Jason held the bottom of the wine bottle with one hand and the neck of the bottle with the other. He raised it to the owner who rushed through the door and said, Bauclair white wine, refreshing and tasty.

Come in, please. Crown opened the door fully and warmly invited the guests, I guess you must have good news to tell me.

The other party promised to help find relatives, and now there should be news.

You live up to your trust, the scarred man showed a slightly ferocious smile, I brought wine. There is a good tavern nearby. You can go have a drink.

He glanced around the room and sighed: This place is a bit shabby. When I became a second-level warrior, the conditions were much better than here.

It's good to have such conditions now. You don't have the right to pick and choose. Father Nick only found this with help. Rhine City is experiencing a population explosion and housing is very tight.

Jason nodded: This situation will not stabilize for another year or two.

Kroun rubbed his hands and asked the other party to sit down on the sofa: There's no need to go out to eat. My cooking skills are passable. You two can chat first.

After saying that, he turned to the kitchen and started preparing food. Del would take Janice out to buy ingredients every night for the past two days.

Hello, Mr. Brown, Del greeted and put away a few children's books scattered on the coffee table, and then quickly cleared away the sundries on the dining table.

Hi, Del. Are there any children living here? Jason saw the little rag doll in a blue dress on the dining table.

My daughter, Del said with a gentle light in his eyes, she is boarding at school. If I am not busy at work, I will take her home.

Why didn't her mother take care of her?

Her mother and two brothers and sisters have returned to the embrace of God. After the gray fog fell, Zach Town was attacked by a deformed beast once, the lonely voice was filled with sadness.

I'm sorry, but the living should move forward with hope and courage.

Although Croun had left an afterimage of his kitchen knife when chopping vegetables, Jason had already sneaked into the kitchen three times.

I said, let's eat something outside, so we don't have to go to such trouble. The scarred-faced man walked into the kitchen again with his stomach growling, and fanned the choking chili-flavored smoke with his hand.

The last dish, please be patient and wait for the last time. Dinner will begin immediately.

. . . .

In the middle of the table, a plump duck confit with lobster oil as cooking oil exudes the aroma. A large pot of beef stewed in Burgundy red wine is not to be outdone and exudes a strong aroma. Honey toast, pan-fried lamb chops, and sauce-colored secret roast chicken. , sauce-flavored pork elbow, golden roasted apples, vegetable mushroom soup and camembert cheese filled the dinner plate.

The dishes are a combination of Chinese and Western, coupled with the chef's superb cooking skills, Jason has been silent since the beginning of the meal, holding a knife and fork and stuffing it into his mouth.

Janice looked at Uncle Qiang, whose mouth was dripping with oil, and kept laughing.

I said, we have to have two drinks, Kroun couldn't help but joked as he was very satisfied with the popularity of the food he cooked.

Wait for me to take a few more bites, Jason said vaguely with his mouth full of food. If I had known you had such skills, I would have waited another hour.

There was only some soup and water left on the table, and all the hard food was eaten.

Patting his belly gently with one hand and holding a wine glass in the other, Jason sat on the sofa and said with satisfaction: I haven't eaten so comfortably in a long time.

Crown raised his glass and clinked it with the other party: Welcome to come.

After saying that, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

We may not have such time in the future, Jason sighed. The Bureau of Investigation is very busy. If the team members are stable, it would be very comfortable to be able to guarantee one day off a week. At that time, I would only think about If you rest a little longer, you won’t be able to move at all.”

I have asked someone to find out more about your sister. The Wilkerson family lives at No. 12 Sycamore Street, Bolton District. Rodney Wilkerson works at the Third Patrol Station in Bolton District.

Thank you, I'll go find them tomorrow. Crown nodded gently. He knew Rodney was still a private detective, but he didn't expect that he would now become a public official.

You'd better go at night. There's no one at home during the day.

The two chatted for a while, and Jason stood up to leave.

Crown sent him away, and after returning to the room, he used the ability of the black cube to control the spirit to swallow the essence of iron, and his proficiency in the spirit control technique steadily improved.

. . . .

No. 12 Wutong Street, Bolton District.

In the cramped little study, Rodney Wilkerson, a meticulous man with a mustache and slicked back hair, sat at the desk with his lips pressed tightly and a serious look on his face.

He was wearing a white shirt underneath and a brown jacket with beige checkered stripes. The black jacket was draped over the back of the chair under him.

At this moment, he was turning the pen in his hand unconsciously, his eyes were empty, and it was obvious that his thoughts were wandering to nowhere.


