My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 214 Complete annihilation, huge gains, aftermath work

Under this situation of internal and external attacks, even if Nintendo is very special, it cannot withstand it at all.


Feeling the rapid consumption of energy in his body, Nintendo roared and prepared to fight to the death.

Without any hesitation, he directly gathered the remaining energy in his body into his heart, intending to explode himself.

Even if he couldn't survive, he would never let Wang Chen have an easy time.

After all, he is a zombie.

Even very special zombies cannot change their bloodthirsty nature.

Before, I suppressed my heart because I still had my spiritual intelligence, plus I still had obsessions.

That's why they didn't go on a killing spree at the beginning and absorbed human blood indiscriminately.

But now that Wang Chen was madly attacking him, it was the last resort.

All the original spiritual suppressions have been abandoned.

With his bloodthirsty nature, he naturally won't care so much.

Wang Chen, who has extremely outstanding soul power, is of course aware of this situation.

Not to mention that most of his attention is devoted to Nintendo.

If he couldn't notice such an abnormal situation, it would be a shame for his powerful soul power.

Wang Chen, who has had several encounters with various monsters and monsters, naturally understands what Nintendo is thinking.

Although Wang Chen was very confident in the sealing formation he had arranged, he didn't want to take a chance.

After all, a powerful zombie completely self-destructs, and its power is no joke.

Those advanced formation bases where formations are arranged are not disposable.

Wang Chen didn't want him to suffer unnecessary losses.

Moreover, once Nintendo succeeds in self-destruction, it will also cause a very big pollution to this place.

When the time comes, Wang Chen will inevitably add some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Wang Chen, who was aware of Nintendo's thoughts, directly stopped the other party.

If Nintendo had self-destructed from the beginning, it would be really difficult for Wang Chen to stop him.

The probability of success is not even high.

But things are different now.

Several needles were inserted into Nintendo's body, allowing Wang Chen's attacks to penetrate the surface and penetrate directly into the opponent's body.

Without any hesitation, Wang Chen's specially controlled thunder landed on Nintendo.

Under the control of Wang Chen's soul power, those thunder powers followed the silver needle and penetrated into Nintendo's body, directly interrupting his gathered energy.

With the interference of Wang Chen's thunder power and soul power, it would be completely impossible for Nintendo to gather all its power in its heart and self-destruct.


Nintendo, which had even been prevented from self-destructing, became even crazier at this time.

After letting out a roar, he charged directly towards Wang Chen regardless of the physical damage.

He planned to have a head-to-head fight with Wang Chen.

It's a pity that Wang Chen will not give him this opportunity at all.

The violent thunder attacked Nintendo crazily as if it was not consumed.

The huge physical impact directly formed a chasm between the two sides.

It doesn't seem that far, but I just can't cross it.

Moreover, the most powerful and lethal part of thunder attacks is not just the physical impact.

Those terrifying thunder followed the silver needle deep into Nintendo's body, quickly and crazily wiping out the energy in the opponent's body.

Under such a terrifying attack, even if Nintendo is very special, it will not be able to hold on for long.

In less than half a minute, the energy in Nintendo's body was completely wiped out.


After letting out an unwilling roar, he fell down in a daze.


When Nintendo fell to the ground, Wang Chen finally stopped.


Under the perception of the power of the soul, Wang Chen has determined that Nintendo has been completely obliterated.

It was precisely because of this that he stopped.

Take a deep breath.

Such terrifying attacks continued, and even Wang Chen felt short of breath.

After all, stimulating the terrifying power of a spiritual weapon with all your strength, the consumption is not something that ordinary people can withstand.

Fortunately, Wang Chen still has a large number of Xiaowu Lei Talismans to assist him. Otherwise, if he wanted to destroy Nintendo, the consumption would be extraordinary.

It has to be said that any zombie born at the right time, place and time is definitely not a simple thing.

Of course, Wang Chen is still better than chess.

Rely on your own exaggerated combat power and various treasures, plus arrange them in advance.

