My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 190 The Divine Sword is made, try to refine the first spiritual weapon

But for Wang Chen, it would be very good to reduce consumption a little bit.

After all, weapon refining is a continuous matter, and there cannot be any unnecessary interruptions in the middle.

Otherwise, it will definitely affect the quality of the weapon.

Although Wang Chen's current mana is very strong, this time he is refining a top-quality magic weapon - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

The caution that should be exercised is still necessary.

After all, this time he was refining a treasure for his uncle, Taoist Master Four Eyes, so he had to do his best.

Only in this way can he be worthy of the help from Master Shishu.

When the temperature of the furnace rose, Wang Chen did not hesitate at all and immediately began to formally refine the ultimate magic weapon - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

His powerful mana quickly surged out and began to temper the materials.

Under his control, the mana quickly shaped into a furnace cauldron.

There is also mana below that is connected to the real furnace, absorbing the firepower in the furnace, speeding up the tempering of materials, and reducing consumption.

Under this situation, those materials were quickly quenched by Wang Chen and became the purest liquid.

Of course, the main reason why Wang Chen was able to complete this step so quickly was because he had studied the drawings of the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword very thoroughly.

Knowing what temperature the materials need to be tempered can result in the cleanest and fastest tempering.

With such preparation, Wang Chen was able to refine the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword so smoothly.

Of course, as a price, his own mana is consumed very quickly.

Just tempering all the materials into clean liquid had already consumed half of his mana.

Even nearly one-tenth of his soul power was consumed.

You must know that the other magic weapons he refined before consumed less than a quarter.

But now just completing the first step of refining the weapon has already consumed such a terrifying amount of energy.

It is conceivable that the difficulty of refining the best magic weapon is indeed exaggerated.

No wonder the weapon refiners in the current cultivation world are so proud.

Most people are not even qualified to invite others to refine weapons.

Fortunately, Wang Chen is a gabi with the blessing of golden fingers, and his weapon refining skills are already quite good.

Coupled with the fact that his strength is far beyond that of normal cultivators of the same realm, he has the confidence to refine this top-notch magic weapon - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

Any other normal weapon refiner would never dare to open such a seaport.

But since Wang Chen dared to do this, he was naturally confident.

The mana he still has left is enough for him to complete the subsequent refining.

After all, there are two most troublesome parts in refining magic weapons.

The first one is the early tempering material.

This requires more mana.

The second is the subsequent engraving of energy patterns.

This requires more soul power.

Now that Wang Chen has completed the first step, consuming more mana will not have much impact.

After all, the follow-up mainly depends on the soul power.

After all the materials were tempered, Wang Chen calmed down his emotions a little.

Then there was no hesitation and he immediately started the follow-up work steps.

Under the control of his powerful soul power, all the material liquids in the mana furnace began to merge with each other.

Various materials fuse with each other to form a completely new alloy.

It’s not just the simple blending of materials, but the blending of materials from the inside out.

That is to say, Wang Chen's own soul power is strong enough, otherwise this fusion would be very easy to explode.

Although the main difficulties in refining weapons are those two.

But that doesn’t mean that all the difficulties are just two.

There was trouble elsewhere, too.

It's just not as prominent as those two.

Of course, these are nothing to Wang Chen.

After all, he can solve even the most troublesome problems.

Not to mention these minor issues.

Under the control of Wang Chen's powerful soul power, all the materials and liquids merged with each other.

The moment the fusion was completed, Wang Chen immediately used his soul power again and began to control the liquid to form.

After all, he was refining the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, so it naturally had to have the shape of a sword.

This step is not difficult.

Under Wang Chen's control, the material liquid quickly formed a sword.

At this point, the second major difficulty appears.

Wang Chen must control this liquid sword to prevent it from deforming in any way.

At the same time, it is also necessary to complete the energy pattern of the best magic weapon, the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, within this time period.

