My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 176: 【Ancient text】

Remember [New] for a second,! "Intermediate rank? That's an ancient saying."

Hearing Lu Li's question, Jiang Xiaogu was a little surprised.

But he still replied: "Most of our current exercises are based on the exercises handed down by the ancients, and have been improved into exercises suitable for the cultivation of today's human beings.

"Our current practice levels are divided into five levels: ordinary level, extraordinary level, true spirit level, sky-reaching level, and supreme level.

"And the middle-level ordinary level in the ancient text corresponds to our current 'extraordinary level' exercises." caset


After listening to Jiang Xiaogu's explanation, Lu Li nodded stunnedly: "So it is."

These nouns are not written in the history books.

Come to think of it, it should be the content that you will only start teaching when you go to college.

After all, Minister Ren Xingfeng also said that before students reach 1000 points, it is best not to touch the exercises.

This is a protection for students.

"Extraordinary, it's not the bottom."

Lu Li murmured in his heart, then thought of Luo Ming, and asked again, "Then Luo Ming's cultivation technique, what kind of level does his cultivation technique belong to?"

"Is it the cultivation method of the valley?"

Jiang Xiaogu thought for a while, and said, "Tongyougu is a sect with a long history. They have three sets of exercises, which are for outer disciples, inner disciples, and direct disciples to practice. Luo Ming should be the set of direct disciples who cultivate. It is a high-level 'True Spirit' cultivation technique."

"Anything from the outer door, the inner door, or the personal handed down, it sounds like a fairy tale novel."

Lu Li couldn't help complaining.

Jiang Xiaogu said with a smile: "Art comes from life. How do you think the fancy immortal cultivation theories in immortal cultivation novels have evolved? No matter how powerful the imagination of the ancients, they couldn't come up out of thin air."

"That's true."

Lu Li also felt that there was some truth.

Then he asked Jiang Xiaogu curiously: "What about your Fengxiao Pavilion's exercises? What level is it?"

Jiang Xiaogu heard the words, but smiled mysteriously: "Guess."

"You guess I don't guess."

"Guess I guess you can guess?"

"What about putting this on with my doll?"

Lu Li was helpless. Every time he came to a topic that he was really interested in, Jiang Xiaogu liked to deliberately hang his appetite, and then looked at his embarrassed appearance.

Seeing Lu Li's helpless look, Jiang Xiaogu laughed quizzically, and said after a while: "Okay, I won't tease you. The Fengxiao Pavilion founded by my master does not have as long a history as theirs. There are only three people in Fengxiao Pavilion, including my master, my senior sister, and me. There is only one kind of cultivation technique we practice. However, it is more powerful than their cultivation technique."

Even stronger than the super-high-level.

Lu Li's eyes lit up: "Heaven level?"

Tongtian level, it sounds very arrogant.

Jiang Xiaogu practiced the Tongtian-level exercise, Luo Ming practiced the true spirit-level exercise, and Lu Li instantly felt that the "Eclipse Yin Art" that he had collected from the wolf-headed Yaoyi was not fragrant at all!

Jiang Xiaogu also nodded at this time: "Well, that's all I can reveal. Of course...if you want to know more..."

"Just join your Fengxiao Pavilion?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu pretending to be mysteriously elongated, Lu Li guessed.


Jiang Xiaogu was amused by Lu Li, and said, "Yes! However, you may have to have **** reassignment surgery first!"

"Stop talking, Ugly Rejection, thank you."

Lu Li's face was immediately covered with black lines.

The implication is that their Fengxiao Pavilion's exercises are only passed on to women, not men.

"You have a supernatural skill, right?"

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu asked Lu Li again.

She smiled and looked at Lu Li with a look of seeing through everything.

Lu Li didn't hide it, nodded, put his hand into his clothes, and took out a small sheepskin book from the different-dimensional space.

When Jiang Xiaogu saw this little sheepskin book, he was a little surprised: "Is it really an ancient text?"

When Lu Li talked about "intermediate level", Jiang Xiaogu guessed that what Lu Li got was an ancient text.

