My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 33: 【Changes in Raoshui River】

"Brother Li."

When the siblings saw Lu Li, they politely greeted him.

"Old Lu, An An, have you eaten yet?"

Lu Li asked.

Xu Chenan nodded and said, "I was eating just now."

Just eating, not full.

Referring to the clanging sound from the house just now, it was obvious that the parents had quarreled and threw the dishes before they were full.

From the words they quarreled, it was obvious that the two were arguing again over something like gambling.

When the neighbors saw it, they also felt sorry for these two sensible children, and they all blamed their parents.

"That's outrageous, at least let the children have enough to eat first!"

"Hey, what kind of parents are these?"

These scolding voices made the sister and brother feel even more uncomfortable. Lao Lu could only hold his sister's hand, at a loss.

When Lu Li saw it, he reached out and rubbed the heads of Lao Lu and Xu Chen'an, and asked, "Do you want to eat Xiao Mi?"

Hearing this, Lao Lu couldn't help but light up.

Then it dimmed again: "My dad said I can't spend your money."

Xu Chenan was also embarrassed.

Lu Li smiled and said, "When you grow up and make money, just pay it back to me."

Saying that, he pushed the bicycle and urged them to follow.

The siblings were embarrassed at first.

"Old Lu, hurry up."

Following Lu Li's urging again, Lao Lu was the first to not hold back and followed. Xu Chenan saw it, hesitated for a while, and followed.

In the past, when Lu Li's family lived in an old house, the sister and brother used to eat snacks at their house.

So the sister and brother are very close to Lu Li.

Lu Li and his brother and sister pushed the bicycle while feeling in his pocket, and found two brand new ten dollars.

This is his whole possession now.

"I'm so poor."

Lu Li was helpless.

The three of them went to Xiaomi's shop, Lu Li's favorite food, and they carefully ordered Xiaomi for 12 yuan and a bowl of meatball soup for 8 yuan.

Exactly twenty dollars.

I remembered that I still had seven-digit soft sister coins in my savings in my previous life that I didn't spend, but now I have to plan carefully for the twenty dollars.

Lu Li was also quite helpless in his heart.

After the shopkeeper brought Xiaomi and the meatball soup, Lao Lu was rude and started eating directly.

On the other hand, Xu Chenan looked very embarrassed.

Lu Li moved the plate directly in front of her and said, "An An, eat."

Xu Chen'an's thin face was a little rosy, and he said embarrassedly, "I don't want to eat it, Lao Lu will just eat it."

"He can't finish it all by himself."

Lu Li picked up the chopsticks, put them in her hands, and said, "Eat it."

"no thanks......"

Xu Chenan shied away again, but Lu Li ignored it and just said, "Eat."

Lu Li knew that due to family circumstances, both siblings matured much earlier than their average peers, and would be embarrassed to accept the kindness of others.

Be patient with them.

After pushing and dragging a few times, Xu Chenan hesitated for a while, then put down a little restraint, picked up Xiao Mi, put it in his mouth, and took a small bite.

After eating, I slowly let go.

Lu Li moved his chopsticks himself and simply ate a few mouthfuls of Xiaomi.

Afterwards, he went to settle the bill and said goodbye to the siblings.

And told them: "If you don't want to be scolded when you go back, don't tell your parents that I invited you to eat."

Old Lu nodded repeatedly.

Xu Chenan stood up embarrassedly and wanted Lu Li to pack it and take it away.

Lu Li had to rub her head and press her back.

Then he pushed the bike straight home.

arrive home.

The family's food has also been prepared, and the whole family is waiting for Lu Li to come home for dinner.

Because Lu Li is going to the Lingwu Classroom now, and he goes home every day after six o'clock, Ma Lu also postponed the cooking time.

Lu Li persuaded them not to wait for him, but it seemed to have no effect.

The family had a happy dinner.


The next day, Saturday.

Lu Li got up early in the morning.

After breakfast, he got on his white bicycle and went straight to the cemetery.

The Raoshui River Bridge has been completely blocked.

Yesterday it was just a roadblock blockade, but today the blockade is even more thorough, with a thick iron plate isolating this area.

Lu Li had to detour to another bridge to check the situation.

As a result, as soon as he reached the other bridge, Lu Li saw a very spectacular scene.

A huge iron plate, exaggeratedly large, spans the entire river surface, directly covering that side completely.

Even from the river, you can't see what's inside.

There are signs all over the road that say "No flight within a hundred miles".

Overnight, it was actually blocked to such an extent.

Lu Li could see that the sidewalk on the bridge was full of people, all of them taking pictures of the blockade of the bridge over there with their mobile phones.

There is even an uncle who is an anchor, holding a selfie stick, making a strange expression, and doing live broadcasts to people on the Internet:

The uncle said: "Family, look, this is the Raoshui River! A spirit beast was found in the local area. The spirit beast is very cunning. Now it is hiding in the water. They built the wall overnight last night."

Not only the uncle, but also the little girl with heavy makeup, doing live broadcasts.

There are also young people who suddenly shouted "Fuck!"

After inquiring, I learned that it turned out that he just used a drone to broadcast the whole picture of the blockade in front of him.

As a result, the drone was smashed into powder by a psychic bullet.

The drone cost the other party tens of thousands of dollars, and he said it was gone, the young man was so angry that he went to complain.

Lu Li watched all this.

For some reason, I always felt strange in my heart.

"It's just catching a spirit beast, how much trouble does it take?"

Directly send a powerful spiritual practitioner over, wouldn't you just destroy it?

If the spirit beast is really too powerful, the cultivators can't destroy it immediately, then once such a powerful spirit beast becomes mad, can these iron walls across the river really be able to stop it?

Lu Li had a strange feeling in his heart.

It seems that these walls are not to prevent the spirit beasts from coming out, but to prevent others from entering.

I wish I just wanted more. UU reading

Anyway, it was blocked over there. Lu Li couldn't see the situation over there, so he stopped thinking about it and rode his bicycle straight to the cemetery.

This side of the cemetery is as deserted as the last time I came, and almost no one passes by.

It is in stark contrast to the crowded crowd on the other side of the Raoshui River.

"But it's just right, if someone is here, it's hard for me to let go of my hands and feet."

Thinking about it, Lu Li casually parked his bicycle on the side of the road and locked it.

She took out a bottle of experience potion from her schoolbag and drank it.

For this experience potion, there are also seven or eight cards stored in the Lu Li system backpack. Every ten times, four or five bottles will be given, and the shipment rate is ridiculously high.

On the contrary, other life potions, ether potions, and swiftness potions have a much lower probability of being drawn.

Thinking about it, Lu Li began to activate his spiritual power and enter a state of spiritual vision.

As the field of vision in front of him dimmed, where he entered his eyes, there were patches of red, all over the mountains and fields, on the trees and under the trees, all of them.

Seeing the redness, Lu Li burst into tears.

There is no harm without comparison.

In contrast, what barren land is that in the town?

Lu Li immediately began to activate his spiritual power, and the powerful suction force immediately pulled the red air mass within a radius of more than 20 meters.

It was absorbed by Lu Li one by one.

Countless yin and evil qi were quickly transformed into spiritual power and incorporated into Lu Li's body.

The spiritual power group in the body also became stronger and stronger.

He quickly absorbed the evil spirit outside the cemetery, and Lu Li set his eyes on the cemetery.

After thinking for a while, he walked in directly.


(PS: The third update, there is another update later, but it may be after 12:00.)

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