My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 256 Fighting to the death, the spiritual weapon explodes

Even the most important thing is gone, what else can't be lost?

What Genghis Khan wants to do most now is to kill Wang Chen.

After all, his centuries-old plan was shattered because of Wang Chen.

If Wang Chen hadn't been crushed to ashes, his thoughts would never have been clear.

It is precisely because of this that he is so crazy.

Of course, the main reason why he behaves so crazily is because he is relatively confident in his own strength.

Genghis Khan had experienced countless wars, big and small, and had extremely rich combat experience.

Even if it is not at its peak now, its combat effectiveness will definitely not be weak.

Having fought against Wang Chen several times, he has a general understanding of Wang Chen's combat effectiveness.

Although the front didn't seem to have the upper hand, they were even knocked away by Wang Chen.

But that was all because he didn't know Wang Chen's information, so that situation occurred.

As long as you pay more attention to it, you will never be in that passive situation again.

Genghis Khan still had this confidence.

It is precisely because of this that he will not retreat but advance.

At this time, he had put away his arrogant attitude and began to deal with Wang Chen with all his heart.

Wang Chen, who focused most of his attention on Genghis Khan, naturally noticed such a big change.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to change it.

After all, his previous operations were directly self-defeating.

"We just have to be careful!"

At this time, Wang Chen no longer had the idea of ​​killing Genghis Khan alone.

After all, with the situation the opponent is showing now, it is indeed quite difficult to completely kill Genghis Khan.

That's not to say it's absolutely impossible.

But the risk is too great.

It's not like he was forced into a desperate situation, so there was no need to take such a big risk.

Therefore, Wang Chen was a little more conservative.

Even the initial plan to give Genghis Khan a cruel idea was restrained at this time.

After all, the previously arrogant Genghis Khan was a little more calculating.

In this situation, it is basically impossible to plot against the other party.

If it fails again, it will be troublesome.

It won't be too late to implement it when the Patriarch's support arrives.

At least that way there is still a guarantee.

No matter how critical the situation is, you can be sure that nothing beyond your control will happen.


Wang Chen restrained his thoughts, but the murderous intention in Genghis Khan's heart became more and more powerful.

Without any hesitation, he kicked on the mountain seal.

With the help of this impact, he jumped up directly.

Flying over the mountain seal, a blow fell from the sky.

Basically the same as the previous attack.

But Wang Chen did not avoid it like before.

Because that method can only be used as a strange move.

If you want to score twice, you are simply courting death.

It is naturally impossible for Wang Chen to do such a stupid thing.

Moreover, he just restrained his attack ideas a little, which does not mean that he will completely defend.

There should be some diversionary attacks, but there will still be no shortage of them.

After all, as the old saying goes, the best defense is offense.

At this time, Genghis Khan was falling from the sky, which made his attack power and speed extremely exaggerated.

But there is also a drawback.

That is at this time, he cannot dodge as flexibly as on the ground.

If he couldn't seize this kind of opportunity, he would be sorry for Wang Chen's years of practice.


Like Genghis Khan, Wang Chen also broke out in an attack.

It was his Taoist sword embryo.

This is currently his most powerful attack method, and his attack speed is not bad at the same time.

At the same time as the attack broke out, Wang Chen himself also dodged slightly.

After all, Genghis Khan's attacks are not weak at first glance, so he naturally does not need to confront the opponent head-on.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't fly back, he just moved a little to the left.

At the same time, the Thunder Spirit Pearl in his left hand and the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword in his right hand have also been operated to the extreme.

Once given the opportunity, it will burst out again with great power.

In addition, Wang Chen also controlled the Bell of Desolation in mid-air to launch an attack.

Even if it cannot cause much harm to Genghis Khan, it can at least play a certain role in restraining him.

Even the changing mountain seal is controlled by Wang Chen.

Once given the opportunity, it could surprise Genghis Khan from behind at any time.

This is because Wang Chen's own soul power is particularly powerful, if it were an ordinary earth master.

Being able to control two spiritual weapons at the same time is already considered a pretty good existence.

Like Wang Chen, he can control multiple spiritual weapons at the same time, and there is even a Taoist weapon among them.

