My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 179: 【Breakout】

After eating, Lu Li began to close his eyes, run the university version of the breathing method, and practice seriously.

Feeling the 50% increase in cultivation and the increase in spiritual power brought about by [a small amount] of experience potions, a large amount of spiritual power was guided into the spiritual power group in Lu Li's body.

The spiritual force group is also continuing to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Lu Li also took out the spirit gathering bottle by the way, put it in his pocket, and linked his spiritual power to the jade pendant to absorb the yin between heaven and earth, and put it in the spirit gathering bottle.

Dual-purpose, continue to accumulate pure spiritual power in the spirit gathering bottle.

Time flies.

Before I knew it, more than ten hours had passed.

During this period, after Lu Li's mental energy consumption reached the upper limit, he lay down on the bookshelf and slept.

When he woke up again, Lu Li was surprised to find that the spiritual power group in his body had expanded several times under the action of the experience potion and had reached a critical point!

There is a sense of bloating!

The flow of spiritual power in the body began to show a vain state.

This feeling, Lu Li was too familiar.

"It's about to break through!"

Lu Li couldn't help but open the system panel.

Seeing the experience potion's buff still has an 8 hour duration.

Can't help but be surprised: "I didn't expect it to increase from more than 800 points to 899 points in the past 16 hours?"

This speed was two hours faster than Lu Li had guessed!

"I still underestimate this experience potion."

The corner of Lu Li's mouth turned up involuntarily, and then he took out a small jade bottle containing medicinal herbs directly from the different-dimensional space.

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu, who was beside him, felt Lu Li's movement and couldn't help but wake up from his cultivation state.

Seeing the small jade bottle in Lu Li's hand, he recognized it as a condensing pill, and asked, "Have you finished the condensing pill I gave you?"

This condensing pill was actually obtained by Lu Li from Wolf-head Yaoyi.

However, Lu Li didn't explain too much, just nodded and said, "I'm going to make a breakthrough, so I'll use it to replace the barrier-breaking nutrient solution."


Jiang Xiaogu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Didn't Lu Li just break 800 points? Why did you just practice casually, and then you can break through again?

Although surprised, Jiang Xiaogu did feel that Lu Li's spiritual power had become much vain, which was a sign of a breakthrough!

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but stop Lu Li from swallowing the condensing pill and said, "Wait a minute, if you exceed 900 points, if you don't have a barrier breaking pill or a barrier breaking nutrient solution, no matter how powerful a genius is, there is still a certain chance of failure."

Jiang Xiaogu said, and immediately got up.

Under Lu Li's surprised eyes, he walked towards Ye Ming in the distance.

"Ye Ming."

Ye Ming felt that someone was approaching him, and when he heard Jiang Xiaogu's voice, he couldn't help opening his eyes, and then he saw that Jiang Xiaogu had come to him.

He couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaogu went straight to the point and asked, "Do you have a barrier breaking nutrient solution that exceeds 900 points?"

Hearing this, Chen Xu, Ye Zhun and the others on the side couldn't help but escape from their cultivation and looked here.

"I'm almost breaking 900 points, and I do have barrier breaking nutrient solution on my body. What's wrong? Didn't you break 900 points long ago?"

Ye Ming was puzzled. Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's posture, did he want to ask himself for a barrier-breaking nutrient solution?

Jiang Xiaogu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, but I see that your spiritual energy is still a little far from 900 points. Sell me the barrier-breaking nutrient solution, you won't be able to use it anyway."

"sell to you?"

Ye Ming was even more surprised, and Chen Xu on the side couldn't help but ask, "What do you want the 900-point barrier-breaking nutrient solution?"

As soon as they asked the exit, Chen Xu and Ye Ming seemed to think of something.

They all looked behind Jiang Xiaogu in surprise.

I saw Lu Li also come over.

Seeing Chen Xu and Ye Ming looking at him, Lu Li couldn't help laughing.

The two reacted immediately!

