My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 235 Various processes, starting a family and starting a business

After hearing Wang Chen's words, Qiu Sheng also turned his eyes and looked at Wang Chen, wanting to hear what was going on.

You have practiced with Wencai for so many years, so you should be very aware of his talent.

Wang Chen did not directly explain why, but said something irrelevant.


After hearing Wang Chen's words, Qiu Sheng responded instinctively.

He has a very flexible mind and has roughly understood it at this time.

The reason why it happened before was mainly because when I suddenly heard the news, my mind couldn't wrap my head around it for a while.

Now that he heard what senior brother Wang Chen said, he roughly understood the reason.

“Now that you understand Wen Cai’s talent, you should also know that if he continues to practice, he will not achieve anything.

If it doesn't go up or down, it will be a drag.

It would be better to return to the life of ordinary people, marry a wife and have children, wouldn't it be wonderful?

Wang Chen didn't care about Qiu Sheng's thoughts and directly spoke the answer.

Qiu Sheng, who had figured out the reason in his heart, was not as sad as before.

Returning to the lives of ordinary people is also a good thing for literary talents.

As good brothers who have lived and practiced together for so many years, he should naturally be happy for Wen Cai.

After adjusting in his mind for a moment, Qiu Sheng finally recovered.

“You don’t have to think too much.

Even if he returns to ordinary people's lives, Wencai is still his master's apprentice.

It’s not that we have completely severed ties with you, it’s just that we will no longer continue to practice.

Wang Chen spoke again at this time.

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he almost broke his guard.

Originally, he was still sad that Wen Cai was leaving, and he even recovered after adjusting himself.

When I heard Senior Brother Wang Chen say this, I realized that what I had done before seemed to be a battle of wits and courage with the air.

This is indeed a bit discouraging.

After a few more exchanges, Wang Chen finally spoke.

Okay, Qiu Sheng, you should go back and continue practicing.

In case the master comes back, you will be taught a lesson again.


Qiu Sheng, who had almost recovered at this time, finally reacted after hearing Wang Chen's words.

After all, Master's temper has not been very good recently.

It would be bad luck if he got angry at this moment.

Therefore, he did not continue to talk to Wen Cai and went back to his original position to practice.

And Wang Chen also didn't delay too much here.

Now the family property prepared for junior brother Wencai has been prepared.

There is nothing that needs his help at the moment.

Therefore, he prepared to return to his room to practice.

After all, during the time he left Yizhuang to travel, he did not devote himself wholeheartedly to the practice of magic.

Compared to other ordinary cultivators, his level of strength has grown quite rapidly.

But compared to his previous cultivation speed, this is indeed a bit slow.

He didn't have that condition when traveling outside. He had to allocate his energy to guard against possible dangers and was unable to fully devote himself to cultivation.

Now that he has returned to Yizhuang, he naturally cannot waste this opportunity.

After all, it takes a while for a literary talent to start a family and start a career.

During this period of time, he will not leave Yizhuang.

Naturally, he needs to practice hard so that his level of strength can continue to grow rapidly.

When the time comes, you can hone yourself while traveling, and you don't have to worry about the hidden dangers caused by the rapid growth of your strength.


Yizhuang, around five o'clock in the afternoon.

After a day of hard training, Wang Chen also walked out of the room.

Even with his current energy, he can still persevere if he continues to practice.

But to practice this kind of thing, you need to pay attention to the balance between work and rest.

It is not a good thing to just practice hard.

Even if Wang Chen really wants to improve his strength by leaps and bounds, he will not mess around with this kind of thing.

In the short term, it seems that the efficiency of strength growth will be higher, but in the long run, it is not very cost-effective.

Wang Chen would not do this kind of thing with half the result with half the effort.

It’s not too late to rest and adjust for a while, and then continue practicing in the evening.



Wang Chen walked out of the room and saw Uncle Jiu who was writing and drawing in the lobby, and immediately said hello.