The door to the study room was gently opened, and a woman wearing off-white silk pajamas walked in.

Her long chestnut curly hair covered her smooth forehead and half of her face, and her amber eyes held a warm smile.

She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, walked to the man's side, naturally put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.

Rodney felt the movement of the woman's hand, and his thoughts returned to his body: Uh, Julia and Martin, the two naughty little naughties have fallen asleep?

Yes, dear, although you are on vacation these days, you are always a little uneasy. Is there something on your mind?

No way, maybe I was too tired from the tasks of the past few days. Rodney stood up and grabbed the woman's hand and said, My dear, you think too much, let's go and rest too.

Look me in the eyes, Rodney! How have you lied in these seven years that I couldn't tell?!

The woman stretched out her hands to straighten the man's lowered head, her amber eyes sparkling under the light: Do you still remember what you said to me on the wedding night?

Can we do it again?

Tiffany put down her hand with a smile on her face, the two looked at each other and laughed softly.

That's not what you said. The woman raised her face and looked at her husband: You said that no matter what difficulties we face in the future, you will always be by my side.

My dear, I want to tell you this too, no matter what difficulties there are ahead, I will face them together with you.

Huh, Rodney sighed, grabbed his wife's hand and put it on his face, we went to the living room and said, it's too small here for two people. I encountered a very difficult thing. It's difficult. Decision.”

The two held hands and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Tiffany looked at each other intently. She felt that her husband's palms were wet, and it was obvious that he had sweated a lot.

Rodney was silent for a while, then slowly spoke: My dear, as you know, private detectives have been getting less and less good jobs in recent years, so I had to ask someone to join the patrol team.

Yes, but it's good to be in the patrol team. At least you don't have to go out like before and it might take a month to come back.

There are many supernatural cases in this world, and there are also many people who are far more powerful than ordinary people. You know that, right?

Of course I know this, it's common sense now, Tiffany's two thin eyebrows knitted together, Honey, what exactly do you want to say?

On duty a few days ago, I saw that the victim's family had all been killed, and the house was full of broken limbs and remains. The mutated monster hadn't left yet, and its blade-like limbs easily stabbed my colleague Bauer's chest. Wear, I close my eyes now and think of the helpless look he looked at me at that time.

There are actually many such incidents now. I have seen dozens of them. I was afraid that you would be worried, so I never told you. The work of the patrol team is becoming more and more dangerous. In recent months, I have witnessed monsters with my own eyes several times, which are terrifying and strange. The past few days were the closest I came to death.

Rodney's hands were shaking slightly.

Tiffany held her husband's hand with both hands and said worriedly:

Otherwise, you should resign from the patrol team and find a safer job. My current level as a pharmacist has improved. Even if you can't find a new job, you can barely cover the expenses of your family. Plus we With my previous savings, my life may not be as comfortable as before, but I can still cope with it.”

Dear, you don't really understand what I want to express. The world is becoming more and more unsafe. Judging from my less than one year of patrol career, the frequency of supernatural cases has increased significantly.

But the newspapers keep saying that the current situation is controllable?

Don't believe those damn propaganda in newspapers. The patrol team has only been promoting the results achieved without mentioning the sacrifices behind them. Their words are not as credible as the small advertisements published in the newspaper.

Rodney knew that the number of reported vicious cases was far lower than what actually happened, as evidenced by the fact that several of the bloody and horrific cases he had handled recently were not reported.

Then what do you want to do? Tiffany understood that her husband might have other ideas.

Rodney's hand scratched his forehead, and his meticulous hair became messy. He took a few deep breaths and slowly said as if he had made a difficult decision:

Now there is an opportunity in front of me. The Patrol Headquarters has recently launched a program to cultivate super soldiers. My conditions in all aspects are pretty good, so I am also on the recommendation list. I want to join this program.

There must be other dangers in the plan, otherwise you wouldn't be so hesitant. After seven years of getting along, Tiffany fully understood her husband's character and understood that he must have evaluated the risks. This so-called plan to cultivate super soldiers, the risks may be It will be more than he can bear.

Yeah, there's no guarantee they'll be successful.

What happens if it fails?

Rodney closed his eyes, and the information sheet appeared in front of his eyes. There was a particularly eye-catching line, printed in a bright red color like blood: If a spiritual master fails to advance, he will directly mutate into an evil creature and be killed directly. , provide first-level pension benefits to family members. ’

I will die if I fail, but I will succeed.

Tiffany became emotional: Where does your confidence that you will succeed come from?

