My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 171: 【Xia Bing's strength】

Remember [New] for a second,! Killing the giant lobster with one blow, Jiang Xiaogu landed smoothly from the air.

Lu Li also raised his knife and dropped the knife, and quickly cleaned up the nearby shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The two continued to wave their weapons, smashing their way through countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Lu Li couldn't help but give Jiang Xiaogu a thumbs up.


Being praised by Lu Li, the corners of Jiang Xiaogu's pretty face couldn't help but turn up.

"How can you be so powerful? You blew up so many big guys all at once!"

As Jiang Xiaogu spoke, he waved the black heavy sword in his hand. Every time he waved the sword, he could smash the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of him!

Lu Li also waved the Tang Hengdao in his hand, beheading the monster in front of him, and said with a smile, "That's my last resort."


Jiang Xiaogu looked at Lu Li with a half-smile, obviously disbelieving it, because she found that when Lu Li was in the air just now, the aura of spiritual power in his body had become weak.

But now, the spiritual power in Lu Li's body has miraculously recovered!

Jiang Xiaogu said: "I always feel that you have more secrets that I don't know."

Lu Li was at a loss for words, and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xiaogu.

The two looked at each other, but the sword in their hands was not idle, and they slaughtered the monsters along the way!

Now there are no monsters of the level of large lobsters nearby, only a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, nothing to be afraid of, the offensive of the two is unstoppable.

Lu Li said: "It can't be said that there is no such thing."

Seeing Lu Li readily admit, Jiang Xiaogu just smiled, but he didn't mean to continue to ask.

Everyone has their own secrets, although she was really curious about how Lu Li did it, but since Lu Li didn't want to talk about it, she didn't continue to ask.

She was also sincerely happy about Lu Li's rapid improvement in strength.

She said half-jokingly, "If I knew you were so powerful, I wouldn't rush over here."

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help remembering how Jiang Xiaogu rushed into the sea of ​​monsters without fear of death and ran towards him.

That was probably the most beautiful scene Lu Li had ever seen in his life.

However, Lu Li couldn't help but have some doubts and said, "By the way, speaking of which, why did you appear here?"

Jiang Xiaogu said: "Captain Xia and I came here to check when we heard something going on here. You don't know, during your absence, we have experienced a lot of things. Brother Xu, they are gone."

"I see."

The "movement" that Jiang Xiaogu said should refer to the place that Lu Li and Jiang Xu had just passed by and were attacked by the monsters.

With so many people dead there, there should have been a lot of commotion.

Jiang Xiaogu said: "Those mists seem to be some kind of space spell, with the ability to distort space. After I walked into the mist with Captain Xia and the others, and then came out, it was in another place."

The other teams were lost with the large army because they walked into the fog.

This is also the reason why when Jiang Xu and the others returned to the place to look for the large army, they couldn't find the way.

Lu Li also saw it when it was foggy a few days ago, but Lu Li was concentrating on cultivating to break through 800 points at the time, and he didn't take it seriously. Naturally, he was not affected by the fog.

"Then what happened to these relic creatures?"

Lu Li asked involuntarily.

After all, when they first entered the ruins, none of these ruined creatures moved.

Jiang Xiaogu said: "Let the ministers say that the defense mechanism of the ruins was triggered. The ruins are like the tombs of kings in ancient times. In order to prevent tomb robbers from robbing tombs, defense mechanisms will be set up."

"I see."

In this way, it can be said.

It seems that it is because those monsters entered the Crystal Palace, which triggered the big mechanism of the entire ruins.

Ren Xingfeng and Yang Ming have also entered the Crystal Palace now, and they don't know what's going on there.

Thinking about it, the two have already made a **** path, and they are about to kill the encirclement of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly noticed that many shrimp soldiers and crab generals began to emerge from the ground.

There are also giant aquatic animals crawling out.

Lu Li couldn't help frowning, and said, "More relic creatures have crawled out."

Jiang Xiaogu also noticed the movement: "It seems that this is also one of their nests. We have encountered this kind of nest many times in the past few days."

