Nick felt as if he was in a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, with countless bees working hard to collect honey and buzzing in his ears.

He recalled the scene when he was fighting the evil wild boar, and it was also so shocking.

In that battle, due to the huge difference in weight and size between the two, he had been trying his best to defend and offload his strength, and the fight was very frustrating.

In this battle, he wanted to weigh the strength of his comrades, so he tried his best to launch an attack. He expected to knock his opponent back, but he didn't expect that he would be evenly matched.

How could such an alien appear among swordplayers and swordplayers? Before he could sigh, he saw the opponent coming with a hammer.

Nick gritted his teeth and stepped forward, let's have a good fight!

The two began to face Todoroki head-on, using the characteristics of their weapons to their fullest, attacking with such force and force that Del's face kept twitching.

Just by listening to the wind, you can tell how powerful both sides are. If this kind of force hit them, their small bodies would probably fall apart.

Croun bared his teeth and rushed forward again and again. The basic hammering techniques of smashing, beating, punching, and hanging were all at his fingertips, and he combined them into small routines.

As the battle progressed, his heart became more and more excited, and his arms became more and more trembling due to the impact.

He gradually understood that the attack of a one-handed sword was about lightness, agility, and speed, while the attack of a one-handed sword was about lightness, agility, and speed. However, a heavy weapon like a hammer was about heavyness, ruthlessness, and prediction. The attack was slow but powerful. If you fight someone hard, it basically means the battle is over.

The sword causes linear damage, that is, the damage along the line the sword body penetrates.

The damage dealt by the hammer is area damage, a hemispherical radioactive crushing blow centered on the point of impact.

This is why the best weapons to deal with large monsters are blunt weapons, followed by two-handed swords. One-handed swords will do limited damage unless they hit weak points such as the eyes and mouth, so they are suitable for small targets.

As time passed, the two men's physical strength began to decline, and their attacks became less frequent than before.

When Crown wields his weapon, he no longer just relies on his strength to convince others, his attacks become mysterious and changeable.

Although he was still facing Todoroki head-on, sometimes with full force and sometimes with reserve, his attacks became more and more consistent. Although he retreated more than the opponent, his offensive became more and more smooth.

A soft and gentle warmth rises from the Dantian and flows through the limbs and bones along with the blood.

This warm current is not as hot as the life source of the flame breathing method, nor is it as wild as the life source of the giant bear breathing method, but wherever the warm current passes, it is like a silent drizzle that moisturizes and soothes every cell.

Kroon felt as if he had been sweating profusely and ran to the shade of a tree at noon on a hot summer day, when a gust of cool breeze happened to blow, and every pore in his body screamed with relief.

His body, which was about to lose its strength, actually had a tendency to slowly recover. As the warmth continued to circulate in his body, his attacks became fierce again.

At this moment, he seemed to have taken a stimulant and was completely high.

The sledgehammer seemed weightless in his hand, becoming an extension of his body.

Crown pivoted on his body and swung the square hammer like a spinning windmill.

Boom, the hammer's face hit the iron ball of the priest's flail hard.

Nick's hand couldn't hold his weapon, and the entire flail was knocked out and hit the wall not far behind him.

At the same time, an intoxicating sense of joy arose in Crown's heart. He understood that the hammering technique must have advanced.

It's wonderful. Del wanted to applaud, but thinking that it would disgrace the priest, the hands that were about to clap together suddenly stopped.


“It’s so exciting!”

Pah, pah, pah

Maybe it was because of his youth, but the two guys next to him didn't have any scruples and shouted out directly, with excitement flushing on their faces.

Crown moved sideways and stopped attacking. If the fight continues, the priest can only fight with his shield.

In that case, the priest would change from a sparring opponent to a sandbag sparring partner, which he probably wouldn't want to do because everyone wants to save face.

He dropped the hammer and lowered his hands toward the two young men who were applauding.

The hammer fell, creating a deep hole in the earth.

Del also quickly grabbed his companions, whispered a few words in their ears, and shouted: Two adults, let's go to the gate to see if anyone on patrol is lazy.

After saying that, he pulled his companion and trotted away.

Nick took a few steps back and saw that Crown was no longer attacking. He looked back at his weapon and said with a smile: I lost.

In the battle just now, he abandoned the previous defensive and counterattack fighting style, purely head-on, without detours, and rushed forward without any thoughtlessness.

The beating felt great, but my body kept shaking, especially my two arms, which were shaking violently.

The opponent's final blow that knocked away his weapon seemed to have a special power. The whole arm was shaken and numb. In addition, his condition deteriorated seriously at this time, and he was finally unable to hold the weapon tightly.

What he didn't understand was how the other party suddenly became brave when everyone was clearly exhausted and the attack rhythm completely slowed down.

This situation is either due to taking drugs, taking energy potions, stamina potions and the like; or it is due to a breakthrough in the battle and the recovery of physical strength.

However, since the other party was not taking drugs and was not using breathing techniques, there was no possibility of a breakthrough.

Congratulations, Nick congratulated. Although he didn't come up with the best fighting method for him, if he lost, he lost, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about not admitting it.

At the end of the battle, I feel that your physical strength is slowly recovering? The priest put down his shield and moved his trembling arms.