Uncle Jiu nodded in response, and then continued writing.

Wang Chen did not continue to speak, but walked over directly, intending to see what was going on.


Wang Chen was also stunned when he saw what Uncle Jiu wrote on the paper.

There are actually some birth dates on it.

He never expected that his master would help Wen Cai find some suitable candidates after only being out for one day.

Of course, this is just a rough selection now, and we need to carefully study the birth dates of both parties before we can make a final decision.

You must know that finding a suitable marriage cannot be done casually.

This is not something you can determine after just coming to the house and taking a look.

First of all, the age group of both parties must be appropriate.

After all, Wen Cai is only in his twenties now, so it is impossible to directly find a wife in her thirties or forties.

That's really not etiquette.

After determining the age group, you have to go to the door for a brief look.

To make it easier to confirm what kind of person the woman is.

If it is an ordinary person, it may be very difficult to achieve this step.

But for a powerful Maoshan Taoist priest like Uncle Jiu, this matter is not a problem.

Although Uncle Jiu's main direction is to conquer demons and eliminate demons.

But if you take a look at the Feng Shui physiognomy and calculate your birth date, there is still no problem at all.

It was confirmed that the woman's appearance was not that mean.

Then talk to the woman's elders to learn about her birth date.

This set of workload is not easy.

To help Wang Chen buy a family property, he only needs to go to the streets of Renjia Town to find out where there is a suitable place.

Even if you can't find a suitable one, you can still use your own connections to get one from the wealthy squires in Renjia Town.

But Uncle Jiu's job can only be completed through time and energy.

When Wang Chen thought about it, it would take at least three to five days of hard work before he could barely do it.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen is a little surprised.

However, Wang Chen did not interrupt the master's work, but sat aside and waited.

After all, this time junior brother Wencai is getting married and starting a business, and he, the senior brother, also needs to help out.

Naturally, I want to communicate with Master Jiu Shu.

More than ten minutes passed like this, and Uncle Jiu finally stopped.


He stood up from the chair and stretched a lot.

After moving his body a little, Uncle Jiu sat down again.

Master, have you found a suitable partner for Wen Cai?

At this time, Wang Chen finally expressed the questions in his heart.


Uncle Jiu twisted his neck and answered directly.

This time, Uncle Jiu worked very hard to find a good wife for his apprentice Wen Cai.

Complete the work that took many days to complete in one day.

The efficiency can be said to have been greatly improved.

Of course, this comes at a cost.

Even an Earth Master like Uncle Jiu was so tired that he yawned and stretched, so you can imagine the hard work involved.

Hearing this answer, Wang Chen was a little surprised and at the same time a little relaxed.

Junior brother Wencai's matter will finally be completely resolved.

At that time, he can continue to start his own experience.

Of course, Wang Chen was also a little lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, I had already helped Wencai buy the family property.

Otherwise, the more troublesome things have already been solved by the master. As a senior brother, he can't even handle simple things well. Wouldn't it be a joke?

After continuing to communicate with his master about Wen Cai's marriage, Wang Chen left the lobby.

As for the matter about the literary talent's wife, Wang Chen did not ask about it.

A master of earth masters like Uncle Jiu has already taken action personally, so there must be no problem.

After all, as the master, Uncle Jiu would never cheat his apprentice on such a big matter.


The next day.

After finishing his night's practice, Wang Chen stretched and left the room.

After having a simple breakfast with Wencai, they immediately headed to Renjia Town.

After all, there are still a few things to deal with regarding the literary industry.

Naturally, he didn't want to waste time.

It is a formal operation, and with Wang Chen, a master from Maoshan, the authentication and registration of shops and residences is naturally very simple.

Ordinary people may not know Wang Chen's reputation, but how could the staff at the town office not know it.

After all, most of the people who can work in the town office are close associates of the wealthy squires in Renjia Town.

