My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 60: 【Shadow】

The sky has not yet completely darkened, but the cemetery is already full of red haze.

It adds a bit of weird color to this half-dark world.

As soon as Lu Li teleported over, he immediately entered a state of spiritual vision and looked around.

Although nothing unusual was found in the cemetery in the morning, it is always right to be cautious when sailing the ship for ten thousand years.

Afterwards, Lu Li discovered that the place where he was located, the yin and evil energy within a radius of more than ten meters seemed to be stronger than other places.

Lu Li quickly figured out why.

He has also encountered this situation before, that is, after absorbing the evil qi in the cemetery, the evil qi somewhere will gather again, and the re-gathered evil qi will be stronger than before.

At this time, it should be the same principle.

After figuring out this principle, Lu Li realized that something was not quite right.

"If that's the case, what about the evil spirit in the flowerbed in the middle of the cemetery?"

There is a large flowerbed in the center of the cemetery.

The evil spirit above the flowerbed can be said to be the strongest in the entire cemetery.

Before, Lu Li didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was only due to the terrain, that a lot of evil spirits gathered there.

But at this time, it doesn't seem right.

It seems that there is something there, absorbing the evil energy, and it has lasted for a long time.

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine.

If it really is what you think, then you have been cultivating in the cemetery these days, isn't the other party being watched all the time?

Lu Li couldn't help reaching out and took out a jade pendant in his pocket.

It was the jade pendant that Jiang Xiaogu gave to Lu Li.

Lu Li held the jade pendant in his palm and looked around.

In my heart, I also began to think about whether to send it back and come back tomorrow during the day.

Or, stay and wait and see what happens?

Thinking about it, Lu Li observed the surroundings for a long time, and found that the cemetery was still quiet, only the rustling of the grass from the night wind.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Li still decided.


Anyway, the amount of his cultivation today is about to reach its peak. As long as he is cautious enough, he will immediately launch teleportation to leave if something goes wrong.

Thinking like this, Lu Li took out a teleportation stone and held it in his hand.

Holding the teleportation stone in one hand and the jade pendant in the other.

Then he started to activate the jade pendant to absorb the evil energy around him.

And stay alert.

And right now.

In the weeds more than ten meters behind Lu Li, a black head quietly emerged from the ground.

With two yellow pupil eyes, he looked at Lu Li who was cultivating in the distance.


Lu Li was startled when he heard the wind blowing from behind him, and immediately looked back.

Seeing Lu Li's movements, that black head quickly fled back to the ground.

When Lu Li turned around to look, there was no movement at all.


Lu Li just thought it was the wind blowing.

Then he calmed down a little, continued to practice, and was alert to the surroundings.


Under the deep underground.

"People...there are people with extreme cold..."

Dry voices rang out in the dark.

A pair of eyes, with a faint red light, filled with fear.

"It's people from the river, they're coming to grab my fruit..."

In the red eyes, there is a very scared look.


In the darkness, there was the sound of a stone being moved away.

The red light radiated out as the stone was removed, and the red light illuminated this deep and narrow cave in the ground.

It also showed a black distorted figure with a lot of black hair, not like a human figure.

"My fruit... it's not theirs, it's mine!"

The black shadow stretched out a hand covered with black hair and carefully penetrated into the red light source.

Then he picked up two fruits that glowed red like red crystals.

Looking at the red fruit, the black shadow's red eyes showed a look of covetousness and greed.

"No, no...not yet! Wait....I'm not ready...wait..."

The shadow's voice was dry and unpleasant, panic-stricken, almost insane.

It took these two fruits, and then continued to climb towards the outcropping of the cave.

"I can't let people take away my fruit... Whoever dares to use a crooked mind will kill, kill..."

The shadow came to the deepest part, and continued to dig the soil with his hand covered with black hair.

Dig a small hole, put the fruit in it, and cover it with a stone.

"It's coming soon, you can eat it soon... After eating it, you won't be afraid of being robbed by the people at the bottom of the river..."

After doing all this, it seems to be a little satisfied.

He squatted beside the fruit, and continued to stare at the top, where Lu Li was.

Its sanity is no longer clear.

The only thing I know is to protect these two fruits, and then eat them when I can eat them.

After eating, everything will be different.

This is its firm idea.

It sat squatting, with a hunched back and vigilant eyes.

In this dark and damp underground, only its own fears are being staged.


on the ground.

Lu Li stayed where he was, absorbing the yin and evil energy for more than an hour.

No difference was found.

He has been observing the surroundings, listening to all the bells and whistles.

However, nothing unusual was seen either.

very quiet.

But the quieter it was, the more Lu Li felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that even if there is nothing strange and unclean, things like bugs and mice, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is always there, right?

However, Lu Li only felt that the neighborhood was extremely quiet and lacked any vitality.

Lu Li never noticed this before.

Now that he has practiced for an hour, he begins to discover that there is no insect chirping in the cemetery at night.

This is quite unusual.

Therefore, Lu Li was always vigilant.

Until he felt a throbbing pain in his head.

This means that his cultivation today has reached its peak.

After realizing this, Lu Li immediately got out of his cultivation state, and then without saying a word, he just said softly, "Go!"

In an instant, Lu Li disappeared.

Shortly after Lu Li disappeared, in a weedy bush more than ten meters away, the black head stuck out again.

"People... gone... not found..."

Sombra seemed very happy.

"But he will come back... can't be found by him... can't..."

Dark Shadow's eyes dimmed again, very frightened.

All his emotions are more extreme than normal humans.


At this moment, a dove flew across the sky.

It frightened the black shadow, it quickly fled back to the ground, but soon stuck its head out of the ground again.

Its eyesight allows it to see the birds in the sky clearly at night.


Seeing that the shadow instantly stretched out a hairy hand, the black hair on the hand immediately grew rapidly and tied the pigeon.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu......"

In a flutter, the pigeon was directly swept into the ground by the shadow.

Then there was a sound of chewing.

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