My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 160: 【Crisis Removal】

Chapter 162 [Crisis Removal]

Seeing the four big crabs suddenly appearing on the ground, everyone screamed.

When Lu Li fell from the sky, all the students couldn't help but regard Lu Li as their only hope.

Seeing Lu Li being surrounded by monsters, everyone was so frightened that their hearts jumped to their throats.

Jiang Xu didn't say a word, just grabbed the dagger and rushed up.

"Old fish! Be careful!"

Jiang Xu shouted.

However, Lu Li's face in front of him was still calm.

It was as if he had expected something underground.

The left hand instantly pinched into a sword finger.

The spiritual power was suddenly activated, and the Heavenly Induction Technique was like four pairs of invisible hands, covering the four big crabs that had already rushed to Lu Li!

In an instant, the four big crabs were controlled.

At the same time, Lu Li's whole body's spiritual power suddenly poured into his right hand Tang Hengdao.

In less than a second, one-fifth of the spiritual power in Lu Li's body was drained!


Lu Li shouted loudly.

Instant Slash starts immediately!

Lu Li swung Tang Hengdao straight, spun under his feet violently, and slashed out in an instant.

The blade turned a full moon, and only a swishing sound was heard, and the sparks were scattered!

This knife immediately cut off all the three big crabs around!

When the fourth big crab was cut, the remaining strength of the knife was only enough to cut half of its body.

Immediately stuck in his body.

The gray liquid splashed like rain!

Lu Li abruptly drew his sword and slashed again with his backhand, completely beheading the big crab.

This scene.

All the onlookers were stunned.

Jiang Xu had just run halfway, and the whole person suddenly stood on the spot, and couldn't help shouting: "What the hell?"

He originally wanted to support Lu Li.

But I didn't expect that Lu Li was so fierce!

You must know that even the team leaders of the warrior teams who have reached the black iron level are not so straightforward and fast when killing such big crabs.

Seeing that these big crabs were cut in half and fell to the ground, with the crab legs and claws still moving, Jiang Xu suddenly had a feeling: it's because he ran slowly, otherwise, he would be slashed by Lu Li with a knife. !

Jiang Xu only had one question in his mind.

That is when Lu Li became so strong?

The decisiveness in beheading the shrimp soldiers and crab generals was not sloppy at all.

It's like a different person from the usual Lu Li!

He couldn't imagine how many secrets he didn't know about his deskmate.

There is also Wu Shichao who has the same doubts as Jiang Xu.

He never thought that Lu Li would almost kill the big crab that took him a long time to kill!

As soon as Lu Li landed, in less than 30 seconds, he killed seven big crabs in a row.


What about chopping big crabs as cabbage?

Wu Shichao originally thought that he had been fighting for life and death in the ruins in the past few days, and his strength had soared, which had given him the capital to fight Lu Li again.

Now it seems that the gap between the two of them is too far!

Especially Lu Li didn't know what method to use to make all these big crabs stay in place.

With this one hand alone, Wu Shichao is confident that there is no way to parry

Wu Shichao was thinking.

I saw Lu Li in front of him moving again.

Continue to run towards the largest lobster ahead!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned:

"He, does he even want to kill that big lobster?"

Everyone thought of this at the same time.

Involuntarily gave birth to a trace of anticipation!


Just when everyone was looking forward to it.

The big lobster in front suddenly flicked its tail and swept the Lingmeng martial artist who was still fighting.

The Spirit Alliance warrior suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The saber in his hand came out directly, and the whole person flew out.

This scene stunned the onlookers.

The hope that had just ignited seemed to be wiped out with the moment that the Spiritual Union warrior was knocked into the air!

And right now.

Lu Li suddenly stretched out his hand, the Heavenly Induction Technique was activated, and the invisible big hand immediately caught the Lingmeng martial artist in the air!

It is then smoothly sent to the ground.

He continued to rush towards the big lobster in front of him!

The big lobster also seemed to have noticed the human being who was rushing towards it recklessly.

Immediately, he moved the shrimp's feet, waved his big ao, and slammed into Lu Li!

Lu Li had been observing it for a long time.

Immediately launched the rapid shadow step, the figure suddenly flashed to the side like a ghost.


Big Ao smashed to the ground, smashing a huge hole, causing a shock and trampling many surrounding buildings.

Lu Li backhanded the connection between the big lobster's big claws and slashed it with a knife.


Sparks fly!

Lu Li only felt that the knife in his hand seemed to have slashed into a piece of armor made of diamond, and it suddenly rebounded, causing pain in Lu Li's palm and arm!

It didn't even cut in!

