My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 44: 【Hunk No. 2】

Lai Jingxuan saw that Lu Li was looking at him, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help drawing a provocative arc.

He still remembered Lu Li's unwilling expression after being overtaken by himself a few days ago.

Whenever he thinks of this, his heart is extraordinarily happy.

However, seeing Lai Jingxuan's provocative smile, Lu Li only smiled lightly.

Not at all moved by his provocation.

When Lai Jingxuan saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Are you pretending to be calm? Or is it because you have exceeded 200 points?"

Lai Jingxuan knew that as soon as Lu Li entered the Lingwu class, he already had a spiritual power index of 198 points.

After so many days, it is reasonable to break through to 200 points.

At that time, when Lu Li was only 198 o'clock, he ran faster than the students at 200 o'clock. Lai Jingxuan was really surprised at that time.

But thinking about it carefully, Lu Li should be very talented in running.

But what about having a talent for running?

The strength gap is there.

With his 363 spiritual power index, even if Lu Li reached 200 points, the gap is still huge.

It's impossible to beat him even if he's on drugs!

Thinking about it, Lai Jingxuan lifted the black-rimmed glasses on his face and chuckled lightly.

He is in a good mood today, because when he was in class today, he chatted with Jiang Xiaogu!

At that time, when he saw Jiang Xiaogu reviewing mathematics, he took advantage of the situation and asked Jiang Xiaogu a few mathematics questions, and Jiang Xiaogu answered him patiently.

For this, he was happy for a long time.

In contrast to Lu Li, Lai Jingxuan has not seen much of Lu Li talking to Jiang Xiaogu recently.

Lai Jingxuan felt that he might have thought wrong at first.

The relationship between Jiang Xiaogu and Lu Li is not that good at all.

It's just because of the acquaintance, that there is a little communication.

Thinking like this.


At the door of the classroom, the instructor directly pressed the start button.

The LCD screen at the door immediately turned into a scarlet countdown:



The entire classroom suddenly became chaotic, and dozens of students rushed out of the classroom.

"You can't step on others, and you can't be stepped on by others, otherwise, those who step on and be stepped on will all run ten laps!"

The instructor's voice sounded from behind.

The corridors were crowded, and the students ran very restrained, for fear of bumping into people and stepping on them.

Lai Jingxuan didn't rush out of the classroom first, in order to gain those ten seconds, it was unnecessary.

There are Ye Zhun and Li Junsheng who have the same idea as Lai Jingxuan.

"Jing Xuan, look."

At this time, a boy beside Lai Jingxuan couldn't help but point at Lu Li, who was also far away and hadn't started to leave.

Lai Jingxuan looked back and was surprised to find that Lu Li didn't even start running.

Moreover, Lu Li was actually doing warm-up exercises at this time, squatting down, and pressing his legs.

The countdown has already started, are you still so leisurely?

Thinking of the last time Lu Li only took 9 minutes to run the entire distance, Lai Jingxuan had to admit that Lu Li did have the capital to spend more than ten seconds.

However, this also means that Lu Li will be thrown farther by himself!


Lai Jingxuan ignored Lu Li, led a few old students, and then moved.

One by one, they rushed out of the classroom and ran.

Lu Li had also simply sat down to warm up and quickly followed.

Lai Jingxuan also quickly noticed that Lu Li was following behind him.

However, there were too many people running the stairs now, and he couldn't run fast enough to get rid of Lu Li.

"You'll know when it's on the flat ground."

Lai Jingxuan thought, everyone had already descended to the fourth floor!

"Wait until the third floor and jump off."

In the past, Lai Jingxuan jumped off when he was on the second floor just to be on the safe side.

But this time, he decided to jump straight off when he was on the third floor.

He used to be able to fish, but this time he wanted to defeat Lu Li directly!

And just when he thought so.


A figure rushed towards the protective fence like a bullet, then turned over beautifully and jumped from the fourth floor.


This sudden action caused an uproar among the students, especially the freshmen, who were stunned.

They are people who have heard that the spiritual power index is above 400. If they are properly controlled, they can jump from the fourth floor without injury.

But I heard Gui Heard, this is the first time I've seen each other.

In my heart, I can only call out the macho!

And Lai Jingxuan saw the figure clearly.

It's Ye Zhun!

Ye Zhun is the strongest student in the Lingwu class, second only to Jiang Xiaogu's top three geniuses. Now that the three giants don't come to the Lingwu class, Ye Zhun is number one!

If it was him who danced, Lai Jingxuan would not be surprised.

In fact, at the height of the fourth floor, only Ye Zhun, who was 427 points, dared to jump.

Others, such as Lu Yiyi, she is 402 points, and she does not dare to try the fourth floor easily, she only dares to jump when she is on the third floor.




Another figure rushed straight to the railing, then stepped on the wall and jumped.

"Fuck! Come again!"

"Hero number two!"

