My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 195 Special seal, strange “person”

Of course, with Wang Chen's current strength, it is still possible to find out clearly.

It just requires more energy and time.

But compared to the possible gains, spending a little time is not a big problem.

Anyway, he doesn't have anything else to do right now, so it's totally okay to do a little investigation here for the time being.

After all, traveling there is not a tour!

Wang Chen quickly used his soul power and went all out to explore the water in the well.

With the paper man serving as a base station to transmit signals, it will be slightly easier to perceive.

Under Wang Chen's control, the paper man quickly reached the bottom of the well.

At this point, the concentration of the killing energy reached its highest level.

Of course, with Wang Chen's own powerful perception, he was still able to detect that all the killing and death energy seeped from around the well.

It was exactly as he thought at first, this was just a transfer point.

There is still a big gap between it and the final source.

It seems like it really needs to take a little more time!

After carefully sensing it, Wang Chen also thought in his heart.

Although he had been mentally prepared from the beginning, he still wanted to be more relaxed.

But it's a pity that this is just his extravagant wish.

But it doesn’t matter.

After taking the paper man back, Wang Chen quickly returned to his room without staying too long.

It is relatively difficult to detect the source of the killing energy.

Therefore, Wang Chen planned to wait until night to investigate carefully.

This can also reduce external interference to the greatest extent.

After all, most of the night, normal people have already gone to bed.

When Wang Chen wants to sense the flow path of the killing energy, it can be said to be the easiest time.

After returning to the room, Wang Chen packed all the food in a bag and put it in the storage space.

After all, it contained the aura of killing and death, and he didn't want to try to find out whether the golden finger was more powerful or the gadget was awesome.

As a man who is sure of everything, he still won't be so promiscuous.

In order not to reveal any flaws for the time being, Wang Chen hid these meals.

As for going directly to the restaurant owner and informing him of the murderous aura, Wang Chen has not done so for the time being.

Firstly, he is just a young man.

In today's society, there is still a popular proverb that a person with a hairless mouth will not be able to do things well.

Others would not just believe what Wang Chen said casually.

After all, the other party's business is so big, and if you delay it, you will make a lot less money.

Anyone who is not a fool will not listen to what Wang Chen said.

After all, the killing and death energy is extremely poisonous to cultivators.

But for ordinary people, that's it.

The impact is not particularly obvious, and it is simply not enough to make people believe it.

Of course, the most important thing is the second point.

That is, even if you say it, it won't have much effect.

It only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

This makes no sense at all.

Moreover, just the well in this restaurant has murderous and deadly energy seeping into it.

Then might other wells in this town also have problems?

After all, this restaurant alone has a one-third chance.

This is no small inconvenience.

Only by first finding the source of the killing energy can all the effects be finally eliminated.

It was precisely for these reasons that Wang Chencai did not go looking for the restaurant owner with great fanfare.

Moreover, Wang Chen did not completely trust the other party.

Before you know what's going on, it's better to be a little cautious.

After all, he is a time traveler, and he can still do it if he cares deeply about his loved ones and friends.

But for some people who have nothing to do with it, I can only help where I can.

It's still slightly impossible for him to risk his life for a stranger.

After all, Wang Chen is not that kind of noble saint.


Time flies.

As if in the blink of an eye, it was already midnight.

Wang Chen, who had been sitting cross-legged on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

It's time to move!

Wang Chen looked at the table and murmured.

The tableware from before has been packed away by the second brother.

In the following time, Wang Chen has been staying in the room until now.

It was finally midnight, and it was almost dead of night outside, so he could set out to investigate.

Quietly going out from the window, Wang Chen quickly left the restaurant.

He planned to use the well in the restaurant as a coordinate point and slowly explore the surroundings to determine the direction of the final source of the killing energy.

As long as you carefully explore the direction of the final source, it will be much easier to find it.

With Wang Chen's own strong strength, it is naturally relaxing and pleasant to enter the homes of ordinary people.

Besides, he only entered those yards to sense whether there was any problem with the wells.

This makes things easier.

Relying on Wang Chen's speed and perception, it only took half an hour to determine the direction.

The murderous spirit has penetrated from the west.

Without hesitation, Wang Chen directly followed this route and quickly rushed towards the west.


It should be over here!

Soon, Wang Chen had arrived at the western edge of the town.

Once here, it's a little more troublesome to explore.

Because there are no major rivers around this city.

Below those wells are connected to underground rivers.

Relying on the infiltration of underground rivers, the town's drinking water problem is met.

Without the well as a coordinate point, it would naturally be more troublesome to explore.

Of course, there are benefits here.

At least there are no people living here, so you don't have to worry about alerting others when you investigate.

With all his soul perception, he could still sense a little bit of abnormalities even if they were deep underground.

At least the general direction can be determined.

Relying on his powerful soul perception ability, Wang Chen slowly advanced the investigation bit by bit.

It took him three full hours before he finally stopped.

It wasn't that his own soul power was exhausted, but that he noticed something very wrong.

What's going on in this valley here?

Wang Chen looked at the valley ahead, doubts flashing through his mind.

Even though he didn't study the secrets of Feng Shui in depth, he could still barely see the general situation.

The feng shui of this valley is very ordinary no matter how you look at it.

But the situation inside is very surprising.

That kind of rich spiritual energy would make Wang Chen believe it if he said it was a special treasure place.

Weird, weird!

Wang Chen touched his chin and thought rapidly in his mind.