Seeing this, Lu Li had no choice but to frantically activate the Quick Shadow Step, and immediately backed away!

But I saw that there was only a white mark on the arm of the big lobster!

Lu Li was greatly shocked. He originally thought that the connection between the lobster's double claws was the weakest point that was best cut off.

Thinking that as long as the opponent's Shuangao is removed, the opponent will lose half of it.

As a result, Lu Li's instant slash, which contained one-tenth of his spiritual power, could only leave a faint knife mark on the junction of his big ao!

That hardness is much harder than the carapace on the big crabs!

No wonder several warriors have been beaten by it and have been defeated!

Because this big lobster is too hard! The defense can't be broken, of course, it can only be slaughtered by it.


The lobster's counterattack also began.

I saw the tentacles of the big lobster shaking wildly, and a pair of big claws waved wildly, smashing towards Lu Li.

The speed is shockingly fast!

Lu Li dodged again and again, but the opponent attacked faster and faster. Lu Li had to dodge while raising his knife to block.

Wherever the two fought, a large number of houses were smashed and trampled by lobsters.

Even Lu Li himself, after blocking it twice with his knife, was shaken and his arm was extremely painful.

The opponent is not only tough, but also terrifying in strength!

If you are hit by this big guy's pliers, you will break a few bones even if you don't die!

The opponent's attack is purely a physical attack relying on brute force.

It is equivalent to the protective jade pendant on Lu Li's body almost useless.

And Lu Li's appearance of being beaten and retreating, also frightened everyone.

Each of them raised their hearts to their throats.

I was afraid that Lu Li would not be able to beat this big lobster, and their lips would die by then.

You must know that the speed of the big lobster is several times that of those shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Even if they escape while the big lobster and Lu Li are entangled, it is easy to catch up with them after it has dealt with Lu Li.

Jiang Xu was even more anxious.

Holding the dagger in his hand tightly, he didn't know how to help Lu Li.


Their worries are actually superfluous.

Although Lu Li has been passively evading, he is not completely powerless to parry. In fact, Lu Li has not used his full strength.

It's just that he must first find out the opponent's weakness and kill him with one hit.

Otherwise, once one blow fails to kill, it is very likely to put yourself in a more dangerous situation.

Moreover, Lu Li also found another clue in the other party's successive attacks.

While Lu Li retreated, he also fought back.

It's just that every strike of Lu Li couldn't break his defense.

However, Lu Li discovered a little flaw!

It was that big lobster, who often protected the tentacles on his head intentionally or unintentionally, so as not to be chopped by Lu Li.

After Lu Li noticed this, he began to deliberately swing the knife to attack the opponent's tentacles.

As a result, sure enough, after the big lobster noticed Lu Li's movements, he immediately vacated one big o to protect it, and the other one continued to attack Lu Li.

This action made Lu Li happy!

"There is a door!"

Lu Li hurriedly activated the Quick Shadow Step and quickly retreated to the rear.

Suddenly out of the opponent's direct attack range.

At the same time, the left hand stretched out, the sword fingers condensed, and pointed at the big lobster!

The whole body's spiritual power suddenly poured out, and he exerted all his strength to use the Heavenly Induction Technique!

A pair of invisible big hands rumbled down, and all of a sudden the big lobster with claws and claws was directly suppressed!

Suppressing the big lobster at will, attracting the audience to scream again and again.

They only saw Lu Li's empty finger, and the big lobster couldn't move at all, struggling frantically.

"What a lot of strength!"

Lu Li frowned.

He found that even though he used all his strength, the big lobster was still struggling with brute force.

Lu Li had to change his strategy.

While launching the Swift Shadow Step to rush towards the big lobster, he frantically injected a lot of spiritual power into Tang Hengdao.

The big lobster obviously noticed Lu Li's movements at this time, and struggled even more fiercely.

Looking to break free!

And at this moment, Lu Li's hand slammed violently, and an invisible force suddenly turned into two, while holding the big lobster's head, while violently pulling the big lobster's tail.

The big lobster was already in a state of intense struggle, how could he have imagined that Lu Li could change this strange move so flexibly.

Suddenly, Lu Li succeeded, and the entire body of the lobster was overturned by Lu Li.

Hit the ground hard.

He was twitching violently, his tail flapping wildly on the ground, trying to get back to standing, as if he was very uneasy after overturning!

How could Lu Li make it come true!

Launch the Heavenly Induction Technique with all your strength again, and cover it firmly!

at the same time.

Lu Liye's instant slash has also been completed!

This time, he directly drained one-third of Lu Li's spiritual power, and Lu Li's face suddenly turned pale.

