My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 238 Bailong Town is abnormal, a hidden dragon is in the abyss!

After a while, Wang Chen had arrived at the entrance of this small town.

But he found this town a little strange.

Judging from the layout of various buildings in the town, this town should be considered relatively prosperous.

But at this time, Wang Chen discovered that the number of ordinary villagers in the entire town was slightly less.

Not quite in line with this relatively prosperous town.

After paying a little attention in his mind, Wang Chen walked in without stopping.

He is still very confident in his own strength.

He wanted to see what was going on.

In a matter of moments, Wang Chen stepped into the small town.

Compared with Renjia Town, this town is slightly worse.

But this is normal.

After all, a special richest man like Mr. Ren is rare.

Those who can grow into the top richest people in a province will basically stay in a big city.

It is completely impossible to stay in a small Renjia Town.

Although Mr. Ren was tricked, the Ren family's business plummeted.

But as the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

With the support of Master Ren, it is natural for Renjia Town to develop and prosper.

Now it is only logical that a little famous town here cannot compete with Renjia Town.

After entering the town, Wang Chen looked around as he walked.

Wanted to see if I could detect anything wrong.

Of course, his goal is to go to the town's restaurants.

After all, in a strange place, if you want to find out information, the simplest and easiest way is to go to those restaurants.

It's very easy to hear gossip in places like the lobby.

On the way to the restaurant, Wang Chen also saw some ordinary villagers doing business around the street.

However, the quantity is relatively small.

Wang Chen did not rush forward to ask.

He planned to go to a restaurant first to get a general idea of ​​what the situation was like, so that he could go out and find clues.


Sir, do you want to work as a professional or stay in a hotel?

As soon as I walked to the door of the restaurant, a young man immediately came forward and greeted me warmly.

Arrange a table of signature dishes and open a guest room at the same time.

Wang Chen didn't waste any words and immediately stated his request.

After asking Wang Chen to sit down, the second brother immediately went to make arrangements.

Walking into the restaurant, Wang Chen also noticed something was wrong.

There are actually no other customers here.

This is indeed too abnormal.

You must know that the restaurant Wang Chen chose is the largest in this town.

Logically speaking, there should be only a few tables of guests.

After all, how can the boss maintain this business if there are not even a few tables of customers?

It seems there is something really wrong with this town!

Wang Chen sighed in his heart, but didn't say anything, just waited quietly.

After a while, the second brother served Wang Chen some signature dishes.

Sir, please use it slowly.

If you need anything, just say hello.

After saying that, the second brother was ready to leave.

Little brother, wait a minute.

At this time, Wang Chen directly greeted the second brother.

At the same time, he also held a silver dollar in his hand.

This was not the first time Wang Chen had inquired about information, so he naturally knew how to get the information he wanted.

He was not short of money anyway, so there was no need to save on this.

Being able to harvest the information he wanted at the cost of just one silver dollar was definitely a huge gain for Wang Chen.

Hearing Wang Chen's greeting, the second brother immediately stopped.

Seeing the silver dollar in Wang Chen's hand, his eyes even shone.

I don't know what you need me to do, sir?

The younger brother was also an understanding person and asked immediately.

Sit down and talk.

Wang Chen asked the other party to sit down and at the same time pushed the silver dollar over.

I just want to inquire about the situation in the town.

Oh? I don't know what you want to know, sir?

I see that this town is not that poor. Why are there not many people there?

Wang Chen didn't mince words and directly stated his questions.

Hearing this, the second brother didn't show off and immediately answered.

This is what my guest is saying...

The only son of Mr. Liu in our town is missing. Everyone is busy looking around. Naturally, there are not many people in the town.

That's a thousand silver dollars.

“As long as we can find Mr. Liu back, we will give him a thousand silver dollars directly.

You can even provide useful clues and get certain rewards.

Speaking of this, the second brother is still a little longing for it.

After hearing this, Wang Chen finally understood why there were only so few people in this small town.

One thousand silver dollars!

For Wang Chen's comparison, it may not be anything.

But for ordinary villagers who dig food in the fields, it is an unimaginable huge sum of money.

If you can get it, you can definitely turn around immediately.

With such a huge temptation, who wouldn’t want to try their luck?

If you happen to find it, it will be a huge profit.

Even if it is not found, the loss is not big.

After all, for ordinary villagers, their time is the least valuable.

Then little brother, why didn't you try your luck?

Wang Chen also said jokingly.


I still have self-awareness.

The servants and subordinates of the Liu family have been looking for him for two days.

Now that such a reward is issued, it is naturally not something that ordinary people can handle.

I will continue to work in the restaurant and make some money.

After hearing Wang Chen's question, the second brother answered truthfully.

He is a pragmatic person.

Now that I have money to make, I naturally won’t take risks.

Of course, the main reason is that the possibility of risk-taking is too low.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to refuse such a big temptation.

After understanding the specific reasons for the abnormality in this small town, Wang Chen also shook his head and stopped asking further.

He immediately started enjoying the signature dishes here.

After eating, Wang Chen didn't stay long and headed directly towards Liu's house.

A young master from a rich family suddenly disappeared, and Wang Chen still wanted to go and have a look.

If any monsters cause trouble, he can slay them.

Even if there weren't any monsters, he could still help detect the missing young master.


I wonder if you have news about my young master?

As soon as Wang Chen walked to the door of the Liu family's mansion, the doorman immediately asked.

This sudden inquiry made Wang Chen stunned for a moment.

But he reacted instantly.

Wang Chen didn't answer, just nodded.

Naturally, he doesn't know the news about the missing young master now.

