My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 262 Saying farewell, harvest resumes, tomb collapses

After all, Wang Chen has never been to Maoshan and has always been studying with Uncle Jiu.

Naturally, I don’t know the other seniors.

Except for the Patriarch, other Wang Chen could only call him "ancestor".

Although this is not very accurate, at least it will not make mistakes.

"Xiaochen, how are you?"

The Patriarch nodded, and then immediately spoke with concern.

After all, the power of Genghis Khan's self-destruction before was quite terrifying.

In addition, as soon as Wang Chen neutralized the shock wave, he sat cross-legged and began to practice and recover.

The Patriarch was naturally very worried about Wang Chen's condition.

This is the descendant with the highest talent in their lineage. If something happens to him, he will really lose his blood.

You must know that in order to ensure Wang Chen's own safety, the ancestor specially spent energy and left a body protection token.

It was just to allow Wang Chen to continue cultivating safely without falling into the middle of nowhere.

"Thank you for your concern, Patriarch, I'm fine.

It's just that the consumption is a bit greater, and it can be fully recovered in half a month at most. "

Wang Chen's words were naturally slightly artistically processed.

With the blessing of Golden Finger, if he keeps practicing, he will be able to fully recover his magic power in up to half a day.

Even if there is backlash damage and soul consumption, it will take up to half a day to fully recover.

In other words, Wang Chen only needs one day at most to return to his peak condition.

This is indeed a bit appalling.

Wang Chen still didn't want these ancestors to be too shocked.

That’s why I spent more time talking.

But even so, the Patriarch and several other Patriarchs were quite surprised.

They have a general understanding of Wang Chen's current physical condition.

After all, Wang Chen did not use his ability to cover up his situation.

In this state, it only takes half a month to fully recover to the peak.

Even the Maoshan seniors who have practiced for many years and are well-informed are very surprised.

After all, they have never heard of a situation like Wang Chen's in all these years.

Like this, all the mana in the body is consumed, and there is also backlash damage.

It is generally very difficult to recover.

Therefore, those cultivators will never overload their energy unless absolutely necessary.

That’s why the consequences are particularly serious.

Unless the harm of not breaking out outweighs the consequences, no one will mess around.

Wang Chen only needed half a month to fully restore himself to his peak.

How could this not shock and surprise them.

However, compared to completely recovering to the peak in one day, it took half a month to barely make the ancestors and Maoshan ancestors understand a little bit.

After all, Wang Chen's talent is strong enough, and it is understandable that he can do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Otherwise, why would he be called a genius with extraordinary talents?

"That's good."

After hearing Wang Chen's words, the Patriarch and another Maoshan ancestor also spoke.

Wang Chen only knew the founder, and the other Maoshan ancestors also did not know Wang Chen.

However, this will not affect these ancestors' concern for Wang Chen.

After all, those powerful Maoshan ancestors could completely sense Wang Chen's age if Wang Chen didn't hide it.

He has cultivated to the realm of earth master at such a young age, and his combat power far exceeds the realm of strength.

Naturally, they attach great importance to this powerful Maoshan genius.

Although they are not descendants of the same lineage, they are all from the Maoshan sect.

If Wang Chen's achievements are high enough, Maoshan will benefit from it.

People from the Maoshan ancestors' lineage will also enjoy the benefits.

It is precisely because of this that they immediately rushed over to support after the ancestor delivered the message.

You must know that the underworld is different.

Rushing from the underworld to the earth to support us would cost a lot of money.

Even if the Patriarch takes the lead, he will put in the most effort.

Several other Maoshan ancestors can use the path taken by the ancestor to reduce a certain amount of consumption.

But it's still heartbreaking enough.

But these ancestors didn't say much.

After all, compared with saving a Maoshan genius successor, paying a certain price is still acceptable.

Although Wang Chen didn't understand the situation, he could roughly guess it.

After all, if there was no price to rush into the underworld for support, then Maoshan wouldn't have issued a distress order.

