My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 155: 【Sky Induction Technique】

"Could it be that it was the cultivation technique that Yaoyi cultivated?"

Looking at the small sheepskin book in the wooden box, Lu Li couldn't help thinking of a possibility.

So far, Lu Li has never seen or learned any exercises.

Can't help but be curious.

Quickly open this little sheepskin book.

When he opened the first page, he saw that the three characters "Eclipse Yin Jue" were written in traditional Chinese characters.

"It really is a cultivation technique!"

Lu Li's eyes lit up slightly.

The name of this exercise sounds quite powerful.

However, according to Minister Ren Xingfeng, you cannot learn any exercises without reaching 1000 points of spiritual power index, otherwise it will be harmful to the body and useless.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but hesitate.

"However, what if you just watch and don't learn?"

Lu Li thought for a while, then turned to the second page.

He really didn't want to learn, but mainly wanted to see how much he could gain from learning after reading a book of exercises.

Turning to the second page, what caught my eye was a short introductory essay.

""The Eclipse of Yin" is a practice method created by the old man of Eclipse to observe the alternation of yin and yang, and it is rated as an ordinary intermediate level..."

Lu Li finished reading this page.

However, he didn't see anything special. There were only the words "ordinary middle-level", which caught Lu Li's attention.

"It's actually a mid-level mortal?"

Lu Li had heard of the level of cultivation techniques.

It has been mentioned in the history books, and from time to time, some news related to spiritual practitioners are also reported on TV, and exercises such as exercises are also mentioned.

After hearing it, Lu Li gradually understood a little bit.

Today, the exercises and spiritual skills circulating on the market are roughly divided into three levels.

Not in the stream, ordinary level, spiritual level.

In addition to the unpopular exercises and spiritual skills, the ordinary and spiritual levels are divided into low, medium, high, and three levels according to the strength of the exercises.

The most common exercises are non-flow exercises and ordinary exercises.

In some of the more well-known martial arts halls, there are ordinary-level exercises and spiritual skills for sale.

The price is extremely expensive.

The worst ordinary low-level, the cheapest is an expensive existence that can only be bought with a million Huaxia coins!

As for spiritual exercises.

is even rarer.

Lu Li has traveled for so long, and only when he was searching for spiritual skills on the Internet, he heard about the existence of this level of practice from the elder brother on the forum.

Its price, one can imagine, is definitely an astronomical figure.

Those who can afford this level of practice must definitely be some huge forces, or powerful figures, who have the financial resources.

"Every low-level rank can be sold for more than one million yuan, so the price of middle-rank exercises should not be less than 3 million, right?"

Three million, even if I can't learn it by then.

Turning around and taking it out to sell it, you can also earn another demon crystal.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to open the book.

This book is almost all written in classical Chinese, and the content is obscure and difficult to understand.

And after reading five or six pages, the text began to become weird, and it was not easy to read.

After Lu Li tried to read it several times, he had no idea what it was written.

However, Lu Li soon understood.

He quickly found out his spiritual power and entered this uncle in sheepskin.

Sure enough, with the injection of his own spiritual power, Lu Li looked at this page again and found that every word gave people a sense of mystery.

When you comprehend this mystery, you can see the real words in it.

"It turned out to be so."

Lu Li just thought it was magical.

No wonder this practice method is so expensive, just the method of hiding the real content in the words is very good.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to read.

Because each word contains a huge amount of information.

Although this "Eclipse Yin Jue" was only a few dozen pages long, when Lu Li thoroughly read it.

It's been eight hours.

However, Lu Li was very engaged and did not feel the passage of time.

To him, it seemed that he only spent less than an hour.

And, in the process of watching, Lu Li gradually felt a dull pain in his head.

It seems that the brain capacity is a bit unbearable because of the excessive intake of information for a long time.

However, Lu Li bravely read it through.

With this little sheepskin book closed.

[Learning point +2537]!

A series of numbers suddenly appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes.

Looking at this line of words, Lu Li was slightly surprised.

"It's only two thousand five hundred?"

Lu Li couldn't help but open the system map.

Later, it was discovered that the learning progress of this "Eclipse Secret Art" was only 25.37%!

"so little?"

You obviously see it very carefully.

Lu Li didn't expect it to increase so much to learn as a result.

Although he was looking at it just now, there were indeed a lot of things he didn't understand.

Perhaps, only when you really start cultivating this exercise, or have practiced other exercises, can you understand the obscure and incomprehensible contents in this book.

However, cultivation is impossible.

After all, Lu Li only had a spiritual power index of more than 700 points, and he was still far from 1,000 points. Naturally, he didn't dare to mess around.

However, looking at this exercise method is not completely without benefits.

Lu Li's four breathing methods have all been refined and understood to a certain extent.

And gained more than 1,000 additional learning points.

Lu Li glanced at his system panel:

[Learning point: 10332]!

There are already 10,000 learning points!

"You can draw twenty in a row!"

Although you can also have a high-level draw.

But if there is no miracle in the single draw, and you are given something that is temporarily useless, it will be too pitiful.

After all, he is not carefree in the school now, but in a dangerous place like the ruins.

Of course, I chose the ordinary draw card that is easier to ship.

Cards such as self-destructing puppets.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put the small box and the parchment book into the different-dimensional space.

Then open the card draw interface.

Directly issued an instruction: "Twenty consecutive card draws!"

With 10,000 learning points deducted.

The backs of 20 cards popped up in front of him.

Lu Li opened one of them.