After all, in modern times, no one would use the ancient language to describe the level of the exercises.

When the ancients wrote the exercises, they used a special technique to hide the words in this small sheepskin book. Even if ordinary people read it, they could not understand what was written in it.

Only when the spiritual power penetrates into it, can the hidden content inside be seen.

Of course, hidden content is also ancient and very obscure.

not 1000 points

. People with the following spiritual power index can understand it.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaogu rudely took the sheepskin book and glanced at it, and then said: "This should be an ancient text from the Yue Kingdom during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there were still a small number of warlocks and barbarians in the world. This writing technique is also the technique of the barbarian witches in the Spring and Autumn Period."

Jiang Xiaogu just glanced at the words in it, and already guessed it.

"You know a lot."

Lu Li said.

When Lu Li was reading this book, he only knew that it was in ancient texts, and he didn't understand it at all. When encountering uncommon words, he could only guess the general meaning according to the radicals.

But Jiang Xiaogu was able to recognize at a glance which dynasty and which national character it was.

Really great.

Jiang Xiaogu was praised, his cheeks were slightly red, and he smiled sweetly: "Of course, this is a compulsory course for our Fengxiao Pavilion! Master said that there are many ancient secrets buried in this world, and these secrets will even subvert what we know well. History.

"But no matter how history is overturned and rewritten, these ancient texts are the only way for us to get a glimpse of that ancient era of spiritual energy.

"Our current writing has evolved and is influenced by the Western industrial age. The writing has been simplified, and it can be said that it is quite different from the ancient writing.

"So, only the ancient script is the most suitable for the script of the ancient aura era. This is why the master asked me to learn the ancient script.

"Just like this."

With that said, Jiang Xiaogu pointed to the book that Lu Li was holding, the book with the words of Venerable Black Dragon written on it from the high tower bookshelf.

She said: "If we don't learn ancient script, we can hardly understand the script of this ancient aura era. In the ruins, if you understand a word more than others, you will have a better chance than others!"

Jiang Xiuwei's tone was very calm and spoke in a eloquent manner.

But to Lu Li's hearing, there was a strange shock.

"Ancient Secrets..."

"So, can you read the text on this?"

Lu Li seemed to think of something, so he hurriedly opened the book "The Black Dragon" and asked Jiang Xiaogu.

Jiang Xiaogu looked at the words on the book, frowning slightly, and said, "I've read some of the words on it, and it's a bit like the words on oracle bone inscriptions, that is, the Xia-Shang period.

"However, it's only a bit similar. The ancient Aura era is not a common language in the world. The world in the ancient Aura era is much bigger than we imagined. Language and characters, and even the usage of each word, are very different. Different. I can only understand a little bit.”

"Xia Shang period?"

During the Xia and Shang Dynasties, it has been three or four thousand years from now, which is extremely long. Lu Li only knew a little about it in "Fengshen Romance".

However, "Fengshen Romance" is just a Ming Dynasty mythical novel. The plot takes place during the Shang Dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,000 years from the Ming Dynasty. Most of the historical figures and folklore have been magically modified in the novel, and a large number of original characters have been added.

Not for reference.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help asking Jiang Xiaogu: "Then look, what is written on it."

"Let me see."

Jiang Xiaogu was also curious about what was recorded above.

Originally, she planned to take it out and show it to her master, but now that Lu Li was very interested, she read and studied it together with Lu Li.

The two worked together for hours on end.

Combined with the content on the murals, I finally got a general outline of the story told in this ancient book.

There is no doubt that this is a narrative text related to "The Black Dragon", but it is not the kind of biography that Lu Li intended to record the life of the Black Dragon.

The content recorded above can mostly correspond to the content on the murals.

But the story was more complicated than Lu Li thought.

Originally, Lu Li thought that Venerable Heilong rescued one of the people, and then the people spontaneously followed him and built a huge city in the underwater city.

However, the record in the book is.

Although Venerable Heilong did save a lot of people, he did not give these people a chance to choose, but directly brought the rescued people back to the underwater city.

