Chimera.

The Chimera came under Crown and released a spell. The ball of lightning the size of a baby's head moves very fast, followed closely by jets of acid.

In its view, this enemy flying in the air is a living target.

The moment the enemy launched an attack, Crown released his light wings and exchanged positions with a certain magical crow. Then, he appeared near the Chimera's belly.

He stepped forward in the air, and the air under his feet became his pedal.

In a flash, he had already rushed to Chimera's body, and the giant bear breathing technique reached its limit.

His arms became thicker, and after charging the power attack for a short time, he swung out with thunderous fury.

The weapon dragged a ray of blue light full of charm and penetrated into the Chimera's abdomen without any hindrance.

He pulled the weapon down hard, and the Chimera flew upwards with inertia.

The two cooperated tacitly, and there was a unique disembowelment performance on the spot.

Crown grasped the Wrath of Thunder and cut the Chimera from the abdomen to the excretion port. The enemy's internal organs fell down, and blood rained from the sky.

The tough membrane that Geralt could not pierce despite all his efforts was as thin as a piece of paper in his hands.

Although there is no intuitive data comparison, Crown understands that his current basic strength is more than double that of Geralt.

The Golden Light Spell, Fire Breathing, and Dire Bear Breathing Technique, plus forging skills, all more or less increase the basic strength.

Coupled with his unparalleled basic speed, his instantaneous explosive power is much stronger than that of a normal silver-level knight.

Even without releasing the bullet, Chimera's skin was easily pierced.

‘Grass, it’s a waste. I forgot that I still need to take the blood of Chimera to refine something good that accelerates the generation of silver blood. ’

Crown pursed his lips. His action just now was so cool, but he actually lost some benefits, so he should be taken as a warning.

He quickly observed the battlefield and reactivated the wings of light to glide.

There are already two-headed chimeras that have squandered all their magic energy and landed on the ground to fight hand-to-hand with the hunting troops.

The cultists on the Chimera's back jumped off one after another and rushed towards the enemy bravely.

To be able to use Chimera as a beast control, these people's abilities generally reach the level of third-order extraordinary beings, otherwise it would be impossible to obtain Chimera's recognition.

For animals, the strong will never recognize the existence of the weak, but will only regard the weak as food to fill the vacancy in their stomachs.

There are two cultists who are particularly conspicuous. They are as tall as two ordinary people. The weapons they use are huge bone clubs, as thick as a strong man's arms.

The bone rod was the leg bone of an unknown species. It was not only huge but also extremely tough. The exorcist priests who put up their shields were knocked away along with their shields.

Sometimes the bone stick hits the ground and is immediately knocked out of a head-deep pit.

Bishop Savage was also a member of the team. He and another bishop met a cultist who used a bone club weapon, but were beaten back.

Flanders and Cavendi each found a Chimera to fight. Under the crushing strength of the Silver Rank, the Chimera they fought had many wounds on their bodies.

At this time, all the two-headed chimeras have landed on the ground, and the six-headed chimeras are wreaking havoc on the ground. The human side only has a local advantage, and most of the other areas are just tired of parrying.

A chimera swung its two heads and suddenly bit a bishop holding a shield. It held the shield in its mouth and threw it away into the distance.

The heavy shield drew an arc in the air and fell into the snow.

The Bishop, who lost the protection of his shield, was exposed to the Chimera's attack. His teammates desperately attacked the Chimera, hoping to attract the enemy's attention and get the Priest out of danger.

The Chimera remained unmoved. The attacks from these people could not even pierce its skin. It was more tempting to endure the pain and destroy the enemy.

A trace of desperation flashed across the bishop's face. While he tried to dodge, he waved the flail with both hands and hit the Chimera's head hard.

The iron ball of the flail hit the Chimera's head, but it was unable to stop the enemy's bite.

The bishop had already smelled the stench from the Chimera's mouth and saw the bloody strands of flesh hanging from the teeth in the open mouth.

At this moment, his mind went blank.

Crown fell from the sky, and when he stepped on the ground with his feet, he released the special effect skill of the Giant Bear Breathing Method - Earth Shock.

The bishop, who was on the verge of doom, was thrown away, while Crown raised his sword and dropped it. The head of the two-headed chimera, which could withstand the beating of a third-level transcendent, was cut in half.

When the sword blade fell, the two halves of the head were still attached to each other for a second, and then separated reluctantly, revealing a smooth cut.

The Chimera suffered from the pain of having one of its heads cut off, and the other head subconsciously turned around.

Crown immediately flicked his wrist, raised his sword, and pierced the head that came to the door through the lower jaw.

Then he lifted it hard and cut open the facial bones.

The tenacious two-headed chimera twisted its body crazily and lasted for more than ten seconds before falling weakly to the ground.

These huge flesh-and-blood alchemy creatures are no match for Crown. Now he probably has an insight into his own strength.

Killing this Chimera seemed to have released some signal. The other Silver Powerhouses immediately unleashed their full strength and quickly killed the Chimera they were facing.

The monster's ferocious roar turned into a wail. Seeing the tragic death of its companion, the living Chimera immediately took off and fled from this killing place.

They fled in such a hurry that they didn't even greet their drivers and flew directly towards the cultist base as fast as possible.

The Chimera fled the battlefield, leaving the remaining cultists in dire straits.

They understood that there was no possibility of survival, which only aroused their ferocity.

I saw the blood surging on the cultist's body, and his skin turned into a bright and dazzling blood color, as if he had been skinned, which was particularly terrifying.

Lannister shouted: Leave a few high-level people alive, I will be useful.

He can use mind spells to control the minds of creatures, and can detect part of the information in the camp through these cultists.

The giant cultist roared wildly, grasped the bone club with both hands, and knocked away Bishop Savage who was huddled behind the shield like a golf ball. This opponent is too insignificant, he defends very resolutely and never attacks.

He was unable to defeat his opponent in a short period of time. There were no living Chimeras on the battlefield, and leaving here had become a luxury. He wanted to kill a few more before he died, and use the lives of his enemies to write a footnote to his own bravery.

The cultists swung their bone clubs and swept across them. The soldiers who were close were beaten to death with the sticks, and the people nearby dispersed in fear.

At this time, they no longer need to work hard. Many bishops have their hands free and can take good care of this crazy cultist.

The giant rushed forward suddenly, then jumped high, trying to smash the enemy standing in front into a pulp.

Crown has long noticed this enemy, after all, he is big and has a big target.

He rushed over and arrived when the giant jumped up. He slashed the target's back of the neck hard with his knife. The cultist simply lost consciousness and his body immediately fell and hit the stone ground.

After the battle, everyone took action and quickly cleaned the battlefield.

Crown moved down the container that had been prepared long ago, collected the Chimera's blood, then broke open the Chimera's bones and took out the marrow.

Lannister was busy extracting Chimera's teeth, preserving the heart and the horns on her head, which are all high-quality alchemical materials.

After returning, these trophies will be evenly distributed to all Silver-level transcendental beings.

Silver Warlock said while busy: Two Chimeras have escaped, and I don't know if they will attract more enemies.

I detected the number of two-headed chimera nests in the enemy camp, and there were at least twenty.

Flender's eyes were deep and he said leisurely:

No matter how many third-level transcendents there are, there is no need to worry, unless we face many silver-level cultists. If the enemy can crush us people, the war will not be fought, and the Rhine City Diocese will simply give up.

The combatants brought today are not many, only more than 300, but they are all elites. With the addition of four silver-ranked soldiers, they can slaughter small groups of enemies.

The cultists do not have large-scale equipment to transport soldiers, and they only rely on the two-headed chimera to transport combatants. Not many cultists can come here.

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