Lu Li was beating wildly on the head of Shrimp Soldier and Crab General.

Behind him, there were two behemoths five or six meters high, chasing after them as if pulling a mountain down a tree.

As the shrimp soldiers and crabs on the battlefield will be knocked into the air by them, their actions will be faster and faster.

With such a speed, even Lu Li couldn't help feeling troubled.

Many times, Lu Li was almost attacked by the tentacles of the big octopus.

Since the big octopus went mad after being cut off by two tentacles by Lu Li, its speed has also surged.

Moreover, their intelligence seems to be much higher than that of ordinary shrimp soldiers and crabs.

Lu Li tried to guide the two of them to kill each other many times, but they were never fooled. Instead, they predicted Lu Li's actions many times while he was running around, and almost hit Lu Li.

Luckily, Lu Li was extremely cautious every time, using the Swift Shadow Step to escape.

He didn't dare to take a hit from these two behemoths. Once he was hit, Lu Li believed that even if his physique surpassed the mortal level, he would definitely shed a layer of skin!

"It seems that these two big guys are really not that easy to kill!"

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

He also thought about using Yan Mojian here.

But if you use the Yan Mo sword, there will be a certain backlash effect, and your hands will freeze with it.

At that time, even if they kill these two giants, if they fail to kill all the shrimp soldiers, crab generals and lobsters on the scene, they will temporarily lose their combat effectiveness due to the backlash of the Yan Mo Sword.

"You can only use self-destruction puppets."

The self-destruction of a self-destructing puppet is equivalent to the self-destruction power of a bronze-level one-star.

According to Lu Li's inference, these two behemoths should be bronze-level spirit beasts, the so-called second-order spirit beasts!

Because Lu Li killed a giant lobster just two days ago.

At that time, a dark blue crystal fell out of the giant lobster. After studying the crystal, Lu Li found that there was a cold spiritual energy in the crystal.

At that time, Lu Li guessed whether the crystal would be the so-called spiritual core in the spirit beast.

If it is really spiritual core, then these big lobsters are very likely to be the flesh of second-order spiritual beasts.

With such a tyrannical body, apart from the Yan Mojian and the self-destructing puppet, I am afraid there is nothing that can break their defenses.

Although Lu Li used instant slash, he cut off the two tentacles of the big octopus.

But soon, the tentacles of the big octopus slowly grew out.

The big octopus does not have the hard shell of the big lobster, but it has a stronger regeneration ability and a more flexible body.

And because their bodies were eroded by the yin in the ruins, they had lost their intelligence and turned into zombie-like creatures.

This is also the reason why they only use physical attacks frantically, but never use the yin and spiritual power in their bodies.

Thanks to their inability to use Yin Qi and spiritual power, otherwise, the environment in the ruins would be even more dire.

Thinking about it, Lu Li rushed forward.

While opening the system panel in his mind.

Open the card case.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he automatically locked onto the green card of the self-destructing puppet.

[Consumption Card: Self-Exploding Puppet]*2!

【Do you use this card? 】

Looking at the interface that popped up in front of him, Lu Li didn't make a choice right away.

Instead, he glanced around.

Soon, just a few hundred meters from his side, he saw two giant lobsters!

Immediately, I wanted to bring them in too, and then use self-destruction puppets to catch them all in one go!

Thinking about it, Lu Li immediately avoided a tentacle attack from the big octopus, and then ran towards the two big lobsters.

At this moment, there was a human scream in the distance.

Lu Li couldn't help being attracted by the sound. When he turned his head to look, he saw a giant lobster emerging from the ground in front of the students and warriors in the distance.

Block their way!

They are now facing the enemy on both sides, and there are big lobsters blocking their way, most of them have to explain where they are!

When Lu Li saw it, he knew that he couldn't help them, so he could only let them fend for themselves.

Lu Li thought like this.

He was about to turn his head.

Then he was surprised to see that a dim golden light suddenly lit up from the head of the big lobster.

It was a human figure.


At this moment, the tentacles of the big octopus clapped.

Lu Li quickly stepped aside, and the octopus tentacles slapped the ground, causing a great tremor!

When Lu Li looked over there again, he saw the giant lobster over there suddenly collapsed!

You just haven't watched the kung fu for a few seconds, and the battle is over there?

Lu Li was surprised.

Unexpectedly, those warriors actually have the ability to kill a giant lobster in an instant?

Then why didn't you show it just now?

Lu Li didn't know what happened over there.

However, he couldn't care less.

In front of them were two giant lobsters. Lu Li immediately activated the Sky Induction Technique, grabbed the two shrimp soldiers on the ground, and threw them at the two giant lobsters in front.

Was slapped away by the two giant lobsters.

Being provoked by this weak human being, the two giant lobsters also waved their giant claws and chased after them.

"very good!"

Lu Li suddenly jumped aside again.

Just like attracting monsters in the usual game, attract all the monsters into a cluster.

