My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 188: 【Tree Heart Fruit】

An earthquake hits.

Immediately, the depths of the Crystal Palace were disturbed, and the two parties who had been deadlocked for many days.

In a tangled cave.

A man holding a mechanical giant sword felt the violent tremor on the ground, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"what happened?"

The man is none other than Yang Ming, the captain of the Spirit Alliance Demon Hunter Team who has been in the Crystal Palace for many days.

And as Yang Ming's voice just fell.


A huge dragon roar, mixed with a terrifying coercion, came from a dark and deep hole at the end of the secret passage!

The sound waves swept through the densely tangled tunnel.

The "outsiders" who were hiding in the secret passage were all shocked!

It also includes Yang Ming and Ren Xingfeng.

With Yang Ming's gold-level strength, Rao couldn't help but frantically stimulate the spiritual power in his body to resist this coercion in this dragon's roar.

The dragon's roar lasted for more than ten seconds before it gradually stopped.

"What happened? Could it be that the monsters finally couldn't hold back and broke in to fight the big guy?"

Yang Ming frowned.

While speaking, he looked back at the ground, Ren Xingfeng who was pressing his left hand on the ground.

Seeing that Ren Xingfeng's face was pale at this time, there were many stab wounds on his body, his uniform was stained with blood, and he was very embarrassed.

And the white gloves on his hand had been removed, and he saw that his left hand was pressed on the ground, covered with cyan slender blood vessels, and cyan shimmers appeared from time to time in the blood vessels.

It looks rather weird.

Ren Xingfeng pressed his left hand to the ground and felt it for a while before he said weakly, "It's not those monsters, they all stayed where they were and didn't move. The dragon corpse, although it was just a corpse, also had gold-level strength. They really want to break in, and they have to consider whether we will shoot."

"Then what is this big guy doing?"

"Other people entered here, and they should have triggered some important mechanism. The earthquake just now came from there."

Having said that, Ren Xingfeng pointed to the position behind.

"other people?"

Hearing this, Yang Ming couldn't help but follow Ren Xingfeng's expectations, which was in the opposite direction to the cave with the dragon corpse.

Yang Ming couldn't help asking, "Could it be that your female servant who always has a straight face came in?"

Ren Xingfeng nodded and said: "Maybe, but the distance is too far. There is a special barrier in this ruin, and I can only perceive one direction. After all, we have been in a stalemate with these monsters for too long. If they can't see us go back, they will come in sooner or later."


Yang Ming nodded, then glanced at Ren Xingfeng's weird left hand.

He naturally knew the ability of Ren Xingfeng's left hand, and even Ren Xingfeng couldn't sense the movements of people in the distance, indicating that the enchantment in the Crystal Palace was indeed powerful!

In the past few days after entering the ruins, if it wasn't for Ren Xingfeng's left hand, they would have been planted in the hands of those monsters long ago.

Thinking of those monsters and the weird space-time labyrinth here, Yang Ming couldn't help cursing: "Mad, I'm going to get angry, these monsters are not strong in themselves, but after getting the spiritual tools here, their strength is They have climbed several steps, as if the spiritual artifacts in the ruins were specially prepared for them. I am too old!"

Yang Ming said bitterly.

The wounds on his body are no less than Ren Xingfeng's. Obviously, he also suffered a lot from Yaoyi's hands.

However, the Yaoyi side is not much better.

Otherwise, the two sides would not have been deadlocked for so many days in front of this cave full of secret passages.

Yang Ming knew that there was definitely something very unusual in that cave surrounded by dragons.

And this thing is the purpose of this group of despicable demons!

And he and Ren Xingfeng must not let them get that thing, otherwise, these monsters are already so powerful just by getting the spiritual weapon, let alone getting a treasure guarded by a gold-level dragon corpse?

Thinking about it, Ren Xingfeng also said: "This ruin is obviously the domain of an ancient evil cultivator. They are evil creatures, and the treasures here are naturally the most suitable for them.

"Thinking about it, they should have known the information about this ruin in advance, so they dared to sneak into us at the risk of death.

"If it wasn't for the boy named Lu Li who appeared at the last moment and prevented them from destroying the teleportation formation, we would have to watch them succeed. By then, I don't know how many people will die!"

Listen to Ren Xingfeng's words.

Yang Ming snorted coldly and said, "He stopped the monster from destroying the teleportation formation, but he also destroyed the teleportation formation himself!"

Although Yang Ming also knew that if the boy named Lu Li hadn't acted at the critical moment, they wouldn't have been able to enter the ruins.

