Flanders did not reach out to pick it up and said calmly:

Since it is the Pope's order, please ask Bishop Daniel to read it on your behalf. However, please follow the normal procedure next time.

Logically speaking, such an order should be presented to the Cardinal for reading before being read out at the meeting.

Flender is not used to the other party's self-assertion.

Daniel apologized, but there was no sign of repentance on his face.

He said what he just said again, and then began to read out the order: .

The general idea is that monsters have proliferated in the wild and are beginning to threaten the safety of various concentrated areas. Each parish is required to eliminate nearby monsters, establish enough transfer stations, and reopen ground passages.

After Daniel finished reading, he continued: Archbishop, it has been seven months since the gray fog descended.

According to statistics from various chapels below, there have been women giving birth to five or six babies at one time.

About 20 to 30 percent of these babies are born with congenital malformations, and the remaining children are in good condition.

The time when the population birth rate exploded in the record has arrived, and we need more supplies to feed the growing population.

It is imperative to eliminate monsters and expand the safe zone of the city.

Although the arrival of the gray fog brought spiritual pollution, it also rapidly increased the spiritual concentration of the world.

Crown nodded slightly and thought: 'Now it seems that the first wave of human beings accepting mutations has arrived, delayed by more than half a year than other creatures in nature. ’

Flanders tapped his fingers lightly on the table, which was his habit of thinking.

Even if the Pope does not give such an order, he will do so.

If the monsters in the wild are allowed to grow wildly, it will definitely pose a huge threat to the security of the Rhine City and Parish.

His original plan was to wait for a while. The influence of the gray fog has already appeared on ordinary people, and it will not be too long before it appears on extraordinary people.

Compared with ordinary people, extraordinary people will be more resistant to pollution and more capable of self-healing, and will have a high probability of producing positive mutations.

At the same time, it also means that once a transcendent person is severely contaminated and undergoes malignant mutation, it will be more difficult to be cured.

It is better for extraordinary beings to mutate in relatively safe urban areas than to mutate while performing tasks in the wild.

Pazzini echoed: Archbishop, we must take the initiative and also ask the Brotherhood and the City Hall to cooperate. It is the responsibility of all of us to protect the safety of the Rhine City.

Cavendi explained: The time is not yet ripe. If we fight externally, we cannot rely solely on the Crusaders, which are the deterrent force of the diocese.

Our training cycle for extraordinary beings is too long, so we must dispatch Crusade troops, firstly to train troops, and secondly, to screen and train a new group of flame warriors.

He had discussed this issue with his old friend a long time ago and deduced various situations he would encounter.

Their original plan was for the Crusaders to gain initial combat effectiveness and begin to launch external battles to gain more living space.

Flanders had already thought about it carefully, stood up and said:

The time is set in three months. The Crusaders' current training will end around that time. In addition, we need the forge workshop to operate at full capacity to produce enough armor weapons.

As commanded.

After Daniel responded, he smiled and said: Then Bishop Crown needs to supervise the manufacturing progress of the workshop.

No problem, Crown responded calmly.

You may not know that there is a method called ‘outsourcing’.

Those lower-level processes can be delegated, such as the process of refining ore into metal ingots.

The profit in this link is relatively low, but when the project volume is large enough, the profit is also very considerable.

He thought for a moment and asked, What are the weapons equipped by the Crusaders?

Palani replied: The Crusaders are the preparatory echelon of the Crusaders. If you advance to Extraordinary, the direction is Fire Warriors. The weapons are equipped with one-handed swords or two-handed swords. In order to improve their survivability, they are also equipped with shields. .

In terms of long-range weapons, crossbows and a small number of bows and arrows are prepared.

Why aren't long-range weapons equipped with firearms? As far as I know, Rhine City has a very good arsenal.

Pazzini sneered: Are you an amateur? The damage of firearms does not have a big advantage over crossbows. They can only damage low-level targets, and they rely heavily on logistics to transport bullets.

We have calculated the consumption of bullets in high-intensity wars, so the entire army system of the church rarely uses firearms. Swords are the strongest weapons for extraordinary people. As for firearms, they are good for ordinary people to defend themselves.

The power of most firearms cannot even penetrate the muscles of a first-order werewolf. This is the main reason why the church does not install firearms.

Fanny explained: Now the Brotherhood has developed bullets that can pose a threat to second-level extraordinary beings.

I know, but what about the cost?

After Pazzini retorted, he said slowly:

Troops holding crossbows and one-handed swords are much cheaper than troops using firearms on a large scale. Bishop Crown should do more research on how to create more equipment to equip the Crusaders.

Crown didn't refute. There were few people like him who could shoot the target's eyes and other vulnerable parts from a long distance.

