My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 256 One man becomes an army

In the afternoon, the airship landed in the town of Lorent, and Crown saw that the place had changed drastically.

There is a city wall more than ten meters high standing on the coastline. If the fishmen want to attack, they can only take the river. However, the entrance to the sea has been modified and the water flow is so fast that it is difficult to pass.

On the rocks 70 to 80 meters away from the city wall, iron barrels and firewood were placed haphazardly, and the barrels contained kerosene and other flammable substances.

If the murloc attack is very fierce at night, the defenders will light these fuels to create a fire belt to block the enemy's attack.

After Crown and others completed the handover of work, a meeting was held.

Griffin said: Although the fish-men's attacks are becoming more and more fierce, they are not the main threat to us. The dream pollution from the evil god at night is what we need to be particularly prepared for.

I suggested that we divide into two groups and take turns participating in the night vigil. The advantage of this is that those who do not participate in the vigil can stay in the sanctuary, reducing spiritual pollution and maintaining fighting capacity.

There is an evil god sleeping in the ocean, which is something that the higher-ups know. This is just pollution caused by the thinking energy unconsciously emitted by the evil god.

It is better to have as little contact with this level of pollution as possible, otherwise it will be particularly troublesome to remove.

Savage said: I don't have a problem. Let's go together with people from our church.

Closer allies were the fraternities and the town hall men, who always joined forces to fight for the interests of the church.


Griffin nodded and turned his gaze to Yennefer, silently asking for her opinion.

The sorceress said: I agree, as long as we can defend this place well and repel the fish people's attack, we have the final say on how to do it.

How many consecutive days does each group keep vigil? Rotating it once a day is too disruptive to your sleep at night.

Savage smiled and said: It is best to rotate it within seven days. According to feedback from other bishops, it will be more troublesome to purify after spiritual pollution accumulates for seven consecutive days.

How about rotating it every five days? In this way, we can not only ensure our own rest, but also have the ability to cover an extra two days in case of emergencies.

Before coming, he had thought of basic countermeasures.

Yennefer said: Five days... okay, which group will be responsible for keeping vigil first?

Then let's let our group go first.

Crown wanted to test the power of the metal clone's gunfire as soon as possible, so he simply agreed.

Then thank you two bishops. I still have some personal matters to deal with, so I'll excuse you.

Yennefer bowed slightly and saluted, then left quickly, and Griffin also left behind the warlock.

Savage shook his head and said: Why do you directly agree to keep vigil? At least you have to draw lots!

Crown smiled and said: No one can be lazy in the task of keeping vigil. Do it early and don't do it late. I will let you see my new method at night.

His words aroused the curiosity of the other party, and Savage spoke with interest:

What new method, your spirit master method?

Let me tell you why you don't choose a fire elemental to control the spirit. Not only does it provide you with a supplementary attack method, but it may also increase the physique of your flame warrior. Why do you have to choose an iron lump?

Iron lump?!

Crown laughed: This is 10,000 times stronger than an iron lump.

This is my Transformer. It can not only clear the ground with ultra-long-distance artillery, but also can fight in close combat. When the spirit becomes stronger, it can swallow more metal. One day, the spirit of the Fire Cube can become a guardian. A god-level existence.

Savage curled his lips, obviously not believing it.

Crown didn't explain much. Facts speak louder than words. He stood up and said:

I'm going to see if the lab is ready.

In the next few days, he will live a life of alchemy during the day and vigil at night meditating on the golden light spell.

. . . .

The waves of the sea gradually subsided, and the gray fog submerged the small town of Lorent. Dots of lights lit up, and the roars of the fishmen could be heard in the distance.

In Croun's ears, there were still vague whispers, full of confusion and malice, which made people feel irritated.

There was no secret method to improve will resistance like releasing the Pure Heart Curse. He wanted to see if he could increase his proficiency in the Golden Light Curse after being contaminated by the evil god.


Fujin flapped his wings, flew over from the seaside, and landed next to Crown. The owner and the pet began to exchange information through spiritual links...

Savage shouted: Your pet bird has mutated completely. If I hadn't seen it before, I would never have recognized it as a crow or a crow that can fly at night.