At the same time, he showed a shocked expression: "Lu Li? Are you going to break the 900 spiritual power index?"

Ye Ming is okay, after all, he saw with his own eyes that Lu Li killed countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals with his mortal-level strength. Ye Ming believed that his strength was about to break 1,000 points.

But Chen Xu had never seen it before, and felt extremely surprised.

It was only a few days ago that I heard the news that Lu Li reached 702 points! Why did it suddenly jump to 899?

Ye Zhun and the other students on the side also raised their heads in surprise.

"Break 900 points?"

"Is it Lu Li?"

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Lu Li nodded.

There was an uproar.

Ye Ming and Chen Xu had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Obviously, a few days ago, they suppressed Lu Li's strength by nearly 200 points. Who would have thought that he would climb so fast?

This can be called the speed of riding a rocket, and it cannot be described as a genius at all.

Because no matter how fast a genius cultivates, the limit of spiritual power is there.

Unless it is the kind of genius who is born with extremely powerful spiritual power, one time off, he can practice for more than ten hours.

But Lu Li is obviously not.

? If so, he wouldn't wait until the second semester of high school to break through the 200-point spiritual power index and enter the Lingwu class.

There is only one explanation.


"Jealousy envy hate ah!"

Ye Ming, Chen Xu and others are so envious of their teeth!

"That's it."

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help laughing, and said, "So, Ye Ming, give Lu Li your barrier-breaking nutrient solution first, and I'll transfer the money to you when I get out."

Hearing this, Lu Li wanted to say that he would transfer the money to Ye Ming.

After all, the market price of a bottle of barrier-breaking nutrient solution that exceeds 900 points is about 1 million Chinese dollars.

But I heard Ye Ming said boldly: "Just transfer the money, it's not expensive. Here it is."

Ye Ming took out a small transparent box from the small bag around his waist, which contained two tubes of barrier-breaking nutrient solution, and handed it to Lu Li, saying, "I was afraid that a breakthrough would fail, so I specially prepared two tubes and gave them to you."

Lu Li took the barrier-breaking nutrient solution and saw the trademark logo on the small box: Yishui·Shangpin.

Lu Li has heard of Yishui's brand of nutrient solution.

It is the top brand in the nutrient solution industry.

The "top grade" represents the quality of this bottle of barrier-breaking nutrient solution.

Only a first-line big brand like Yishui can classify its nutritional liquid products into four grades: low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and high-quality.

Lu Li remembered that in pharmacies, Yishui's barrier-breaking nutrient solution, even if it was low-quality, would be much more expensive than other brands.

Besides, this is still a bottle of top-grade nutrient solution!

"These two bottles are at least 3 million, right?"

thought here.

Lu Li said: "Thank you, I will transfer the money to you when I go out."

Ye Ming said again: "No, I'm not so stingy, okay?"

Ye Ming naturally knows the situation of Lu Li's family. The actual price of these two bottles of barrier-breaking nutrient solution is more than 4 million! This money, for ordinary people, is not a small amount.

However, Ye Ming knew that Lu Li's future achievements were definitely not measurable by money.

Spending 4 million in exchange for Lu Li's friendship and favor, Ye Ming felt that he had made a lot of money!

Seeing this, Lu Li no longer hesitated.

Just accept the barrier-breaking nutrient solution, and then follow Jiang Xiaogu back to the resting place.

"Thank you Xiaogu."

Lu Li couldn't help thanking Jiang Xiaogu.

If Jiang Xiaogu hadn't gone to ask Ye Ming for the barrier-breaking nutrient solution, Lu Li would have never thought of this.

After all, before, Lu Li cultivated by himself, made breakthroughs by himself, and never relied on others.

Jiang Xiaogu listened, but smiled: "Thank you? It should be like this, no one is as stupid as you. You want to break through 900 points with a single pill? Moreover, in case the breakthrough fails, If you go backwards in cultivation, you will waste a lot of time, your body will also suffer a certain amount of damage, and the next breakthrough will be even more difficult.”