As a result, the nine cards that were turned over in a row were all white cards, only the tenth card was a green card, and the eleventh to fifteenth cards were all white.

The probability of this white card frightened Lu Li.

Can't help but wonder if the system is trying to do something.

As a result, the next four consecutive cards were all blue cards and one green card.

Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

White cards are all potions, and most of them are experience potions.

The two green cards are a self-destruction puppet card and a small spirit gathering array card.

"Another Spirit Gathering Array?"

Lu Lixin said, I already have four duplicates!

Unexpectedly, the shipment rate of this card is so high.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help looking at the other four blue cards.

Blue Card [Consumption Card: Experience Potion] After drinking, all cultivation effects will increase by 100%, and continue to increase spiritual power in a moderate amount. Lasts 12 hours.

Blue Card [Equipment Card: Spirit Gathering Bottle] After using it, you will get the Spirit Gathering Bottle, which contains a lot of spiritual power!

Blue Card [Skill Card: Swift Shadow Step] Learn to Swift Shadow Step after using it!

Blue Card [Skill Card: Heavenly Enchantment] After using it, learn the Heavenly Enchantment!

"There are actually two skill cards!"

Lu Li couldn't help being overjoyed.

Quickly click on these cards to see the detailed description.

Lu Li was slightly surprised when he saw the [Tian Yin Shu].

Because, the description of the skill in the citation technique that day was exactly the same as the [Gravitation Technique] I had already learned!

[Heavenly Induction Technique: You can use spiritual power to grab objects from the air. The weight of the object depends on your own spiritual power and strength. 】

"Is it an advanced version of gravity?"

Only then did Lu Li remember that the Gravity Technique actually comes with a green card!

Because it was so practical, even Lu Li himself forgot the fact that it was just a green card.

However, since there is an advanced version of the Heavenly Induction Technique, it is natural to learn it!

Thinking about it, Lu Li directly used this Heavenly Induction Technique.

At this moment, a prompt box popped up in front of me:

[It is detected that the host has learned "Gravitation Technique", using this card will automatically upgrade the host to "Sky Induction Technique", and the power will be increased by 10%! 】

Looking at this prompt box, Lu Li immediately understood.

The meaning I thought to myself, it really is an advanced version of the Gravitational Skill!

As the prompt box disappears.

The card instantly shattered into a stream of blue light, and finally flowed into Lu Li's body.

At the same time, a series of memory information also exploded in Lu Li's mind.

After a while, Lu Li's eyes became more enlightened.

"I see, is this the difference between the two?"

After obtaining the memory of Tianyinshu, Lu Li also understood the difference between gravity and Tianyinshu.

The difference between the two is only in power and energy consumption.

The gravity technique consumes less energy. Even if Lu Li uses his full strength, he can only control a weight of about 2,000 kilograms at most.

And if you use the Heavenly Induction Technique, the effect is almost doubled, and it is not a problem to directly lift a heavy object of four or five thousand kilograms.

Of course, this weight will also increase according to Lu Li's personal strength.

And, in contrast, the spiritual power consumption of the Heavenly Induction Technique is even greater!

Thinking about it, Lu Li glanced at the distance, a huge rock that should weigh four or five kilograms.

Then he squeezed his sword fingers out of his hand.

The spiritual power was suddenly poured in, and he exerted all his strength, and the huge stone was directly aroused by Lu Li.

Directly into the air.

Feeling the vast amount of spiritual power flowing out of his body, Lu Li saw sweat on his forehead: "What a terrifying consumption!"

After Lu Li lifted the big rock for more than ten seconds, he finally put it down.

Then I felt the spiritual power in my body.

It was found that in these ten seconds, almost one-tenth of the spiritual power in his body was used up!

"When it is full, it can only be used for more than two minutes, and the spiritual power will bottom out."

Of course, this is under the condition of full exertion.

If the object lifted is not heavy, the consumption of spiritual power is actually not large.

Thinking about it, Lu Li used the Heavenly Induction Technique again.

Then, he sensed a repulsive force that directly lifted his entire body up!

Lu Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was directly lifted suspended in the air.

And with Lu Li's thoughts, he moved in the air in this dilapidated room!

Although the movement speed was not as fast as his own running on the ground, Lu Li was still very excited.

Because it means that you can fly!

Although flying, it consumes a lot of spiritual power.

But it's also equivalent to that in the future, I don't need to be afraid of heights.

As long as you still have spiritual power, you can fly and not die!


Lu Li used the gravitational technique again to get over his addiction to flying in the air, and then he fell from the sky.

Then I used the [Skill Card: Swift Shadow Step] and [Equipment Card: Gathering Bottle] in the system together.

Quick Shadow Step, as the name suggests, is a movement technique.

This movement technique greatly improved Lu Li's movement and reaction speed!

In addition, this movement method can also be actively opened, and by burning one's own spiritual power, it can gain faster speed!

Whether it is escaping or chasing, it is very practical!

As for the spirit gathering bottle.

It is an ordinary looking jade bottle.

But Lu Li could feel that the bottle contained an extremely strong and powerful spiritual power!

After obtaining the relevant memory, Lu Li also understood the purpose of this bottle.

Place this bottle in any place where there is aura of heaven and earth, and it will automatically collect the aura and convert it into pure spiritual energy.

Can be directly absorbed......

"Isn't that the bottle of spiritual power?"

The corner of Lu Li's mouth twitched slightly.

There are more than 30 of these things in my different-dimensional space!


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