My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 110 Giant Bear Breathing Technique

Del opened the gray bag and took out a dark incense burner-like thing with charcoal inside.

After lighting the charcoal, he inserted the round handle end of the forged arrowhead.

He picked up a wooden pole and used a plane to remove the burrs on it: Try to make sure the wooden pole is smooth, otherwise it will affect the shooting accuracy. The wooden arrows you used for training are still too rough, but a lot of burrs have been removed.

The wooden poles were thick at one end and thin at the other. Del closed one eye to observe the flatness of the poles and repaired them with a plane.

After finishing the wooden pole, Del took out the hand drill and began to drill holes on the slightly thinner end of the wooden pole: Be careful here, don't drill through the wooden pole. The drill bit is specially made by me, and the holes and arrow handles are made by me. Matching.

After drilling the hole, he used a file to make a gap in the thick end of the wooden pole: This is the arrow tail. It cannot be opened too deep.

After Del repaired seven or eight wooden poles, he picked up the pliers, clamped the slightly red arrow in the stove and screwed it into the hole of the wooden pole: You must apply force slowly along the channel, otherwise the wooden wall may be burned through.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt wood, and Croun noticed that there were concave and convex patterns on the handle of the arrowhead, probably to better embed it into the wooden shaft.

After loading the arrows in the stove into the wooden poles, Del found a small bundle of white filaments and an oilcloth bag from the bag.

He unwrapped the oilcloth bag and found an iron bowl inside. A slightly yellowish solid solidified in the bowl.

Del put the iron wrist on the stove to bake: This is fish bladder glue. It has a very high viscosity. We use it to wrap beef tendons and stick feathers.

As he spoke, he took out a bag of gray-brown feathers as long as an adult's hand from the bag.

He gently tore the feathers from the barbules, then dipped them in fish glue and carefully glued them to both ends of the nock shaft.

Del glued the feathers on and smiled Hehe: You don't need to glue the feathers on. There is a magical arrow called the Wind Feather Arrow. As the name suggests, it uses wind as its feathers.

The function of arrow feathers is to improve the stability of the arrow. Although the arrow without feathers will be faster, the accuracy will be very impressive if it shoots at a farther target.

After adding feathers to the arrow, Del took out white filament and wrapped it around the wooden shaft of the arrowhead: The beef tendon wire should be wrapped tightly, so that even if it is stored for a longer time, the arrowhead will not easily fall off from the shaft hole. .”

After wrapping the beef tendon silk, he brushed a layer of fish bladder glue on top of the silk.

Del held the nock of the arrow and took out a rusty pair of scissors: The last step is to trim the feathers to make the feathers on both sides as symmetrical as possible.

Okay, this arrow is finished. He handed the finished arrow to Crown and trimmed the remaining feathers himself.

Crown had roughly understood how to make arrows. He took Del's hand and said, I know how to make arrows. Let's put them down for now. I will practice making them myself later. The most important thing tonight is to teach you how to be a knight. Breathwork. Go, outside.

The two of them walked outside, and Croun organized some words and said in a leisurely manner: After advancing to the extraordinary, a life seed will be formed in our hearts. To be more precise, it should be called the life source core.

This life source core will then change our blood. The purpose of our breathing method is to speed up the speed at which the life source core changes the blood. When the modified blood flows through our body, there will be a weak heat flow. The first thing to do is to feel this heat flow. Fighting can make it easier for you to find the feeling. Come on, let's practice. When you feel the heat, tell me.

The two picked up their weapons and started sparring with the light of the holy fire.

Crown controlled the rhythm of the practice and tried to inflict saturation blows on the opponent as much as possible.

Half an hour later, Del suddenly swung his hammers to deflect the opponent's attack, and said happily: Sir, I am sure I feel the heat.

It was faster than the first time I felt the source of life. Crown put away his weapon with a smile on his face. The students were smarter and the teachers were less worried.

Very good, let's start practicing the Giant Bear Breathing Technique, he complained in his mind: Bear, wolf, names like these are not high-end.

He first rehearsed all the movements completely using the specific breathing frequency of the giant bear breathing method. Suddenly he felt a heat flow that was different from the breath of fire emanating from his heart, and his body began to circulate spontaneously.

Crown was stunned for half a second and continued his drill.

This was his first time practicing the Giant Bear Breathing Technique. When he got this breathing technique, he noticed that it was much less complicated than the Fire Breathing Technique, and it only had the first stage of practice methods, so he had no interest in practicing it himself. .

After all, the more difficult something is, the more powerful it is relatively speaking. The end point of low-level skills may only be the starting point of high-level skills.

After the complete drill, he broke down the movements and told Del that he needed to match his breathing rate when performing each movement.

He teaches very carefully, and his purpose is to teach an excellent student and then he can become a hands-on shopkeeper.

After Crowen confirmed that Del had completely memorized it, he took out the animal skin scroll that recorded the breathing method: Take this, you can find the answers yourself if you have forgotten the tricks.

Del took the animal skin and opened it, then stepped back awkwardly: Sir, I am illiterate.

Crown was speechless. The people he often came into contact with were all literate, which made him subconsciously ignore the fact that ordinary people rarely learn to read.

The priest once said that Rhine City had begun to popularize education a few years ago, and the spring breeze of reform had not yet reached this remote town.

Then you need to find a teacher to learn how to read. A lot of knowledge is recorded in books. It's impossible for someone to teach you step by step every time you learn new knowledge.

Del responded in a low voice: Sister Aviana is teaching Janice how to read. If you have time, let my daughter teach me.

What a good idea. You should spend half an hour each morning and evening studying and consolidating. Literacy is a must. You should practice it on your own first.

Crown didn't want his subordinate to be illiterate. If he couldn't understand the intelligence in the future, wouldn't it delay the war? That would be a great sin.

He turned back to the wooden house, a faint golden color appeared in his eyes, and he saw a line of white writing appearing below the flame breath.

[Fire Breath: 79/7000; Level 2]

[Giant Bear Breathing Technique: 16/2000; Level 1]

It turned out to be a white skill. I thought it was a gray skill. I just practiced it once and I got 16 points of proficiency. Is it because of the bonus of my second level Fire Breath or because my potential is too low so I am progressing quickly?

Thinking of this, he remembered the fact that the two skills of shooting and archery can enhance each other.

I should have thought of it a long time ago. In the past few days, I just wanted to practice archery and ignored Croun. He stretched out his hand and patted his face twice, and practiced the giant bear breathing technique in the house.

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