That is, the rotten city that Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu are now standing under.

More and more people were arrested, and when these people found that they could not leave, they began to be forced to build their new homes in the city.

The underwater city at that time was not as dim and dilapidated as it is now.

but the sun is shining,

. Many normal plants and animals.

People from all over the world gathered here, and it took a long time to integrate the language and characters.

However, much of the content in this book is only a subjective description of the author, and does not specify the origin and role.

Including Venerable Heilong recorded in this book, Lu Li originally thought that Venerable Heilong was the protagonist of this book. However, in fact, Venerable Heilong did not appear a few times in the book.

From the bookholder's perspective, the Black Dragon is like a god, majestic and inviolable.

What Venerable Heilong wants is people's belief, worship, loyalty, and dedication.

The book also did not write the reason why Venerable Black Dragon brought so many people to the underwater city.

But Lu Li noticed that, according to the book, people would bring the dead bodies into the crystal palace in the middle of the city.

This seems to be the funeral method of people in this underwater city.

The funeral method recorded in the article is very detailed, which road to pass, which street to cross, who sees it off, and what clothes to wear.

However, there is no record of what it was like after entering the Crystal Palace.

It seems that entering the Crystal Palace is the last step of the entire funeral.

But Lu Li felt that there must be other steps in the future, but the writer did not write it, or even the writer himself did not know what would happen after entering the Crystal Palace.


The bodies of so many deceased people, there are large areas of wasteland that are not buried, but piled up in the most prosperous crystal palace.

It's weird how you think, right?

However, although the book does not say the final whereabouts of the body.

But it is recorded in the book that in the Crystal Palace, there is a kind of tree, a tree that will bloom blood-colored flowers!

The book calls it the Blood God Tree!

When the young people in the underwater city become adults, they will enter the Crystal Palace collectively and sit quietly under the Blood God Tree for half a day. This is also the only opportunity for ordinary people in the underwater city to enter the Crystal Palace once in their lives.

And the second time, at the time of death, at the funeral.

The book says that after sitting under the Blood God Tree for half a day, young people will become strong and strong. Fantastic.

When Jiang Xiaogu saw this, he didn't have any special feeling.

But Lu Li looked at it, but his heart couldn't help beating wildly.

He remembered what the black-haired Yaoyi said, and the red fruit lying in his other dimension. In the cemetery that day, the monster became stronger after eating the red fruit.

Could it be that the red fruit is on that tree?

There is no answer in the book.

Not much is recorded.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lu Li had a red fruit on his body, he probably wouldn't have been particularly concerned.

Despite this, Lu Li's mood could not calm down for a long time.

The doubts in my heart are also increasing.

However, the content at the back of the book did not give the answer Lu Li wanted.

The content that follows is a description of some local people's livelihood, as well as the content of Venerable Heilong setting up eight towers, and then domesticating the black dragon.

Since neither Lu Li nor Jiang Xiaogu could fully translate the above text, they could barely understand one-fifth of the content.

For other content, I don't know what to write at all.


Judging from the only content, Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu have reached a consensus on one thing, that is, that Venerable Heilong is by no means a good person.

There must be something hidden in that crystal palace.

"Also, according to the book, there are at least tens of millions of people in this underwater city. But..."

Jiang Xiaogu frowned slightly, UU reading said: "Why are the bones of these people gone? Only in the tower, are there a few scattered bones? Those people, it's like they just evaporated out of thin air. …”

This question is terrifying.

Lu Li told Jiang Xiaogu not to scare himself, and said, "Maybe, they just migrated out."

Although this is also possible, even Lu Li himself felt that it was too unconvincing.

After all, even mass migration.

But it's not all gone, is it?

There should always be some corpses left. . . .

Jiang Xiaogu closed the book and said, "Perhaps, all the answers can only be revealed in that crystal palace, right?

"As for the other things in the book that I don't understand, wait for me to bring it out and ask my master! She should be able to understand it. Her research on ancient prose can be said that no one in China is more professional than her!"



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