My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 202 Entrusting help, the meeting officially begins

If Zhuge Kongping's high-end weapon refining materials are just based on value, they are still slightly different from trading a spiritual weapon.

Not only Wang Chen saw this, Zhuge Kongping also understood this truth.

Although in the current world of cultivation, trading of spiritual weapons is very rare.

It can even be said that it has not appeared for hundreds of years.

But that doesn’t mean that everyone doesn’t know the average price of spiritual weapon transactions.

At that time, the high-end weapon refining materials here were barely enough to offset the price.

But things are rare and valuable. After so many years, the preciousness of spiritual weapons has also increased by leaps and bounds.

Naturally, prices are also rising.


These can be traded for a spiritual weapon - the Thunder Spirit Bead.

Zhuge Kongping was just about to speak, planning to add some other treasures and trade them for the spiritual weapon in Wang Chen's hand.

After all, spiritual weapons are indeed too rare. If there is such an opportunity, he naturally does not want to miss it.

But before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Wang Chen.


Zhuge Kongping was also shocked when he heard Wang Chen's words.

He didn't think that Wang Chen, who could trade spiritual weapons, would not know the value of spiritual weapons.

Now I actually agreed directly.

Then I wonder what I can do to help you?

Zhuge Kongping can become the number one person in cultivation and reputation around Spring City, so he cannot be a fool.

If Wang Chen is willing to suffer a loss in the transaction, he must have other requirements.

But the spiritual weapon is so fragrant.

Even though he knew that other sacrifices might be required, he still wanted to trade this spiritual weapon.

I don't have any requirements, I just have a commission.


Zhuge Kongping was also a little confused by these words.

I hope you can be around here in the future and help me collect some advanced weapon refining materials.

I will provide all the money and resources needed for collection.

When I collect enough high-end materials in the future, I can promise to help you refine an exclusive spiritual weapon.

Wang Chen spoke quickly and expressed his thoughts.

This thing is also a win-win situation. Wang Chen doesn't believe that the other party will refuse.

Everyone has interests, and as long as there is no hatred, everyone will basically agree.

And do Wang Chen and Zhuge Kongping have any grudges?

Obviously, no.

They even have a little friendship.

Tonight, Wang Chen helped suppress the rampaging bronze-armored corpse, and at the same time, he also offered a spiritual weapon to Zhuge Kongping at a discount.

Not to mention how good the friendship is, but at least there is no hatred.


This matter is on me.

Zhuge Kongping directly agreed to Wang Chen's request without even thinking about it.

Just as Wang Chen predicted, there is no reason to refuse this win-win situation.

Anyway, everyone is very aware of Zhuge Kongping's reputation.

As long as there are any weird things, he wants to collect them.

Otherwise, where did the high-grade weapon refining materials in the collection room come from?

Now it doesn't hurt to expand the scope a little bit.

This kind of thing can be said to be nothing at all, and it is naturally impossible for him to give up the great benefits of the spiritual weapon.

Wang Chen was also very happy to hear that Zhuge Kongping agreed.

Without any hesitation, he directly threw the spiritual weapon, the Thunder Spirit Bead, to Zhuge Kongping.

There is no worry at all that the other party will change his mind.

Ouch! What are you doing~

Seeing the Thunder Lingzhu being thrown over suddenly, Zhuge Kongping was also shocked.

If such a top-notch treasure were broken, it would be a huge loss.

However, Wang Chen's eyesight is still very good.

Zhuge Kongping caught the Thunder Lingzhu quite easily.


It's really a good baby!

After Zhuge Kongping got the Thunder Lingzhu, he was very excited and started to study it carefully.

It wasn't until Wang Chen put all the high-end weapon refining materials into the storage space that Zhuge Kongping couldn't help but speak.

How? Fellow Taoist Zhuge.

Looking at Zhuge Kongping, who had a slightly vulgar expression, Wang Chen also asked.

Not bad!

After hearing Wang Chen's words, Zhuge Kongping finally came to his senses.

He straightened his expression a little and said very formally.

