My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 167: 【Giant

Chapter 169 [Giant Octopus]


One after another, huge giant lobsters crawled out of the ground, waving their giant claws and waving wildly between the fragile houses.

Smash fragile houses.

Thirty or forty humans screamed and ran out of the house.

Someone couldn't dodge in time and was smashed to the ground by gravel.

The outside of the house has been surrounded by shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and the human warriors have drawn out their swords, and soon they will fight with various shrimp soldiers and crab generals!

Looking at it from a distance, Lu Li felt his heart skip a beat.

The scale and number of shrimp soldiers and crab generals far exceeded Lu Carp's imagination!

"Is this the nest of a shrimp soldier and a crab general?"

Lu Li couldn't help but groaned in his heart.

Seeing this battle, Rao is because he has the escape skill of Swift Shadow Step, and he does not dare to move forward.

He quickly crawled down and observed the situation from a distance.

The number of tidal shrimp soldiers and crab generals, at least seven or eight hundred!

Even the giant lobster that Lu Li had killed before, there were as many as a dozen!

Moreover, there are still shrimp soldiers and crabs crawling out of the ground.

A dark piece.

So oppressive!

As for the humans on the ground, there are only about 30 people, and the ones who are really capable of fighting are only 15 or 6 people. They all have a rune weapon in their hands and are struggling to defend against the enemy.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals also moved quickly, shrinking the encirclement.

Push those people into a small circle.


At this time, I saw the crowd.

A man roared loudly, his whole body suddenly exuded blue light, and then roared towards the direction with the least number of shrimp soldiers and crabs, and slammed away!

Those shrimp soldiers and crabs will suddenly be slammed out of an aisle.

The other humans screamed and quickly followed.

"Black iron warrior!"

Lu Li saw that the man who took the lead in the charge was a black iron warrior.

Condensing spiritual power on the surface of the body, thereby improving defense and attack power, is a major symbol of black iron warriors.

Moreover, Lu Li also noticed that among these people, there was more than one black iron warrior.

At a glance, four of them exude a powerful spiritual energy.


Even if there are four black iron warriors, facing this tide-like relic creature, their breakthrough is not easy!

"Are you going to help them?"

Lu Li was tangled in his heart.

If you shoot, you will also be exposed, and if you can't run away, everyone will finish the game.

Just when Lu Li was tangled.

Cha Cha Cha Cha!

A strange sound resounded from the house under Lu Li.

The sound is very faint and difficult to hear if you don't listen carefully.

But Lu Li could hear it clearly. Hearing this voice, the hair on Lu Li's body suddenly stood up!

Without saying a word, he quickly took a quick shadow step, kicked his feet, and instantly pushed himself away from the roof where he was originally.


The next second, a slippery object, like a steel gun, slammed through the tiles of the roof where Lu Li was just now!

Before Lu Li could see what the object that pierced the roof was, he felt movement below again, and had to step back again.

Just as Lu Li retreated, the slippery thing pierced the roof again.

This time, Lu Li saw this slippery thing clearly!

It was actually a dark purple tentacle covered with white suckers!


Lu Li subconsciously thought of this creature.

The feet were not idle, and continued to jump between the roofs.

The octopus tentacles kept piercing the roof all of a sudden!

Until the roof can not support the whole, it collapses!

Lu Li also retreated to the other house and stared at the creatures in that house. There, a purple-skinned octopus with a huge round head was quickly crawling out of the ruins.

And frantically arch towards Lu Li!

"Is it really an octopus?"

A new monster appeared, and Lu Li did not dare to confront it head-on.

Instead, he avoided its edge for a while and began to jump on the roof to avoid it.

Around, there are also countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals eyeing Lu Li.

They rushed towards Lu Li.

That amount makes one's scalp numb!

The shrimp soldier began to bow his body, using his body as an arrow, and shot at Lu Li suddenly.

If Lu Li could hide, he would hide, but if he couldn't, he would cut him with a knife.

The purple-skinned octopus chased wildly behind, frantically attacking the landing carp with its tentacles.

Lu Li pushed the Swift Shadow Step to the extreme, frantically dodging the attack of the purple-skinned octopus, and from time to time counterattacks the tentacle with a knife.


Lu Li's knife slashed on the tentacle, but was unable to cut into the tentacle.

The skin is extremely tough!