Fujin screamed twice in dissatisfaction, spread his wings and flew away, and a golden feather circled and fell.

Crown caught the feather and said with a smile:

Fujin understands what we say. Now it is angry. Be careful to retaliate against you in the future.

As a master, he understood Fujin's mentality. He understood that the crow no longer regarded him as a crow.

The ability to fly at night is nothing. Fu Jin can now spray golden fireworks from his mouth, and emit strange auras from his eyes. These auras can actually slow down the movements of this spirit body.

Kroun himself does not possess these special abilities. It is unknown what kind of mutation Fujin received to unlock such abilities.

Savage looked at the golden light disappearing in the gray mist and said carelessly:

How can it retaliate against me? How can I, a bishop, be afraid of a crow?! Let me see your spirit master, those fishmen are already ready to move.

If you move slower, these ordinary soldiers will shoot.

Not far from the city wall, the murloc troops were already gathering. Some murlocs had a tendril hanging from their heads, with a glowing ball at the end, which should have been transformed from deep-sea fish.

These fish-men were much stronger and more unscrupulous than those he had seen in the past.

Crown summoned the Fire Cube and quickly condensed a metal clone.

The clone allocated more metal to the lower limbs and made the soles of the feet wider.

This lowers the center of gravity and effectively disperses recoil.

Two thick bronze-colored gun barrels appeared on the shoulders of the metal clone, and two shells dragged out of the barrel with firelight.

Then, the clone retracted the burned cannon barrel into its body and remade two new loaded cannonballs.

The metal clones continuously fired twenty groups with extremely high efficiency. The shells landed at the most densely populated positions of the fish-men formation. Only residual limbs were seen flying across the field. A large number of fish-men were directly killed and injured, leaving a few in the distance. Huge crater.

After precise calculations, four to five rounds were dropped from each crater.

The explosion of the artillery shell not only causes direct damage, but also causes secondary damage from shock waves and shrapnel.

The damage from the shock wave was negligible to the thick-skinned fishmen, but the shells detonated in the enemy group, and the shrapnel also caused considerable damage.

The fishmen's attack had not yet begun, but there were a large number of casualties. Not only did they not stop their attack, but the blood of their companions only stimulated their violence.

Savage pointed at the crowd of fish in the distance and said with a smile:

This attack looks okay, but it seems to be counterproductive. Have you seen those big guys?

In the past, their appearance meant that the most dangerous moment was coming, and these fishmen only appeared a few times a month.

Crown followed his hand and saw several dark purple-skinned murlocs.

These fishmen are twice as tall as other fishmen, and their appearance clearly stands out from the crowd.

Crown locked two of them and immediately gave orders to the metal clones.

He discovered that the spirit-controlling clone could inherit certain aspects of his talents. If necessary, the clone could fire cannonballs as accurately as he could shoot.

Probably inherited from his talents such as super vision, dynamic vision and precise etiquette, the metal clone is able to launch multiple cannonballs into the same crater.

After receiving his order, the back of the metal clone immediately transformed into a six-unit launcher, which looked like a missile launcher.

Flashes of fire lit up Savage's eyes, and just when he felt his vision returned to normal, another round of cannonballs was fired.

Repeatedly, the metal clone stopped moving.

Savage looked into the distance and found that the murlocs were hesitating in their attack. He searched carefully and found that the leader-level dark purple murlocs seemed to have been evaporated, but he could not find any of them.

Crown smiled confidently and asked:

How effective is it? Is it 10,000 times stronger than ordinary iron lumps?

Metal clones that can provide precise strike firepower must not be speculated based on common sense.

He dared to guarantee that in this case, Savage put on his full body armor and released the flame guardian, and he was destined to be shot as cannon fodder.

Before Savage could answer, he heard the soldiers on the city wall burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Every appearance of a dark purple murloc means entering a life-or-death stage of attack. The murlocs will attack like crazy until the next morning.

Since the city wall was built, most of the soldiers' casualties occurred when the dark purple fishmen appeared.

The murloc's attack did not last long and ended in a hurry. Under the precise surgical strikes of the metal clones, most of the high-level murlocs were eliminated at targeted locations.