The belief that comes from love, I think that when misfortune does come one day, I can guard you and your children and protect you from wind and rain. This belief will keep me sane enough to deal with the crazy erosion.

I don't agree. I know there are many super soldiers in the church, and there are also many in the patrol team. Let them do the work of protecting safety. Without you, I don't know how to live, and the children cannot live without their father.

Tiffany kept shaking her head, her long chestnut hair messy and sticking to her forehead.

You know, Rodney grabbed his wife's hand, when Ball died, I and the super soldier in the group were also beside him. I understand that when danger rushes towards you, the only person you can really rely on is Myself. I was also seriously injured.

He unbuttoned his vest and shirt, revealing a strong chest with several palm-length scars.

“When I was injured, white bones could be seen directly at the wound. They used special medicine to make the wound heal so quickly.

In the case a few days ago, a family of four lived in the house. I was thinking, what would I do if bad luck befell us at that time? I found that I was helpless. The monster's body was not afraid of bullets at all. If I hadn't shot one of its eyes by chance, I would not have come back alive.

Is there no other way? We can move, sell this house, and rent it in those high-end communities. There should be a lot of super soldiers living in those places, right? Tiffany looked at her husband eagerly, shook her head and said: In case the price of failure is too high, I don't want you to make such a choice.

My dear, the world is getting more and more dangerous, and you can't hide from it. Also, super soldiers have actually been cultivated for hundreds of years, and the success rate now is actually not low.

No matter how high the success rate is, it is actually only 50%. Either you succeed or you fail. You are not alone, there is a family behind you.

Rodney was silent. He knew that it would be difficult for him to convince his wife, but the opportunity was right in front of him. If he couldn't grasp it, who knew if there would be such an opportunity in the future.

He was told that if he wanted to collect the materials for this training plan at his own expense, it would cost about two thousand gold shields.

His current weekly salary is nine gold shields and fifty silver coins, which is only forty gold shields a month.

With his current income situation, it would take more than four years to raise two thousand gold shields, even if he did not eat, drink or spend anything. But with the current situation, how many years can he waste?

Tiffany looked at her silent husband, her heart sinking. She understood that just as the other party could not convince her, she could not convince her husband who had already made a decision.

. . . .

While Crown was leisurely releasing his ability to swallow the essence of the iron ingot, he was thinking of a name for the black cube-shaped spirit master.

The cube's ability to freely control metal reminded him of a movie series in his previous life - Transformers. The most mysterious component of this fantasy mechanical life is called fire.

Tinder cube.

An idea flashed in Kroun's mind: Yes, let's call it the Fire Cube.

The fine iron ingot in his hand began to deform with his thoughts, and soon, a miniature bumblebee appeared in his hand.

With such high efficiency, if I could return to Blue Star and make several high-imitation models every day, it wouldn’t be too easy to make money. How could I work overtime to death?

Crown shook his head, dispelling his unrealistic thoughts, and began to concentrate on devouring the essence of iron.

Compared with the hourglass of time, the power level of the Fire Cube should be much lower. He could not clearly know how much spirit control power this spirit control could use.

The Sands of Time represent the spirit control power available in the Hourglass of Time, and there is no display method on the Fire Cube.

Crown continued to release his devouring ability, but it didn't last long before he exhausted all the spirit-controlling power in the Fire Cube.

At this time, the advantages of the new spirit control were revealed. He compared his workload and roughly estimated that after completely consuming the spirit control power of the Fire Cube, it would take about twelve to sixteen hours to fully recover.

He nodded, finally having a decent advantage.

Now that the liver experience was in full swing, he didn't want to be interrupted, so he took out the gold spirit coin and held it in his hand.

Crown's consciousness entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness and attached to the Fire Cube to drive it to rotate, and began to absorb the spiritual essence contained in the golden spirit coins to supplement the magic cube's spirit-controlling power.

Thin rays of golden light escaped from the spirit coins and sank into the palm of his hand. The wisps of golden light converged towards his Yintang.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a golden 'drizzle' began to fall from the sky. The drizzle seemed to have a fixed channel and submerged into the fire cube one after another. The black color on the cube that was supplemented by spiritual essence gradually became richer.

With the improvement of his spirit-controlling skills, he now absorbs the spirit essence at a much faster speed. In just one hour, the spirit essence in the golden spirit coin had been drained out and turned into a pile of white powder.