That's simply unheard of.

Of course, it is also possible that in this day and age, spiritual weapons and Taoist weapons are too precious.

Even if others have this idea, they have no chance to put it into practice.

But no matter what, the combat power that Wang Chen unleashed at this moment was indeed quite awesome.

Facing Wang Chen's multiple attacks, Genghis Khan did not panic.

He had already anticipated this situation.

After all, it's not the first time.

He had already roughly understood Wang Chen's methods in the previous fights.

If he didn't even have this precaution, he would be sorry for his many years of iron-blooded fighting.

He didn't move too much, and the energy on the Sulu ingot spear was directly stimulated.

Wang Chen's Bell of Desolation attack was easily blocked by him.

Although the Bell of Desolation has not been completely resolved, at least it will not be affected.

At the same time, the scimitar in his left hand was thrown out directly.

The scimitar rotated 360 degrees in mid-air and accurately collided with the Taoist sword embryo.

Although it was a bit different from the Taoist sword embryo's all-out attack, it was still intercepted.

Wang Chen's two blocking attacks were both resolved by Genghis Khan.

As a result, there are no other obstacles between the two parties.

Although Wang Chen was a little surprised, he was not afraid.

After all, if he couldn't crack it with even this method, he wouldn't be so scrupulous about Genghis Khan.


Without any obstruction, Genghis Khan jumped directly from the sky.

He used the Sulu Ding spear as an iron rod and smashed it down hard.

However, Wang Chen, who had been on guard for a long time, dodged sideways at this critical moment.

Sulu Ding's spear hit Wang Chen's right side hard.


Wang Chen certainly didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

The demon-slaying sword held in his right hand was ready to slash at Genghis Khan.

However, at this moment, the Sulu Ding Spear that had just collided with the ground directly burst out with violent energy.

Wang Chen was directly thrown away by this sudden attack.


Genghis Khan snorted and did not stop.

Kick your right foot from bottom to top on the middle part of Sulu Ding's spear.

The Sulu Ding spear that had just collided with the ground raised its head and waved it.

A golden blade of light was inspired.

Follow Wang Chen closely.

"Junior is indeed a junior!"

Genghis Khan sneered in his heart.

This is exactly what he planned.

After all, after so many years of life-and-death fighting, his control of the rhythm of battle has reached a superb level.

He had been suppressed by Wang Chen before, mainly because he had no information.

As a result, he was caught off guard.

Things are different now.

He already has a general understanding of Wang Chen's various methods.

It is basically impossible for Wang Chen to achieve the same level as before.

This attack, with just a slight design, perfectly achieved its purpose.

Genghis Khan was naturally relatively happy.

But he didn't stop either.

Carrying the Sulu Ding spear, he followed closely behind the light blade, intending to give Wang Chen a hard blow.

At this time, Wang Chen was not idle either.

He directly swung the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword sideways, and the same blade of light was activated.

Although it was just a hasty explosion, the level of the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword was there.

Coupled with Wang Chen's strong and powerful magic power, the power of this light blade should not be underestimated.


In the blink of an eye, the two light blades collided together.

The light blade that Wang Chen erupted was obviously at a disadvantage.

But that's enough.

After all, Wang Chen just needed a moment to adjust his condition.

And this light blade worked perfectly.

After bursting out a blade of light, Wang Chen did not stop.

He controlled the mountain seal with the power of his soul and attacked directly from behind.

Even if it can't cause much damage to Genghis Khan, it can at least disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

This is a very dangerous thing.

Once you fall into the enemy's rhythm during the battle, you will basically be declared dead.

Wang Chen naturally understands this truth.

Therefore, he launched so many attacks and did not give Genghis Khan a chance to continue to control the rhythm.

Facing Wang Chen's counterattack, Genghis Khan also frowned slightly.

"It's actually more difficult than I expected!"

Sensing the attack from behind, Genghis Khan thought for a moment and then increased his speed.

Even Wang Chen understands the truth, and he naturally understands it very well.

Once Wang Chen gets out of rhythm, it is basically impossible for him to take control again.

