My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 225: With clear trading methods, no one will suffer losses

Because he can refine it himself, Wang Chen can use it without any shortage of spiritual weapons.

And this is because he himself has the blessing of a golden finger, which greatly reduces the difficulty and consumption of refining spiritual weapons.

For other normal weapon refiners, even if their own skills are not bad, they would not be as exaggerated as Wang Chen.

Moreover, practitioners like Jiang Sheng and Cheng Tianci who are only proficient in the art of refining weapons, even if they are masters at the level of earth masters, do not have any good treasures in their hands.

Wang Chen now directly took out a few spiritual weapons to trade, and it was natural that they would be shocked.

This is indeed worthy of their shock and surprise.

Because spiritual weapons are not just something you can obtain if you have money and resources.

In this world today, the number of weapon refiners who have the ability to refine spiritual weapons is still extremely rare.

Moreover, they cannot guarantee that their weapon refining success rate is 100%.

If the refining is successful, you are naturally lucky.

If the refining fails, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

As for wanting the weapon refiner to help bear the losses?

That's a complete fantasy.

If someone can help refine spiritual weapons, it's because you need to show gratitude to others.

Therefore, even if there are several weapon refiners in this world who can refine spiritual weapons, the number of spiritual weapons is still not large.

Now that Wang Chen directly placed the spiritual weapon in front of them, they were naturally quite shocked and excited.

Especially Cheng Tianci.

This time he was attacked by the Zombie King, and most of his belongings had been destroyed.

There are only one or two final magic weapons to support the scene.

Now that Wang Chen actually brought out so many treasures of various levels, he was naturally very excited.

Nephew, are you going to trade these?

Cheng Tianci didn't care about his own injuries and immediately asked.

This had indeed a considerable impact on him.

If he can make up for the things he lost, his combat effectiveness will not be weakened after he fully recovers from his injuries.

Now there are also spiritual weapons that can be traded here.

If he can get one, his combat effectiveness will not be weakened, but will be strengthened.

How could he endure this temptation before him?


Since I have put these things out, I will naturally trade them.

Wang Chen didn't show off and answered immediately.

Wang Chen was quite happy with his uncle's eagerness.

These treasures were all treasures that he had refined in large quantities when he was at the Yizhuang Gan refining skill level.

Of course I can't use this much.

But it's impossible to just abandon it.

Even with the blessing of golden fingers, Wang Chen is not so exaggerated.

He had already asked several senior uncles and elders to help sell some refined magic weapons.

Now that he has met two elders from Maoshan, he will naturally not waste this opportunity.

Such an Earth Master-level master's connections in the cultivation world are not too bad.

After all, if they can mix together, the gap between the two sides will not be too big.

It is impossible for a master Earth Master to have many things in common with a new mage.

Someone who can make friends with a master of the Earth Master like Jiang Sheng must also be pretty good in his own strength.

Maybe there will be some good deals by then.

It was precisely because of this that he became good friends with those Maoshan elders.

Otherwise, he wouldn't waste his energy like this.

After all, he is not the kind of person who would sacrifice himself for others.

The most he would do for things that were not beneficial was when he was in a good mood.

There is absolutely no way he could be so concerned.

Hearing Wang Chen's affirmative answer, Cheng Tianci was also quite excited.

I wonder what you want to trade, nephew?

Without any hesitation, Cheng Tianci asked again.

Because of the scarcity of weapon refiners in this world, various high-level magic weapons and spiritual weapons are quite precious.

This is totally a seller's market.

It's not like you can trade treasures if you have some resources.

Cheng Tianci naturally wanted to find out what resources and treasures Wang Chen Xinyi had.

This also facilitates the preparation of resources for subsequent transactions.

I need high-grade materials that can be used to refine weapons.

Wang Chen did not hide anything and directly stated his request.

That's not bad.

Hearing Wang Chen's words, Cheng Tianci also relaxed a little.

Materials for refining weapons are relatively common resources.

After all, if you want to ask other weapon refiners to help you refine treasures, you naturally need to provide the materials yourself.