His spiritual power is almost bottoming out!

But this is the last blow!

I saw Lu Li jumped up suddenly.

Come to the top of the lobster's head.

Tang Hengdao raised high!

Seeing that the blade was covered with a layer of golden light visible to the naked eye, it was extremely dazzling!

The tentacles on the big lobster's head suddenly trembled wildly, as if it was constantly sending out danger signals to the big lobster!

Of course, it's too late!


Lu Li shouted loudly.

Tang Hengdao slashed down immediately, with incomparably terrifying power and golden energy, slashing above the tentacles on the forehead of the big lobster!


The blade directly slashed the tentacles in half, and then slashed above the big lobster's skull!

The big lobster felt the threat of life, struggled frantically, and was stubbornly suppressed by Lu Li's Heavenly Induction Technique!

"Death to me!"

Lu Li exerted almost 12 points of strength, and the golden light on the blade of the blade smashed the incomparably hard carapace directly!

Click, click, click!

The blade slashed into the large lobster's carapace.

The golden energy suddenly chopped off like countless blades, and immediately mashed the organs and the flesh and blood in the big lobster's skull into a puree!


Lu Li slashed his head in two with one knife!

The knife Qi even slashed an extremely flat and deep crack directly in front of the land!


The head of the big lobster that was cut into two parts suddenly fell to the ground, splashing a thick gray slurry, and it flowed all over the ground!


A faint blue crystal rolled out of his head.

The big lobster lost all signs of life, and only a few shrimp feet were still reflexively moving.

"Win win?"

"He, did he really kill that giant lobster?!"

The students watching from a distance were all shocked!

Lu Li's counterattack just now seemed complicated, but in fact it only took a few seconds!

From their point of view, Lu Li stepped back quickly, ordered the big lobster at random, and then rushed up quickly.

I saw a flash of golden light, and the head of the lobster had already bloomed.

No one reacted to what happened, and Lu Li beheaded the big lobster!



"Old fish!"

Jiang Xu also ran up quickly after being stunned for a while.

There was uncontrollable joy on his face. This feeling of reuniting with Lu Li after the catastrophe made him laugh out loud!

At this time, Lu Li also used the Heavenly Induction Technique to pick up the faint blue crystal on the ground.

Not to mention the income in the different-dimensional space.

By the way, he took out a blue bottle of Coke, and after unscrewing the cap, he waved to Jiang Xu and drank most of it.

It was not until the buff of spiritual power recovery appeared that he was relieved.

His spiritual power consumption is too serious.

The spiritual power that has just been supplemented by cultivation has been used up in this battle!

This kind of feeling that the spiritual power is almost exhausted will make people feel dizzy for a short time.

Spiritual power is like the second kind of blood in the human body. The more it is consumed, the more severe the feeling of physical discomfort.

"Old fish, are you alright?"

Seeing that Lu Li's face was pale, Jiang Xu couldn't help but come up to help Lu Li.

"It's alright, why are you here? Did you attract such a thing?"

Lu Li looked at Jiang Xu and was worried about whether Jiang Xu could survive in this ruin if he was so weak.

Now it seems that he is well protected by others.

"It's a long story, we got separated from the large army, so we can only hide around here, and wait for a big mistake to come over to meet. As a result, people didn't wait, but waited for these ruins monsters. If you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid we They have to die here."

Jiang Xu still spoke with some lingering fears.

"Big unit? Did you join the others?"

"Well, Xiaogu and the others were originally with us, but then there was heavy fog in the ruins, monsters attacked, and we got separated."

"What about Xiaogu and the others?"

"I don't know, we are looking for them too, but she is much safer than us here. They have a bronze-level warrior captain protecting them. Even if you encounter such a giant monster, you don't have to be afraid."

Jiang Xu said, glanced at the lobster corpse on the ground, and was a little scared.

"That's good."

Hearing Lu Li was also relieved.

There are bronze-level warriors sitting in the town, as long as they don't encounter creatures more powerful than lobsters, they are generally not in great danger.

However, don't be too optimistic.

Although Lu Li knew that Jiang Xiaogu's strength was only stronger than his own. But after all, they were all unconsciously involved in the ruins. Most of the students didn't have anything prepared on them, not even weapons, before being teleported.

Jiang Xiaogu's master must have left a lot of life-saving treasures for her, but whether she brought them in is another matter.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but glance at the shrimp soldiers and crab generals and corpses on the ground.

When they die, the corpses stink.

Lu Li was a little uncomfortable.

Then he greeted Jiang Xu and walked towards the other students.

Fix it first.

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