After all, the reason why it worked this time was mainly because of Wang Chen's lack of intelligence.

Genghis Khan naturally did not want to miss this opportunity.

Even if he is hit by an attack, he must give Wang Chen a hard blow.

Completely disrupting Wang Chen's rhythm.

Wang Chen, who sensed this scene, was also a little surprised.

"You really want to risk your life!"

Wang Chen cursed a few words angrily in his heart, but Wang Chen did not sit still and wait for death.

Genghis Khan dared to fight for his life, so naturally he, Wang Chen, also dared to fight for his life.

I wanted to procrastinate before, mainly because there were better options.

That's why I didn't go head-to-head with Genghis Khan.

But this doesn't mean that Wang Chen doesn't dare to do this.

"Since there is no way to retreat, then we won't retreat!"

Wang Chen made up his mind and directly exploded the magic power in his body with all his strength.

Increased the attack speed of Mountain Seal.

Even the Bell of Desolation began to explode with full force.

This time Wang Chen didn't hold back at all and just went all out.

Even he himself is within the attack range of the Luo Po Bell.

There was no need to adjust the attack target, the power of the Bell of Desolation exploded instantly.

Two terrifying attacks followed closely behind Genghis Khan.

At the same time, the Taoist sword embryo that knocked the scimitar away quickly rushed back under Wang Chen's control.

In addition, Wang Chen also took out three spiritual weapons from the stored treasures.

Of course, these three spiritual weapons are only low-grade spiritual weapons.

It was left over from when he was studying weapon refining technology.

It is not a high-level spiritual weapon that was specially refined for myself later.


Under Wang Chen's control, a low-grade spiritual weapon quickly flew in front of Genghis Khan.

Without any hesitation, Wang Chen directly controlled the spiritual weapon to explode.


A violent energy shock wave burst out instantly, impacting in all directions.


Seeing this scene, Genghis Khan's pupils shrank and his expression changed drastically.

He didn't expect that there would be people who directly self-destructed their spiritual weapons.

In all these years, he has never seen anyone use this method directly.

Those who self-destruct to refine treasures are basically desperate people who have reached the end of their rope and have no chance at all.

But now Wang Chen hasn't been hurt at all, and he actually did this directly.

Wang Chen's sudden attack caught Genghis Khan by surprise.

He only had time to form a protective shield on his body, and then he was directly knocked away by the shock wave.


Wang Chen also had a hard time.

Even if the self-destruction of the spiritual weapon was under his control, he had already prepared it in advance.

However, the shock wave that erupted still knocked him away.

Of course, the reason why this mouthful of blood was spurted out was not just because of the shock wave.

The backlash of the spiritual weapon's self-destruction is also an important reason.

After all, a spiritual weapon is not something that can explode just because you want it to.

In addition to owning a spiritual weapon, the most important thing is that you must refine it.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to control the spiritual weapon from exploding.

If it was really that simple, Wang Chen would have already taken action.

After all, for Wang Chen, spiritual weapons are not as precious as ordinary cultivators.

There are still many spiritual weapons among his stored treasures.

If Genghis Khan could be defeated by spending only one spiritual weapon, he would definitely not be stingy.

Unfortunately, the self-destruction of a spiritual weapon does not just consume a spiritual weapon.

That would also cause backlash to Wang Chen.

Under normal circumstances, he would naturally not use it.

But at this critical moment, Wang Chen will not hesitate.

Wang Chen was sure of the backlash from the self-destruction of the spiritual weapon.

Knowing how much harm this thing can cause to oneself.

But Genghis Khan's attack was completely uncertain.

Being able to take the risk of being hit by multiple attacks from behind, everyone wants to seize this opportunity.

Judging from the toes, everyone knows that Genghis Khan's attack must be earth-shattering.

Of course Wang Chen didn't need to take risks.



Just when Wang Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, his aura became even weaker.

Genghis Khan was also hit by two attacks from Wang Chen at this time.

The terrifying soul attack of the Lost Bell was largely offset by the shock wave of the spiritual weapon's self-destruction.

But the power cannot be underestimated.

Not to mention the mountain seal, a terrifying top-level spiritual weapon.

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