My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 55: 【Extremely cold】

Lu Li only felt that his eyes were dark, and he was instantly teleported to a field of weeds.

The sky above was gray, but the cemetery in front of him was dark, and it was hard to see five fingers.

Lu Li cautiously squatted down slowly, put on his hood, and then his spiritual power was linked to the secluded jade pendant.

Entering the state of spiritual vision, everything in front of him instantly turned red.

The red light and fog lingered in this cemetery lined with tombstones.

This was the first time Lu Li came to the cemetery before dawn.

Looking at the red at this time, it was really scary.

In addition, Lu Li also found that the more red he looked in the middle of the cemetery, the more gloomy the red ones became.

However, aside from the fact that this phenomenon is suspicious, nothing else has changed in this cemetery.

Even so, Lu Li squatted on the spot vigilantly, not leaving the teleportation array for half a step.

Carefully, he began to absorb the surrounding evil aura little by little.

Since it was dark, all the yin and evil qi hidden in the ground during the day came out. Just in this place where Lu Li was, the concentration of yin and evil qi was quite high.

Lu Li absorbed it on the spot for more than ten minutes before absorbing one place.

And the surrounding red light mist is like flowing water. After discovering the blank area, it will quickly fill it here.

As long as Lu Li absorbs slowly, it can almost be achieved without moving in place and absorbing for a whole day.

Lu Li also discovered this.

So he simply sat cross-legged on the spot, slowly absorbing the red haze used in all directions.

While absorbing it, he also looked around.

However, the strangeness was not found much, but a rather strange phenomenon was discovered.

As if consciously, the yin and evil energy around him captured the aura of heaven and earth rushing from the heavens and the earth, and then slowly transformed it into a red aura.

This assimilation process is very slow.

Lu Li also observed this for a long time before slowly realizing this.

Before Lu Li came here during the day, there was very little yin and evil energy in the air, and the speed of assimilating spiritual energy was slower, so it was naturally difficult for Lu Li to find it.

"It seems that the evil spirit here is accumulated over many years."

Lu Li seemed to understand a little bit of the principle of the evil spirit.

However, how they came into being is still a mystery to Lu Li.

Lu Li had to continue greedily absorbing the evil energy while observing their movements.


More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The sun has risen up the mountain, and the sky and the earth are bright.

The yin and evil qi also began to burrow into the ground one after another.

Seeing the increasingly thin yin and evil energy, Lu Li had to stop absorbing the yin and evil energy.

At this time, there were occasional vehicles passing by outside the cemetery, and the big truck was honking its horn, which brought some earthly sounds into the gloomy cemetery.

Lu Li slowly closed his eyes and felt the spiritual power in his body.

I only opened my eyes after I felt that the spiritual power group had improved significantly.

"I don't know when the next breakthrough will be."

Lu Li muttered to himself.

Then he looked around, and after confirming that no one or anything that was not human passed by, he made a move with his right hand.

A mysterious black long sword that was in its sheath instantly appeared in Lu Li's hand.

As soon as the sword appeared, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped.

It added a bit of chill to this already cold morning.

The surrounding weeds also gradually formed a thin layer of frost.

Looking at the Yan Mo sword in his hand, Lu Li couldn't help muttering: "Although my current level is only over 400 points, my real strength should be over 500 points. I don't know if I can control this sword this time."

This time, Lu Li, holding the Yan Mo sword, was not as cold and unbearable as last time.

Although he could also feel the cold, as the level increased, Lu Li's body became more resistant to cold.

He hadn't fully seen what the sword looked like when it was unsheathed, and at this moment he started to draw the sword.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put one hand on the hilt of Yan Mojian.

Then slowly pull it out.

However, just when Yan Mojian was gently pulled out a little bit.

A terrifying chill swept across in an instant!

at the same time.

Under the ground, a distorted existence that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly opened its eyes at this moment.

"Extremely cold..."

The twisted existence made a dry sound.

Then, as if very afraid, he continued to drill deeper into the ground...

Lu Li naturally didn't know what was going on underground.

At this time, his brows were already covered with white frost, but the Yan Mo sword in his hand was only pulled out by less than a centimeter!

Just like this, Lu Li felt a bone-chilling cold!

This kind of coldness is not only physical, but also coldness from the soul!

Lu Li's hands couldn't help shaking.

However, if you grit your teeth, you can barely accept it!


Lu Li frowned and began to activate the spiritual power in his body, trying to keep out the cold.

This is really effective, the body really warms up a bit quickly, but the coldness that comes from the soul is hard to contain.


Lu Li pulled out the Yan Mo Sword by one centimeter again.

A chill that was even more terrifyingly cold spread instantly.


The weeds on the ground were the closest to Lu Li, but at this time they froze into ice. Lu Li's body was shivering with cold. As soon as he touched these frozen weeds, the weeds snapped apart.

Lu Li's face was also rapidly frosted, and his spiritual power was not good enough to keep out the cold.


Lu Li couldn't help taking a breath.

He quickly retracted it into the sheath.

As soon as the sword was sheathed, the chill that was so cold to the depths of the soul immediately disappeared without a trace.

Only the frost all over the ground is left, which proves the danger that just happened.

"It's so cold that it's so cold. If I pull it all out, I'm afraid I'll freeze to death here!"

Lu Li was certain that this Yan Mo sword was not something that students at the mortal stage could handle.

It's not a good thing to draw cards with too high rarity in the early stage.

It doesn't work at all.

And the real effect of Yan Mojian is to pull out the sheath to use it.

If you don't pull out the sheath, you just put it in or out of the other-dimensional space.

"I'd better wait until I have Kenshin, and then try again."


Lu Li couldn't help but open his system panel and check his learning points:

【Learning point: 30763】

【Drawing Cards】【Mall】【Pictures】【Card Packs】

"It's 30,000 o'clock!"

Looking at this number Lu Li felt a sense of accomplishment.

This is the first time he has accumulated so many learning points.

I have been reading books like crazy these few days. Besides being bored, I can only offset my tiredness by watching the growth of my learning points.

And it is not necessary to save so many learning points, the purpose is naturally to buy Kenshin!

Not only for Yan Mojian, but also because Jianxin is a qualification card!

In a sense, aptitude is talent. One way to cultivate one's spirit is to compete with one another in terms of talent.

Although Lu Li now has the help of Tongyou Jade Pendant, the speed of improvement is fairly fast.

But this is only temporary.

When I reach a certain level, the effect of the jade pendant through seclusion will probably not be great.

At that time, it is time to compete for talent and talent.

It's not too late to improve your aptitude first, and then start doing ordinary ten times a day.

Thinking like this, Lu Li put the Yan Mojian into the different-dimensional space.

Pick up the teleport stone.


In a flash, Lu Li disappeared in place.

Shortly after Lu Li left.

In a flowerbed in the middle of the cemetery, a dark figure emerged from the soil.

The black figure looked at the direction where Lu Li disappeared, and his head was tilted to the side in confusion, getting more and more crooked until it was twisted.

That action is extremely strange.

At this time, outside the cemetery, there were human footsteps.

Humans came to the cemetery to worship the dead.

The black figure sensed that someone was coming, and the sky would be bright at this time, so it quickly drilled back into the ground.

Re-block the hole with sand.

Everything was so quiet as if nothing had happened.

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