My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 76: 【Promise】

In order to quickly accumulate 1,000 study points, Lu Li turned the pages quickly.

I read three novels in an hour.

[Learning point +446]!

[All attributes +1]!

When the third novel was closed, with the slight change of 1 full attribute to the body, the learning points in the system panel also accumulated to 80152 points!

"Eighty thousand!"


Looking at this string of numbers, Lu Li's dull face finally had a happy look.

After more than ten days of accumulation, reading books day and night, reviewing frantically, I finally saved up 80,000 points!

Lu Li was extremely excited, and without saying a word, he directly opened the system mall!

[Qualification Card: Kenshin]!

[Buying this card requires 80,000 learning points, do you want to buy it? 】

Is that even a question?


Lu Li agreed in his heart without hesitation.

The system responded immediately.

[Successful purchase! Card Pack has been deposited! 】

Open the card pack and find this golden crystal-framed card. In the middle of the card is a portrait of a character with a red dot on his forehead, which is very beautiful.

This is Lu Li's second gold card!

Lu Li couldn't hide his excitement and clicked on the gold card.

Popup description:

[Qualification Card: Kenshin]

[Using this card, you can get the Kenshin of the corresponding main weapon attribute, which will automatically match the host's physique. 】

【Do you use this card? 】

"The Kenshin corresponding to the main weapon attribute?"

So, if you don't have Yan Mojian in your hand, will this Kenshin still give other attributes?

However, Lu Li only has a golden card weapon like Yan Mojian.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can enhance your talent and use Yan Mojian better, these 80,000 learning points will be worth it!

Thinking about it, Lu Li responded directly, "Yes!"

As Lu Li's voice fell, the golden card instantly shattered into pieces of golden dust.

The golden dust fluttered in the air, and then turned into two **** of light in front of Lu Li.

A group of black and white meet, a group of deep blue.

It floated quietly like this, as if waiting for Lu Li to make a choice.

"It means that there are two matching attributes, do you need to make a choice?"

Lu Li quickly understood and asked in his mind, "Can I have all of them?"

no respond.

I can't have all of them, so how can I choose? I don't know the difference between the two groups of lights.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help reaching out to touch the blue and deep ball of light.

Then, I felt a chill, and a feeling of loneliness.

Lu Li couldn't help but withdraw his hand.

Turning to reach out to another group of light like Tai Chi, where black and white meet.

The feeling of this group is quite gentle, there is a sense of security as if returning to the source.

Lu Li understood.

"Blue represents extremes, while black and white represents harmony."

are two completely different paths.

Lu Li couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After struggling for a few minutes, Lu Li made a choice: "Extreme means more difficulty, and harmony means there are more ways to choose."

"I choose Yuanrong!"

If it is extreme, the power may be stronger, but it also means that in the future, he can only be tied to Yan Mojian.

And if you choose Yuanrong, no matter what type of sword you get in the future, you can also use it yourself.

This is the reason why Lu Li chose it.

And as Lu Li made his choice, the faint blue light group immediately dissipated into the air.

And the black and white taiji light group turned into a ray of light, and instantly penetrated into Lu Li's forehead.

Lu Li only felt a tingling pain in his forehead.

A series of memories about this Taiji light group suddenly flooded into Lu Li's mind.

[Wuji Jianxin: From Wuji and Taiji, Taiji moves to give birth to Yang, to move to be still, to stillness to give birth to Yin, and to still to move again. A movement and a stillness are rooted in each other. Dividing yin and yang, the two ceremonies stand together. Promise kendo, endless, boundless. 】

After the memories were completely merged, Lu Li opened his eyes again, and his heart suddenly became more enlightened.

"So that's the case, is this Wuji?"

As Lu Li thought, Wuji Jianxin is an existence that allows him to easily control any attribute.

But it's not just so superficial.

Its effect is huge.

With Wuji Jianxin, Lu Li can directly absorb the evil energy without even needing the jade pendant.

Of course, if the two are combined, the power is even stronger.


Lu Li couldn't help but connect the jade pendant, and everything in front of him entered a state of spiritual vision.

At the same time, above Lu Li's eyebrows, a pattern of black and white like water ripples began to condense.

With the appearance of the black and white lines between the eyebrows, all the evil spirits within a radius of 100 meters were felt by Lu Li.

Lu Li just had a thought in his heart, and all the yin and evil energy suddenly swept toward Lu Li's room like a yin wind.

It was completely absorbed by Lu Carp at one time.

Not only the yin and evil qi, but even the spiritual qi of heaven and earth in the air was sucked and pulled over by half, and the spiritual qi within a hundred miles was sharply reduced by half in an instant.

Among Lu Li's neighbors, many students are practicing breathing and breathing.

In an instant, they all sensed that the surrounding aura became thinner.

One by one woke up from surprise.


Absolutely don't know what happened.

And the culprit, Lu Li, felt incredible after absorbing a lot of aura and yin.

"So strong!"

"Is this the daily practice of geniuses?"

A look of surprise appeared on Lu Li's face.

At the same time, after absorbing such a large amount of yin and spiritual energy just now, Lu Li suddenly felt that the spiritual force in his body fluctuated violently and was almost broken.

However, Lu Li did not try to break through again.

Instead, open the system panel again and click on the mall.

When integrating Wuji Jianxin just now, Lu Li saw a prompt popping up in front of him [an item that can be purchased in the mall].

That's a purchasable item related to Kenshin.

Lu Li, who has integrated his memory, knows that most of the items that can be purchased are related to the advanced swordsman.

In memory, the sword heart that Lu Li now possesses is actually only the initial state.

There are two ways to advance to Kenshin, one is to cultivate on your own, comprehend it, and gradually complete the advance.

But this process often takes decades, even hundreds, thousands of years!

The other method is very simple and crude. UU reading

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the system mall, and soon saw the newly added purchasable items.

[Mission Card: Kenshin Upgrade]!

[Using this card, you can get the "Kim Sum Upgrading" quest, and you can upgrade your Kenshin once after completing the task requirements. 】

[Task summary: Collect 10 metal spirit cores; 10 wood type spirit cores; 10 water type spirit cores; 10 fire type spirit cores; 10 earth type spirit cores. The mission can be completed after submission. 】

[10,000 Learning Points are required to purchase this card. 】

"Spiritual core? What is this?"

Once again, a word I haven't heard of before.

Lu Li couldn't help but open his phone and search.

I soon learned about the information related to the spiritual core. The so-called spiritual core is the spiritual beast above the second rank, a kind of spiritual power medium that exists in the body.

It is somewhat similar to the "spiritual phase" in the body of human spiritual practitioners.

And the spiritual core is the spiritual aspect in the body of the second-order spiritual beast.

Lu Li found a picture of Linghe on the Internet. It was a crystal of irregular shape the size of a thumb cap.

Spirit cores with different attributes will have different colors.

These spiritual cores contain spiritual power that is countless times more powerful and denser than ordinary spiritual stones, which are used in many spiritual energy technologies.

As for what kind of psionic technology was applied, it was not something that Lu Li could find out.

In this world, high-end scientific and technological knowledge is only in the hands of a small number of people.

However, from the above information, Lu Li can probably guess a fact......

That is, this kind of spiritual core, if you buy it alone, it must be very expensive!

And it's ridiculously expensive!


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