Forget it, let's investigate carefully first.

If you can't see the specific situation outside, you can only study it in depth.

Of course, he would definitely not go deep into it himself.

After all, this valley looked quite abnormal at first glance, and he would definitely not risk his own life.

Although his current fighting ability is indeed very good, ordinary people are not his opponent at all.

But the premise is that you can't step into other people's traps, nor can you enter some special blessed places.

Otherwise, it is very prone to risks.


It was still the same paper man as before, and was thrown out directly by Wang Chen.

This thing is definitely a top-notch Noble Phantasm for detecting traps and eliminating risks.

With this thing around, Wang Chen certainly wouldn't take risks on his own.

He is not a fool!

The paper man controlled by Wang Chen, like a hard-working model worker, quickly rushed into the valley to explore for Wang Chen what was going on inside.


As soon as the paper man stepped inside, Wang Chen noticed a disturbance.

In the valley, there was energy that interfered with his perception.

Fortunately, Wang Chen's own perception ability is very strong, and the valley may be in disrepair, so there is a slight problem with the interference ability.

This allowed Wang Chen to barely perceive the situation in the valley.

I don't know if this is a good thing. Once he found out what was going on inside, Wang Chen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

How is this going?!!

Wang Chen was very shocked by the situation in the valley.

This is really too abnormal.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

Twelve out of ten things are wrong!

The amount of spiritual energy in this valley was dozens of times higher than what was previously perceived outside.

It's like a small paradise inside.

How could Wang Chen not be shocked by this situation.

You must know that those cave heavens and blessed lands have long been occupied by those top sects.

In other words, those top sects rely on the Cave Heaven Paradise to be able to spread to this day without interruption.

Those large cave heaven paradises were either destroyed in previous battles or already occupied by top sects.

Even the competition for the small cave heaven and paradise is very fierce.

Now, a small cave heaven paradise similar to the one without an owner has actually appeared here. How can this not make people shocked and surprised?

After sensing this situation, Wang Chen knew that this matter was definitely not simple.

However, crisis is both danger and opportunity.

Such a big movement, the treasure hidden inside will definitely not be simple.

Maybe there will be another great harvest.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen felt happy.

Without any hesitation, he immediately controlled the paper man and began to explore everywhere.

All the circumstances inside must be determined first, so as to facilitate his subsequent in-depth exploration.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

During these ten minutes, Wang Chen carefully explored the valley.

There is no danger.

It seems to be a treasure place that has been in disrepair for a long time.

Now that this was confirmed, Wang Chen naturally would not waste any more time.

Without any hesitation, he quickly stepped into the valley.

As soon as he entered the valley, Wang Chen felt an obvious difference.

But this is not Wang Chen's main purpose.

Although the concentration of spiritual energy here is relatively high, the experience gained from practicing the Maoshan Heart Method will increase.

But relatively speaking, these are trivial matters to Wang Chen.


Not long after he stepped into the valley, Wang Chen sensed something was wrong.

There is actually a sealing formation hidden inside.

Previously, paper figures were used to deliver the message, and there was some interference along the way, so Wang Chen didn't detect it at first.

But after walking in, the interference in the middle disappeared.

And his own perception ability will naturally become stronger without the relay.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to sense the sealing formation hidden in the formation.

Although Wang Chen did not study particularly deeply on things like formations.

But compared to ordinary practitioners, it is still much stronger.

After all, the blessing of Golden Finger, coupled with my own hard work, is no joke.


Will you move or not?

Twenty minutes passed again.

Within twenty minutes, Wang Chenzai carefully explored the entire valley.

Except for the outermost formation and the rich spiritual energy in the valley, there is nothing else.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen is a little confused.

After all, no one can tell what things will be in the sealing formation.

Wang Chen was not prepared to take risks at the beginning.

But after coming here and leaving without gaining anything, he felt a little unwilling.

Entering a treasured place and returning empty-handed!

No one can accept this.

Especially since Wang Chen had such high expectations at the beginning.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to do it!

The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death.

Moreover, he is relatively confident in his own strength.

Especially the spiritual weapons in his storage space are his confidence.

Besides, in this world now, the concentration of spiritual energy is declining.

This makes the whole world slightly more restricted.

Nowadays, the Earth Masters are all famous masters, and the Celestial Masters are even more top-notch masters.

You must know that more than two thousand years ago, mages were really inferior to dogs, and human teachers were everywhere.

There are even those who can transcend tribulations and ascend.

The difference between this can be imagined.

Even if there are any demons and ghosts in the sealing formation.

It’s impossible to make waves now.

Of course, Wang Chen did not directly and recklessly open the sealing formation.

After all, strategically, we despise the enemy, but tactically, we value the enemy.

The preparations that should be made are still necessary.

Wang Chen used the treasures in his storage space to quickly set up a simple formation in the valley.

Of course, the formation is relatively simple.

But with the blessing of various powerful formations, the power is still very terrifying.

Even if there are really some monsters in the sealing formation, Wang Chen can definitely make the other party unable to eat them.

After everything was prepared, Wang Chen began to crack the sealing formation.

If it were a normal situation, with Wang Chen's formation skills, it might be a little difficult to crack this sealing formation.

But things are different now.

No one has been here to maintain it for too long.

The difficulty of cracking the sealing formation dropped by 90%.


After some attempts, Wang Chen finally opened a corner of the sealing formation.

This is?!



In a world full of red light, an illusory figure suddenly looked up.

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