Therefore, most cultivators have the habit of stockpiling some weapon-refining materials.

Some even have relatively high-end weapon refining materials in their hands.

After preparing all the materials for your own convenience, invite the weapon refiner to help you refine high-level spiritual weapons and the like.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Tianci felt relaxed after hearing Wang Chen's request.

Even Jiang Sheng on the side was the same.

Preparing various refining materials and inviting others to help refining requires not only time, but also favors.

The most important point is that there is no 100% guarantee of successful refining.

If the refining fails, the loss will be too great.

Being able to directly trade spiritual weapons with weapon refining materials is undoubtedly the best choice.

Even if you invite others to help you refine weapons, the treasures you refine will be those that best meet your requirements.

But the cost of failure is too high.

It would be better to just trade the refining materials for ready-made spiritual weapons.

Although you can't guarantee 100% compliance with yourself, you don't need to bear the risk of failure.

A normal cultivator is not someone like Wang Chen, so his requirements are not that exaggerated.

Cheng Tianci, who got Wang Chen's answer, was staring at the treasures Wang Chen took out, calculating his net worth in his heart.

After all, Wang Chen's ability to trade treasures to them was already a huge favor.

He is not shameless enough to continue to take advantage of Wang Chen.

While Cheng Tianci was thinking, Jiang Sheng on the side was also thinking.

His net worth is much higher than that of Cheng Tianci.

But he didn't speak immediately.

Because he also knew that his junior brother had suffered a lot of losses this time, he decided to wait until his junior brother's transaction was completed before making a choice.

In order to avoid conflicts between the choices of the two senior brothers.

He couldn't give away his personal belongings to his junior brother, but there was no problem if he gave in a little bit on this matter.

I will trade these two magic weapons and this spiritual weapon.

Cheng Tianci, who had been thinking for a long time, finally made his choice known.

In fact, he liked all the treasures Wang Chen took out.

Especially the top-level magic weapons that Wang Chen took out were quite intuitive for the recovery of his combat power.

But after thinking for a long time, he decided to give up those top magic weapons.

After all, this kind of opportunity doesn't come often.

Naturally, he wanted to obtain a spiritual weapon.

Even if the realms of the Earth Master masters with spiritual weapons and the Earth Master masters without spiritual weapons are exactly the same, there will be a very obvious difference in combat effectiveness.

This is the power of spiritual weapons.

Cheng Tianci's net worth is not low. After all, as a master of the corpse extermination line, he has accumulated a lot of savings over the years.

Especially since he hasn't even taken on the disciples yet, the savings he has left behind are even greater.

However, the quantity of various high-end weapon refining materials is relatively small.

After all, those who hired him to drive away corpses couldn't possibly give out the weapon refining materials as a reward for the transaction.

He can only get the money and then go to the trading market to buy various materials.

Being able to trade a spiritual weapon is because he has this idea himself.

Recently, I have consciously collected some weapon refining materials.

Otherwise, you may only be able to trade one spiritual weapon.

Now that he can trade one spiritual weapon and two magic weapons, it is quite good for the recovery of his own combat power.

Although he did not trade the top magic weapon from Wang Chen, he could buy it in the normal trading market later.

Even if the magic weapon is of the highest quality, it is much less difficult to purchase than a low-grade magic weapon.

Now that he had this good opportunity, he naturally couldn't miss it.


Wang Chen frowned slightly when he heard his uncle Cheng Tianci's choice.

It’s not that the other party bought too much, but too little.

A master at the Earth Master level actually chose just this.

However, Wang Chen did not say anything immediately, but turned his attention to his uncle Jiang Sheng.

I want the remaining two spiritual weapons.

Sensing Wang Chen's gaze, Jiang Sheng immediately spoke.

Wang Chen took out three spiritual weapons in total, Cheng Tianci chose one, and Jiang Sheng naturally wrapped up the rest.

After all, the scarcity of spiritual weapons is no joke.

Moreover, the blessing to one's own combat power is also quite large.

It's okay if he doesn't have the opportunity usually, but now that Wang Chen has brought out the spiritual weapon trade, he naturally can't miss this opportunity.