However, the corners of his slightly raised mouth could not be suppressed no matter what.

Wang Chen didn't care about this situation.

Anyway, as long as the other party can help him collect various weapon refining materials in the future, then his transaction can be regarded as a loss.

As for whether the other party will try their best?

Wang Chen still wouldn't doubt this.

It’s not that he really believes in the other person’s character.

But believe in benefits.

The temptation of a specially refined and exclusive spiritual weapon is very great.

He didn't believe that Zhuge Kongping could resist such a top temptation.

As long as he can't help it, he will definitely try his best.

After the spiritual weapon transaction was completed and the commission was confirmed, Wang Chen and the others parted ways directly.

It's midnight now.

It would not be good for an outsider like Wang Chen to stay in Zhuge Kongping's house.

After all, the other party is not that kind of bachelor.

With a wife and daughter at home, it is naturally not easy for a man like Wang Chen to stay.

In this regard, Zhuge Kongping did not hold back.

Just invite Wang Chen to visit tomorrow.

After all, I got a spiritual weapon from Wang Chen and a promise at the same time.

Naturally, Zhuge Kongping would not just cut off communication.

Wang Chen naturally did not refuse this.

After all, Zhuge Kongping has been a local snake for so many years here.

It would also be a good idea for Wang Chen and the other party to inquire more about the gathering in the trading market.

After all, as the old saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in every battle.

Even if the magic weapon is used for trading, it is indeed a very good existence.

But if you know more about the information, it will be easier to make subsequent transactions.


Wang Chen, who returned to the hotel room, didn't think much and started to practice directly.

Anyway, with the blessing of Golden Finger, his cultivation is much easier than other ordinary cultivators.

Naturally, he would not waste this advantage.

After all, his current state has not yet reached its limit.

Neither emotion nor reason should be slacked off.


The next day.

Wang Chen got up early.

After a simple wash, he left the restaurant directly.

He planned to buy some gifts first.

After all, it's a formal visit, so basic etiquette is still required.

It doesn't necessarily need to be a precious treasure, it just needs to express a feeling.

Therefore, Wang Chen went directly to a gift shop and bought several gifts.

Then he went directly to Zhuge Kongping's home.

Wang Chen is still very clear about the location of Zhuge's mansion.

After all, I've been there twice, so I can't forget it.

Fellow Daoist Wang!

When Wang Chen just arrived at Zhuge's mansion, Zhuge Kongping was already waiting at the door.

The moment he saw Wang Chen, he immediately walked over quickly and greeted him.

Fellow Daoist Zhuge!

Wang Chen also responded politely immediately.

You're already here, why are you bringing these things with you?

They are all worthless stuff.

It's just a token of appreciation.

After the two exchanged a few words at the door, they immediately walked in.

Then Zhuge Kongping entertained Wang Chen very happily.

At the same time, he also formally introduced his family to Wang Chen.

After the banquet was over, Wang Chen also left directly.

As for Zhuge Kongping inviting Wang Chen to stay overnight, he directly refused.

Wang Chen would feel uncomfortable staying at other people's homes.

After all, he and Zhuge Kongping were indeed not as familiar as Uncle Simu.

It is better to rest directly in the restaurant, so that you can be free.

However, Zhuge Kongping still arranged for his son to be Wang Chen's tour guide during these few days.

This allows Wang Chen to appreciate the various scenery here more easily.


Time flew by.

The small gathering of cultivators in the trading market is finally about to begin.

There is only one day left before the rally officially begins.

But many practitioners have gathered around here.

However, most practitioners are still in the realm of mage.

There are not even many masters at human master level.

As for the masters at the Earth Master level, Wang Chen didn't see any of them.

Because the trading market meeting was about to start, Wang Chen also asked Zhuge Kongping's son to go back.

During these few days, this tour guide was indeed very good.

Wang Chen himself is not a stingy person.

So he directly gave the other party a magic weapon-level protective treasure.

Although it is only a low-grade magic weapon, its value is quite good.

At least his efforts these days are definitely not worth such a protective magic weapon.