I have a deeper understanding of the Hammer Technique, and I seem to have a new understanding of the Breathing Technique, Crown replied. He had a guess that the warm current that was very different from the Breathing Technique was brought about by the Golden Light Spell.

Could it be that he suddenly realized how the second stage of flame breath works? Nick was a little sluggish. This was not impossible. There were many similar records in the church's classics. It was a state that could only be encountered but not sought.

People who have this situation will have great progress in their understanding of certain knowledge or techniques.

He said hurriedly: Then quickly find a quiet place and savor this feeling.

The priest waved his hand with envy on his face: Go quickly.

Crown also wanted to check the status of his skills, especially to find out the reason for the warm current.

He bowed slightly and said, Excuse me, then turned and left.

Nick walked towards the wall to pick up his weapon. He was happy but also disappointed.

The good news is that the strength of his ally has improved to a higher level, but the sad thing is that he has witnessed the opponent's rise from the bottom step by step, and now there are signs of surpassing him in combat strength.

Even though he did not show his best fighting condition this time, according to the opponent's growth rate, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses him, and it probably won't take long.

Nick touched his chest, carefully feeling the sadness in his feeling of loss.

After a while, Zhan Yan smiled and said: I understand, this is a feeling of jealousy. It turns out that I am also jealous of others. Do those who oppose me during the pastoral training process also have this kind of little mentality?

Nick suddenly felt that his heart became much brighter, and many things that he had not fully understood over the years became suddenly clear.

Ha, ha, ha, he laughed three times and then suddenly turned around and walked towards the church door.

His steps were brisk, and Croun was busy recalling the situation just now. He didn't know when it would end. He now wanted to find someone to move the weapons and armor in the blacksmith shop back. At this time, he felt that practicing new enchantments would be more efficient. Out a lot.

The sun shone on him, casting long shadows as he walked, stretching and folding on the wall.

On the ocher stone that built the wall, there was a spiderweb-like crack as big as a basin, with a three-finger-deep depression in the middle of the crack.

Suddenly, the stone in the depression turned into pieces and peeled off from the wall. The stones from the cracks fell one after another, burying the flail below.

. . . .

In the blacksmith's shop, Torres muttered: You were so lackadaisical just now. Do you think the priest will hold a grudge against us?

I don't hold a grudge, but I don't think he will give us a good look in the future. Nielsen touched the pimples on his face and responded helplessly.

Del patted their shoulders and said with a smile: Don't worry about these things. The two adults are worried about the fight today. It's just rumored that they won't care.

Look, you guys, the lines on this sword are so beautiful, like a cloud. Torres made a new discovery on the weapon rack. He walked over and raised a one-handed sword and flicked it with his fingers.

Zheng, the sword chirped softly, and the sound was cold, like clear waves rising from a pool of quiet cold water.

Nice sword, Nick blurted out when he heard the sword roar just after entering the blacksmith shop.

Torres' movements froze and his expression became stiff. The voice behind him was very familiar to him.

Did the priest come after us to criticize us? He couldn't really be so petty, could he?

Sir, why are you here? Del was surprised, but immediately saluted and said hello.

Nick nodded and smiled without answering, walked straight to Torres, stretched out his hand and said gently: Please show me the sword.

Uh, Torres immediately held the hilt of the sword with one hand and the sword body with the other, and handed out the one-handed sword.

The priest took the weapon and carefully observed the cloud patterns on it. Finally, he raised the sword and flicked it with his fingers, and the sword made a clanging sound.

He raised his head and asked, Are there many weapons with such natural patterns?

There are some, Del nodded in response. Sir Crown has made a lot of textured things in the past few days. It may be a problem of quenching. I tried it and these patterns do not affect the quality of the weapons.

How come it has no effect?! Nick laughed heartily, Didn't you find that this weapon is sharper?

Create a lot of textured things! I thought that the patterns on the armor plates were just the product of an occasional inspiration, and I never thought that we could achieve stable output. In this way, Crown has truly reached the level of an extraordinary blacksmith.

Quickly, quickly, find me all these things with regular patterns!

. . . .

Crown returned to the room, immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to meditate on the Golden Light Spell. He wanted to see if the special warm current could be produced during the visualization state.

After three mashas, ​​he ended his meditation.

The visualization method is normal and does not bring any other feedback.

Today, it takes about nine minutes to perform a Mahasama meditation, which is far different from the time he once expected to take less and less time.

The reason why this happened was because as his proficiency in the Golden Light Mantra continued to improve, he gained more and deeper understandings of the concept of contemplation.

He made many modifications to the details of the visualization method. After the experiment, he found that the effect was quite good, and the speed of increasing proficiency was somewhat faster than before.

Through this discovery, he believed that as his proficiency in breathing techniques continued to improve, he would eventually explore higher-level training methods for breathing techniques.

However, this method is too clumsy and he will not use it for the time being.

Crown's eyes flashed. He summoned the golden wall and saw the extra line of elegant blue writing.

[Basic Hammer Technique: Extreme] (Special effect: Heavy hit. Using heavy weapons increases the damage and can cause superimposed damage beyond the theoretical value)

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