Otherwise, this refining would be considered a failure.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Chen simply adjusted his condition, and then began to operate.

If it were in the past, Wang Chen would definitely not be under such great pressure.

After all, at that time, he was just trying to gain experience points for the weapon refining skill level.

If the refining fails, the refining fails.

For him, at best, he would only gain a little less experience points.

It doesn't have much impact at all.

But this time it's different.

He was refining it for his uncle, Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

Wang Chen respected this uncle very much.

Not to mention that Master Shishu Taoist Priest Simu helped him so much this time.

If the refining fails, Wang Chen himself will be in trouble.

Fortunately, Wang Chen's own strength is still good, and he can barely adjust his condition without affecting his weapon refining.

Wang Chen, who had already thoroughly studied the various energy patterns of the best magic weapon - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, quickly began to draw it without any hesitation.

With Wang Chen's powerful soul power, it is relatively simple to carve energy patterns.

Not to mention that he had been refining weapons in Yizhuang some time ago.

The experience is very rich.

Coupled with the blessing of the golden finger panel skill, Wang Chen's success rate in refining this top-quality magic weapon is much higher than normal.

When the energy pattern drawing was 90% complete, Wang Chen's operation became more delicate.

At this point, a small mistake can have a huge impact.

After all, at this time, there is no chance to make amends.

Fortunately, Wang Chen's soul power is really awesome. Even if the difficulty level is very high, it does not affect his movements.


After a lot of hard work again, all the energy lines of the ultimate magic weapon - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, have been engraved.

At this moment, the entire top-grade magic weapon, the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, showed a trace of miraculousness.

Even though it's not completely finished yet, this thing is already considered a treasure.

But Wang Chen was not careless.

After all, those who travel a hundred miles are only half ninety.

If you want to maximize the power of this magic weapon, you can't make any mistakes.

Fortunately, after Wang Chen completed all this, he still had more than 40% of his own mana and soul power.

Completing the last few steps is not a problem at all.


After some carving and perfection by Wang Chen, this top-quality magic weapon - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword was finally completed.

At the moment when it was completely completed, Wang Chen's golden finger panel also issued a prompt.

The ultimate magic weapon, the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, was successfully refined, and the weapon refining skill level experience value +10086 points!

At the same time, at this moment, the energy in the room of Wang Chen's weapon refining room also appeared a little chaotic.

This is the power of the best magic weapon.

Even if it is not activated, it can affect the energy fluctuations of the outside world.

One can imagine how terrifying its power is when fully activated.

No wonder those casual cultivators can never win over the disciples of the great sects with inheritance.

Not to mention the gap in cultivation techniques, the gap between magic weapons alone is not something that ordinary people can equal.


As Wang Chen slowly withdrew his mana and soul power, the top-quality magic weapon in mid-air - the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword also gradually subsided.

Not bad, not bad, really good.

After carefully observing and studying this demon-slaying sword for a moment, Wang Chen nodded with great satisfaction.

This time, he was Master Simu Taoist Priest, but he had refined a terrifyingly powerful magic weapon.

Although it is still a top-grade magic weapon, its power is not inferior to that of a spiritual weapon.

The reason why Wang Chen is so sure is mainly because of his own powerful soul perception ability.

Of course, the gold finger panel prompts the increased experience value, which is also a reference.

You must know that the magic weapons he refined before did not increase the experience value by more than 5,000.

Now it has directly exceeded five digits, which definitely represents a qualitative change.

To put it simply, this is a top-quality magic weapon that has fully reached the standards of a spiritual weapon in some aspects.

Just like the Xiaowu Lei Talisman drawn by Wang Chen.

Although the grade is only an intermediate talisman.

But in terms of attack power, it will definitely not be inferior to high-level talismans.

But because of other influences, it is just an intermediate talisman.

After feeling a little bit about his own situation, Wang Chen shook his head.

The cost of refining a top-quality magic weapon is indeed a bit exaggerated.

