Crown opened the window and prepared to welcome the morning light.

From unknown time on, he could feel when the sun and moon rose and set. I don't know if it's due to the golden light spell or the ability brought by other skills.

He had been up for a long time, and visualizing the golden light spell kept him from having to sleep for a long time, but it provided him with plenty of energy.

If the Golden Light Spell has such characteristics on earth, then there will definitely be a Golden Light Spell Level Exam.

All companies will recruit employees based on their skill levels, allowing workers to work longer every day, creating more surplus value, and allowing ordinary people to become more involved!

Before the gray fog fell, the sky lit up little by little.

Today, there is a clear dividing line between day and night.

When the sun rises, the originally dark sky will soon become bright again. When the sun no longer shines, the world will immediately be cast into shadow.

Just a minute after he opened the window, the morning sun rose, dispersing the gray fog and cold silence.

The earth welcomes the light again, and the flowers and willows are full of vitality.

Bathed in the warm morning light, Kroun sat cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate on the golden light spell.

Even with the golden wall plug-in, he would not have made such rapid progress without the usual accumulation of time and money.

At seven o'clock in the morning, he finished the visualization on time and organized his belongings.

He took out his brush and drew golden talismans on the bullets. This activity became one of his few pastimes.

The dozens of bullets he received were quickly marked with talismans. He checked the guns, took the star steel sword and walked out of the room to the restaurant.

His teammates were already sitting together, and the table was filled with all kinds of food.

After breakfast, let's go to the patrol team to see if there are any new discoveries. Nick raised his hand in greeting.

Breakfast must be good and filling, especially for extraordinary people.

A few people had breakfast leisurely and drove to the patrol station.

By the time they arrived at their destination, the patrol team's gate was filled with frightened people.

. . . .

As soon as Ilea came to the patrol team early in the morning, he was surrounded by bad news.

News came from the church that Father Peter died in the chapel last night. He died peacefully without any pain.

Roger in the west of the town woke up from his sleep and found that the person sleeping next to him was not his gentle wife, but a piece of human skin.

And on the beds of their three children, without exception, there was only a piece of skin lying alone.

Judging from the faces of the human skins, these four skins are his wife and children.

The tough guy Roger collapsed on the spot. The neighbors heard him howling crazily in the house and came to check. They knew what had happened and immediately came to report the incident.

On the east side of the town, the Leiden family also hung them neatly at the door of their house, with four human skins fluttering in the wind.

In the past night alone, the town would host three funerals.

Now, the town's residents are in complete panic.

Although missing persons incidents have occurred in the past, they have always occurred in the dark. Although residents have private discussions and are nervous, they have not yet reached the point of panic.

Now, all the fears are hanging in the open. Not to mention the townspeople, even the police officers on the patrol team became anxious and panicked.

When Ilea heard the roar of a steam locomotive outside, she rushed out immediately.

He tried his best to separate the crowded crowd and ushered the members of the investigation team in. During the pushing, his hat was knocked off.

Old Ilea, trouble has happened in the town for so long, why has the patrol team done nothing?

If the police can't solve the problem, why don't they ask the Rhine City to send people to help us?

What should we do in the future? Who knows if we can wake up the next day if we fall asleep.

. . . .

In the Sheriff's Office, the sun shines through the window and shines on the wall next to the desk. A ray of light divides the room into two worlds.

Ilea's gray hair was messy and scattered on the top of his head, which could no longer cover up his smooth scalp.

During the tugging, several buttons of his jacket were pulled off, and the belt around his waist was also pulled crookedly, making him look extremely embarrassed.

Nick sat down and asked, What happened? The residents were very emotional.

Ilea gave a panicked smile and reported the news he got in the morning one by one.

Is this a rat hiding in a dark corner declaring war on us? Jason sneered.

If it were an evil spirit or monster committing the crime, he would definitely not engage in such provocative behavior. This made him even more certain that the person behind the incident was the work of humans or intelligent dark creatures.

Maybe the evil creatures killed yesterday did not cause any harm to the perpetrators behind the scenes, or they just demonstrated to us to create panic.

As Kroun spoke, he practiced his armor-condensing ability.

A sliver of silvery liquid metal flowed over his hand in his pocket, moving from one finger to another.

He also determined that the enemy was an intelligent creature, most likely some cultist. Because evil spirits and monsters can only break people's bones and suck out their marrow, and will not do such things as hanging human skins as colorful flags.

Clues, we need enough clues.

