My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 144: 【maze】

Chapter 146 [Maze]

"Zhao Jiu?"

When Lu Li was surprised, he immediately became vigilant.

Looking around.

Although Lu Li had been reading a book just now, if there was any movement around him, he should have heard it immediately.

However, he didn't hear Zhao Jiu's footsteps leaving at all.

But when he turned his head, he was gone.

Moreover, Lu Li also discovered that it wasn't just Zhao Jiu who disappeared.

His position has also changed. The stairway behind him should have been coming up, but now that stairwell is gone.

Instead, there are rows of bookshelves.

The bookshelves are so cluttered that it is impossible to see the end of the bookshelves at a glance.

It looks like a maze.

Moreover, it is a labyrinth that moves by itself.

He was caught in a daze.

However, although it is a labyrinth, the bookshelves here are only over three meters high.

There is a lot of space above.

Lu Li couldn't help climbing up one of the bookshelves and came to the top of the bookshelf.

As soon as I got to the top, I found that there was a lot of fog on it.

Only the positions of five or six bookshelves in front of you can be seen.

There is no fog to be seen below.

"It seems that the maze designers should have guessed that someone would climb the bookshelf to cheat."

Lu Li couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart.

However, despite this, it is obviously easier to find a way out when walking the maze on the top of the bookshelf than when it is below.

As long as you keep going forward, you will come out of the maze sooner or later.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to jump between the bookshelves.

All the way forward.

However, after jumping around five hundred bookshelves, Lu Li felt that something was not right.

While panting, he muttered to himself, "Is this third floor so big?"

Each bookshelf is about three meters apart.

And more than 500 bookshelves are more than 1,500 meters.

It seems that the hall on the first floor is not so wide, right?

Thinking about it, Lu Li tried to jump forward more than 500 bookshelves, but he still couldn't jump to the end.

On the other hand, Lu Li was too tired to sit down at the top of the summer vacation.

It seems that the person who designed this maze had long guessed that someone would walk out of the way, so he had already taken preventive measures.

Lu Li had to get down from the bookshelf.

Then found out.

The bookshelf in front of him was the same bookshelf that he had taken with him.

"Is this the legendary ghost hitting the wall?"

Lu Li gasped and frowned slightly.

"It seems that you have to take the normal route below to get to the end?"

Thinking that those who came first have all reached the fifth floor, this shows that this maze is not a complete ghost attack, there must be a breakthrough.

Or find a window.

Break open the window and climb up from the outside, maybe faster.

Thinking about it, Lu Li rested on the spot for a while.

When I was hungry, I took out a box of mung bean cakes from the different-dimensional space and ate three of them.

These mung bean cakes were all snacks that Lu Li had hoarded before entering the ruins, and they came in handy at this time.

After eating the mung bean cake, Lu Li continued to set off.

Start walking the maze honestly.

In the labyrinth full of bookshelves, I slowly groped and walked forward.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Lu Li returned to his original position after experiencing hundreds of ghosts hitting the wall.

Finally got to know the rules of this maze.

This maze actually has hints.

The occlusion of the maze is all composed of bookshelves, and in each bookshelf, the books placed are the same books.

In a normal bookshelf, the top rows of books are almost full.

But some bookshelves, in the top corner, will be missing a few books.

Because of the books on the shelf, the content is all the same.

So, if the books on the bookshelf were taken away, how could a normal person go for the top book?

So these bookshelves with a few books removed from the upper right corner are the marks left by the maze designer on purpose.

Just find this kind of bookshelf, and then walk to the side of the bookshelf according to the direction of the mark.

You can walk out of the ghost wall of the previous row of bookshelves.

Enter the ghost hitting the wall in the next row of bookshelves.

And so on.

Using this method, Lu Li moved forward while making a mark.

It quickly crossed the eighteen rows of bookshelves.

Later, when he was looking for the nineteenth row of bookshelves, in front of one of the bookshelves, Lu Li saw a figure in ancient clothes sitting in front of the bookshelves.

In shock, Lu Li hid vigilantly.

After carefully observing for a long time, I realized that the other party was almost motionless there.