Although the two newly added giant lobsters are quite different in size compared to the largest one, the appearance of being chased and killed by four behemoths is really very visually striking.

The students and warriors who had just broken through in the distance were stunned.

That scene was like dancing on the tip of a knife!

However, Lu Li's plan, only he knows.

And just when Lu Li was about to release his self-destructing puppet.

However, Lu Li suddenly saw that in the distance, a dim golden light was rushing towards this side at an extremely fast speed!

Lu Li looked at him in surprise, and saw a slender figure rushing towards him.

"Lu Li!!"

The figure shouted loudly.

Hearing this familiar female voice.

Lu Li couldn't help feeling suddenly surprised: "Xiaogu?!"

The figure was getting closer, and Lu Li also saw the other's face, as well as the black broadsword she was holding in her hand!

"It's really Xiaogu!"

She even rushed up at such a time!

"Are you here to save me?"

Lu Li thought of this possibility.

Otherwise, how dare she rush up when she sees so many giants chasing and killing her?

Thinking about it, although Lu Li was moved, she didn't come at the right time!

Lu Li frowned, but did not release the self-exploding puppet immediately.

Instead, he shouted, "Back off! Don't come here!"

Lu Li told her to step back because he didn't want to wait for the explosion of the self-destructing puppet to affect her.

But in Jiang Xiaogu's ears, it had a different meaning.

She turned a deaf ear, but shouted loudly, with golden light all over her body, and the black broad sword in her hand was violently thrown by her!

Then, under Lu Li's astonished eyes, the black broad sword was like an arrow that slid away from the string, shooting straight at the behemoth!



This sword, with the force of gravity, stabbed directly on the head of a smaller lobster!

The sword body plunged directly into the area, and Yu Jin directly overturned the entire lobster's head and body!


It even knocked down a giant lobster beside it!

With such terrifying power, even Lu Li's eyes widened when he saw it!


Lu Li couldn't help but pop out a beautiful greeting.

He couldn't imagine how powerful Jiang Xiaogu was to directly overturn a giant lobster with such a terrifying tonnage!

However, he didn't have time to be surprised.

Taking advantage of these behemoths for a while, they hurried to Jiang Xiaogu's direction.

"Xiaogu, come here!"

Lu Li shouted.


Jiang Xiaogu immediately understood and ran towards Lu Li.

Seeing that Lu Li was safe and sound, even though she was in danger, she couldn't restrain a smile on her face.

Along the way, there will be shrimp soldiers and crabs in the way.

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's whole body rising suddenly, Lu Li noticed that there was an intricate red pattern on Jiang Xiaogu's arm in an instant!

The moment the red lines appeared, Jiang Xiaogu threw his fist violently!

Booming towards the big crab who didn't know whether to live or die, and dared to rush up to attack Jiang Xiaogu!

A beautiful straight punch directly hit the big stick on the belly carapace!


This punch carried the terrifying strength, and directly blasted the big crab out!

Even the other shrimp soldiers and crab generals around were hit by the body of the big crab, and were smashed out dozens of meters away!

With one punch, he directly blasted out a road that was several tens of meters long!


Lu Li was once again shocked by Jiang Xiaogu's tremendous strength.

This strength, I am afraid that even the power-type awakened people of the level are still unattainable, right? !

The two quickly ran side by side.

"Lu Li! Great, I knew you would be fine! You know what? I've been looking for you for the past few days, I've been looking for you, I'm afraid I'll never see you again."

Jiang Xiaogu said, his eyes were slightly red on his happy face.

"Now is not the time to say that."

Lu Li was also very moved.

The moment he saw Jiang Xiaogu, he was overjoyed for no reason, even though he knew that Jiang Xiaogu's strength and situation were much safer than his.

But when she saw that she was safe and sound, she also felt relieved.


Jiang Xiaogu also nodded and said, "Let's get rid of them first!"

"This way!"

Jiang Xiaogu said, he suddenly raised his fist and slammed a fist at a big crab in front of him!

This time, Lu Li saw Jiang Xiaogu throw a punch at close range.

Then he was surprised to find that it was really just an unpretentious punch that directly blasted the big crab out.

Forcibly smashed a way!

Lu Li originally thought that Jiang Xiaogu was using some kind of spiritual skill, but he didn't expect that it was really just brute force?

However, Lu Li also noticed that before Jiang Xiaogu exerted his strength, red lines would appear on his body.

It should be the kind of pattern that allows her to temporarily gain power beyond this stage!

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaogu motioned to Lu Li to run towards the road in front of her that was punched out by her punch.

"It's easy to break through there, run away from here first!"

As a result, Jiang Xiaogu just took a step when Lu Li grabbed him directly.

Then he was pulled by Lu Li and ran to the side.

Jiang Xiaogu looked at Lu Li in surprise.

But he heard Lu Li say, "This way, come with me!"

"But here..."

"Trust me!"

Lu Li turned his head and glanced at her. Seeing this, Jiang Xiaogu immediately understood and nodded his head.

Then let Lu Li pull her to run.