With his current level of strength, he almost squeezed him dry.

However, he did not recover in the refining room, but went out directly with the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.


Xiaochen, how's it going?

Seeing Wang Chen come out, Taoist Priest Simu immediately asked.

When the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword was completely completed, there was energy chaos in the refining room.

As for this weapon refining room, Wang Chen only prepared to use it briefly.

There is no advanced formation deployed.

Therefore, energy disorder can also be perceived outside.

This fluctuation directly caused Taoist Priest Four Eyes, who had all started to rest, to rush over and wait.

After all, under normal circumstances, it would take at least a day to refine a top-quality magic weapon.

It is precisely because of this that Taoist Master Four Eyes went to rest before.

Otherwise, with his love for the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, he would never miss this moment.

But I never expected that Wang Chen's ability to compete in weapon refining was too exaggerated.

It was actually successfully refined in such a short period of time.

This led to the four-eyed Taoist priest coming back again.

Fortunately, I live up to my fate!

Wang Chen held the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword and said very happily.

Okay, okay!

Hearing Wang Chen's affirmative answer, even Taoist Priest Simu was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

But he is a master of earth master after all.

After a moment of excitement, he simply adjusted his mentality.

Xiaochen, how are you?

The four-eyed Taoist priest who received the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword did not immediately check this top-quality magic weapon.

Instead, he spoke directly and asked Wang Chen about his own situation.

There's nothing wrong with me.

Hearing this concern, Wang Chen also felt warm in his heart.

But he really doesn't have any big problems himself.

It just consumes a little more.

With his own ability, he can simply recover.

Uncle Master, take a look at this demon-slaying sword first, and then refine it thoroughly.

I'm just going to recover a little bit first.

After saying goodbye to his uncle, Taoist Master Four Eyes, Wang Chen immediately went to his room and began to restore his mana and soul power.

Although the consumption this time is indeed not small, it is also quite large for Wang Chen's growth.

If he refines the best magic weapon again, the consumption will definitely be only half of what it is now.

After all, as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect.

With this experience, he subsequently tried to refine the first spiritual weapon, and the difficulty was reduced by at least 30%.


After four hours of practice, Wang Chen finally fully recovered.

After successfully recovering, Wang Chen did not hesitate and immediately returned to the weapon refining room again and began to try to refine the first spiritual weapon.

Wang Chen, who had this idea a long time ago, naturally simulated and calculated it many times in his mind.

Although this is my first time trying it out, I won’t be in a hurry.

Because it was his first time, Wang Chen planned to do a simple one.

Try to refine the simplest spiritual weapon for him - the Thunder Spirit Bead.

As a spiritual weapon that can control bursts of thunder, its power is naturally very good.

It can be regarded as a collection of small five thunder talismans that can be used continuously.

For ordinary people, refining Thunder Spirit Beads may be very difficult.

But for Wang Chen, this thing is much simpler than ordinary spiritual weapons.

Because the energy patterns carved in the body of the Thunder Lingzhu are not much different from the Xiaowu Lei Talisman.

There are just a little more energy lines.

This is perfect for Wang Chen, who has broken the limit of the Xiaowu Lei Talisman several times.

With this blessing alone, Wang Chen's difficulty in refining the Thunder Spirit Pearl can be reduced by half.

Moreover, Wang Chen has now collected a lot of materials for refining thunder spirit beads.

Even if he failed, he would still have extra material to continue studying.

Of course, with Wang Chen's current ability, the possibility of failure is very small.

After all, he is not pursuing the limit this time, and will use the furnace to assist in refining the weapon to reduce his own consumption.

Under this circumstance, his own success rate can be said to have increased by another 10%.

Coupled with the blessing of the skill itself, it can be said that I have the advantage.

After everything was prepared, Wang Chen immediately started taking action.

With the help of mana, the temperature of the furnace soon became enough to temper the materials.

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