Nick's middle finger lightly clicked on the desktop: For our team, it is not difficult to kill evil objects. What is difficult is to find those hidden enemies.

Ilea was a little embarrassed. When the missing persons case file was placed on his desk, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

As a transcendent person, he understands the dangers hidden behind these cases.

At that time, he organized police forces and launched a large-scale undercover investigation, but found nothing.

Ilea understood that this was not because the police were incompetent, but because he knew that if evil spirits or monsters at a supernatural level were involved, it would be difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

Or some ordinary people noticed it but became a new missing person.

Sir, what should we do now? People are missing every night during this period, and the perpetrators are getting more and more aggressive. The residents are in panic, and the matter is completely exposed, the patrol team.

Ilea did not continue. The patrol team was powerless now, otherwise, they would not have asked for help.

During the investigation, the patrol team had already killed three supernatural beings.

If he hadn't been unable to get out, he might have been on the missing list.

Nick also knew that it would be difficult for these patrolmen to ask for clues. If these people could find the murderer, the matter would not drag on for so long.

“Chief, you need to look for clues first, and you can start looking for them from the residents surrounding the gate.

We went to two crime scenes to take a look. In the afternoon we discussed how to spend the evening.

By the way, what's going on with Roger now? Is he still conscious?

He's a little delirious, and he doesn't respond when called.

Nick frowned slightly: Where is he now? Let's see if we can get some clues from him first.

It's in the holding room next to it. I'll take you there.

Ilea led the way, and everyone came to a small room with iron bars.

This is a man with some curly hair. He is squatting on the ground with an unkempt expression and a dull expression. His mouth opens and closes as if he is talking to someone.

Sir, this is Roger.

Nick shouted in a low voice: Hey, can you hear me?

His words seemed to open a mechanism. Roger suddenly raised his head and showed a strange smile:

Everyone dies, including you.

As soon as he finished speaking, Roger's face showed a look of horror and despair.

Thick blood flowed from his mouth, nostrils, ear canals and eye sockets. His body shook violently, and more and more blood flowed out faster and faster.

A few seconds later, he fell to the ground with bulging eyes.

Asshole, the beasts behind these have succeeded in igniting my desire to kill. Jason slapped his hand heavily on the iron fence.

Crown's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a terrifying cold light.

Nick clenched his fist, his joints crackling: The enemy wants to provoke us, what is their purpose?

If the enemy is really strong, there is no need to play any tricks at all and you can directly go head-to-head with their team.

But the purpose behind the enemy's methods is thought-provoking.

Don't care about the enemy's purpose, we just need to find them and beat them up. Jason's words were like the cold wind blowing on the ice and snow, with a bone-chilling chill.

He paused and continued: Based on my experience, the enemy must not have the strength to crush us. Otherwise, we would not have been able to live peacefully last night.

Nick nodded slightly: Sheriff, send someone to lead the way. Let's go to the crime scene last night to look for any clues.

Also go to the place where the fire broke out last night. I think there will be something the enemy wants to hide there.

Crown added that there were so many coincidences that he felt compelled to visit the scene of the fire.

His strength was useless, and it made him feel uncomfortable.

You cannot let the enemy lead you, and you must disrupt the enemy's rhythm.

Ilea stepped back a few steps: Okay, let James be your guide. I also need to prepare funerals for these dead people, and send someone to notify Father Peter's family.

. . . .

Led by James, the team first came to Roger's house to inspect the scene.

Croun saw that the human skin was peeled off from behind, and a blood streak was drawn from the top of the head to between the two legs of the human body, then branched, and was drawn along the legs to the soles of the feet.

The skin of human fingers and toes was also peeled off. It can be said that these are completely preserved skins.

After looking through each room, Nick asked, Did you find anything?

From the situation at the scene, he could only judge that the perpetrators should be a group of weird beasts, because there were several bloody beast paw prints.

Jason shook his head: I can only tell that it is some kind of beast, but the beast cannot do such a difficult thing as skinning it, let alone such a complete skin.

Crown took a deep breath. To him, the smell of blood here was very strong.

In addition to the blood and everyone's body odor, he also smelled a faint rancid smell.

Not long after the crime was committed, he could still tell that the rancid smell mixed with the smell of blood was extending outward.

Cooking actually made me become a search and rescue dog. I really don’t know what to say. A fierce smile appeared on Crown’s face. He was sure to find the enemy’s hiding place.

I found some clues, everyone, follow me.

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