My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 46: 【White gloves】

"Yes, yes..."

After listening to the instructor's words, Lu Li was at a loss for words.

Because what the instructor said is also true, because Lu Li has the bonus of four attributes, saying that he is different from ordinary people, there is nothing wrong with him.

Although the instructor was wrong, Lu Li was not 200 points, but 400 points of spiritual power index.

However, the instructor's words made Lu Li understand a little.

The reason why those students are taken away today is because they all have abilities that are different from ordinary people. For example, Wu Shichao has become stronger.

As for the other students who were taken away, they should also have other corresponding abilities.

And now, the instructor also regards Lu Li as a superpower like those students.

This made Lu Li a little bit funny.

However, on second thought, this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you handle it properly, it can become your own protection umbrella.

My spiritual power has improved too fast, and it is inevitable that I will be suspected by others. If I am suspected of my own jade pendant and start to stare at me, it will be very difficult to handle.

But if he is a superpower, all the suspicion will dissipate.

Just as he was thinking, the instructor's cell phone rang.

The instructor glanced at the phone and saw that the caller had written "Raoshui Division - Captain Xia Bing".

Seeing the name, the instructor said to Lu Li, "Here we come, let's go."

Having said that, he picked up the phone.

"Hey, Captain, are you here yet? Well, we'll come down now."

Hearing this, Lu Li also nodded.

Followed the instructor and went downstairs.

On the square below the teaching building, two young men in uniforms of Spirit Alliance warriors, a man and a woman, were already standing here.

The leader was a tall, serious-looking woman. The uniform on her body was obviously much more advanced than the man next to her.

Her eyes fell on Lu Li, and she asked the instructor, "Liao Hong, is this student the one with signs of awakening you said?"

Only then did Lu Li know that the instructor's name was Liao Hong.

Liao Hong said solemnly and respectfully: "Yes, Captain Xia, his name is Lu Li. The characteristics of awakening that have been discovered so far are that his legs are muscular and he can run very fast. With a strength of 200 points, he outperforms other students with 400 points."

Hearing this, Xia Bing nodded and turned to Lu Li: "Hello, we are warriors of the Spiritual Alliance. My name is Xia Bing. Please come back to the Spiritual Alliance with us."

Lu Li looked at the majestic Xia Bing in front of him, and then at the instructor Liao Hong.

Liao Hong nodded to Lu Li and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, I will help you take your things back to your house."

Since Liao Hong's words were all for this sake, Lu Li also nodded.

He opened his mouth and asked, "I can go with you, but you have to tell me, what are you taking me to the Spiritual Alliance for?"

"There is no comment on this, we can only promise that you will be safe."

Xia Bing's face was serious, looking a little inhumane.

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but frown slightly: "Then what if I don't go?"

Xia Bing said, "You don't have to choose."

As soon as Xia Bing finished speaking, the male warrior standing beside him took a step forward and stood in front of Lu Li with a cold expression and a threat that was beyond words.

Seeing that the other party was going to be tough, Lu Li had to admit it.

Take this trip with them.

The scene of Lu Li being taken away was also seen by Jiang Xu, Chen Siyu, Lai Jingxuan and others on the fifth floor.

After Liao Hong returned to the fifth floor, Jiang Xu hurried up to ask what was going on.

"Instructor, what happened to Lu Li? Why did the Lingmeng people take him away?"

"Don't worry, he's fine. You care so much about him, you should know his address, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xu was a little stunned, not understanding the intention of the instructor's words.

However, since the instructor said it was fine, Jiang Xu could only believe it for the time being, and told the instructor Lu Li's home address.


Lu Li followed Xia Bing and another male warrior into the car.

Then he drove all the way to the Lingmeng stronghold outside Raoshui Town.

During the period, Lu Li asked a few questions, but Xia Bing answered coldly without comment.

However, they promised that Lu Li would be safe, so Lu Li had to relax and see what tricks they had.

On the way to Lingmeng, I passed Raoshui River again.

Seeing that the Raoshui River Bridge has been completely blocked, the huge iron wall, like a huge steel monster, stands on the river.

From a distance, you can see that outside the iron wall, there are many members of the City Guard and people dressed as Spirit Alliance warriors guarding.

"You blocked the entire Raoshui River Bridge. What's in there?"

Lu Li asked the two people in the car.

Xia Bing's answer was still cold, but it was not "no comment", but: "That's not what you should know."

Lu Li also guessed that they would not answer him, but what surprised him was that this Xia Bing could say other words.

Lu Li continued to look at everything outside the car window.

A few minutes later, the three arrived at the Lingmeng stronghold.

Today's Lingmeng is deserted, with very few people coming and going.

They took Lu Li to the Lingmeng Hall, took the elevator, and went up to the third floor.

After the elevator on the third floor exits, there is a long and splendid corridor.

At the end of the corridor, there is a gate.

There are two men in Lingmeng martial artist uniforms, standing tall and standing at the door.

After seeing Xia Bing, both of them respectfully saluted.

Xia Bing lightly tapped their chin, then walked straight to the gate.

Gently knocked on the door.

A man's voice quickly came from inside: "Please come in."

Xia Bing then pushed open the door.

The door was opened, and inside the door was a room with floor-to-ceiling glass, full of crystal technology products.

The potted plants are all plants that Lu Li has never seen before, which is very spectacular.

It seems to be the office of a very distinguished person. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In the depths of the office, Lu Li saw a young man dressed as a leader of the Lingmeng.

The young man sat at the desk and turned his attention to Lu Li.

"Minister, the students that Liao Hong discovered have been brought."

Xia Bing changed her icy normality and bowed respectfully to the young man.


The man called the minister looked at Lu Li, with a faint smile on his face, he gestured, "Come, please take a seat."

Lu Li noticed that the minister was wearing a pair of snow-white gloves.

Along the way, the others were all injured and had nothing. Only this minister was wearing white gloves, and it was hard for Lu Li not to notice.

And, where the white-gloved minister's finger pointed, there was an office chair soon, and without anyone moving it, Gulu Gulu moved to Lu Li.

And the seat automatically faces Lu Li.

When Xia Bing and another male warrior saw this, they both turned around and retreated.

and closed the door.

And the scene where the office chair moved to the front immediately gave way to a skill: "Gravity!"

Could it be that this Spirit Alliance minister can also use gravity?

Lu Li's mind was spinning.

Then, at the suggestion of the white-gloved minister, he sat up.

As soon as I sat down, the chair automatically rotated towards the desk. Then he grumbled and pushed himself to the desk of the white-gloved minister.

Lu Li's expression was a little stunned, and then he discovered that there was already another office chair in front of the desk.

There was also a girl in a school uniform sitting on the chair.

The girl blinked her big eyes and looked at Lu Li.

Originally, Lu Li was a little nervous. Seeing the presence of other students, Lu Li felt a little at ease.

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