The power of current firearms is indeed a major flaw. If you want to increase the power, you can only produce large-caliber bullets. In the Earth Age, it was only after the advent of smokeless gunpowder that the lethality of firearms increased to a higher level.

Flanders said: Bishop Pazzini, tomorrow you make a list of equipment that needs to be produced and send it to the forging workshop.

Understood, Pazzini responded.

After discussing some other matters, Flanders announced that the meeting was adjourned, and Daniel led the bishops of his faction to leave.

The archbishop smiled and said: Crown, let me introduce these bishops to you. From now on, everyone will take care of each other.

Crown understands that this is about integrating into a new circle.

After everyone chatted for a while, the three bishops left one after another.

Fanny smiled and said: Bishop Crown invented a new type of enchantment that can cause additional damage to spiritual bodies. Do you know?

Tell me about it, Flanders said kindly.

Fanny told the story of holding the evil-killing weapon in the spirit ruins, and said:

This weapon can not only cause greater damage to the spirit body, but also has a powerful purification ability. After killing the spirit body, you can obtain higher quality spiritual essence.

That weapon still has this ability? Cavendi was surprised. In this case, they could obtain the gold spirit coins more easily.

Forge me a sword. I will send my weapon to the forge tomorrow. You can take a look at the size and weight.

Okay, Croun replied, Your Excellency provided the materials, and this time it will be made for free. Thank you for your teaching. I collected twenty gold spirit coins for Bishop Fannie's weapon.

Cavendi smiled and nodded.

Friend asked: Is Nick's shield useful?

Fanny nodded: According to him, it's very useful.

Order a shield.

The four chatted for a while, and Crown learned some secrets that were not recorded in the documents.

The church and several other organizations are indeed conducting experiments to test how long it takes for ordinary people to mutate after being exposed to a small amount of gray fog, and how to make it easier to produce positive mutations.

When he learned that after the third level of the Spirit Controlling Master, he could actually summon the Spirit Controlling Master out of the body to fight, he became very curious:

‘What will happen to the Time Hourglass and the Fire Cube after they are summoned? ’

The sun was setting in the west, and an orange-red glow slanted into the conference hall.

Flanders took out a box and handed it out, smiling: It's getting late, let's go to the library. You still need to learn the third stage of breathing and fire magic. There are still things to do in the evening.

Crown took the box and opened it, and found that it was covered with red velvet, with the bishop's holy emblem and ring seal lying on it.

. . . .

Crown learned the third stage of flame breathing and fire spirit transformation in the library, and also learned two new breathing techniques, the Silver Fox Breathing Technique that focuses on speed and the Horned Rhinoceros Breathing Technique that focuses on strength.

Then he went to the restaurant to enjoy a bishop-level meal, but it was still not as delicious as the one he cooked.

After dinner, Crown hired a carriage and returned to his residence on Rose Street.

After getting off the carriage and paying the driver, he felt a sense of prying eyes.

Pretending to twist his neck inadvertently, he followed the direction where the sense of peeping came from and saw a man standing on a nearby street corner with his face covered by a newspaper.

This is so unprofessional, you held the newspaper upside down.

After muttering silently, Kroun walked back to his residence, opened the door and went in.

. . . .

Curfew time was about to come, and Flanders and Cavendi were wearing brown plain clothes and hiding on the clock tower on Rose Street.

From here, you can overlook most of the street, which is the best place to monitor House No. 211.

Cavendi asked; Who do you think is behind the scenes? Will he come tonight?

If that person is not stupid, he will definitely be able to find out that Crown is a second-level flame warrior. It is a bit unreasonable that the person behind the scenes is a second-level warlock.

With the performance of Croun's talisman water, if I were a high-level warlock of the Brotherhood, I would definitely do everything possible to control the production of this kind of thing.

I guess it's one of those third-level warlocks. If he really kidnaps people from the church's property, then there is a high probability that it will be Yennefer or Fekart.

Flanders shook his head and continued:

How about we have some fun and bet on how long Crown can last if one of the two people I mentioned comes. How about a bet on a bottle of Orleans moonshine wine that has been cellared for ten years?

Cavendi sneered: You are interested in my collection! What if I win?

A pound of mithril.

Deal, Cavendi immediately agreed, I bet that Crown can last more than twenty minutes.

He has personally competed on the field and trusts his own judgment.

Okay, Crown has no experience fighting warlocks, so I don't think he can last that long. You go back and hand over your moonlight bar.

Cavendi curled his lips slightly.

The two waited for a while, and a carriage drove from a distance and stopped between No. 210 and No. 211 Rose Street.

The coachman, who was completely covered in black robes, got out of the carriage, as if the owner was returning home, opened the door of No. 211, and walked in.

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