Who knows if there is another store if I miss this village?

This kind of good thing doesn't happen all the time.


Hearing the uncle's choice, Wang Chen also nodded in his heart.

Three spiritual weapons were traded at one time, and the high-grade weapon refining materials he harvested were enough for him to refine more than ten spiritual weapons.

And this is still under the condition that the requirements are a little higher.

If he was only refining the lowest level spiritual weapons, then the materials obtained from these three spiritual weapons would be enough for Wang Chen to refine thirty or forty spiritual weapons.

This kind of profit of more than 1,000% is enough to make people crazy.

If it weren't for such exaggerated profits, how could Wang Chen have specially refined ten powerful spiritual weapons for himself.

Moreover, there are many ordinary spiritual weapons put out for trading.

After settling the deal, Wang Chen spoke again.

He doesn't just want to make this one-time deal.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to be so polite before.

Uncle Master, Uncle Master, I wonder if you are interested in obtaining some more magic weapons or spiritual weapons?

Wang Chen directly opened his mouth to confuse him.

If you want others to choose to help, you must interest them.

Otherwise, you won’t even be able to listen, and no matter how good your idea is, it will be of no use at all.


Hearing Wang Chen's words, Jiang Sheng and Cheng Tianci were very interested.

Of course, this is mainly because Wang Chen himself is also a disciple of Maoshan.

Moreover, he is Uncle Jiu’s apprentice and their nephew.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for him to reveal his thoughts so directly.

After all, after being in the cultivation world for so many years, I still have basic experience.

These old people in the world are not the kind of newcomers who are just starting out.

Know that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

However, because of Wang Chen's identity, they had no more ideas.

For the younger generation, even if they suffer a little loss, they will not care too much.

Especially when he already had some benefits from Wang Chen.

They are even less likely to care.

It is precisely because of this that the two old Jianghu men agreed with Wang Chen so easily.

Is such that……

I am a weapon refiner myself. When I was studying the technology of weapon refinement, I refined a lot of magic weapons, magic weapons, and even some spiritual weapons.

There are so many treasures that I can't even use up.

“Therefore, I would like to ask you two to help sell some.

After all, the personal connections between you two elders are not comparable to those of a newbie like me.

Wang Chen did not hesitate and directly expressed his thoughts completely.

This is not the first time such a deal has been reached.

He is naturally quite familiar with the road.


no problem.

Upon hearing Wang Chen's request, Jiang Sheng and Cheng Tianci agreed without even thinking about it.

It's not that troublesome after all.

On the contrary, it is a good thing for them.

After all, this kind of treasure is quite good even for their personal connections.

It only takes a little time and energy to complete the commission from Wang Chen, their nephew, and they will naturally not refuse.

Moreover, they can gain more friendships by trading treasures to those friends.

They are naturally quite positive about this kind of good thing that comes at no cost.

“Of course, I won’t let the efforts of the two elders go to waste on this kind of thing.

The treasures I entrusted to be sold by the two elders will be calculated at 10% off the market price.

10% of the resources are accumulated by two elders here.

When I have accumulated enough, I can refine a spiritual weapon that is most suitable for the two elders.

Wang Chen spoke quickly and stated the interest conditions he had prepared long ago.

This is what Wang Chen came up with when he invited the elders to help sell magic weapons and spiritual weapons.

Although even if Wang Chen doesn't offer benefits, senior uncles who are close to him like Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe will never refuse.

But Wang Chen is the kind of person who takes the soft side rather than the hard side.

Naturally, he cannot let those close to him suffer.

But if he directly gives too much benefit, it will be a bit insulting to those close to the elders.

Therefore, I came up with this method to get closer without causing disadvantage to the elders.

For close elders like Uncle Four Eyes and Uncle Qianhe, Wang Chen accumulated money at a 20% discount.

For an elder like Cheng Tianci who is not particularly familiar, the discount is naturally calculated at 10%.

Of course, this discount is based on the materials required by a normal weapon refiner to refine spiritual weapons.

If it were based on Wang Chen's weapon refining standards, it would be a bit too shocking.

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