A blade that is not sharp enough can't cut into the slightest at all!

Lu Li had to fight and retreat.

In the distance, more than 30 humans also noticed that Lu Li was being chased by the big octopus, and they were all surprised and surprised.

"He was entangled with a giant octopus."

"Are you here for support?"

"I don't know, but he is much more dangerous than us now. That big octopus is an existence that even Team Li, who has reached the black iron level of seven stars, can't deal with it!"

The warriors gritted their teeth while slaying the shrimp soldiers and crab generals with difficulty.

Behind them are the protected students who only scream.

"Stop talking about him!"

At this time, the big martial artist who rushed in the front said loudly: "Let's take care of ourselves first, I will say that there is definitely a problem around here, there is not a single monster. It turns out that they are all gathered!"

"Didn't you say that these creatures are not very intelligent? Why are they still in such a group?"

"The intellect is not high, but what we have seen before is like this. In this ruin, there is something strange everywhere. What else can't happen?"

"Stop talking! Focus on fighting!"

The big warrior said, his blue spiritual power flourished again.

With a roar, he rushed forward frantically!

It knocked out countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

But when he smashed a wall, the big warrior suddenly felt that he had hit a hard as iron existence!

The huge force when the whole person was hit bounced back a few meters.

When I looked up, I saw a huge lobster standing five or six meters high behind the big house!

And what the big martial artist collided with was its extremely hard giant claw!

"so big!"

This big lobster is bigger than any they have seen before!

At first glance, it is the existence of the elite among the lobsters!


The big warrior made a decisive decision and took everyone to detour immediately!

I saw that the big man's spiritual power suddenly radiated out again!



Continue to use your own body to rush towards the shrimp soldiers and crabs in front of you, forcibly hitting a path!

Even though his body was already riddled with holes, there was even a shrimp head needle stuck in his arm!

But he never flinched!

Still brave and not afraid of death, just to make a **** path for the people behind him!


But at this time! The huge lobster slammed its giant claws and smashed to the ground!

This blow made the earth tremble!

It actually directly smashed two warriors below the black iron level.

The students couldn't help screaming in horror when they heard the sound of smashing into meat sauce behind them.

They had just experienced a tragic battle with a monster, and now they have fallen into this desperate situation, and their psychological endurance has reached the limit.

Amid the screams, the students who ran slower were held back one after another and smashed to death!

The tall warrior at the front was also overwhelmed and fell to the ground after his spiritual energy was almost exhausted.

"Yao team!"

When the warriors saw the tall warriors fall, they were all shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to help them.

"Quick, let's go."

Captain Yao pointed to the road ahead that he could break through.

However, that road was soon surrounded by more and more relic creatures.

Everyone suddenly fell into despair!

Roar! !

But at this moment, a huge monster wailed from the side!

In the distance, the giant octopus chasing the land carp broke off two tentacles!

Dark purple blood flowed frantically, and that wailing came from its huge mouthparts!

The movements of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals paused for a long time amid the wailing of the giant octopus.

"The tentacle of that big octopus was cut off?!"

Among the crowd, someone found this and was surprised.

It caused everyone to look over there.


Then I saw a human figure in the distance, holding a knife, stepping on these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, rushing towards Captain Yao and the others!

"It's that person!"

"Take care of yourself first! Kill with me!"

A tall and thin warrior held a knife and pushed Captain Yao to a young boy to carry it on his back.

"Protect Captain Yao!"

After he finished speaking, he walked at the front, slashed his sword frantically, and made a **** path!


The boy hurriedly moved forward with the support of Captain Yao.

The giant lobster behind him was still waving its giant claws, attacking the humans on the ground.

The boy's face turned pale with fright!

The scalp is numb, and it seems that the next person to be hit by the giant ao may be him!

He couldn't help but go in the direction of the man who stepped on the shrimp soldier crab head and ran wildly just now.

Seeing that the man was very close to their side, but he didn't mean to help them kill a **** path, but seemed to be running for his life.

The boy also saw clearly this strange young boy holding a Tang Hengdao.

"This dress looks familiar."

The boy thought silently.

As he moved forward, he looked at the boy again, and then he saw the man's face clearly.

The boy's handsome face suddenly showed a look of incomparable surprise: "Lu Li?!"


(PS: The number of chapters in the first two chapters is wrong! There is one more chapter later!)

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