"Nima, what kind of fierce people are in the Lingwu class?"

The other students were stunned when they saw this.

This is the fourth floor. Are you really afraid of falling into trouble?

However, the shock of the other students was far less than that of Lai Jingxuan!

Because he knew that in addition to Ye Zhun, Lu Yiyi reached 400 points or more in the Lingwu class, but Lu Yiyi is a girl, but this figure is a man!

And when his eyes clearly saw the face of the man who jumped down, Lai Jingxuan was stunned!

After a pause, an old man behind him stepped on his heel and staggered forward.


The black bracelet on Lai Jingxuan's hand suddenly made a sound.

"Jing Xuan, what are you doing?"

The old man was also surprised.

The black bracelet on his hand also rang, which meant that the two of them would have to run another ten laps after school to go home.

However, just when he thought what was wrong with Lai Jingxuan, he saw the expression on Lai Jingxuan's face, a look of incomparable shock!

Lai Jingxuan saw that the face of the second person who jumped down was clearly Lu Li!

It's Lu Li!

It's Lu Li, who just broke through 200 points!

It was the Lu Li whom he regarded as his rival in love!

How could it be him? !

With a physique of 200 points, he jumped off the fourth floor. If he didn't control the unloading force, he might have broken his leg, right?

Lai Jingxuan was restless, he looked at what happened to Lu Li downstairs.

She didn't care that she had to run ten more laps, so she moved quickly.

He quickly came to the third floor, and then jumped off the third floor with the tiny exclamations of the freshmen!

And Lu Li downstairs had landed safely long ago.

This was the first time he had jumped from such a high place, and in fact he was panicking.

If it wasn't for seeing Ye Zhun jumping, Lu Limen asked himself, he really didn't dare to jump.

But seeing Ye Zhun as the leader, he also had the courage to jump along.

When he got his feet on the ground, his body responded quickly and landed in a safe position. Although the landing position was not handsome and was a little embarrassing, the muscles under his feet only throbbed a little, and he didn't feel any discomfort after that.

After Lu Li jumped down, it was not only the students who witnessed it and Lai Jingxuan who were shocked.

Even Ye Zhun, who jumped off Lu Li first, was shocked.

However, he did not see that Lu Li jumped from several floors, but was surprised that Lu Li was very fast.

The two ran to the playground together, and the speed was somewhat comparable for a while.

Although Ye Zhun didn't use all his strength, it was enough to surprise him.

When the two ran to the playground together.

Ye Zhun realized that Lu Li suddenly stopped running and stopped at the starting line.


Ye Zhun looked puzzled.

How did he know that Lu Li deliberately didn't run away because he wanted to wait for Lai Jingxuan to come over!

At this time, Lai Jingxuan had also run to the playground.

Then, he was surprised to find that on the starting line in front of him, a figure in a school uniform was standing there, standing on the starting line No. 1, facing him.

Lai Jingxuan saw the student's face clearly, it was Lu Li!

He, deliberately stopped and waited for him?

Thinking of this, Lai Jingxuan felt that he had been humiliated, and a nameless fire rose up in his heart.

He couldn't help speeding up the movements of his feet, pulling up his horsepower, and at his fastest speed, he rushed directly to Lu Li.

Just as Lai Jingxuan stepped on the No. 2 starting line, Lu Li's figure also moved.

The next second, the two rushed out of the starting line together!


The wind was strong today, the speed of the two was very fast, and the sound of the headwind could not be heard.

In the eyes of the other students who arrived later, the two of them were like two wild wolves racing each The speed was astonishingly fast!

All of a sudden, it opened a huge distance from them!

"So fast!"

"Who is that student? Why am I not impressed?"

"Looks like the newcomer from the second class?"

"Ah? New here?"

When everyone was surprised, Lai Jingxuan, who was running with all his strength in front of him, looked astonished!

He never imagined that he was already running with all his strength, but what happened to Lu Li, who could keep pace with him? !

How could he run so fast? !

If Lu Li also went all out, with his strength and physical fitness, he should have been tired long ago, right?

Lai Jingxuan couldn't help but tilted his head and glanced at Lu Li, but saw Lu Li's profile, even if he was heading against the wind, his face was calm!

"This student, what's going on?"

Fifth floor.

The instructor wearing angular sunglasses saw the situation on the playground from a distance.

He saw that Lu Li deliberately waited for Lai Jingxuan at the starting line and started with Lai Jingxuan.

He couldn't help but pick up the phone and look at the map on the phone. On the map, there were dozens of small white circles, each with a number.

And those two white circles moving at a constant speed, one is number 7 and the other is number 62!

Number 7 means number seven.

Number 62 means number 62!

"The person ranked 62 can run as fast as the person ranked 7th?"

As an instructor of spiritual practitioners, he was also incredulous. He quickly called up the information on No. 62 and looked at it carefully. The surprise on his face became more and more obvious.

"A 198-point spiritual power index?!"

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