My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 35: 【Liu Shiting】

"Almost forgot about this."

Before, I was still debating whether to find a bigger library and place this teleportation array nearby.

Now it seems that placing it in this cemetery is the best choice.

Thinking about it, Lu Li glanced around, and then found an undeveloped cemetery in the depths of the cemetery. It was overgrown with weeds and almost no one would pass by.

After Lu Li confirmed that the place was concealed enough, he directly used this small teleportation array card.

Following Lu Li's command to use it, an illusory circular magic circle suddenly appeared in his field of vision, about 1*1 meter in size on the ground.

【Please select the location of the facility card】

A prompt pops up in front of you.

Lu Li immediately understood and began to control the illusory magic circle on the ground with his mind.

Finally, place this magic circle in the most hidden location.

"It's here."

As Lu Li determined the position, the virtual magic circle in front of him disappeared, and half of the cards in the system card bag immediately turned into light dust and scattered away. The light dust condensed into a solid circular magic circle in the weeds. Full of intricate runes.

Fortunately, there are a lot of weeds here. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see a magic circle.

In addition, this place was originally a cemetery, so not many people usually come here.

However, this was the first time that Lu Li had seen something like a magic circle. He couldn't help but squatted down and took a closer look. He even took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the magic circle.

After confirming that it was correct, Lu Li packed up his things.

Ride a bike home.

On the way home by bicycle, when passing Raoshui River, Lu Li saw that there were more and more people on the bridge watching the Raoshui River Bridge in the distance.

They are all internet celebrities in all kinds of fancy clothes.

One by one with cameras, selfie sticks, and long guns, they seem to be preparing to carve up this traffic feast.

After all, the probability of a spirit beast appearing in a safe area is very low.

Once it appears, it can become big news.

The fact that there are spirit beasts at the bottom of Raoshui River has spread all over the local circle of friends.

Not only the internet celebrity anchors, but even the nearby residents drove here, trying to join in the fun first-hand.

So there is a scene of overcrowding on the bridge.

When Lu Li passed the bridge, he also glanced at the bridge.

Then I was surprised to find that the bridge was different from when I saw it in the morning.

After only four or five hours of work, the iron wall that blocked the bridge was actually built a lot higher, a little higher than the tallest building in Raoshui Town, and the blockade was even tighter.

It was completely impossible to see what was inside from the ground.

Only by looking down from the sky can you see what it is like inside. However, flying has been banned within a hundred miles around here.

"According to this trend, I'm afraid there will be a roof behind it?"

Lu Li felt more and more that there must be something strange here.

With so much trouble and mobilization of so many people, it doesn't look like it's going to be a crusade against spirit beasts.

What is at the bottom of the river?

What is the purple air mass?

The doubts in Lu Li's heart deepened.

I always feel that something will happen in the short term.


arrive home.

Just as Lu Li put the bicycle away, he heard a somewhat unfamiliar female voice in the living room, talking and laughing.

"Is there a guest at home?"

Lu Li pushed open the mosquito screen door and entered the living room.

Then I saw my parents, my mother, and my sister were in the living room, making tea and watching TV.

And next to her sister Lu Ling, there was a girl who was about the same age as her, and she was quite smart and well-behaved.

As soon as the girl saw Lu Li walking in, she politely nodded to Lu Li and called, "Brother Lu Li."

Only then did Lu Li recognize the other party.

She is a next-door sister whom I have known since I was a child.

Liu Shiting.

When Lu Li's family lived in the old house in the south of the city, her home was nearby.

The relationship between the two families is very good, and the parents often go to each other's house to play poker.

The way to play is to remove the big and small ghosts from a deck of poker cards. Four people play, each with thirteen cards, 2 is the largest, and 3 of diamonds is the first move.

Because each person has thirteen cards, the local people also call this game "thirteen cards".

When she was a child, Lu Li often heard her parents pushing open the door of her house when she was doing her homework at night, and when she came in, she shouted, "Thirteen, thirteen, come and play thirteen."

When they come, they will bring Liu Shiting with them.

Later, they moved to a new home, and the two often had contacts.

"Shi Ting."

Lu Li also nodded and smiled at Liu Shiting.

At this time, Ma Lu said, "Shi Ting has been living in our house for the past few days. The Raoshui River is blocked, and their house is too close to be blocked."

When Liu Shiting was a child, she often spent the night at Lu Li's house, but Lu Li didn't feel anything wrong.

However, Lu Li was a little surprised to hear that Liu Shiting's house was blocked.

"Blocked? Uh, I remember their house is quite far from the river."

Shi Ting's house is at least 500 meters away from the river, right?

It was also blocked even so far away. It seems that the scope of the blockade is larger than what I imagined.

Liu Shiting said: "Yeah, it didn't get sealed last night, but this morning, we suddenly asked our family to move out first. My parents and they stayed at a relative's house temporarily."

Lu Li nodded and said, "Well, it seems that this time the matter is quite serious."

"Yeah, Shi Ting has been staying at our house for the past few days. If there is anything you don't understand about her studies, you can ask your brother Lu Li."

Ma Lu smiled and said to Liu Shiting.

Lu Ma's smiling expression reminded Lu Li of the past life, when Jiang Xiaogu came to his house as a guest.

It's the same, with the expression "I want to match you and my son".

It made Lu Li embarrassed several times.

At this time, Lu Ling curled his lips and said, "Ask him? Asking him about his studies is over. Why don't you ask me?"

"How did you talk? Did you say that to your brother?"

Mother Lu said angrily to Lu Ling.

Liu Shiting hurriedly said: "Lingling is joking. I'm afraid that it will be too much trouble for Brother Lu Li. Brother Lu Li is about to start the college entrance examination, and he is very busy reviewing every day."

"It's still Shi Ting who can speak. If half of our Lingling can speak, I won't worry that she won't be able to marry."

Mother Lu said with a happier smile on her face.

Even Lu Li himself felt that Liu Shiting was very good at speaking.

But he heard Lu Ling muttering: "He's not busy, he went out to play all morning today before coming back."

"You know that I went out to play again?"

Seeing that Lu Ling always wanted to insult herself, Lu Li stepped forward unhappily and slapped Lu Ling's dog's head angrily.

Lu Ling vowed to resist.

"It was originally, so let's not say it."

When Lu Ma saw it, she also persuaded: "You two, stop making trouble. It's embarrassing for Shi Ting to see you."

But seeing Liu Shiting beside her, she was covering her mouth and snickering.

Obviously, this is not the first time she has seen the Lu Li brothers and sisters make such a fuss.

Lu Li was not willing to give up until Lu Ling begged for mercy.

Then I asked my mother if there was anything to eat in the kitchen. He hadn't eaten yet.

"You came back so late. I thought you had dinner. There is still some noodles in the refrigerator. Shi Ting, did you have lunch? No auntie will cook some more for you by the way."

Liu Shiting said, "No need, auntie, I've eaten it."

Lu Li also said, "No need, I'll just do it myself, mom, rest."

Having said that, Lu Li went to the kitchen to prepare his own lunch.

After it is cooked, it is put into a sea bowl, and it is ready to be eaten.

I heard that in the living room, my parents were asking Liu Shiting about the riverside.

Hearing Liu Shiting say: "The city guards said that they might not be able to go back in the next month. My dad also said that the house might be demolished."

Dad Lu couldn't help but wonder: "It was demolished? What's going on?"

When Lu Li heard this, he couldn't help but be curious.

Holding the sea bowl directly, he came to the living room and listened while eating.

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