Hearing this, Lu Li also nodded in embarrassment.

Indeed, as Jiang Xiaogu said, every time a breakthrough fails, it will increase the difficulty of the second breakthrough.

However, if the first breakthrough fails, the second breakthrough will be very handy.

It is also complementary.

Thinking, Jiang Xiaogu asked again: "Or, you are afraid that Ye Ming and the others won't give it to you, so you are embarrassed to ask them?"


Lu Li really didn't think so, he just didn't expect to ask others.

Thinking about it, he saw Jiang Xiaogu raise his delicate fist and said, "What are you afraid of, if he doesn't give it, just hit him and give it."

"Uh, no, no, no."

Lu Li was ashamed.

Anyway, a classmate, is it so cruel?

Jiang Xiaogu said with a smile: "Special handling for special circumstances, this is what my master said, learn to strive for some favorable conditions by yourself! Otherwise, if the breakthrough fails, the loss will be even greater!"

"Um... indeed."

Lu Li also nodded.

Jiang Xiaogu is right, interpersonal relationships can be repaired, but if the breakthrough fails, the loss will be huge.

The last time Lu Li failed to break through, but it took another whole day to cultivate back.

In such a dangerous place as the ruins, a little more strength means a little more safety.

However, after Jiang Xiaogu learned that he was about to make a breakthrough, Lu Li was still very moved.

Thinking about it, Lu Li no longer hesitated.

Sit cross-legged.

Then he took out a tube of barrier-breaking nutrient solution from the box, and looking at the crystal blue liquid in it, Lu Li unscrewed the lid and took a sniff. There was an orange-flavored fragrance, which made him feel relaxed and happy.

"It smells good."

Is this a high-end nutrient solution?

It's like juice.

Lu Li remembered that the few tubes of nutrient solution sent by Lingmeng that he gave to his old sister Lu Ling only had the smell of a chemical mixture. But there is no good smell of these two tubes of barrier-breaking nutrient solution.

Thinking about it, Lu Li no longer hesitated and raised his head to drink.

Feeling the sweetness of oranges entering his throat, the coolness spread in Lu Li's chest in an instant.

Wherever the coolness passed, Lu Li could only feel the vain and turbulent spirit in his body.

force, and instantly became quiet.

The remaining medicinal power turned into a blue light film, covering the spiritual power group in the body.

Lu Li instantly felt that his perception of the spiritual power in his body became clearer!

This is the first time that Lu Li drank the barrier-breaking nutrient solution.

I didn't expect it to be such a new experience.

Thinking about it, Lu Li was no longer vague.

Take out another condensing pill and swallow it.

Close your eyes.

Start to concentrate on guiding the spiritual power in the body to attack the barrier.

Jiang Xiaogu was quietly guarding him, preventing others from disturbing Lu Li's breakthrough.

Time passed little by little.

In the blink of an eye, hours passed.

The barrier in Lu Li's body was already under the impact, becoming extremely thin, and the spiritual power group in his body was also stabilizing.

With a crisp "Boom", the barrier broke open.

The spiritual force group in the body suddenly seemed to receive a suction, and it was quickly compressed, and it stopped until it was compressed to the size of a pea.

Although the spiritual power group was small, Lu Li sensed a concentration several times stronger than before!

This indicates that Lu Li has officially entered 900 points!

Next, UU reading is the last level to hit the mortal level!

1000 points!

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu also felt the change of spiritual power on Lu Li's body. Seeing beads of sweat oozing out from his forehead, knowing that Lu Li's breakthrough was successful, his pretty face couldn't help showing joy.

Then he took out a handkerchief and wiped off Lu Li's sweat.

But at this time.


In the center of the distant underwater city, in the Crystal Palace, an ancient seal was opened.

A dark purple undercurrent began to flow.

Throughout the ruins, the mist in the air began to gradually thicken.



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