But Wang Chen didn't care.

Anyway, with his current ability, refining a low-grade magic weapon is not worth mentioning at all.

The more important point is to show Zhuge Kongping his strength.

Being able to give a body protection magic weapon as a gift casually, the background is self-evident.

In order to get the exclusive spiritual weapon faster, Zhuge Kongping will definitely work harder.


Time passed quickly in the blink of an eye.

The small gathering of cultivators at the trading market finally started.

With Zhuge Kongping, a local snake who has been hanging out in this area all year round, Wang Chen naturally knows the situation of this small gathering quite well.

There is no need for him to spend a lot of time, nor does he need to go to the trading market in advance to inquire about information.

Zhuge Kongping, a local snake, directly helped him get everything done.

Even the trading stalls were booked for Wang Chen in advance.

With Zhuge Kongping's reputation and strength in this area, this matter is still very easy.

Even behind the cultivator trading market, there are major righteous sects as backers.

But it is still very necessary to make friends with local snakes everywhere.

After all, everyone is in business, so it is natural to pay attention to harmony and wealth.

This time, Wang Chen did not attend the small gathering at the trading market with Zhuge Kongping.

Zhuge Kongping came to the gathering mainly to see if he could find any weird collectibles.

Although the task of helping Wang Chen collect various advanced weapon refining materials has now been added, his own interests and hobbies will not change.

This time, Wang Chen will not only collect various high-level materials, but also sell some low-level magic weapons.

Naturally, it is impossible to go with Zhuge Kongping.

Anyway, everyone has their own goals, so there is no need to force them together.

Entering the trading market, Wang Chen also quickly headed to his stall.

He planned to start selling magic weapons directly and bring together those who attended the rally.

This is much simpler than wandering around to collect materials bit by bit.

After all, as long as they put forward their own requirements, those who want to trade magic weapons will definitely not be stingy with various high-end weapon refining materials.

Arriving at the stall prepared by Zhuge Kongping, Wang Chen took out the things he had prepared before without any hesitation.

Twenty magic weapons!

There are two middle-grade magic weapons among them, and the rest are low-grade magic weapons.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the sign that Wang Chen took out.

A signboard is hung on a five-meter long pole.

Selling magic weapons!

Material trading!

Eight big characters, extremely cool.

Such a special situation naturally attracted the practitioners who attended the gathering.

Especially after seeing those eight big characters, I can't help but come here to take a look.

And when he saw it, he stopped immediately.

Because there were indeed twenty magic weapons placed on Wang Chen's stall.

This is not the lowest level magic weapon, the peach wood sword.

It is a magic weapon that many masters may not be able to possess.

How could such a large number not be noticeable?

In the blink of an eye, a lot of people gathered outside Wang Chen's stall.

Everyone participates in this gathering because they want to buy some treasures that can increase their combat power.

Magic weapon, this is so standard.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone knew the backer behind this trading market, maybe someone would have taken the risk.

Of course, some practitioners with very clear minds would not have this idea.

After all, how could someone who could casually trade twenty magic weapons be a simple character?

Seeing that the people gathered around him were almost there, Wang Chen spoke directly.

“Everyone wants to trade magic weapons.

I won't waste everyone's time either.

The requirements are clearly written and traded with advanced materials.

If the refining materials I have can satisfy me, then even trading for more advanced magic weapons is not impossible.

As soon as Wang Chen finished speaking, the practitioners around him began to breathe a little faster.

Even the magic weapons on the stall made them very satisfied.

He never expected that Wang Chen could actually trade more advanced magic weapons.

This is simply an unexpected surprise!

But they also know how valuable the magic weapon is.

Even low-grade magic weapons may not be affordable.

Not to mention more advanced magic weapons.

However, most of the cultivators who came specifically to attend this gathering still brought some wealth with them.

I want this one!

One of the masters of human skills directly pointed at a magic weapon and said.

As for the transaction materials, he directly handed Wang Chen a list.

Written inside are the names, quality, and quantities of various refining materials.

This is exactly what the backer behind the cultivator trading market specially made.

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