My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 123: 【See also Bubble Girl】

After practicing for about two hours.

Lu Li felt a burst of swelling in his head.

Cultivation has reached its limit again.

Lu Li had to get out of his cultivation state.

Jiang Xiaogu also opened his eyes after sensing that Lu Li was out of his cultivation state, and asked with concern, "Is it cold?"

"I'm doing fine. How about you?"

The Yin Qi in Lu Li's body was immediately absorbed by Lu Li's jade pendant, so it was naturally not cold.

"I'm a little cold... are you really okay?"

Jiang Xiaogu was a little surprised to hear that.

Because when she was cultivating, she could feel that Lu Li's absorption of spiritual energy was very fast, which was not much better than her own.

With such an absorption speed, with Lu Li's strength, he should have accumulated a lot of yin in his body.

Even Jiang Xiaogu himself felt a chill in his body, but Lu Li said it was fine.

I don't know if I'm serious or trying to be brave.

"Well, it's actually quite cold."

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's confused look, Lu Li had to change his mouth.

After all, you can't say that you have a jade pendant, and the yin in your body has been absorbed by yourself, right?

Lu Li took out a cold-proof pill from his pocket, and then handed one to Jiang Xiaogu.

Jiang Xiaogu was not polite, and after taking it, the two swallowed it together.

The function of this anti-cold pill is to dispel the yin qi in the body. If there is no yin qi in the body to swallow it, it is only a warming effect. As long as the breathing method is not used during the medicine effect, there is not much problem.

Lu Li took a look at Jiang Xiaogu's body with his spiritual vision, and found that a considerable amount of yin had accumulated in her body.

With so much yin accumulated in the body, the complexion on Jiang Xiaogu's face did not change much.

This surprised Lu Li.

Lu Li couldn't help asking: "What level have you reached now? You didn't tell me last time."

"You didn't guess it last time."

Jiang Xiaogu spread out his hands and said with a smile: "If you ask me if it's more than nine hundred, that's too general, at least it's accurate to ten digits."

Hearing this, Lu Li was at a loss for words, so he could only guess a number and said, "Nine hundred and ninety."


"Nine hundred and eight?"

"It's also wrong."

"Nine hundred and five?"

"No, no, no."

Lu Li guessed from nine hundred one to nine hundred and nine, but Jiang Xiaogu denied it. Seeing Lu Li's deflated appearance, Jiang Xiaogu smiled happily.

"It's not nine hundred, and it can't be eight hundred. Could it be that you have reached 1000 points?!"

Lu Li was surprised when he thought of this possibility.

Jiang Xiaogu held back his laughter and pretended to cough twice: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I should be more than nine hundred and ninety o'clock."

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but be stunned: "Then didn't I guess it just now?"

"Yes, but it's so boring to be guessed by you all of a sudden."


Lu Li supported his forehead, expressing deep speechlessness to Jiang Xiaogu's behavior that he always likes to tease himself.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaogu is the kind of gentle, generous and intellectual goddess image in front of others.

Why did it just happen to be here, and the human design collapsed?

However, although he had already guessed in his heart, Lu Li was still quite surprised that Jiang Xiaogu had reached over 990 points.

He couldn't help asking: "Aren't you about to reach 1000 points?"

"Well, I figured it out. When I get out of here, I should be able to break through. Of course, it is also possible to break through here."

"Okay.... I thought your master would keep you by his side to help you protect the Dharma and the like."

"It was true originally, but my master has to leave Baiyue State temporarily, and it may take a long time to come back."

Jiang Xiaogu said with a smile: "Master said that with my talent, I have no problem breaking through on my own."

"All right."

Hearing this, Lu Li also nodded.

The two then chatted for a while.

Jiang Xiaogu's cold energy was almost dissipated, so he asked Lu Li about his physical condition.

As a result, after hearing that Lu Li's mental consumption had reached the limit today, he couldn't help but be surprised.