But thinking of what happened in Raoshui Town these days, Yang Ming felt aggrieved: "Made, I thought it was just an ordinary task of slaying demons, and I felt comfortable as a vacation, and I stopped by to catch up with my old classmates. As a result, I encountered some troubles all day long!

"The pet that Lao Tzu spent five high-grade spirit stones in exchange was slaughtered as soon as he brought it out!

"I thought that the old classmate who was the most cautious, but the people under his command were all pretending to be demons, and they couldn't recognize him.

"I entered the ruins, and I was so embarrassed by a group of monsters who didn't reach the gold level!

"And then, there is a little kid with a spiritual power index of more than 700 points, who can actually unleash an explosion of bronze-level power.

"Made, you shabby place, the series of strange things, really refreshed the three views of Lao Tzu!"

Yang Ming repeatedly swears, what happened in the past few days has made him extremely unlucky.

At this time, it was also a burst of resentment.

Ren Xingfeng knew his character, so he naturally ignored his grievances and said, "That young man named Lu Li is indeed very special. He has many secrets, and there should be some experts behind him to help him."

"What is the master who is not master, who doesn't go to the big city, doesn't go to the front line to confront Yaoyi, and goes to a small place to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? The euphemistic name of returning to the mountains and forests is actually just escaping reality."

Yang Ming said with a look of contempt.

When Ren Xingfeng heard the words, he shook his head helplessly, and said, "Your irritable temper and outspoken personality should be changed."

Ren Xingfeng said, but his face suddenly changed!

"Is there a situation?"

Seeing the change in Ren Xingfeng's expression, Yang Ming couldn't help frowning.

As soon as he asked this question, he suddenly sensed that an icy and biting feeling spread from the direction Ren Xingfeng pointed at just now.

Yang Ming and Ren Xingfeng couldn't help but look in the direction where the chill came.

There was also frost on the ground.

This chill, Yang Ming has an inexplicably familiar feeling.

"This chill... Could it be that person?"

As soon as Yang Ming finished speaking, Ren Xingfeng frowned again and said, "There is movement over Yaoyi!"


the other side.

Under the Blood God Tree, the core layer of the underground tree.

The entire cave was now covered with a layer of frost!

The bloodthirsty tree roots used in all directions were frozen at this time, all stopped in mid-air, and the chill was overwhelming!

In the center of the interlaced tree roots, a boy covered in frost was almost entangled by the roots into a chrysalis!

The boy is none other than Lu Li.

At this time, Lu Li's face was covered with frost, and his face seemed to have lost a circle. He raised his hands high, holding a half-drawn Yan Mo sword in his hands!

Just now, Lu Li, whose whole body was shattered by the dragon's roar, was entangled by countless bloodthirsty roots.

After only a short while, Lu Li felt that he was about to have his blood drawn to dry him.

With nothing to do, Lu Li raised his hands with all his strength.

And took out the Yan Mo sword from the different-dimensional space.

Only a small part of it was pulled out, and the terrifying extreme cold froze all the roots and the walls of the cave!

Including Lu Li himself.

Lu Li, whose spiritual power had collapsed, could not use his spiritual power to resist the cold at all, and could only rely on his tyrannical physique to resist the extreme cold of Yan Mojian.

Fortunately, this didn't last long.


Lu Li used his last strength to withdraw Yan Mojian into the different dimension space.

The raging bone-chilling cold suddenly disappeared.


The ice cubes shattered.

Lu Li opened the bloodthirsty tree roots that were frozen into ice cubes, and his whole body suddenly fell out of the air.


The body was smashed heavily on the ground among the frozen corpses.

A large amount of blood was sucked by the roots of the tree, and the spiritual power in his body was disintegrated, and Lu Li was extremely weak at this time.

Lu Li weakly called out the system panel in his mind.

Open the card case.

Find a green frame [Potion of Life (a small amount)]*1.

【Do you use this card? 】


Lu Li responded with force in his heart.

The green light flashed, and as a bottle of Coke with a red cap appeared in his hand, Lu Li struggled to use his frostbitten hand to unscrew it.

He raised his head and drank.

ton ton ton!

The cola was at room temperature just after it was taken out, but in this icy world, when it flowed into the throat, it felt quite warm.

Lu Li drank half a bottle at once!

With the [Life Recovery] buff, which appeared next to the [Experience Increase] buff, Lu Li felt his stamina recover bit by bit.



Lu Li gasped for breath and looked up at the almost frozen cave in front of him. He had a feeling of the rest of his life.

