My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 200: Completely suppress the Bronze Armored Corpse. Do you really dare to call him this name

After all, Wang Chen's own level of strength is already at the Earth Master level, and he is also a Guabi Earth Master with a golden finger.

The real combat effectiveness is definitely not much worse than that of the Heavenly Master.

If this bronze-armored corpse was found in the wild, Wang Chen might still be a little interested.

After all, all the spoils are his.

Naturally, we need to consider how to maximize benefits.

But now we are in someone else's mansion.

This bronze-armored corpse is also someone else's war collection.

Even if Wang Chen suppresses it, he won't get much benefit.

If it weren't for the fear that this bronze-armored corpse would cause trouble and affect the ordinary people in the city and the trading meeting he was going to attend later.

Wang Chen might not mind his own business at all.

After all, if you have this time, you might as well stay in your room and practice hard.

In this way, you can also increase your own strength and improve your ability to resist various risks.

what happened?!

At this moment, the owner of Zhuge Mansion finally arrived.

A fat guy holding a sword asked.

His realm has reached the peak of human masters, although compared to Wang Chen, he is still a little less interesting.

But in the entire cultivation world, it can be considered a pretty good talent.

At this time, Zhuge Kongping was also very confused.

The Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse, but he managed to capture it alive outside with great difficulty. He originally planned to keep it at home as a collection.

But I never expected that such a big basket would appear in just two days.

This powerful bronze-armored corpse actually broke free from the seal and successfully ran out.

Moreover, two outsiders actually appeared in the backyard of his mansion.

He knew one of them.

He is the best in the world who can't deal with him very well.

Of course, this is just a nickname the other party gave himself, and the specific name has not been circulated.

As for the other person playing with thunder in his hand, he didn't recognize him.

If he didn't see the appearance and just saw the hand rubbing the thunder, then he might guess that it was Maoshan's senior brother, the Thunder King Shi Jian.

But as a well-known master in the cultivation world, Zhuge Kongping still knew Shi Jian's appearance clearly.

Wang Chen is so young, there is no way he is that senior brother from Maoshan.

Seeing Zhuge Kongping's arrival, No. 1 Mao's face was a little ugly.

After all, he originally wanted to suppress Zhuge Kongping's reputation, but now his ugly appearance was actually seen by the other party.

Even though Number One was very thick-skinned, he still felt a little embarrassed at this time.

But after all, he has been in the cultivation world for so many years, and his mentality is still quite good.


After coughing twice, he pretended that the things here had nothing to do with him.

He looked around as if he had just come here.

Are you here to cause trouble again?!

At this time, Zhuge Kongping, who roughly guessed that there was a problem, also asked the No. 1 Mao a little angrily.

Spring City is a big city in the south, but there are not many masters of the martial arts here.

After all, all sects have a limited number of manpower, and those powerful direct disciples will naturally be placed around the sect's headquarters.

If anything happens to the sect's headquarters, those powerful disciples can quickly provide support.

Although this possibility is slim, everyone has agreed to do so.

Of course, the main reason is to allow the powerful direct descendants to receive more teaching and training.

After all, there must be many more masters and seniors in the sect's residence than outside.

The tower near the water gets the moon first.

This is a truth that everyone knows very well.

It is precisely because of this that there are not many top experts in a large, remote southern city like Spring City.

As a resident, Zhuge Kongping can be regarded as the most powerful and famous person in the city.

No. 1 wants to gain a foothold here and earn a lot of money.

Naturally, you need to show some past achievements and abilities.

The best way to become famous is naturally to step down from your original number one spot.

Naturally, No. 1 Mao thought so too.

It's a pity that he does have a lot of cleverness, but his real ability is very impressive.

He tried to step on Zhuge Kongping many times, but the final result was that he was embarrassed.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t want to sneak into Zhuge Kongping’s house secretly this time and create a big trouble for Zhuge Kongping.

It's just a pity that he didn't clearly estimate his own ability.

Finally, when we were working on the Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse, another problem arose.

If Wang Chen hadn't come to the rescue, he would have been really miserable this time.