During this period, when about three-quarters of the spiritual essence in the golden spirit coin was absorbed, the spirit-controlling power in the Fire Cube was already overflowing and he could no longer absorb the spiritual essence. He drove the hourglass of time to drain the remaining spiritual essence from the golden spirit coin. Absorb the essence.

Crown then began to meditate on the Golden Light Spell, which restored his energy and at the same time dispelled the evil thoughts generated by the spirit master. Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that the black on the Fire Cube was a bit darker than yesterday.

In the following time, he began to release his gold-devouring ability to devour the iron essence with all his strength, until the spirit-controlling power was exhausted.

At this time, half of the refined iron ingots had been consumed, and it only took three hours.

Continue to absorb the spiritual essence from the golden spirit coins, visualize the golden light spell, and release the power of gold-eating.

When the fine iron ingots were about to be consumed, Croun felt a sense of relief and joy in his heart. He understood that the spirit control technique must have advanced.

Sure enough, it only took him one minute and twelve seconds to swallow the essence of a fine iron ingot.

When all the fine iron ingots were consumed, he felt that there was still some spirit-controlling power left in the Fire Cube.

After Kroun cleaned up the debris in the room and gathered it together, he sat on a chair and summoned a golden wall.

[Spirit Controlling Technique: 11/7000; Level 2] (Significantly enhances the effect of controlling the spirit, reduces the consumption of the spirit control power, and slightly speeds up the generation speed of the spirit control power.)

The advanced effect is unpretentious and maintains the fine tradition of practicality. From a small enhancement to a large enhancement, and with an additional small special effect, he may be able to save some gold spirit coins.

He entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness space to sense the time hourglass, and when he realized that the sand of time was overflowing, he could release twenty-one minutes of bullet time, which greatly increased his endurance in high-intensity battles.

At the same time, the Sands of Time are enough to release two short periods of time stopping.

After checking the new effects of the upgraded spirit control technique, Crown began to test the results he had worked on for most of the night.

He cast Condensing Armor, and silver armor as thin as a cicada wrapped around one and a half knuckles of his right index finger. As soon as his mind moved, the silver armor immediately disappeared and appeared on the back of the other hand.

As long as he wants, the armor can quickly appear anywhere on his body.

Crown's happiness did not last long, and his face soon fell. He calculated that this little bit of armor cost him two and a half gold spirit coins in material fees, and two more. Each golden spirit coin accelerates the generation of spirit control power.

According to this method of spending money, the little money he has left is not enough. He only has thirty-nine gold spirit coins left in his hand.

He wanted to form a full-body alloy armor, but he didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. It was a mixed feeling, and Croun had a headache. He needed to put making money on the agenda. It seemed that no matter which world he was in, he would have to worry about a few taels of silver.

He visualized the golden light spell for two weeks, and after getting rid of the evil spirits and evil thoughts that had increased due to the continuous use of the spirit control power, he began to rest.

. . . .

The next day, Croun bathed in the morning sun and meditated on the golden light spell. The priest was very considerate when helping to find a house and found them this sunny room.

When nine o'clock passed, he simply set up a table for breakfast, and the ingredients had been briefly processed by Del.

Although the food is simple, it is full of portions. The appetite of a second-level transcendent and a first-level transcendent is still amazing.

After breakfast, Crown hurried out and came to the nearby blacksmith shop again.

As he walked through the door, he shouted: Boss, bring me another five hundred pounds of fine iron ingots.

The bald, muscular store owner who greeted me with a smile yesterday walked out with a bad look on his face: Not selling.

What do you mean, you're not happy if I come to spend money? Kroun asked with some suspicion. How can there be any businessman who doesn't make money without making money, unless he wants to sit back and raise the price.

Boy, are you here to cause trouble? Why did you buy so many fine iron ingots? You have bought six hundred pounds of goods from me in the past two days.

The boss looked him up and down, wondering if he was a competitor who came to cause trouble, because there were not many refined iron ingots in the shop.

If a customer orders a batch of armor, weapons, etc., the iron ingots may not be enough.

For personal use, you must have misunderstood something. Crown frowned, If you were not the nearest blacksmith shop to my home, I would not buy it from you at all.

The boss touched his shiny scalp: Are you really not a troublemaker?

I don't have time to make you uncomfortable. Crown drew out the long sword he carried.

The boss was startled by his actions. He hurriedly stepped back and took down a long sword made from the wall. He shouted angrily: Don't mess around. This is a place where the law is enforced.

Several apprentices rushed out of the shop. Seeing this posture, they took off their weapons from the wall and confronted Crown together.

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