They naturally knew Wang Chen's status in the hearts of those wealthy country gentry.

Let alone formal operations, even if they are irregular operations, they can make them formal.

There is no way, it just has a relationship.

Of course, Wang Chen would not engage in those evil ways.

After completing the certification and registration of the shop and residence, Wang Chen also took Wencai to his property.

At this time, the middle-aged couple had already left.

Look, how do you want to decorate it?

When he arrived at the store, Wang Chen immediately asked.

This is the place where Wen Cai will live from now on, so it naturally has to be arranged according to his wishes.

Hearing Wang Chen's inquiry, Wencai was also a little stunned.

He hadn't considered how to decorate such a large shop with a residence behind it.

After all, he has really never encountered such a thing in so many years.

For the first time, it was natural to feel a little at a loss.

Think slowly and don't rush.

When Wang Chen saw Wen Cai's appearance, he also said something.

After all, getting married cannot be accomplished immediately.

Although Uncle Jiu has now calculated the birth date and chosen a good wife for Wencai.

But the process that should be followed still needs to be followed.

As for whether the woman will refuse, there is no need to consider this.

In this day and age, ordinary farm girls follow the orders of their parents and the words of their matchmakers.

As long as the elders of both parties communicate well, there will basically be no problems.

With Uncle Jiu's reputation around Renjia Town, those ordinary farmers and villagers would certainly not refuse.

Not to mention ordinary farmers and villagers, even some wealthy and wealthy squires would not refuse to marry Uncle Jiu.

As a person with a good face, Uncle Jiu naturally had to follow the formal procedures.

After wandering around the shops and residences for more than an hour, Wencai finally spoke.

Brother, I really don't know how to decorate it.

How about you make arrangements?

Wencai thought for a long time and really didn't know how to decorate, so he had to ask his senior brother Wang Chen for help.

Forget it, we will go directly to a decoration team. You can just make your request.

Wang Chen will naturally not overstep his bounds.

Besides, he himself is not good at decoration.

But as a time traveler, he understands one thing.

Professional things should be done by professionals.

Never let a layman lead an expert, otherwise it will definitely be a disastrous thing.

I didn't look for him before, mainly because of my literary talent.

After all, this is where Wencai will live in the future, so he must obey Wencai's wishes.

There is a saying that money cannot buy you happiness.

Decoration naturally requires talented people to arrange it.

Now that Wen Cai doesn’t know how to decorate, it’s natural to find a professional to handle it.

Once this is determined, things will be simple.

Wang Chen directly took Wencai to find a decoration team with the best reputation in Renjia Town to help start the decoration according to Wencai's requirements.

After hearing the news, the chief steward of Ren Mansion personally came forward and made arrangements.

Yes, the decoration team with the best reputation in Renjia Town is the team in the hands of Ren Mansion.

This is also normal.

After all, the Ren family is the richest man in Renjia Town.

Even after twenty years of decline, this position has not been lost.

Of course there are several brushes.

Without any property, how could he still hold the position of the richest man in the Ren family town despite the complete decline of the Ren family.

Knowing that it was Wang Chen's mission, Ren Fu naturally tried his best.

He even offered to help for free.

However, Wang Chen refused directly.

After all, it’s not like he can’t afford this little money.

The free ones are the most expensive, Wang Chen still understands this truth.

After finishing these things, Wang Chen returned to Yizhuang with Wencai.


After five full days, Wencai's shop and residence were finally decorated.

I have to say that Wang Chen's face is quite good with Mr. Ren.

In order to complete this decoration task as quickly as possible, Mr. Ren even arranged for staff to work in three shifts.

Decoration is done 24 hours a day.

It is precisely because of this that the entire store and residence can be renovated in just five days.

This efficiency is not very high.

After the decoration was completed, Wang Chen also took Wencai to inspect it.

Of course there is no problem.

Wencai was quite satisfied with these decorations.

After the family business is settled, it is natural to start getting married.

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