After all, you receive signals from other places in the world, and then move around through the underworld.

How could it be better than going directly from the underworld for support?

Moreover, the ancestors who can serve in the underworld are quite powerful.

Compared with ordinary support from fellow disciples, this is definitely more powerful.

However, the reality is that there is basically no support from the underworld.

Obviously, it is not a casual matter for those ancestors from the underworld to enter the human world.

But although Wang Chen guessed this, he didn't say much.

After all, there is still a big gap between his own strength and these ancestors.

In addition, his current weapon refining skills have not yet reached their peak.

At most, they can only refine some semi-finished Taoist tools with a relatively low degree of difficulty.

Under such circumstances, wanting to repay those powerful ancestors is simply wishful thinking.

It is better to record this kindness and repay it later when you are able.

"very good."

"Xiao Chen, let me introduce to you, this person is from the corpse exorcism lineage..."

"This is from the Fu Lu lineage..."


The Patriarch spoke quickly and introduced Wang Chen to the Maoshan ancestors who came to support him one by one.

After hearing the introduction, Wang Chen immediately greeted him respectfully.

Every time the Patriarch introduced someone, Wang Chen would bend down and salute.

These Maoshan ancestors were able to ignore their own gains and losses and rush to support as soon as they received the news. This is worthy of Wang Chen's respect.

"By the way, Patriarch, see what's useful here."

After exchanging pleasantries with several Maoshan ancestors, Wang Chen immediately spoke.

I really don't have the ability to repay these ancestors now, but I can do it as a favor.

After all, this place was specially arranged by Genghis Khan, so there might be something that played a certain role in these ancestors.

"We don't want the things anymore. You can keep them for yourself."

"We don't have much time to stay in the earth, so we are going to return to the underworld first."

After hearing Wang Chen's words, several ancestors were very happy.

Although they don't need the trophies left by Genghis Khan, it is naturally a happy thing for the younger generation to be filial.

After refusing, several Maoshan ancestors planned to leave.

After all, they are people from the underworld, and there is no benefit to staying in the earth for too long.

"Xiaochen, give me that token."

When he was about to leave, the Patriarch spoke again.


Wang Chen didn't hesitate and handed over the token directly.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

After receiving the body protection token, the Patriarch quickly injected energy into it.

After using this token this time, there is no way to continue shaking people.

In order for Wang Chen to grow up steadily, the Patriarch will naturally not be stingy with his own energy.

I have paid so much price, and I don’t care about this at all.

"Okay, remember to practice well in the world.

If you encounter a crisis that you cannot handle like this time, use the token to summon me at any time. "

After restoring the token, the Patriarch gave Wang Chen a few more instructions.

Then he directly used the formation to teleport back to the underworld.

Seeing all five ancestors leave, Wang Chen also began to sort out what he had gained this time.

Although things did have twists and turns this time, the final result was still quite good.

“Unfortunately, only the pillars and coffins of the formation are left.

And there was also a certain degree of damage. "

Looking at the things in the underground space, Wang Chen also sighed.

But there is no way around it.

The power of Genghis Khan's self-destruction before was indeed too powerful.

At that time, everyone's thoughts were to ensure their own safety.

I don't particularly care about the trophies in the space.

Under that kind of terrifying shock wave, it is natural for it to be damaged.

Coupled with the previous battle, the materials for the Extreme Yin Returning Yang Formation were destroyed.

“But it’s already very good to be able to gain something.”

Fortunately, Wang Chen is not the kind of greedy person.

Although the various trophies were damaged to varying degrees, they were picked up for free after all.

As long as there is something gained, it is earned.

Without wasting time, Wang Chen quickly began to sort out various trophies.

Those pillars where the extremely yin-returning-yang formation was arranged were what Wang Chen focused on inspecting.

These are all made from high-grade materials.

After smelting it, you can still get a lot of high-grade materials.