However, she also understands that due to talent, everyone's mental threshold is different.

Lu Li's talent before "Awakening" was indeed very ordinary.

Fortunately, Lu Li is now an "awakened person". Even if his mental consumption reaches the limit, he can continue to practice with his own special method.

Although he didn't know what Lu Li's special cultivation method was, he didn't ask much before Lu Li himself made it public.

"Okay, then tonight's practice is here first. Let's go back."

With that said, Jiang Xiaogu stood up and picked up the futon on the ground.

Lu Li couldn't help but feel embarrassed and said, "No, no, you can continue to practice, I'll just go back."

Having said that, Lu Li couldn't help but seriously said: "I don't want you to delay your own cultivation by accommodating me. It will be the same in the future. You don't need to worry about me after my cultivation is over. Just continue to cultivate your own, you know? "

"I know."

Of course Jiang Xiaogu understood Lu Li's thoughts, and when he looked at Lu Li, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little more relieved, and said, "Don't worry, I'm being measured. I also need to rest, okay? It's not for you."

"Better not."

Lu Li also knew that he couldn't persuade her, and it was really late now, so he had to say no more and said, "Let's go, let's go and see how Lao Jiang and the monitor are doing."

Jiang Xiaogu nodded obediently.

The two then walked back to the dormitory area together.

When passing a brightly lit square on the way, I saw hundreds of students gathered here to practice.

Among them are Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu.

The Yin Qi here is relatively thin, and it is very friendly to students with a spiritual power index of about 200 points.

Seeing that the two were still cultivating, Lu Li did not bother them.

Instead, he sent Jiang Xiaogu back to Building 2.

After that, he went back to the first floor by himself.

After preparing to go back to the room, read the two books Jiang Xiaogu gave before going to bed.

As soon as I arrived at the lobby on the first floor of Building 1, I saw a girl standing at the door.

Seems to be waiting.

Lu Li glanced at her subconsciously, and the girl also looked at him.

It's a very familiar face.

It looks very pure and cute, and it feels very well-behaved.

Lu Li didn't recognize her immediately, but she recognized Lu Li at a glance.

Pretty face was full of surprises, but she asked cautiously, "Lu Li?"

Hearing her voice, Lu Li remembered her name: "Liu Yufeng?"

It's the girl with bubble power that I met in the Spirit Alliance.

The two haven't seen each other since the last time they parted from Lingmeng, but on Qiuqiu, she had chatted with Lu Li a few times, but because Lu Li was reading books, he usually ended the conversation after a short time.

It was quite a surprise to see her now.

On her chest, there is also the badge of the Lingmeng.

"So coincidentally, you also live in Building 2?"

"Yeah, I'm on the seventh floor, 706. How about you?"

Seeing Lu Li, Liu Yufeng seemed very happy to see an old friend whom he had not seen for many years.

Although she didn't understand why she reported her room number as soon as she came up, Lu Li still replied, "I'm on the first floor, 111. Are you in your school's Lingwu class now?"

"No. The captain said that our awakened people do not need to enter the Lingwu class, and my current spiritual power index should not be enough to enter the Lingwu class..."

Liu Yufeng said with a bit of You, haven't you 180 points of spiritual power yet? "

Liu Yufeng nodded and said, "Well... the captain helped me with the test last time, and it was only 169 points..."

Hearing this, Lu Li was quite surprised. He had known the three Awakeneds he had studied. Needless to say, Wu Shichao, the increase was very large, from more than 100 points to more than 300 stores.

The other two are now more than 200 points close to the level of 300 points.

Obviously, they have all found their own special cultivation method. Could it be that Liu Yufeng has not found his own cultivation method?

Thinking about it, Lu Li also asked his own question: "Have you not found a way to cultivate yourself?"


Liu Yufeng nodded embarrassedly, as if this topic touched her pain point.

She pointed her index fingers to each other and said, "Captain, they have helped me for a long time, but they haven't found what it is."

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