Later, Jiang Xiaogu discovered that after being held by Lu Li, Lu Li ran faster!

No, it's not getting faster.

It should be said that Lu Li was already so fast!

When he was running side by side with her just now, Lu Li deliberately slowed down.

Jiang Xiaogu was slightly surprised.

Afterwards, he saw that there were more than a dozen shrimp soldiers and crabs blocking the way!

She was about to do something.

He heard Lu Li shout: "Go away!"

Lu Li pointed out with a finger, and slammed it to the side, the Heavenly Induction Technique suddenly launched, and immediately controlled the dozen or so shrimp soldiers and crabs.

Then, he threw it violently to both sides.

It's a way to break through!

After that, wherever the two of them passed, the shrimp, soldiers and crabs would be pushed away by an invisible giant force!

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's heart is full of surprises.

"Is this your ability?"

Jiang Xiaogu asked.

Lu Li just smiled slightly, and said, "It's just a trick to dig insects, there are more powerful ones, would you like to see it?"

"More powerful?"

Jiang Xiaogu was puzzled.

Then he sensed that Lu Li was pulling her hand violently, pulling her directly into his arms, and then jumping aside!

at the same time.......


A tentacle almost smashed down where Jiang Xiaogu was just now!

It hit the floor, sending up a puff of smoke.

The two hugged tightly and rolled around on the ground a few times.

Lu Li immediately picked up Jiang Xiaogu again and continued to run forward.

"Lu Li, let me down, I'll run by myself."

Jiang Xiaogu was hugged by Lu Li, watching behind him, the behemoths were chasing after him.

I was just shocked.

"No, you can stand it."

Lu Li held Jiang Xiaogu in his arms. He only felt that Jiang Xiaogu was very light, and Lu Li was very strong. Holding her in his arms basically did not affect his running speed.

On the contrary, when he was holding her hand just now, Lu Li was unable to use his Swift Shadow Step with all his strength.

Jiang Xiaogu also quickly discovered that Lu Li's speed became faster!

However, she still didn't understand why Lu Li didn't flee directly.

What does he want to do?

This question has not yet been revealed, Jiang Xiaogu soon discovered that Lu Li was not running in a straight line, but was running around this huge ruin, running in a huge circle.

At first, Jiang Xiaogu didn't understand Lu Li's intentions, but when she discovered that these relic creatures were all pulled together by Lu Li.

A crazy idea came to her mind...  

Could it be that Lu Li wanted to gather them together and catch them all?

Jiang Xiaogu guessed right.

Lu Li looked back at the monsters behind him, and saw that they were almost gathered.

The interface appeared again in front of me:

[Consumption Card: Self-destructing Puppet]*2

【Do you use this card? 】

Lu Li said silently in his heart, "Yes!"

The green card instantly turned into a ray of light, forming a villain in Lu Li's hand.

With the villain in hand, the corner of Lu Li's mouth curved slightly, and said with a smile, "A more powerful one is coming!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu was surprised.

Then he sensed that the spiritual power of Lu Li was gathering towards his right hand.

Jiang Xiaogu was slightly surprised: "Spiritual skills?!"

This feeling, she was all too familiar with it, was clearly a precursor to the use of spiritual skills.

She guessed right.

But only half right.

"Close your eyes."

At this moment, Lu Li whispered something into her ear.

As a newcomer to Lu Li, Jiang Xiaogu hugged Lu Li's neck tightly and closed his eyes.

Then she felt a strong light in front of her eyes!

Through her eyelids, she also felt extremely dazzling.

I saw Lu Li's golden light in his hand!

Not to mention her, even Lu Li himself felt extremely dazzling.

They were all used to the extremely dim light in this ruins. The sudden light was enough to blind everyone, including the eyes of non-human beings!

This move is the [Gorgeous Strike] that Lu Li rarely uses!

This blow, the lethality is not high, but it is the best magic skill for bluffing!

With a flash of light!

All the relic creatures in the audience were a meal.

Including a group of students and warriors who were watching the battle from a distance, Jiang Xu, Wu Shichao, Yi Yao and others were standing with them at this time.

It was the way Jiang Xu pointed to Jiang Xiaogu just now.

They just saw Lu Li hugging Jiang Xiaogu and avoiding the pursuit of the monsters, but they thought it was weird, and it seemed like he had been stuffed with a big mouthful of dog food.

At this time, they all saw an extremely dazzling light on Lu Li's right hand!

Bright, they are almost going blind.

And when they finally regained their sight.

Looking again, he saw that Jiang Xiaogu had disappeared, and only Lu Li was standing there.

Facing the pursuit of hundreds of shrimp soldiers and crab generals and three behemoths.

"Lu Li" standing there was unmoved.

Seeing that this is about to be swallowed by the sea of ​​monsters!

"Old fish!"

Jiang Xu couldn't help screaming in surprise!

"He's crazy?! Why didn't he run away?!"

"What is he doing?!"

Everyone looked at this scene and opened their mouths!


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