Crown looked at the furnishings in the airship and found that it should be an airship purely for transporting passengers, with extremely low space utilization and luxurious decoration.

Everywhere within the airship that can be seen with the naked eye is covered with a layer of soft leather, and gray carpet is laid under the feet.

Compared with the airships he took before, it has improved by N levels.

At this time, Harry, who was leading the way, stopped and pointed ahead:

Your Excellency, the Archbishop and the others are right in front. I'm going to inform the pilot to take off.

There were three silver powerhouses sitting there. For some reason, he always felt a silver brilliance flashing in his eyes, full of oppression, but he didn't feel this way when facing a silver-level powerhouse.

Standing near them, Harry felt like a chicken being stared at by an eagle, and he felt a sense of fear that seemed to be engraved in his blood.

Now that there is another strong man of silver rank joining, he doesn't want to get close.

He wanted to be as far away as possible if possible.

Crown stepped forward, walked to the bishop who was talking, sat down next to Lannister naturally, and said:

The Archbishop, Your Excellency Cavendi, and Your Excellency Warlock, have kept everyone waiting.

Flanders smiled kindly: I just said that there is no need to send someone to inform you, you will do it yourself.

He looked down and saw the black cat in Crown's arms, and said Huh: This black cat is very special.

Most cats have white whiskers, and a few have black, brown, or gray whiskers, but I have never seen a cat with golden whiskers.

This wasn't what surprised him the most. Just now, the black cat's whiskers actually shone with light. He wouldn't think that he was dazzled.

After advancing to silver, he felt like his body was filled with water again like a dry pond, full of power, and his eyes were able to capture faster objects.

He tried to use his spiritual sense and found that the black cat's spirituality was pure without any impurities, just like 'seeing' the moonlight shining into the room at night.

The Archbishop's words also attracted the attention of the other two people, and they quickly noticed the peculiarity of the black cat.

Lannister asked curiously: I didn't expect that your Excellency would raise such a strange pet. Is it because of positive mutation?

Since the gray fog filled the air, the spiritual concentration in the world has increased rapidly, and creatures that have been in direct contact with the gray fog for a long time have mutated.

In most cases, a group of deformed and extremely aggressive monsters are created, but there is also a very small probability of beneficial changes in living organisms.

He once saw a sparrow grow a second pair of wings, and its flight speed increased significantly, and the sparrow did not lose its rationality.

That's right. When I first saw this kitten in the wild, I found that it didn't mutate into disgusting deformities like other animals.

Crown gave a perfunctory reason. How could he not understand that all of this was the result of the Golden Light Curse and Fu Shui.

Calculated, the amount of gold spirit coins he spent on the two pets was probably several thousand.

A few people talked for a while, and Lannister stood up and said goodbye. These bishops should have other things to discuss, and it would not be appropriate for him to stay here.

In addition, facing three strong men from the church, he felt a lot of pressure.

After the Silver Warlock left, Crown asked:

Archbishop, is there anything I need to pay attention to in the Holy See? Is there a place where jade is sold in Bly City?

When he went to the headquarters of the Flame Lord Church for the first time, he was somewhat curious.

The Holy See is located in the south of Faruk Kingdom, which is much warmer than the north, so you might be able to buy warm jade.

If he couldn't buy warm jade in the royal capital, he could only find a way through cross-border caravans.

Thinking that making the Sun Thunder Seal was still far away, he was secretly anxious.

This talisman is a real killer weapon. The sooner you get the right warm jade, the sooner you can warm it up.

Yes, the Sun Thunder Seal is the same as the Taiyin Thunder Seal. If the carrier is good enough, its power will be further improved as it is warmed.

Memories flashed in Flanders' eyes. He had left the Holy See for more than twenty years, and he had not returned in the past four or five years.

After a moment, he said with a smile:

There's nothing worth noting. It's just that there will be a complicated set of etiquette when meeting the Pope for the first time. Just follow the instructions.

Now that we have achieved Silver rank, it won’t have much impact as long as we are not rude.

He secretly thought in his heart that this time he went back to the Holy See to establish a college of cardinals. The Pope who had monopolized power for many years would not like them.