After confirming that no bloodthirsty roots appeared anymore, Lu Li simply lay down and rested, quietly feeling the changes in his body when his physical strength recovered.

This life potion [a small amount] is really powerful, and the recovery speed is much faster than [a small amount].

Within a minute, Lu Li had the physical strength to move freely.

Hunger followed.

Lu Li struggled to get up from the ground, then took out the food, took out a bottle of ether potion [trace amount], and put it into his stomach together.

Then he sat down cross-legged, practiced breathing techniques, and slowly adjusted the dissipated spiritual power in his body.

It was not until the buffs of the two recovery potions disappeared that Lu Li's physical strength completely recovered, and most of his spiritual energy recovered.


In the process of nourishing the spiritual power in his body, Lu Li felt that the spiritual power in his body had improved a lot!

Feel the situation of the spiritual power group in the body.

Lu Li couldn't help muttering: "My cultivation base should have risen to the level of around 970 spiritual power index!"

Actual combat is indeed the best catalyst for cultivation.

Of course, the main reason for the rapid growth of the cultivation base is the increase brought by the experience potion [a small amount].

Lu Li glanced at the system panel, the duration of [Experience Increase]: 10:32:12.

10 and a half hours left!

"At this rate, I'm afraid I'm going to break 1,000 points in this Crystal Palace?"

Lu Li was a little surprised and hesitant.

Although I drank the experience potion at the beginning, I did drink it in the spirit of "a little more strength, a little more possibility of survival".

Moreover, he has the barrier-breaking pill sent by Jiang Xiaogu, so he is not worried about the success rate.

However, there are still so many unknown dangers in the Crystal Palace. Breaking through here, Lu Li is really worried.

Jiang Xiaogu is also not around, no one protects him, it is even more dangerous!

"Furthermore, I just pulled out the Yan Mo sword, and the scope of influence is definitely not small. If someone with a heart can sense it, they may be able to find it along the extreme cold breath."

It's hard to say whether it's an allied army or an enemy!

"You must leave here first."


Lu Li quickly got up from the ground.

He looked up at the hole he had dug all the way, and the roots of the bloodthirsty tree there were also frozen at this time.

Lu Li smashed all of them with the Heavenly Induction Technique.

Then he looked back at the huge tree root that was completely frozen in the middle of the cave. The fruit in the root had been taken out by Lu Li.

The earthquake just now, and the dragon's roar, were all because he picked this fruit.

This fruit is definitely a very precious existence!

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but take out this red fruit growing in the root of the tree from the different-dimensional space.

Almost in an instant, when Lu Li took out the red-colored fruit, Lu Li sensed that a strong yin qi emanated from the red-colored fruit!

Even Lu Li couldn't help being surprised by the intensity of this yin qi.

"Sure enough, most of the yin qi in the entire ruins is emitted from this fruit!"

A tree heart fruit is worth tens of thousands of ordinary fruits!

Although after obtaining this tree heart fruit, he almost died.

But feeling the strong yin qi above, and these sins, UU reading is not in vain!

"Sure enough, it's the pursuit of wealth and danger."

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

Looking at this tree heart fruit, the bright red light inside it brightened and dimmed like the beating of a heart.

Lu Li couldn't help thinking of the scene when the black-haired Yaoyi ate the red fruit in the Raoshui Town cemetery. After the black-haired Yaoyi ate the red fruit, his entire strength skyrocketed.

And that fruit is just an ordinary fruit.

"What if you eat this?"

This thought flashed through Lu Li's mind.

The yin qi emitted from the fruit of the tree heart is 10,000 times that of ordinary fruit, so the effect of eating it is also 10,000 times that of ordinary fruit?

Although it sounded tempting, Lu Li still shook his head when he thought that the backs of those people were covered with black hair and were going crazy.

I don't like to eat this stuff.

Let's keep it as an infinite Yin Qi engine.

With it, and the more than 4,000 fruits of the Blood God Tree in the different dimension, I will hardly be short of yin in a short period of time!

Thinking about it, Lu Li collected the tree heart fruit.

Then, the Gravity Technique and the Shadow Step were activated at the same time, jumping over the opening above, and climbing up.

Climbing to the ground, Lu Li stuck his head out, looked around for a while, and only got up from the ground after confirming that there was no movement.

He raised his head and glanced at the more than 1,000 Blood God Tree fruits remaining on the tree.

He was hesitating whether he picked all the crops, or whether he should hide first and see the situation.

is hesitating.

Lu Li heard the sound of rustling footsteps in the distance.

There is movement!

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