Moreover, Lu Li did not feel any breath of life on him.

"Is it a zombie?"

Lu Li then used the gravitational technique to take out a book from the bookshelf and threw it towards the front.

Falling to the ground in the distance, trying to attract the attention of the other party.

As a result, the other party remained indifferent.

If it is a zombie, if you hear the sound, you should immediately go over to find out the situation, or at least move your head.

Turns out it didn't.

Thinking about it, Lu Li stepped forward cautiously.

As they got closer, Lu Li realized that the figure in ancient costume sitting here turned out to be a skeleton wearing ancient clothes.


It was this ancient man who didn't find a way out in this labyrinth of bookshelves, and finally died of starvation here.

Lu Li had to vigilantly bypass it.

Look for the mark above the bookshelf and keep walking.

After going over more than thirty rows of bookshelves.

On the repeated bookshelf walk, Lu Li saw a figure in the uniform of a Spirit Alliance warrior, with his back to Lu Li, walking in front of the bookshelf.

"Zhao Jiu?"

Thinking it was Zhao Jiu, Lu Li subconsciously called out the opponent's name.

As a result, the figure heard a voice.

He turned his head quickly.

Lu Li couldn't see the other's face, but he could see blood dripping from his chest.

And he started to run towards Lu Li step by step, faster and faster.


A strange sound came from the throat of the Spirit Alliance warrior.

"It seems that there are not only those humans who came first in this tower."

Lu Li muttered on his lips, while he slowly drew out the Tang Hengdao in his hand.

Wait until the zombie gets close.

Only then did Lu Li see the other's face clearly.

Not Zhao Jiu.

It was another Spirit Alliance warrior that Lu Li didn't even know.


The warrior zombie slashed with a knife, and Lu Li saw his movement and avoided it sideways, then held up the Tang Hengdao.

Severely cut off.

Cut off the entire head of the zombie directly.



The head fell to the ground.

The headless body also slammed onto the floor with a thud, making a muffled sound.

Blood splattered.

The headless corpse was still struggling on the ground, and Lu Li activated the jade pendant to pull out and absorb all the yin in his body.

The headless corpse was completely silent.

Lu Li stepped forward and turned the body over to check.

It was found that the wound on the chest of the corpse was penetrated by means such as sharp claws.

"It seems that in this tower, in addition to people, there is also a monster mixed in."

thought here.

Lu Li couldn't help but retreat.

If there is a monster, it will be very dangerous to continue to go up.

Lu Li could also probably imagine the scene that happened under the tower just now in his mind.

After entering the ruins, some people from the Spiritual Alliance joined the students. And they walked towards the tower together, looking for a large force to join.

As a result, he encountered a monster who also came here.

The two sides then went to war.

In other words, as Lu Li just saw below, the human side suffered heavy casualties, while the monster Yifang lost one in battle.

At that time, Lu Li was guessing that there might be more than one monster, but now it seems that his idea is correct.

And other human warriors and students who are still alive, in order to avoid those monster chases.

They all hid in this tower.

It turned out that there were very few places for them to hide in this high tower, and they could only keep climbing up to avoid the bewitching pursuit.

Lu Li silently reviewed the scene that might have happened just now in his mind.


Kind of weird.

If those monsters are so powerful, why is there only one corpse of a Lingmeng martial artist here?

Now that they have caught up with the human side.

Wouldn't it be possible to be held back by such a weak warrior?

Lu Li felt strange, and cautiously walked forward a few rows of bookshelves.

It was found that there were no traces of any dead or fighting in the following rows.

"Could it be that that person was alone and was killed?"

It is not impossible.

In any case Lu Li was a little hesitant.

Should I go back and leave this tower?

It will be very dangerous if you encounter a demon.

"However, how should I go back?"

"Jump out of the window?"

Lu Li glanced at the ends of the bookshelves on both sides of the aisle.

It was pitch black.

He had been away for a long time just now, and he didn't even see a single window.

Even if you want to jump out of the window and go back.

You have to find the window first.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but glance at the bookshelves.

He wondered what would happen if all these bookshelves were destroyed.

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