My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 81: 【award】

Liao Hong had long guessed that Lu Li would definitely go to the second floor to collect the reward after the inspection.

So I've been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing him asking about his grades, Lu Li smiled back and said, "It's pretty much what I predicted."

"It seems that you already know your own strength very well, not bad."

Liao Hong nodded in approval.

Then he said that he wanted to see Lu Li's medical examination form, and he took the medical examination form from Lu Li.

Liao Hong looked at the column above the spiritual power index with 702 written on it, his face was expressionless for a few seconds, and then his brows rose sharply.

Then he quickly pushed up the sunglasses on his face with his hands, revealing a pair of small eyes.

Little eyes looked at the numbers on the medical checklist, and couldn't help blinking, full of shock.

"This, seven hundred o'clock?!"

Liao Hong's original prediction was that Lu Li was about 400 points.

Because Liao Hong had observed, Lu Li's actual running speed was similar to Ye Zhun's.

Even though it has been more than ten days since the last run.

But for more than ten days, even if Lu Li is an awakened person, it will increase by dozens of points even if he is dead?

In the end, the truth was telling him that in the past ten days, Lu Li had soared by nearly 300 points!

This is too amazing!

It made Liao Hong unable to calm down for a long time.

Reaching 700 points before college, such a talent is already considered a genius.

In the entire Raoshui Town area, among the three or four thousand high school students, less than ten can reach this number.

Not because other students are not talented, but because the barrier between 699 points and 700 points is very difficult to cross.

The mortal level seems to be the weakest stage, but in fact, it is also the most critical stage.

Every three hundred o'clock is a brand new hurdle.

399 points to 400 points, 699 points to 700 points, 999 points to 1000 points.

For each hurdle, the difficulty increases several times.

Many students with excellent talent in the early stage ended up stuck at 699 points. They did not break through until they entered Lingwu University under the guidance of real professional professors and the blessing of resources.

And Lu Li was just a child from an ordinary family, right?

Although his old house has been demolished recently, and he has a sum of money to buy a lot of cultivation resources, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Hundreds of thousands or millions is a lot for ordinary people, but for spiritual practitioners, it is simply unacceptable.

Of course, Lu Li is an awakened person after all, so he can't be generalized to ordinary gifted students.

Thinking about it, Liao Hong gradually calmed down.

Putting on his glasses, he regained his serious expression and said, "No wonder even the minister admires you. You are indeed quite talented. Let's go, I'll take you up to collect the subsidy."


Lu Li nodded, took back his medical examination form, and followed Liao Hong up to the second floor.

The last time Lu Li came here to register.

The window for receiving rewards is next to the registration desk.

Lu Li followed Liao Hong towards the other side, and at the window, there were already several young men and women lining up.

They all came to collect monthly rewards.

Lu Li followed Liao Hong in line behind these people.

When the staff who came and went saw Liao Hong, they all nodded respectfully to Liao Hong.

Liao Hong also nodded in response with a serious look on his face.

Obviously, Liao Hong, who is a spiritual practitioner, is very much admired by ordinary staff.

Sometimes, when a Spiritual Union warrior passed by and met Liao Hong, he also behaved rather humble.

Obviously, Liao Hong was considered to be an elite class among the warriors of the Lingmeng League in Raoshui Town.

Lu Li also had an understanding of the organizational structure of the Lingmeng.

The staff responsible for the reception in the Spiritual Alliance are not actually members of the Spiritual Alliance, but more of a contract worker. Because most of their strengths are only at the level of ordinary people, only the staff who are at the management level are eligible to officially join the Lingmeng.

The same goes for the warriors. Those who have not reached the black iron level have not really joined the Spiritual Alliance. They are just ordinary staff, but their treatment is much higher than that of ordinary staff.

And someone like Liao Hong, who is already a spiritual practitioner, has joined the Spirit Alliance and is an elite warrior in the warrior team.

And like Xia Bing, he is the captain of the warrior team.

Captains are also divided into small captains and large captains.

The masters of many martial arts gyms in Raoshui Town are the captains of the Lingmeng League.

The captain is the one who manages all the team captains and Spirit Alliance warriors, and his power is limited to the head of the branch.


It was also Lu Li's turn to line up.

Under the guidance of Liao Hong, Lu Li stepped forward and handed his medical examination form to a woman in the window to check.

The woman glanced at the medical checklist and was shocked by the numbers on it.

Showing a look of surprise.

"Seven hundred o'clock?"

She looked up at Lu Li, and then at Liao Hong next to Lu Li.

Liao Hong nodded to her, and she returned to her normal expression in embarrassment, and said, "Please wait a moment."

After that, he manually entered Lu Li's name on the computer. After one operation, he printed a receipt and pushed it out from the small window to Lu Li, saying, "Mr. Lu Li, your spiritual power index is 700 points, here's for you. After 300 points, the rewards between 700 points have been summarized. Please check if there is any problem."

Lu Li nodded and glanced at the receipt.

The rewards for each stage are listed and a total is given.

A total of 1.53 million Huaxia coins and five bottles of spiritual nutrient solution.

After seeing it, Lu Li nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay, can you show your ID card? We'll give you a special card for Lingmeng. With this card, you can enjoy a 5% discount when you buy medicines in major mainstream pharmacies."

The staff explained it very skillfully.

"9.5% off?"

This is very good.

It is equivalent to a bottle of spiritual nutrient solution of 50,000 yuan, which can be bought for only 47,500 yuan.

For spiritual practitioners who need to buy medicines to remind themselves all the year round, it is not inconvenient.

Lu Li took out his ID card from his pocket and handed it to the staff.

A few minutes later, the staff handed a brand new bank card engraved with the Lingmeng logo to Lu Li.

"Please take it. The subsidy will be printed on your card within two hours. Then please take this list to the nutrient solution collection window over there to collect your nutrient solution."

"Okay, thank you."

Lu Li took the Lingmeng bank card. There was no card number on it, only the Lingmeng logo.

Lu Li could feel that on this card, there was a rather complicated spiritual rune, which was countless times more complicated than the short sword that Lu Li had seen in Zhang Daquan before. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Lu Li knew that this was Lingmeng's special encryption method, so he didn't care much.

After thanking him, he followed Liao Hong to get the spiritual nutrient solution.

Lingmeng presented a very delicate little box.

The box contains five tubes of nutrient solution that exudes a strong spiritual energy.

"The spiritual power in this spiritual power nutrient solution is much less effective than my spiritual power bottle."

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

If you really take it, it is estimated that two bottles of nutrient solution are equal to one bottle of high-quality spiritual power.

Thinking about it, Lu Li closed the small box containing five bottles of spiritual nutrient solution and put it in his trousers pocket.

Liao Hong also didn't mention asking Lu Li to go through the formalities for joining the alliance.

Just sent Lu Li to the first floor.

And when they parted, Liao Hong reminded Lu Li: "Lu Li, next Monday's Lingwu class is very important, you must come over. Of course, even if you don't come, I believe the minister will let you know. "

"An important course?"

Lu Li was slightly surprised.

Liao Hong nodded and said, "It's inconvenient to make it public right now. You'll know it on Monday. It's a course that is very beneficial to your students."

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded and said, "Well, I see, I will come over. Thank you, instructor."

"no need to thank me."

Liao Hongdao: "Your class of students is the luckiest class in recent years. Take advantage of all the opportunities you may have in the future."

Listening to Liao Hong's words in the fog, although Lu Li was puzzled, he could only nod his head.

Since he said he can't say it now, it's useless to ask more.

I had to say goodbye to Liao Hong.

Then left here.

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