But relying on his own strength, Wang Chen can start tracking the location by simply providing something from the Liu family that is tainted with the other party's aura.

Seeing Wang Chen nodding, the servant was also very excited and immediately called Wang Chen in.


The servant led the way and was very polite.



In the Liu family hall, an old man in his sixties sighed.

Master, master.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Afu, what's wrong?

Master Liu asked directly.

Someone has news about the young master.


Upon hearing this, Mr. Liu stood up immediately.


In a moment, Wang Chen, led by the servant, came to the hall.

Little brother, I wonder if you have any clues?

The moment he saw Wang Chen, Mr. Liu also asked directly.

He didn't have any contempt for Wang Chen because of his age.

But it's normal, after all, this is a clue about his only son.

Seeing that Mr. Liu was so anxious, Wang Chen didn't show off and immediately spoke.

Master Liu, I am a disciple of Maoshan—Wang Chen.

I passed by here today and heard about your situation, so I came here to help you.

After hearing Wang Chen's identity as a disciple of Maoshan, Mr. Liu watched it again.

After all, in this day and age, Maoshan's reputation is quite big.

As long as you provide some of the clothes that Master Liu has worn, I can track his location.

Wang Chen didn't waste any time and directly told his plan.

If you can't find Master Liu's location, I won't accept any money.

In order to prevent the other party from suspecting that he was a liar who defrauded money, Wang Chen also added a special sentence.

After all, for Wang Chen, it doesn't matter whether he makes money or not.

He doesn't lack this kind of ordinary money now.

Compared with some dispensable money, Wang Chen is still more interested in the reason why Master Liu disappeared.

After all, this might involve some kind of monster.

This represents material resources.

If it weren't for this, Wang Chen wouldn't have rushed to help.


After hearing Wang Chen's words, Mr. Liu agreed without even thinking.

After all, a little money is nothing compared to his only son.

In a short time, Mr. Liu had all kinds of things ready.

Wang Chen didn't waste any time and took action immediately.

With his current strength, tracking an ordinary person is completely trivial.

In less than half a minute, everything was ready.


The moment Wang Chen finished reciting the mantra, a paper crane on the altar flew up instantly.

After the paper crane circled three times on the altar, it turned blood red.

At the same time, the head was also facing the northwest direction.

Seeing this scene, Wang Chen sighed in his heart.

From the moment he learned that Mr. Liu had been missing for five days without any news at all, he had some guesses.

Now that he saw the changes in the paper crane, he confirmed his previous guess.

That young master Liu has already burped his fart.

Master Liu, I have some bad news to tell you.

Wang Chen had no intention of hiding anything and spoke directly.

Your son has...

Although Wang Chen hadn't finished speaking, his meaning had been expressed very clearly.

Hearing this, Mr. Liu's heart palpitated.

But half a minute later, he reluctantly adjusted.

After all, there had been no news for several days, so he had this guess in his mind.

It's just a little bit of luck.

But I have determined the location of Master Liu's body, which is in the northwest.

We can get him back.

Seeing that Mr. Liu had recovered, Wang Chen spoke.


After hearing Wang Chen's words, Mr. Liu suddenly thought of something.

What's wrong?

Seeing the change in Master Liu's expression, Wang Chen also asked directly.


After Master Liu sighed, he opened his mouth to explain.

It turned out that when Mr. Liu just came back from studying abroad, during his conversation with Mr. Liu, he asked about the beautiful scenery and various legends nearby.

And it just so happens that there is such a story and legend here in Bailong Town.

In the northwest of Bailong Town, there is Bailongyuan.

Legend has it that a white dragon is sealed there.

But after all, no one has actually seen the White Dragon, it is just regarded as a story and legend.

No one living in Bailong Town took it seriously.

After listening to Mr. Liu's explanation, Wang Chen instantly understood what was going on.

It was definitely Mr. Liu who wanted to break the feudal superstition and prove that the so-called Bai Longyuan was just a lie.

I just made a special trip to Bailongyuan, and ended up with a story about my fart.

After all, in this era, those who go to study abroad in the West basically have this virtue.

Completely denying everything our ancestors taught us, thinking that Western things are superior.

After studying a little science, I feel that all customs and stories are feudal superstition.



After understanding the specific situation, Wang Chen also sighed.

Let's go.

Then he directly called everyone to go find the body of Mr. Liu.

After all, it has already reached this point, Wang Chen must still help others to the end.

sorry to bother you!

Mr. Liu thanked him, and then arranged for someone to set off with Wang Chen.

He didn't doubt that Wang Chen directed and acted on his own.

After all, the actions he used to open the forum before were no joke.

As a rich man in Bailong Town, he can still tell the difference.

He is not the son who studied abroad since he was a child, so he naturally knows some of the real situation.

Without caring too much, Wang Chen directly controlled the paper crane and headed northwest.


After half an hour of trekking, Wang Chen and the others finally arrived at the so-called Bailongyuan.

Of course, this is mainly because we have to wait for ordinary people from the Liu family.

Otherwise, with Wang Chen's strength, it would never have taken so much time.

After arriving at Bailongyuan, the paper crane was hovering above Bailongyuan.

Obviously, the body of Mr. Liu is in Bailongyuan.

Wang Chen stood next to Bai Longyuan, leaning over to look, and frowning slightly.

It's a bit dangerous here.

From where he was standing now, the straight-line distance from the water surface of Bailongyuan was twenty meters.

Not to mention the depth of Bailongyuan itself.

It is still a little difficult to find a corpse inside.

Of course, this is not particularly difficult for Wang Chen.

After all, he can control the paper man at will.

The reason why he frowned was mainly because of the geomantic omen here.

The hidden dragon is in the abyss!

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