Crown then asked: Are we going to see the Pope immediately after we get off the airship?

The archbishop waved his hand, and a light flashed in his eyes:

No, we'll meet up with some friends and then head to St. Peter's Basilica.

Cavendi yawned somewhat boredly and said:

It takes three days for the airship to reach Rhine City. Thinking about it makes me feel bored. There is nothing to do.

After achieving the silver rank, he felt more energetic than ever before, but this journey didn't seem too wonderful.

He wanted to practice his fighting skills, and the airship was obviously not an ideal place.

As a warrior who is eager for battle, he wants to fight with Crown to see if there is a big gap between the two after they advance.

When both of them were at the third level, he vaguely realized that he would no longer be the opponent's opponent.

Flanders understood what his old friend was thinking and said with a smile:

Go back and rest. In addition to fighting, you should develop another hobby. Crown is good. He knows how to bring a pet to pass the time when you are bored.

Croun grinned. He had endless things to do. The reason why he brought pets was because he didn't want to waste the effect of the golden light spell.

The pets will also be subtly strengthened during the visualization. If it weren't for Fu Jintai's popularity, he would definitely bring both pets with him.

Then I'll go back and see if I can fall asleep.

Cavendi nodded listlessly, stood up and left.

Go ahead.

The archbishop waved his hands, then leaned forward and lowered his voice:

Your residence is next to Lannister. Let Harry help you lead the way later.

Crown raised his eyebrows and also lowered his voice: What do you think he will do in private? Okay, I will pay attention.

I believe Lannister is a smart man and would not do anything small in this situation, but safety comes first just in case.

You don’t need to stare, Cavendi is next door on the other side of him, I live opposite him, and now he is completely surrounded by us.

The two chatted for a while, and then Crown said goodbye and left. He found Harry who was waiting beside him and asked him to lead him back to his room.

. . . .

St. Peter's Basilica.

The sun shines through the bright windows and slants on the profile of Osman Deluc.

He has short gray hair, like stubborn steel needles, standing upright with great energy.

Under the alternating light of light and dark, his profile was sharp and angular, giving him a different kind of majesty.

He stared at the two archbishops in front of him, his eyes a little softer:

How have you gained from watching secret volumes during these days?

Within a month after receiving the news that the cardinal archbishop of Cologne Cathedral had achieved the silver rank, two archbishops in his direct lineage had successively advanced to silver, which made him overjoyed.

What made him even more happy was that one of the secret troops in his hands also advanced to silver. No one else knew about this news.

Counting himself, there were three senior silver-ranked people in his own force, which was on par with the group composed of Flanders and others.

Flanders and others did not hide the fact that they set off for the Holy See. They submitted the application a week ago and said that they had major military intelligence reports.

Osman sneered. The Kingdom of Faruk was not bordered by the ocean, had only two short coastlines, and was surrounded by mountains on three sides. How could there be any major military situation.

He believed that the other party came here firstly to obtain the Silver Rank Cultivation Secret Scroll, and secondly to establish a College of Cardinals to limit the power in his hands.

Now even if the College of Cardinals is established, he has the upper hand. The Pope's resolution has two votes in the College of Cardinals, and each of the other Silver Ranks has only one vote.

Ah Med bowed slightly and said with a cheerful face:

Your Majesty, I have gained a lot these days. I feel that my holy power is beginning to grow rapidly. I have not felt this kind of pleasure of rapidly increasing strength for more than 20 years.

There was also a sense of uncontrollable joy on Drago Mio's face: Your Majesty, I feel the same way. The rapid increase in strength is intoxicating.

Very good, this will surprise those opponents. You go down first. There are still a few days before Flanders and others arrive at the Holy See. Maybe you can improve a little more.

Your Majesty, let us take our leave.

The two archbishops bowed and walked away.

The Pope was the only one left in the room, and the joy on his face quickly dissipated, and Youyou said:

Everyone is making progress, am I the only one who is standing still? Isn't it unfortunate to become the Pope before this era comes?