Of course, he didn't feel much gratitude to Wang Chen.

On the contrary, I was slightly complaining.

This time I made a fool of myself again.

If Wang Chen could have taken action earlier, he would not have been chased and bitten by the bronze-armored corpse in such an embarrassing situation.

However, although he has thoughts in his heart, he does not express them directly.

He's not a fool.

Naturally, it can be seen how terrifying Wang Chen's strength is.


I do not know what you're talking about!

First Mao is still stubborn and refuses to admit it at all.

Just when the two of them were about to quarrel again, the bronze-armored corpse couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, he was originally a zombie with extremely ferocious nature, and he had to be fully aroused by those wild Taoist priests before.

Zhuge Kongping's purification and suppression formation was directly destroyed by the First Mao before it was fully effective.

The current bronze-armored corpse is extremely ferocious.

Even if he was temporarily shocked by Wang Chen's powerful thunder attack.

But in just the blink of an eye, that ferocity had already made him escape from Wang Chen's shock.

Regardless, he attacked No. 1 Mao and Zhuge Kongping in the courtyard.

This sudden change also made the two of them ignore the quarrel.

He immediately started fighting with the bronze armored corpse.

If it were under normal circumstances, Zhuge Kongping would still be sure to suppress the bronze armored corpse.

But now something happened suddenly. He only brought a sword, and the other guys didn't bring anything.

Under this situation, he could only deal with the bronze-armored zombies.

It is basically impossible to suppress the bronze armored corpse again.

As for the first one, it's even more embarrassing.

Being able to guarantee that you won't be bitten by the bronze-armored corpse is already pretty good.

As for dealing with the bronze-armored corpse, it is indeed too difficult.

Seeing the farce below, Wang Chen did not hesitate and immediately took action again.

The violent thunder instantly knocked the bronze-armored corpse away.

Since the other party didn't have the ability to suppress the bronze-armored corpse, Wang Chen naturally did his part.

After all, he didn't want this bronze-armored corpse to affect the subsequent trading market gathering he attended.

A mere bronze-armored corpse at the peak of human mastery would naturally be unable to withstand Wang Chen's spiritual weapon attack.

When the Thunder Lingzhu was in Wang Chen's hand, the attack it unleashed was extremely terrifying.

With only five moves, the bronze-armored corpse was directly beaten to the ground by Wang Chen.

The whole body was a little burnt black, and the corpse aura was a little sparse.

If Wang Chen strikes a few more times, he might be able to directly transcend the opponent.

If it weren't for the fact that this bronze-armored corpse was Zhuge Kongping's trophy, Wang Chen might have directly transcended the opponent's physical form.

I just thought about it and felt it was unnecessary.

Zhuge Kongping is the local leader of Spring City, and he is also a local leader with quite good strength and reputation.

Maybe there are some high-end weapon refining materials collected in his hand.

There is absolutely no need to be at odds with the other party now.

Anyway, for Wang Chen, there is not much difference between physical salvation and complete suppression.

In this case, he naturally doesn't mind giving the other person face.



Seeing Wang Chen completely suppressing a powerful bronze-armored corpse in two or three strokes, Zhuge Kongping and First Mao took a breath of cold air.

This situation really shocked them.

Wang Chen is so young, but his level of strength has actually reached this level.

What's wrong?

What's wrong?

At this time, Zhuge Kongping's wife and children had also rushed over.

After all, Wang Chen made such a big move, and if they haven't noticed it yet, it would be too unreasonable.


However, after they arrived and saw the situation in the yard, they couldn't help but gasp.

They can clearly understand the terror of that bronze-armored corpse.

Especially Zhuge Kongping's son.

At first it was a bronze-armored corpse that the father and son suppressed in the wild.

He had personal experience of the terror of the bronze-armored corpse.

Now that powerful and terrifying bronze-armored corpse was actually lying in the yard.

If they hadn't sensed a little corpse energy, they would have thought that the bronze-armored corpse had died.

In just a short time, a bronze-armored corpse turned into this.

How could they not be shocked by such an exaggerated situation.

But at this time, Zhuge Kongping finally reacted.