This very special zombie Nintendo can only hate the northwest.

Although this battle cost a lot of money, the rewards were also quite large.

The biggest and only gain is the corpse of Nintendo.

Originally, Nintendo was just an ordinary corpse, which had been simply refined.

But by chance, a chemical reaction occurred with Western hormones.

As a result, his own corpse turned into an extremely special zombie.

Now Wang Chen used the power of thunder to completely wipe out the energy in the body from the inside out.

After such a grinding and refining process, the strength of Nintendo's body is completely comparable to that of zombies at the peak of Earth Master.

You can even arm-wrestle with Celestial Master's low-level zombies.

As long as this thing falls into the hands of a corpse-refining master, it is very likely that a heavenly master-level guardian zombie can be produced.

The value of this thing can be imagined.

It will definitely not be worse than the top spiritual weapon.

It is even comparable to ordinary Taoist tools.

This level of harvest was the first time even for Wang Chen.

Without much hesitation, Wang Chen slowly approached Nintendo's body with his sword in hand.

Although the soul perception has determined that the other party has been completely obliterated.

But the necessary caution is still necessary.

Seeing Wang Chen slowly approaching Nintendo's body, Lu Renqing, who was holding the line at the rear, was also very confused and shocked.

When he met with Wang Chen before, he already knew that Wang Chen's fighting ability was extraordinary.

But I never expected that it would be so exaggerated.

Lu Renqing couldn't help but shudder after just a moment of the continuous violent thunder.

He couldn't even hold back that terrifying special zombie, let alone a living person like him.

I originally thought I was taking care of my assistant nephew, but I didn't expect that I was just watching a show.

With him or without him, there is no difference at all.

Wang Chen's attention at this time was entirely on Nintendo, and he did not notice anything unusual about his uncle Lu Renqing.

Of course, if Wang Chen knew the inner thoughts of this uncle, he would definitely say that he was overthinking it.

The role of Uncle Luren Qing was quite significant.

If he hadn't arrived, Wang Chen wouldn't have been able to deal with Mamadi's three masters and apprentices very well.

After all, Wang Chen has been practicing in Master Jiu Shu's dojo, Yizhuang, and has not gone to Maoshan.

In other words, he had no way of contacting the Maoshan Law Enforcement Hall.

If the three masters and disciples of Mamadi don't go to Maoshan to apologize, then Wang Chen really doesn't have a good way to deal with it.

There is no way that his own travel plan could be delayed for the sake of Mamadi's three masters and apprentices.

Now that we have this powerful Luren Master Qing, all worries can be said goodbye.

Sure enough, there's no problem.

When he came to Nintendo's corpse, Wang Chen examined it carefully and determined that the strength of Nintendo's corpse was even better than he expected.

Even someone like Wang Chen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although he is not particularly proficient in corpse refining, he is quite good at weapon refining.

If it were a normal zombie corpse, it would naturally not be possible to use the weapon refining method to deal with it.

Then the body would definitely be burned.

But Nintendo's corpse is different.

It is special enough in itself, and coupled with Wang Chen's thunder and the energy in his body consuming each other, Nintendo's body has been strengthened again.

This thing can be completely refined using the weapon refining method to create a puppet with powerful combat power.

With Wang Chen's own ability and the accumulated materials, he felt that there would be absolutely no problem in refining a zombie puppet with the combat power of a heavenly master.

Yes, he planned to keep the spoils of war for himself.

After all, Nintendo's corpse is indeed too tempting.

Moreover, this battle was entirely fought by him alone.

Harvesting trophies is a matter of course.

As for sending Nintendo's body back to Mr. Ren's family?

That's totally killing people!

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

Even the special zombie body like Wang Chen, who has some ideas, will only be more attractive to ordinary practitioners.

After all, an expert at the level of a Heavenly Master is about to become a legend.

As long as it is well refined, such a corpse will be guaranteed to have the peak combat power of an Earth Master, and will most likely even reach the combat power of a Heavenly Master.

This kind of temptation can be imagined.

