My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 31: 【Closing the River】(Rewrite)

(PS: This chapter is a rewrite. In order to catch up with the draft, the previous version was a bit twitchy. I wanted to write something cool, but it turned out to be a poisonous point. I was wrong! In short, I rewritten it _(:з"∠) _.)


Of course Lu Li knew that if he wanted to buy medicines to improve himself, he could buy them directly at the pharmacy.

For example, the nutrient solution Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu mentioned just now can basically be bought in more formal pharmacies.

When Lu Li inquired about the rewards of the Spirit Alliance earlier, he also learned about it.

There are many kinds of nutrient solution. The kind of nutrient solution they mentioned is the most common kind of nutrient solution that is rewarded by Lingmeng, also known as Ningling nutrient solution.

After drinking it, it is very beneficial to the body, not only to satisfy hunger, but also to slowly increase one's spiritual power.

It's a bit like the experience potion that Lu Li drew from the system.

However, the specific difference between the effects of the two is that Lu Li can't afford the nutrient solution, so naturally there is no way to verify it.

Lu Li remembered that the nutrient solution, just for a 100ml bottle, would cost 50,000 yuan!

Even if you buy it on the black market, it costs 40,000 yuan a bottle!

Ordinary people may have to save a whole year before they can afford it.

This is still a category that can be bought with money, while the spiritual fruit like Ye Zhun, Li Junsheng and the others said, it belongs to the category of no way and cannot be bought with money.


Lu Li couldn't help but ask Ye Zhun: "Then where do I need to buy this kind of spiritual fruit after meeting the conditions?"

Hearing this, everyone present was surprised.

No one took Ye Zhun's words, because everyone knew that Ye Zhun just wanted to show off.

No one expected that Lu Li would ask this question, even though they had the same question in their hearts.

"What are you asking about this?"

When Ye Zhun heard this, he couldn't help squinting at Lu Li.

He knew that Lu Li was a newcomer, his spiritual power index was less than 200 points, and his spiritual power index was so low, what was he doing?

Lu Li just said, "I'm just curious, after all, I've never heard of it before."

Ye Zhun listened, but shook his head and said, "This, I can't tell you, this is a secret among spiritual practitioners. Perhaps, when you reach the level of my uncle, you will know this."

Of course, that's what it says.

But in Ye Zhun's opinion, among all the students present, there are only less than ten people who can reach the bronze level in the future!

After all, just reaching 1,000 points of spiritual power before graduating from college has already stumped a lot of people.

After reaching 1000 points, which is the black iron level, from one star of the black iron level to ten stars, it can isolate most of the spiritual practitioners.

Those who can reach the bronze level in the end are all very good elite students.

As for the silver level up from the bronze level...

It was an existence that even Ye Zhun himself had never seen before. He could only get a glimpse of it from the few words his uncle mentioned occasionally.

Lu Li naturally didn't know what Ye Zhun was thinking.

Although Lu Li also wanted to know more about this kind of secret market that he didn't know, but since the other party didn't want to talk about it, Lu Li didn't ask any more.

And for the sake of this topic, the students also chatted for a few words, then dispersed and returned to their own futons, and began to continue to meditate and practice.

Everyone is still full of yearning for the opportunity to go to Lingshan.

After all, for students, in the countdown to the college entrance examination, if they can improve their spiritual power index a little, it is possible to decide their life.

Lu Li, on the other hand, got up and said goodbye to Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu after the salt water in his body was completely exhausted.

"Did you leave so early?"

Chen Siyu was a little puzzled, glanced at the time, it was only 5:20, and couldn't help but say, "But there are still forty minutes before the Lingshi device closes."

Lu Li said: "Yes, I need to go back to the old house to get some things. I'm afraid it will be too late, so I should leave early."

Hearing this, Jiang Xu couldn't help but ask, "The old house? Is it the old house on the south side of the city?"

Lu Li nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, what are you doing? Do you want to move things with me?"


Jiang Xu was not like Lu Li. Forty minutes of high-speed training time, if you say no, then you don't want it.

Jiang Xu said: "On the south side of the city, it seems that the entire road and bridge have been barricaded and blocked. It's all on the news."


Hearing this, Lu Li was surprised, and immediately thought of the dark purple aura at the bottom of the Raoshui River.

Jiang Xu nodded and said, "Yes, you are watching the news yourself, but your old house should not be blocked."

"Well, I'll take a look. In short, I'll go over there first. Let's continue."

As Lu Li said that, he picked up his schoolbag.

He walked out the door, then took out his mobile phone and flipped through today's news.

Sure enough, in the local news, I found the news that the Raoshui River Bridge was blocked.

However, it's just that the vicinity of the bridge is blocked, other bridges have no effect.

From the aerial photos of the scene, Lu Li confirmed the location of the blockade. Indeed, it was the location where he had seen on the bridge a few days ago, the place that was so dense that it almost turned into a substantial purple aura.

"It seems that the people from the City Guard discovered the purple aura."

Although that cloud of purple energy was still very dangerous for Lu Li now, he couldn't help but feel a pity when he thought that the people from the City Guard might disperse the cloud of purple energy.

After all, that purple qi can bring more benefits to him than the evil qi.

Thinking about it, Lu Li decided to go to the Raoshui River Bridge to take a look at the situation.

All the way to the direction of Raoshui River Bridge.

Before reaching the Raoshui River Bridge, I saw many warning signs placed on the side of the road.

Tell nearby vehicles that the front has been blocked and you need to take a detour.

When Lu Li came to the vicinity of the bridge, Lu Li saw that the bridge, and even the residential areas in this area, were all blocked.

And every 50 meters or so, there are people wearing the uniforms of the City Guards, or the uniforms of the military personnel of the Spirit Alliance, guarding them alternately.

This battle seemed to indicate that the purple air mass at the bottom of the Raoshui River was much more serious than Lu Li had imagined.

Lu Li found a spot nearby where he could see the river.

Then he linked the jade pendant to the secluded jade pendant and glanced at it with his spiritual vision.

Found that the purple air mass at the bottom of the river obviously became more intense at this time.

And there are a lot of faint purple air that has spread to the road.

"These purple qi that spread to the road should be the reason why the City Guard and the Spirit Alliance joined hands to block it?"

Lu Li watched it for a while, and he watched as it was getting late.

So I decided to go to the old house to pick up the book and talk about it.

His elementary school textbooks and junior high school textbooks are all kept in the old house.

When he arrived at the alley where the old house was located, Lu Li found that there were many residents around an intersection, looking in the direction of Raoshui River.

Some people even took out their mobile phones and patted them.

Lu Li couldn't help but go up and take a look out of curiosity.

Seeing the direction people were looking at, there were several city guard cars and cranes parked, hoisting the people from the city guard and the Spirit Alliance to the river.

Obviously these people should be exploring something.

"Brother Li!"

At this moment, a clear boy's voice sounded from Lu Li's side.

When he turned his head and looked, he saw that he was called himself, a little boy about seven or eight years old.

"Old Lu."

Lu Li smiled and touched Lao Lu's small head.

Beside Lao Lu, there was a 12-year-old girl who was a little thin. She also greeted Lu Li, "Brother Li."

The girl is Lao Lu's sister, Xu Chen'an.

Because the name was very nice, Lu Li remembered it clearly.

The memories of Xu Chen'an and Lao Lu in the past life seem to have stayed in their age group, because later Lu Li saw Lao Lu and Xu Chen'an again.

Lu Li also touched Xu Chen'an's head and asked, "An'an, do you know what happened over there?"


(PS: When I got home last night, it was too late to update. Today's first update is to make up for yesterday's update, and there are three more updates today!)

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