Without any hesitation, he immediately took the talisman from his son's hand and once again completely suppressed and sealed the bronze-armored corpse.

Thank you so much, Taoist Priest.

Zhuge Kongping, who had completely suppressed and sealed the zombies, also thanked Wang Chen.

At this time, Wang Chen had already arrived in the courtyard.

Although Wang Chen was not wearing a Taoist robe, he could still recognize the distinct magical power of Maoshan's mind.

Strength is respected in the cultivation world!

Except for disciples of the same sect, seniority is important.

Others are all about putting the accomplished ones first.

Wang Chen is very powerful, so even though Wang Chen is very young, Zhuge Kongping still respects him very much.

you are welcome.

Wang Chen did not take credit for himself.

After all, he also wants to make good friends with the other party to facilitate subsequent transactions of various high-level weapon refining materials.

After a few simple exchanges of greetings, Zhuge Kongping and Wang Chen looked at No. 1 Mao who was about to run away quietly.

Wang Chen was slightly impressed by this guy.

It's just a bit of a movie plot I watched in my previous life.

In this world, he spends most of his time practicing hard in Yizhuang, so naturally he doesn't know much about things in the cultivation world.

Wang Chen is also a little curious about this guy.

What is the other party's current name?

After all, the current world of cultivation is not the plot of a movie from the previous life.

That's something serious in Maoshan.

And the number of various masters inside is also very large.

With his current strength, if he really dares to be the best in the world, then there are definitely masters in Maoshan who can clean up the door.


Realizing that both Wang Chen and Zhuge Kongping were looking over, No. 1 Mao also smiled a little awkwardly.

First Mao, what do you mean?

Zhuge Kongping asked directly.

He was also quite angry.

No matter how good-tempered you are, you will be angry about what happened tonight.

If the master Wang Chen hadn't happened to appear, no one could have guessed how much trouble this bronze-armored corpse would have caused.

This bronze-armored corpse was brought back by him to suppress the seal. If it causes big trouble in Spring City, he will definitely not get any good results.

He was almost implicated by this guy, so it was normal for Zhuge Kongping to be angry.

Number one?

Is this your name?

After hearing Zhuge Kongping's words, Wang Chen also asked with some doubts.

The other party actually dared to call him by this name.

A complete lack of common sense?

Or is it something else?

Wang Chen was also a little curious at this time.


What's wrong with calling me the best in the world?

When Wang Chen questioned his name, No. 1 Mao also responded very forcefully.

This situation made Wang Chen a little happy.

How dare you be so arrogant and domineering in front of a Maoshan disciple like him.

It was a slap in the face.

Although Wang Chen didn't know why the masters in Maoshan didn't deal with this guy.

But it doesn't mean that Wang Chen will tolerate the other party dancing in front of his eyes.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The violent thunder swirled around Wang Chendu's hands, and a terrifying scream erupted.

At this time, No. 1 Mao finally reacted.

Wang Chen is not Zhuge Kongping, nor is he the former Maoshan disciples.

Rather, it was a terrifying existence that was so powerful that it quickly suppressed the bronze-armored corpse.

He couldn't afford to offend such a powerful master.

Seeing No. 1 Mao instantly shut up, Wang Chen also took back the power of thunder.

Although No. 1 Mao's mouth does have a bad taste, he is still the same person after all.

It is impossible for Wang Chen to directly kill the other party.

You can change your name from now on, and you are not allowed to use your current name to cheat.

However, Wang Chen still spoke.

After all, with the strength of the other party, if he continues to hang out with the name of the best in the world, it will completely insult Maoshan's reputation.

As a disciple of Maoshan, naturally you cannot see this.

What is my name and what does it have to do with you?

Although he knew that Wang Chen was powerful, Number One still muttered.

After all, he has been called this name for some time.

Now a person suddenly appears and asks him to change his name.

Naturally, he couldn't accept it.

I am a disciple of Maoshan.

You dare to call me this name with your little strength, which is completely insulting Maoshan.

Although he would not kill people casually, it did not mean that Wang Chen would look down upon such a bluffing person.

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