His voice was low, but it echoed in the room.

Your Majesty, you are the wisest and most adventurous person I have ever met. You will definitely be able to find other ways to make up for the shortcomings of forced sublimation.

The light and shadow changed in the shadow behind him, and a man of medium height wearing black clothes appeared.

There were several criss-cross scars on the man's face, and the scars twisted as he spoke, adding a bit of fierceness.

hope so.

Osman spoke calmly, he sighed in his heart, and then said:

After Ahe and Drago became archbishops, they may have never fought again, and they have lost the vigilance that an exorcism priest should have.

I have been meeting with them several times, but I was not aware of your presence, which is really disappointing to me.

The resurrection of the evil god is inevitable, and this is not a good phenomenon.

“Peace has lasted for a long time, and there are too few battles in the diocese that require the use of the cardinal archbishop.

I hid behind the crown, submerged in the silver brilliance of the crown. In addition, my ability was very concealed, so it was normal for me not to be discovered by the two bishops.

If I were alone in this room, the two bishops would be able to tell something was wrong.

Not necessarily! Have you made any recent discoveries worth being happy about?

The man responded calmly: Your Majesty, I sent secret guards to the Kingdom of Ribia to investigate a bizarre case.

The file says that there is a skinny weirdo hidden under a broken yellow robe. He can give yellow symbols to those learned people. Most of the people who receive such gifts go crazy. There are exceptions. Those who are not crazy get Endless hidden knowledge.

If the investigation is clear, the secret guard will return immediately. If the matter is true, I wonder if people who are not crazy will have the knowledge to replenish the damaged source of life.

Haha, the Pope suddenly laughed. He thought this kind of thing sounded nonsense.

A symbol can enable people to gain endless knowledge, but more people go crazy. It sounds like a mortal hearing the bewitching ravings of an evil god.

Now that the leader of his secret guards has sent people out, let's simply understand the real situation.

. . . .

Compared with Cavendi's idleness, Crown felt that there was not enough time.

He summoned a ball of metal essence the size of a table tennis ball, released bullet time, and then continuously released golden light seals.

When the Sands of Time were more than half consumed, he ended bullet time.

It has become his instinct to stay in fighting condition.

At any time in a non-war situation, he will retain at least one-third of his inventory of 'casting materials'.

As the proficiency of the Golden Light Spell continues to improve, the speed at which the Golden Light Spell smudges the metal essence becomes faster and faster. With two hours of continuous casting, this ball of metal essence can be completely transformed into a magic-breaking metal.

The Golden Light Seal consumes the energy of life and sunfire liquid. When Kroun realized that only half of the energy of life was left, he stopped what he was doing and visualized the golden light spell.

When visualizing, the recovery speed of life energy is greatly accelerated.

Two hours later, he ended his visualization, took out two golden spirit coins and began to absorb the spiritual essence from them, accelerating the recovery of the Sands of Time.

After the Sands of Time overflowed, he began to repeat the behavior just now and activated bullet time.

After spending a day and night safely on the airship, one morning when the sun rose, not long after Crown released the bullet again, he felt the violent vibration of the hourglass of time, and the spirit control advanced.

His consciousness immediately sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he observed that the size of the hourglass of time had slightly increased, and the color on the brass base was also much brighter, as if it had been touched frequently, giving it a special sense of brightness.

The most satisfying thing is that there is an extra silver star on the base of the hourglass.

Crown's consciousness entered the hourglass of time, feeling what this newly acquired ability was.

Time Clockwork, this is the name of his new ability. He can create an invisible force field around his body. The movement speed of enemies entering it will be reduced, but he himself will not be affected.

Haha, Croun chuckled. Bullet time increases his own speed, time clockwork reduces the enemy's speed, and time still pauses the enemy. Combined with his basic speed and strength that are faster than those of the same level of transcendent, it is a perfect match.

If he fights monsters, he will definitely become a veritable melee butcher and a silver warrior with powerful long-range attacks.

There was a warlock living next door, and Crown suppressed his eagerness to experiment with new skills immediately to see how far the other abilities of Time Hourglass had been improved.

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