Once Wang Chen sends the body back to Master Ren's house, I am afraid that within three years, the Ren family will be ruined and their bloodline will be cut off.

This is not a joke by Wang Chen.

Without benefit, those warlocks would definitely not harm an ordinary family like the richest man in Renjia Town.

After all, once exposed, all the righteous sects will be surrounded and suppressed.

As long as there is no problem with your brain, you will never do such a thing that is not worth the gain.

But as long as there are enough benefits, let alone the richest man in a small town.

Even the disciples of the great sect and the sorcerers dared to take action.

With this kind of low-risk, high-return great thing, those hyenas will only get crazier.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Chen never considered sending the body back.

Besides, this thing really smells so good that even Wang Chen couldn't help but be tempted.

As long as it is refined, it will be an excellent top-level tank.

In the future, when facing the enemy, Wang Chen can release it and hold it in front, and he can safely launch long-range attacks from behind.

This kind of enhancement is indeed quite big for Wang Chen.

And an extremely special existence like Nintendo may only happen once in a lifetime.

Wang Chen naturally didn't want to miss it.

After careful inspection, Wang Chen did not hesitate at all and directly put Nintendo's body into the storage treasure.

After all this was done, Wang Chen quickly hurried back to the altar.


After simply reciting a few spells, Wang Chen took back the sealing formation he had activated earlier.


After the formation was closed, Wang Chen turned around and said hello to Uncle Lu.

oh oh.

After hearing Wang Chen's greeting, Lu Renqing came back to his senses.

After all, what he saw today had a huge impact on him.

He practiced hard for decades before barely breaking through to the Earth Master level.

There is basically no potential for further upward impact.

Now I suddenly see such a young junior like Wang Chen, whose strength has surpassed myself.

Shocked, of course.

Lu Renqing was also very envious of such a powerful nephew like Wang Chen.

Not really.

After all, as Maoshan disciples, everyone is quite united.

Especially when it comes to juniors.

Ordinary juniors may be treated casually, but genius juniors are treated completely differently.

Everyone will take it very seriously.

When necessary, he will even be willing to pay a huge price for the safety of his juniors.

Because everyone knows that the younger generation represents the future.

If you don't understand this, even a Maoshan disciple will never be able to become a central figure.

Why was Shi Jian able to become the senior brother of his generation before he left the army?

In addition to his strong talent, the most important thing is his character.

I am willing to unite my brothers and stand up for them.

Otherwise, how could there be so many people of his generation following him.

As the core disciple of Uncle Maoshan Jiu and his generation, Lu Renqing naturally agrees with this concept.

It was precisely because of this that there was no trace of hatred in his eyes when he looked at Wang Chen.

There is even some appreciation and relief mixed in there.

Now that the matter has been completely resolved, uncle, what are your plans next?

Wang Chen asked directly.

After all, he planned to push the matter of Mamadi's master and apprentice to this Uncle Lu.

Naturally, you need to ask a few questions.

It's impossible to just say that you are too lazy to bother and want to let the other party deal with the aftermath.

That would be too much...

“I don’t have anything too important.

Xiaochen, what are your plans?

After Lu Renqing heard Wang Chen's question, he answered directly without thinking.

My main purpose of going out this time is to travel around various places to increase my knowledge and facilitate my subsequent growth.

Now that the matter has been resolved, I am ready to continue traveling as planned.

In that case, leave the aftermath to me.

As a veteran of the world, Lu Renqing naturally understood what Wang Chen meant when he heard what he said.

Therefore, without thinking twice, he took over the task of dealing with the aftermath.

If it can help the younger generation grow up better, he, as a master, is still willing to put in a little effort.

Moreover, the aftermath work is not that difficult, it just takes a little time.

But he was very happy to punish the disciples who insulted Maoshan's reputation.

For someone like him who has been a disciple of Maoshan for decades, he naturally attaches great importance to Maoshan's reputation.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so angry after hearing Wang Chen's explanation before.

Naturally, he would not refuse such a small thing as dealing with the aftermath.

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