"Anyway, let's kill it first."


With that said, the two continued to fight their way out.

Soon, they were killed in front of Jiang Xu and the red-haired warrior.


Lu Li greeted them and motioned them to break out together.

Hearing this, everyone was unequivocal, and hurriedly turned around to catch up with Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu.

Countless shrimp soldiers and crabs are still emerging from the ground. Although there are no big octopuses like just now, or super large lobsters, there are many fish and human creatures with feet that have never been seen before!

The head is the head of a fish, but the body is human-like, only with scales.

These murlocs run more nimble than big crabs, and they also hold trident-like weapons in their hands!

"It's a murloc lair. The murlocs are fast and throw weapons, everyone pay attention!"

Jiang Xiaogu ran in front and said to everyone behind.

Everyone nodded.

And right now.

"Look ahead!"

A warrior suddenly cried out in surprise.

The crowd looked up.

I saw that many people dressed as warriors began to appear one after another in front of them. These people were carrying weapons and rushing towards Lu Li and the others!

Extremely fast!

The head is a face that Lu Li is familiar with!

It was none other than the leader of the Lingmeng martial artist team, Xia Bing!

"It was Captain Xia and the others who came to support!"

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help showing joy when he saw Xia Bing and other warriors who came to support him.

The other warriors and Jiang Xu were also overjoyed.

Finally reunited with the army!

Xia Bing is the strongest human fighting force in this relic, aside from Minister Ren Xingfeng and Yang Ming, the leader of the Demon Hunting Battalion.

Seeing Xia Bing appear, all of them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Bing also noticed Lu Li at this time.

On the frosty pretty face, there was a look of surprise, but this surprise was fleeting and turned into seriousness.

"You keep running forward, we will stop."

Xia Bing's language is short, but it gives people infinite trust.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and quickly ran behind Xia Bing and the others.

When Lu Li brushed past Xia Bing, he couldn't help but look back at Xia Bing.

Xia Bing did not look at Lu Li, but took a step forward. Turn your back to the crowd and face a thousand shrimp soldiers, crab generals and murlocs.


At this moment, the murloc holding a trident in front let out a terrifying roar, then swung the trident in his hand and threw it fiercely towards Xia Bing and other warriors!

Seeing this, Lu Li was hesitating whether to use the Heavenly Induction Technique to block these tridents for Xia Bing and others.

However, he saw that he just pulled away the horse and made a power-charging fist. At the same time, the blue spiritual energy on Xia Bing suddenly flourished, and a piece of spiritual stone glove in his hand emitted a dazzling blue light. Lu Li sensed that Xia Bing's body was emitting a dazzling blue light. A powerful aura of unparalleled spiritual energy was madly gathering towards her right fist.

Magical skills!

Such a thought flashed in Lu Li's mind.

Seeing this, more than a dozen warriors around Xia Bing quickly took a few steps back.

Seeing Xia Bing burst out with a loud shout, he slammed the murloc into the thousands of shrimp soldiers and crabs in front of him!

The blue energy blasted out from the fist, and the terrifying destructive power immediately rolled all the thrown tridents into pieces. Wherever they passed, no matter the floor, the shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and people, they were all smashed to pieces!

Crack clap!

Numerous carapaces and bones were broken in that terrifying energy! Broken!

When the strong wind stopped, only debris was left on the ground!

Shengsheng blasted out an avenue!

More than a thousand ruined creatures were bombarded and killed more than half in an instant!

And the reason why the remaining five hundred or so shrimp soldiers and crabs will still be standing is because they are not running fast enough! I didn't have time to be affected by the power of Xia Bing's punch......

Although Lu Li knew Xia Bing's strength for a long time, he couldn't help feeling shocked when he saw the power of this punch.

"Is this the strength of the bronze nine-star..."

And looking at Xia Bing's understatement, it seemed that she didn't use all her strength for this punch.

"If you use all your strength, what kind of scene should it be?"

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

Perhaps, only when he reaches the level of Xia Bing can he know the answer.

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