At least enough for Wang Chen to upgrade his weapon refining technology to the peak level of Taoist weapons.

Even if it is an immortal weapon level, it is not completely impossible.

It can be said that this harvest is enough for Wang Chen's weapon refining skills to achieve a qualitative improvement.

With the treasures in storage, it is relatively easy for Wang Chen to collect these materials.

After a while, all the pillars and the coffin were included in the treasure storage by Wang Chen.

After checking the entire space again to make sure nothing was missing, Wang Chen also chose to leave here.

Because of Genghis Khan's self-destruction, this small space had already been destroyed.

The original entrance and exit formation has lost its effect.

Wang Chen can naturally rely on his own strength to leave through the exit.


When leaving the underground space exit, Wang Chen sighed with emotion.

This small underground space can be used as a paradise for one person.

As long as it is properly reformed, there is absolutely no problem in assisting a person in his cultivation.

If Wang Chen could harvest such a small cave heaven paradise, his cultivation progress would also be greatly improved.

Not to mention anything else, just enough energy can allow Wang Chen to gain more experience bonuses when practicing Maoshan Heart Technique.

Unfortunately, this small underground space has been destroyed by Genghis Khan and has completely lost its intended function.

Otherwise Wang Chen wouldn't have left so quickly.

Relying on his own strong strength, Wang Chen returned to the previous underground tomb in a short while.

Looking at the bare surroundings, Wang Chen did not stop and planned to return to the original tomb.

Now that the tomb is completely abandoned, there is no need for Wang Chen to leave those burial objects behind.

Although they are all ordinary gold and silver jewelry, they can still play a certain role when necessary.

Anyway, he still has space for storing treasures, so there is no big problem in taking away the gold and silver jewelry.


When Wang Chen stepped out of the tomb, he took away the bronze door.

After all, the underground space was destroyed and the foundation of the entire tomb was gone.

Over time, everything here will collapse and sink.

The entire bronze door is made of bronze, and it still has some effect on Wang Chen.

Based on the principle of no waste, Wang Chen naturally would not sit idly by.


As soon as the bronze door was taken away, the entire tomb began to collapse.

Wang Chen was also stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

The foundation of the entire tomb has been destroyed, making it less stable than before.

Wang Chen directly forcibly took away the bronze door, which caused huge changes in the structure of the entire tomb.

It was already unstable, and now that there have been such big changes, it is understandable that it would collapse.

Wang Chen quickly controlled the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword Yujian to fly.

Seeing the entire tomb completely collapse and sink, Wang Chen shook his head and didn't think much about it.

He also needs to restore his own strength first.

Otherwise, in his current state, he would be really in danger if he encountered any enemy.

Of course, Wang Chen would not recover directly near this tomb.

Although all the arrangements of Genghis Khan have been destroyed, the entire tomb has no other benefits.

But also because the tomb was completely destroyed, the covering formation deployed here also lost its effect.

If any master practitioner passes by, it is still very easy to detect that something is wrong.

Although the possibility is unlikely, Wang Chen does not want to encounter unnecessary trouble.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Wang Chen still has this vigilance.

Anyway, he has recovered a certain amount of mana in his body now, so he can control the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword and fly with it without any problem.

With the speed of the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, Wang Chen flew dozens of kilometers in no time.

Then he landed directly on an uninhabited prairie and began to prepare to restore his strength.

Of course, it was impossible for him to start running his skills to recover directly after landing.

That would be too dangerous.

Wang Chen took out the formation base from the stored treasures and began to arrange it.

The formation he arranged this time was a multiple formation.

The effect is very simple, it is to mask the aura and provide extremely strong defense.

Even a master at the Heavenly Master level cannot break this formation instantly.

After everything was arranged, Wang Chen did not waste any time and immediately began to use Maoshan's mental method to restore his own state.

This feeling of emptiness in the body is indeed not good.

Especially Wang Chen, who had never encountered such a situation before, couldn't accept this feeling.

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