My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 28: 【Chicken Thief】

With the addition of the 3-point Swiftness attribute, Lu Li clearly felt that his body had changed a little.

Eyes are more sensitive to moving objects.

"It turns out that there are not only Ascension, but also other attribute points."

To Lu Li's surprise, he also found that his total learning points had risen to 8263 points before he knew it!

This took him by surprise.

Open the system illustrated book, you will see three breathing methods, and the learning progress has reached 76%, 74% and 71% respectively!

Both are broken by 70%.

"I'm almost proficient. Since there are attribute points other than Ascension, what are the attribute points of this breathing method?"

Lu Li couldn't help but be extremely curious.

Breathing is a book with an upper limit of 10,000 learning points, and the attribute points it gives are definitely much higher than ordinary books with an upper limit of 500 points.

"Since there are those who increase spiritual power and acceleration, there must be those who increase strength and physique!"

Could this breathing method just increase physical fitness?

"Okay, that's all for today."

While Lu Li was thinking, the instructor on the podium had finished his question and answer.

He glanced at the time on his watch, and then said, "Then you can stay in the classroom as long as you want. However, this spiritual stone extraction device starts at 3:00 pm and closes at 6:00 pm every day."

The meaning is obvious, that is, you can stay in the classroom all the time, but without the spiritual aura in the future, it is no different from being in your own home.

"Does it only serve three hours a day?"

Think about it too, if the supply can be uninterrupted 24 hours a day, then the speed of cultivation will not be able to go to heaven?

As the speed of cultivation goes up, it will naturally cost more resources.

But the budget of this Lingwu class is obviously not enough. After all, there are more than 60 people in the classroom, and everyone is absorbing spiritual energy, and a single spiritual stone can't last long.

Moreover, once a person has been in a state of cultivation, his spirit will be greatly consumed.

Although you can continue to practice if you are in low spirits, it can easily backfire, which is commonly known as being infatuated with demons.

Lu Li has seen news on the mobile phone that the cultivators have gone into trouble, and the news of people who have gone into trouble destroying public buildings can be found everywhere.

Naturally, the school will not let the students come here.

"If you didn't finish the run within the specified time just now, you can only walk after ten laps. Also, the speed should not be too slow. If I found out that the run was too slow, I will run another ten laps tomorrow!"

After the instructor finished speaking, he ignored the students' reactions.

Turn around and walk out of the classroom.

The footsteps quickly went away.

Leaving the students looking at each other in the classroom.

After a long time, a voice broke the silence: "What are you doing, those who don't cultivate, just run away."


A freshman started to stand up.

There were also freshmen who asked, "The instructor?"

"He came home."

"Uh, doesn't he supervise our running?"

"No supervision."


The freshmen were all puzzled.

The instructors don't supervise, so can they run or not?

"Then, who will supervise? Are you? Or supervise each other?"

The new students naturally think of the old students, who may have been ordered by the instructor to supervise their running.

An old student smiled and said, "Who is so idle to supervise you?"

"Uh, if there is no supervision, who would know that we ran ten laps?"

"You just know it yourself."

Hearing this, the other old students laughed.

This laugh made the freshmen very dumbfounded.

Lu Li and Jiang Xu were also very confused. Chen Siyu, who was beside him, explained in a timely manner, "They are deliberately teasing the newcomers. I was teased like that by them last time."

"Who's going to supervise them? Surveillance video?"

Jiang Xu couldn't help asking.

Chen Siyu shook his head, then lit the black bracelet on his hand, and said: "This bracelet will record the running process, whether you run fast or not, it will be recorded on it. If they don't run, how many laps are missing tomorrow, just Add ten laps to that."

"I see."

Jiang Xu nodded.

After Lu Li heard this, he couldn't help but glance at the bracelet on his wrist.

It sounds a bit like when I was in college in my previous life, the school required students to download a running app on their mobile phones, and then take their mobile phones to run around the playground every day and clock in.

At this time, there were also old students in the classroom who decided not to tease these new students, and explained to them about the black bracelet.

Hearing this, a student who was a bit of a thief asked, "Then, can you give the bracelet to someone else and let someone else run on their behalf?"

Lu Li had also seen this idea in his previous life at the university.

Because the school stipulates that they have to run two kilometers every day, among the students of the chicken thief, a runner business has gradually developed.

It seems that there are the same number of chicken thieves in any world.

However, the seniors still gave a negative answer.

"Be smart with the instructor, and be careful of harming others and yourself."

As soon as these words came out, the freshmen immediately became honest.

After six o'clock, the spirit stone device was closed, and the freshmen went to the playground to run ten laps together.

Lu Li and Jiang Xu also packed up and left.

Chen Siyu also went home with Lu Li and the others.

Along the way, Chen Siyu always talked to Lu Li without a word.

"Student Lu Li, if you don't understand anything about your studies, you can ask me at any time. Because I saw that when you were in the Lingwu class just now, you were always reviewing and didn't practice much."

Speaking, Chen Siyu couldn't help but glanced at the few junior high school geography books that Lu Li was holding in his hand.

She noticed just now that Lu Li was not cultivating in the classroom at all, but was flipping through the geography textbook for junior high school.

Recalling what the head teacher said this morning about Lu Li's poor grades, she naturally thought that Lu Li was worrying about her grades.

Otherwise, Lu Li wouldn't have started to review the textbook before the spirit stone device was closed.

How did she know that Lu Li simply felt that the growth rate of spiritual power like the spiritual stone device was too slow!

Might as well take the time to read books.

Lu Li just thanked Chen Siyu for his kindness.

Chen Siyu is one of the students with the best grades in the class. She is not much worse than the top students in the first class. It is naturally the best to ask her.

But he hasn't started to review physics and mathematics yet, so he can't ask her anything for the time being.

After the three of them reached a fork, they said goodbye to each other and went back to their respective homes.

Lu Li returned home, and while eating, he told his family that he had joined the Lingwu class at school today, and then returned to his room.

Buy a memory potion, drink it, and continue to immerse yourself in the ocean of textbooks.

Now that his learning points have reached 8263 points, he can play another ten draws.

However, Lu Li didn't take it away immediately, but saved it first.

Prepare to save up to 10,000 points and have another advanced card draw!

In the last advanced card draw, I got the [Yan Mojian] gold card, but for him now, he can't really use it.

I don't know what I can draw next time. It's best to help me cultivate.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to flip through the textbook.

until eight o'clock in the evening.

Lu Li finished his high school geography book.

[Learning point +426]!

The total learning point also came to 10327 points!

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