When the fish man retreated, Fu Jin flew back with a shiny meat ball in his mouth.

Crowen could see that it was the kind of meat ball that grew out of the whiskers on the head of a fishman. It looked pink in color.

Savage held out his thumb and said solemnly:

I'm convinced, one man becomes an army.

It feels so good to have teammates like this.

Thank you. Kroun laughed and nodded, calmly accepting the compliment.

If he used a few special golden cannonballs regardless of the cost, he felt that he could kill the silver-level monsters.

There should be no danger tonight. Let's go down and enjoy a relaxing time. They will notify us if anything happens.

The two bishops left the front line, each leaving a personal guard. Crown left Del behind, and then entered the temporary command room under the city wall.

They both chatted for a while and each did his or her own thing.

Crown brought Fu Jin into the inner room. He first summoned the golden wall, memorized the proficiency data, and then began to visualize. He wanted to verify whether the evil god's murmurs could accelerate the improvement of the golden light spell.

The murmurs in his ears did not affect his rhythm at all. He successfully visualized a cycle of golden light spells and summoned the golden wall again.

[Golden Light Spell: 71986/100000; Level 2]

He smiled silently. This time, the visualization increased his proficiency by forty-two points. Normally, the value increased by one visualization was only about twenty points, which more than doubled the efficiency.

The Evil God is nothing but a stepping stone for my progress.

Kroun gave a narcissistic compliment in his heart and continued to visualize.

If luck comes, be sure to hold on tight.

Be ruthless when shedding wool. One day, you will have a special sense of joy when you use the golden light spell with the evil god's credit to deal with the evil god.

A night of silence.

. . . .

Three days later in the morning, Crown ended his vigil, slept for two hours, got up, entered the laboratory, and began to refine mithril.

Using the knowledge of past life chemistry to understand, mithril should be regarded as an isotope of silver and needs to be refined from silver.

First, the silver is melted in a magic crucible. After a series of operations with a sense of technology and magic such as pressurization, catalytic reaction, and elemental impact, it takes more than two hours and twenty minutes to complete the primary refining.

Next, after another hour or so of purification process, you can get the mithril that meets the conditions.

During this period, if there is a problem in one of the manufacturing processes, all previous efforts will be wasted. The alchemist must remain focused at all times, otherwise his work will be in vain.

It takes two hundred pounds of silver to get one pound of mithril. The quality of the silver that Croun refines each time is about five pounds.

He used all his free time in the day and could only perform three rounds of refining. This was the result of the golden light spell he had to restore his energy.

An ordinary high-level alchemist will only perform two rounds of refining work every day, and will take one day off every three days of work in order to recover the energy consumed, otherwise the success rate will seriously decline.

With the golden wall, Crown can always remain efficient, and the success rate is the least of his worries.

He calculated that if he no longer had to do tasks and had time to do alchemy all day long, he could maintain five rounds of refining every day for a month.

In other words, within one month after finishing Lorent's trip, he will definitely be able to collect the mithril needed to sublimate the magic circle.

When he was about to go back, he told the Archbishop the good news, and also notified the other party to help him prepare other materials for the sublimation circle.

If he advanced to the silver level one day earlier, he would be able to step into the alienated area near Hamers City with greater peace of mind and improve the golden light spell as quickly as possible. Maybe he would be able to find traces of the starry sky creature.

At noon, Del walked in, wrote a sentence in the notebook on the experimental table, and walked out again.

The bishop has already told you that you need to stay focused when conducting experiments and refuse to be disturbed. If there is an emergency, write it down and you will notice it.

Crown finished the refining work, rested for a while to relax, and then visualized the golden light spell to restore the energy consumed.

When he adjusted to his state, he picked up the experiment record and looked at what Del had just written.

‘Your Excellency, Buster has woken up and is in good health. Although mentally exhausted, he is in good condition. ’

Good thing, the black cat should have also completed its advancement and become a second-level extraordinary creature.

Crown didn't go to check immediately. He wanted to complete today's refining task first, and then check the status of the black cat in detail during the night vigil.

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